4 .𝑫𝒖𝒄𝒌.
Jamie tugs a blush, figure hugging dress over her head, then pulls it down over her curves, zipping it up from the side and smoothing it over. Grabbing a define brush, she fluffs out her short hair so her bangs are puffy and fluffed.
She's on her way to brunch with her family, who she hasn't seen since before she went to Scotland and she makes sure to push the mysterious cold dark brown eyes out of her mind that seemed to have invaded her dreams.
Once she made it to the airport the previous day, she knew she'd be safe from there on out and decided to not call her mother since she didn't want her worried but instead just wanted to enjoy a brush with the family.
"Miss. Davenport? The car is ready for you." Her head of security Carlie calls, waiting at the door dressed all in black and grey and she nods.
"I'll be a minute. I just need to grab a coat." Jamie answers, walking to her coat closet and opening the door. She looks at the touch screen tablet at the door, taps a button and the whole thing begins to spin.
"Let's go for pink on pink today." Jamie is an extremely organised person, everything of hers is colour coordinated or alphabetized.
Even her guns and bullets.
The pink coats stop in front of her and she picks one, before leaving her bedroom.
Her heels click on the marble tiling and she goes outside to her awaiting grey Jaguar F Pace, her bag in the crook of her arm.
The driver's side door is opened for her and she climbs inside, placing her bag on the front passenger seat, she nods when the door is closed behind her then pulls her seat belt on along with some peachey sunglasses.
Starting the car, she pulls out of her driveway, the guards at the inner opening double gates opening even before she's gotten there and she presses her foot down on the acceleration, the car smoothly speeding down her private neighbourhood.
Two identical cars to her own, just in black, fall into drive next to her and behind her, both her head security guards.
Both females.
Turning the air on, the car falls into a cool temperature and Jamie relaxes against her seat, letting herself cruise in and around cars, her guards never shaken by her impressive driving.
Arriving at the restaurant, Jamie climbs out of her car and pushes the door shut behind her before she struts into the restaurant, making her way onto the outdoor platform then climbing the stairs to the second floor. Walking to their reserved table, Jamie greets her family.
"Elijah." She greets her younger sister, before moving on to her older sister, doing the same. "Nial." Then finally, her oldest sister. "Rickson."
She ends with a kiss on her mother's cheek then sits, picking up her menu.
"It's good to see everyone together today." Yasmine Davenport tells her children who smile at her sweetly, warming her heart.
"I mean, it was 'cause of Jamie this time, but oh well." Nial says with a petty tone because even if they're all adults, the can be extremely immature towards one another when urged. Jamie justsmirks.
"Look who's got something to say the one time she arrives before me." She end up retorting and Nial rolls her eyes.
"Don't try to deny it." Is all Nial says.
"It kind of looks like that's what you're doing, Nia." Elijah pipes in and her older sister looks at her.
"Suck my gun Elly."
"All of this is unnecessary, girls." Rickson tries to ease the tension, being the oldest of the four.
"Shut up, Rikky. We all know you're a let down to count on with these things, you can't even compete." Elijah mutters and Rickson sighs.
"I have a husband and children to go home to every now and then you know?"
"There she goes again." Elijah rolls her eyes at her sister.
All the girls begin arguing, Rickson trying to calm everyone down without losing her own temper and Yasmine just looks at the females at her table, picking up her glass of wine and tipping it back slowly.
She finishes it, looks at the empty glass then places it on the table and stands.
"Girls!" She bangs her fist on the table and her four daughters immediately fall silent.
"Look what you did Nia, you went and released aggressive momma." Jamie says dryly and her mother turns fierce eyes on her, making Jamie roll her eyes but stay silent.
Yasmine sits and holds up her empty glass of wine, a server rushing to fill it for her as she stares at her hushed daughters. "This fighting-takes sip-has got to stop. I'm so sick of it, I can barely put it into words."
"We're sorry." The girls say in unison.
"Apologise to each other like good girls." She says and all the girls groan and begin to murmur incoherent things under their breaths. "Girls."
"I'm sorry." Nia finally grumbles clearly, looking at her sisters.
"Me too." Elijah adds next.
"I will apologise too." Rickson says softly and all eyes turn to the stubborn one out of the bunch.
She sits sipping her glass of rosé and the three sisters narrow their eyes at her.
"Sugar bear." Yasmine scolds in a gentle voice and Jamie nods.
"I'm also sorry...for absolutely nothing. You can't come at me and expect a smile and a giggle. No. That's what I'll be sorry for. I'll say sorry, that you-not me should have seen the obvious coming. It's all I'm gonna say." Her sisters look at their mother, who sighs.
"We all know that's all we'll get from her."
Jamie smirks at her mother's all true words.
"Wolf!" Crow stands from her office chair and runs into the lounge area of the open floor condo, set up with computers, displays of guns and ammo. She finds her brother on the couch, polishing his gun with a smooth cloth and he sits up and looks at her panicked expression with his eyebrows raised, willing for her to talk. "I uhm, I tracked Prescott's phone number from when you guys talked the other night, did some digging into his phone and I stumbled across these emails."
To: (unknown)
From: (PrescottEmeron******.com)
Subject: The easy way to James Davenport.
|The assassin has gone dark but I have a way that will get us to her and get the job done faster.|
"Find out who the hell he is, Crow. There's no playing around anymore, they're way to close and I don't like it." Wolf tells his sister, urgency in his voice as he stands and rushes to a weapons closet to pull some equipment out. "I want him nowhere near them, but for now I'll take care of it."
"Okay." Crow nods, looking at the stony expression on her brother's face while she hugs her tablet to her chest. "Please be careful."
"Yeah yeah, there's no time for that. Send me an address and dial Yasmine for me."
The family of Davenports talks, laughing loudly and sharing highlights of what they've done over the week and while telling a story about hers and Elijah's job, the smug expression slowly falls from Jamie's face when she feels eyes on the back of her neck. She stands.
"Jamie?" Yasmine says and Jamie furrows her eyebrows and turns.
"Someone's watching us." Jamie says and her sisters also stand, their smiles gone just as quickly while their mother watches them calmly. "Wait no...that's not exactly right..."
"Where are they?" Rikki asks and then Yasmine's phone rings and she puts it to her ear, the person on the phone saying at the same time as Jamie does,
Yasmine and her daughter stand and kick the table over, using it as cover as they crouch behind it and shots fire.
"Oh great. My white Armani suit has to endure me crouching on the floor." Rikki complains and her sisters smile.
"Your telling me. My new sneakers are being creased!" Nial groans.
"Sugar, how'd you know that was coming?" Yasmine asks, typing on her phone as she casually lays on her back, her and her daughters ignoring the shots being fired at them for the time being.
"I just did of course. Why?" Jamie asks, loading up her gun which she grabbing from her bag.
"Because I got a call warning us at the same time as you."
"Who by?" Jamie asks, getting into a crouch as she gets ready to fire. "Who'd you get a call from?"
"A...contact." Yasmine pauses at the sound of the shots firing being ceased until all that's left is silent of civilians running away and Jamie orders everyone to stay put while she checks everything out.
"You again? I tried to let it slide but it's time for you to tell me who the hell you are now." Jamie narrows her eyes at the familiar masked male as she quickly draws her gun back out and raises it at him. As he raises his hands, her sisters stand, Rikky pausing to help her mother up.
Yasmine smiles at her oldest daughter then turns to Jamie and, "Hitter? What are you doing here?" She asks and Jamie turns to face the woman who raised her.
"You know this guy?" Jamie asks incredulously and her mother nods.
"Put the gun down, J." Yasmine tells her and and at the simple yet firm order, Jamie warily lowers her weapon then tucks it back into its place under her coat.
"I think we have to talk." Hitter tells Yasmine. "Right after I've gotten you all out of here safely."
Being adopted into a family of criminals, Jamie is used to the whole 'someone trying to kill her' along with her sisters.
The four girls were taken in by their mother Yasmine-who absolutely adores them-and raised them to be well, some of the best criminals in the world.
It shows visually since Rickson is fair with blonde hair and blue eyes, Nial is also fair with brown eyes and brown hair-Elijah is African American mixed and Jamie is of Filipino descent as far as they know.
Their specialties all differ in many places, but one thing they share in common, is their ability to stay calm in anything they do or are involved in.
"Yasmine. Can we speak alone?" Jamie watches the masked male ask her mother and she leans against the wall of her mother's living room as she lets her eyes observe.
Fitted black trousers with pockets, no doubt holding refills for weapons or even small knives and stuff. Then her eyes trail over the expensive Italian leather sneakers on his feet -Nial would probably kill for- the top he's wearing pulled tight against his chest and showing off his pecks, peaking out from underneath his jacket.
"What do you have to tell her that you don't us?" Jamie speaks up before they can disappear into her mother's office. He meets her gaze, both their dark brown eyes locking for a moment.
"Sugar, it's okay." Yasmine gives her daughter a warm smile, places a hand on the masked guy's back and steers him up to her office.
"Since when does she feel the need to hide stuff?" Jamie scoffs at her sisters, who have remained quiet the entire time.
"Don't think about it too much sugar." Rickson consoles quietly, standing to wrap an arm around her sister's shoulders. "She'll tell us when she has to."
"That was weird though..." Elijah agrees softly and when Nial nods, Rickson once again shakes her head and tells them all not to worry.
Jamie can't help but be bothered though and she stares darkly at where her mother disappeared with the stranger.
Hello lovelies! Hope you enjoyed today's chapter! An exchange from Hitter and Yasmine coming next chapter...what do we think?
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