9 .𝒀𝒂𝒛𝒛𝒚.
A few hours later, Jamie's finished with her X-ray and is getting prescribed some pain medication, one hand still draped over her ribs.
"Take one every morning when you wake up, and one every night before you sleep." The doctor tells Jamie and she nods, getting down from the bed and straining a bit from the pain.
"Jamie!" Yasmine Davenport rushes into the room and pulls her daughter into a big hug, who grunts.
"Momma, you're hurting me." Jamie whines and Yasmine pulls back and grabs both the cheeks of her daughter, kissing her face all over.
"I'm sorry for being a grumpy bear my sweet sweet sugar bear. I love you so much and I didn't mean to yell that day so please forgive me?"
"I do forgive you." Jamie kisses her mom's cheek.
"Thank you." Yasmine says to the siblings waiting patiently in the corner and Jamie also looks at Hitter and his sister Crow mutters painfully,
"Yes. Thank you for saving me."
"Anytime." They say simultaneously and then Yasmine wraps an around Jamie and leads her out, not noticing when her daughter glances behind her and meets the gaze of a certain masked male, before looking away again and treading forward.
"What was that?" Crow, being the one who did notice asks, nudging her brother who shakes his head then makes his way into the room where his doctor friend still stands, cleaning up. "Are we back in her good graces?"
"We were never in her good graces."
"True. But still, she gave you a look."
"A look that's reminding me to stay away. She was practically planning fifty different ways to kill me when I was with her in the car. Lani." The female doctor turns and smiles.
"Hi Mr. Mask. How are you today?"
"Grazed by a bullet, but doing great!" He exclaims with fake enthusiasm while taking his jacket off and revealing the blood seeping through his shirt.
"Hitter, you didn't say anything!" Crow smacks him right where he's injured and he grunts and smacks her hand back with a glare. "You could have died standing there!"
"The blood isn't even coming out that much."
"Okay kids. Take your shirt off for me." Lani snaps her fingers and Crow reaches for her hem.
"Who me?" She smiles teasingly and Wolf cringes when Lani actually seems to consider it, yanking his off tossing it aside.
"Not you." He answers for them both, knowing that the two have flirted since the moment they met two years ago. Why they haven't pursued it is because Lani has a license she doesn't want to incriminate by being so close to...well, a criminal.
"What were you thinking sugar?" Yasmine asks her daughter, who just finished telling her why she went to look for Emerson Prescott.
The mother and daughter are in the back of a Rolls Royce, cruising down the city and heading to the quieter part where Yasmine's mansion is located.
"I was worried about you. I thought maybe this guy had something to do with why someone wants you dead since you were so freaked out when you heard his name so I was going to look into it."
"Please don't worry about me."
"My problem is something I need to figure out, my sweet bear. I love you too but...this is something of my past that I need to take care of, okay? Can you work with Crow and Hitter and figure out why he's after you? Only that, don't dig too deep underneath that he's in league with the government and what have I taught you and your sisters?"
"To stay away."
"Good girl. I trust Hitter and Crow, please try to do so too, my sweet?"
"Okay." Jamie nods and he mother's lips brush her forehead, making her smile.
"You know don't you?" Yasmine asks Crow and Wolf as they have breakfast together a few days later. "You know Emerson Prescott is Jamie's biological father."
"Of course we do. Yasmine, Jamie came so close to finding out too, you need to tell her." Crow tells the woman who nods understandably, picking up her mimosa and holding it to her lips.
"There's so much she doesn't know about him though and she's not ready for that. Jamie is my sweet sugary bear and she's too fragile at times."
"Fragile? Really?" Hitter asks and Yasmine smiles.
"She is." Yasmine laughs softly. "I need you to bring Emerson to me. You two and Jamie, bring him to me okay? Don't tell him anything, just get him to me."
"Of course."
There's a knock at Jamie's door and she sighs, climbing out of bed with a painful groan and making her way downstairs as she clutches her ribs.
Pulling it open, she finds Silver Hitter, holding two brown paper bags and a bottle of champagne.
"What's this?" Jamie asks, and instead of saying anything, he pushes past her and goes to her kitchen. Jamie closes the front door and follows him through, getting on top of her bar stool and watching as he pulls out a to-go breakfast from the bags. Setting the eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage and toast all on the counter.
"Crow said you needed pills." He finally says, placing the other paper bag in front of her and she frowns then opens it, finding refills of her pain medication inside.
"What are you doing?"
"Unfortunately, taking care of you." He crumbles up the empty bags, looks through the cabinets then finds some plates.
"No, not those." Jamie stands and grabs the plates from him, placing them gently back in the cabinet he got them from. "Usable plates are those. Not these forks, the ones in this drawer please and thank you." Jamie rushes to switch them out, her hip hitting the counter and she groans and doubles over when the pain moves all the way to her ribs.
"Are you..."
"If you say okay, I'm gonna make you choke on the lovely breakfast you brought. Look, tell my mom –or Crow whatever– that I'm fine, but I'm going back to bed." Leaving the kitchen, Jamie heads to her room, going to the bathroom and grabbing a a brush, which she runs through her hair, opening her robe and peaking underneath her shirt, looking at her bruised body and she sighs.
"If you're done in there, I'm heading out." A knock sounds at the bathroom door and Jamie takes a moment before opening it, finding her bedroom empty, save for a breakfast set up on the bed, overlooking her balcony.
Sitting on the bed, Jamie begins to eat, noticing her pills and water on the side table and she slouches against the pillows, letting her muscles relax.
Silver Hitter walks in long strides through the office building of Prescott Corporation. His hands fisting and un-fisting at his sides as he does so.
Outstretching his hand, he slams the door to the personal office of Emerson Prescott and the man jumps, standing out of his seat.
"Who are you? Where's my security or my assistant, Nina!?"
"I see you don't know the man you hired." S.H says, his voice hard as he closes the door then walks around the desk and grabs the older man's jacket until he's on the tips of his toes.
"Silver Hitter?"
"I do not appreciate your meddling in my business."
"Woah hey, what are you talking about?" Emerson raises his hands as he cowers away from the masked male above him, towering by height.
"You tried to get James Davenport shot. You understand she's under the surname Davenport don't you? She's not some girl you can just eliminate. It takes time. Patience. So back off until I've done my own thing."
"What? I didn't get her shot."
"Sure and I'll pretend I'm not hired to kill her and you aren't the person that wants her dead." Hitter says, letting the man drop and he grabs hold of his desk then begins straightening out his wrinkled clothing. "Back the hell off until I'm finished."
"It wasn't me!"
"Then who?" Silver Hitter's voice cuts as sharp as a knife as his eyes lower into tiny slits.
"I don't know. Clearly she's a target okay? That's not my problem. My problem is you, do your work and stay out of my business." Emerson Prescott spits and the hitman steps forward, causing him to step back.
"You hired me not knowing you were making a deal with the devil so live with your sins. I work for no one but myself, I just do favours." Turning and pulling the door open, Hitter storms out of the office, pulling the door shut behind him.
It was a mistake to confront Prescott, S.H knows this, but now he's confirmed what he knew before about the Davenport daughter. Jamie isn't targeted by only one person, it's bigger than that.
Yasmine Davenport sits in her office, gripping a glass of wine in her hand as she listens to the dialing sound over her phone as she waits for the person to answer.
"Hello?" The person finally answers and Yasmine exhales loudly. "Hello?"
"Mario it's me."
"Oh no." The male voice says, a Portuguese accent to his tone and Yasmine gulps down her glass of wine.
"Mario, my daughter Jamie is in trouble."
"She's our daughter."
"Sure, tell that to her." Yasmine says, standing and grabbing the bottle of red wine, filling her glass to the brim.
"You turned her against me!"
"I did no such thing. You were just a bastard of a man! Still are!"
"I loved my daughter! Still do so do not, go there Yasmine!"
"Listen to me Mario! I have no time for this okay? None! Emerson Prescott is back and I really can't UNFORTUNATELY do this alone. She doesn't need you, I don't need you but I need help and you just so happen to be the person to call. Will you help me with my daughter Mario O'Connor? Please."
"Of course if it's for her. I'm flying in as soon as I can."
"You're welcome."
"I didn't say thank you. You're welcome." With that, Yasmine walks back to her phone and hangs up the call, rubbing at her temple as she takes out some headache pills and washes them down with her wine, gulping down the rest of it and lowering the glass. "That man is going to make me drive him to his grave. I'll take him in a limo if I have to but he's going there either way."
"Mrs. Davenport? Who are you speaking to, can I come in?" A knock at the door knocks and Yasmine looks at her door where a beautiful blonde woman who appears to be in her early forties stands, the female smiling with her eyebrows raised.
"Don't be a smart mouth, Delilah. I love having people fired. Even my own sister who yes, does work for me." Yasmine retorts and the female walks in, her high heels clicking against the wooden office floor, her pantsuit making her form tall, long and elegant.
"Hello Yazzy."
"Hello Lyly. How are you my dear?"
"Amazing! Where are your kids?"
"Here and there, you know the girls. Take a seat, I have a lot to update you about Jamie. And I guess myself." Yasmine pours her sister a glass of wine and they take their seats at her small couch set up.
I don't have much to say but, here's another update. Also, Mario. Thoughts?
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Xx, Your Favourite Koala.
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