29.𝑩𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏.
It's been a little while since we've been been back and even if he comes to see me each night or morning, Wolf hasn't really given me an update about what's been going on with his witness protection officers but if he's waiting for the right time then I'll let him have his space.
I blink at my reflection, angling my chin up and my profile sideways.
"What?" I ask my mom as she stares at me doing my makeup from beside me. I use my finger to smooth some eyeshadow under my eyes to make them pop, patting it to blend it in before turning to her properly. "You've been staring at me this entire time."
"It's nothing. Ignore me." Mom straightens, clasping her hands in front of her and pacing the length of her bedroom. Today is our first brunch together since I came back, as well as it is her birthday party since today we had a cute idea. I'm wearing Versace printed wide leg pants with a black sweetheart top and white T-shirt for layers.
I slip on a pair of black heeled sandals to finish off then loop earrings through my ears.
"Okay, what is it?" I ask, the pacing getting to me just a little bit and she pauses, looking me in the eyes while trying to find the right words without seeming like she's being intrusive. That's never good.
"Sugar..." She trails off, waving her hands around slightly before continuing. "You know you can tell me anything... Right?" I nod, rubbing my lips together thoughtfully, thinking of my own way to answer.
"I needed some time to myself. You trust me, right?" Now it's her turn to nod and I smile, satisfied with the outcome of this exchange. "Let's head out before I'm blamed for the birthday Queen being late to her own bash." Linking my arm through hers, I lead her out of her bedroom, pecking her cheek softly.
There isn't anything short of the entire world that my sisters and I feel our mother deserves. She is our world and our everything. With whatever we do, we aim to make her proud and it's been that way since we were little.
She's a great boss, a lethal yet incredibly intelligent woman but most importantly she's the best mother in the entire world.
Arriving at the spa, bed and bath resort with my mom, we're greeted by security who open the back door of my mom's car to let us out then wave us forward.
In the entrance, a wall flowing with water adds a calm semblance to the room where Crow and my sisters are waiting with their own Versace pattern outfits. I run a hand backwards through my hair and join them across from the Queen herself, beginning the sharing of the day's agenda. "This year, after an insane rollercoaster for us all, the girls and I have decided that something more intimate would work best for you. For all of us." I start and she smiles, pulling me into a hug and I laugh slightly at her excitement.
"We'll be having brunch a screen activity later on in the day as well as dancing and drinks." Nial pipes in, placing a kiss on her cheek and our mom laughs before stepping back.
"Gifts are going to be given at random times, so you can be surprised throughout the day." Elijah informs, slipping her hand in mom's.
"And lastly, no phones equals no work. No people, equals to no distractions. I rented out the entire place for the day and will be taking away all phones. A professional photographer is here to capture the moments so no excuses." Rickson finishes and our mom wipes a fallen tear from her cheek.
Crow steps forward holding out a gift bag, she holds it out and mom takes it, looking inside and pulling out a card. She sniffs. "From Furball and Birdie," She reads, before letting her eyes scan over the words silently. Reaching into the bag, mom pulls out a sketched art piece of a wolf, a crow and a bear. "Oh Crow, I'm already crying. Thank you, it's beautiful."
Crow smiles and gives her a strong hug. "Love you."
"Love you too, Bird. Come on cubs, give momma bear a hug." Laughing at her crying, we give our mom a hug altogether.
"Okay, who else is hungry? Brunch and cake is served on the third floor. Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Elly singsongs excitedly and I wrap her in a hug.
"Come on baby, we all know you want the mimosas." I whisper loudly on purpose and she pretends to be offended, even as Nial nods her agreement.
"Shut up Nia, nobody was talking to you." Elijah growls with annoyance and I laugh.
"What are you laughing at, Sugar?" Nial rolls her eyes and I straighten.
"Don't be mad just 'cause your baby sister told you off, Honey." I retort and she scoffs, about to come up with a comeback when Rickson steps in between us with a scolding glance in both of our directions.
"All of you, stop it!"
"Rikki is right. Today is supposed to be my special day and part of the peace you're giving me means no arguing." Mom says, her arm thrown over Crow's shoulders as she watches us with amusement.
"Sorry momma." We all chorus and she smiles.
We reach the dining room and claim our seats at the long rectangular table, filled with yellow, peach and white flowers with gold accents to go with the plain table cloth that has scarfs with the Versace print thrown around.
The spa resort has been transferred into different shades of brown, white, black and gold (our mom's favourite colours) just as what we're all wearing and the shutter of our hired photographer goes off as the lense takes in her reaction of everything.
We sit down and our server arrives, asking us all individually what we want to drink. When her eyes land on me, an unreadable look crosses her face and I examine it oddly before ordering a glass of rose.
"I'll be back in a bit." With one last longing glance, she leaves and I shake my head to clear my paranoia, deciding that I will not ruin my mom's birthday. I jump into conversation with Crow who speaks in a hushed voice.
"How was Argentina?" She asks low enough so the others don't hear.
"Amazing." I answer in short and she nods, looking like she was expecting more but I'd rather keep the private getaway between Wolf and—"Ohhh!" I gasp and push back from the table when my glass of rose is poured down my shirt, glaring harshly at the server.
"Are you crazy?!" I scream after grabbing the offered napkins from Elly and Crow and dabbing at my chest before the liquid can spread further.
"I'm s-so, so sorry." She rushes to say, bending to pick up the broken pieces of glass before straightening, reaching into her apron and handing me some restaurant wet wipes.
"I'm going to get cleaned up. Excuse me." Pushing aside the woman's hand, I throw my napkin down and walk away from the table.
Great, now I'm sticky.
Once in the bathroom, my surroundings are brightly lit, showcasing the beautiful marble tiling and scented candles calmly. You get what you pay for.
And my sisters and I sure payed a lot.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I sigh at the large damp spot forming on my top, so I take off the white T-shirt that layers under the black bustier one, straightening it out so I'm not spilling then us some paper towels and wipe at my skin.
"James Davenport?" I turn, slightly startled and sigh when I see it's the same waitress from before holding actual towels.
"What is it?" I ask, taking the towels from her and tapping at my pants. She lingers and I move my eyes up and look at her.
She swallows hard then offers a shaky smile. "M-My uhm my name is CeCe. CeCe Prescott." All the blood in my body runs cold as I take in her features properly, noting her dark brown, nearly black hair that's forced down into a low puff of curls. "I-I'm your sister."
"I don't know what you're talking about." I rush to say, dropping the towels and pushing past her but she latches onto my wrist with both her hands.
"Please, I just wanna talk to you. I'm sorry that our parents didn't keep you, but I had nothing to do with it and...and I wanna get to know you, because we were never told that we had you and..." Her eyes are desperate but her tone is soft and genuine, only making me want to get away from her more.
"Don't touch me!" Shaking her off, I barge out of the bathroom and begin to make my way back to my family. I cannot do this right now, I don't wanna do this right now. I don't wanna deal with this ever but especially not right now.
"Please James, I—"
"Leave. Me. Alone." I emphasise on each word and pretty much jog away from her in desperation to get away from her, my heels loud and echoing in the empty building. Even as I see my family in the distance, I hear her following behind me, saying a bunch of stuff that makes me just want to reach the finish line further.
I knew things were going too well for me, I knew I got rid of Emerson Prescott too easily, I just knew that something would come back and slap me in the face once I returned from Argentina which is why I didn't want to return. This is why I wanted to stay away from this mess with Wolf because everything was great and nobody was telling me to give things a chance even when I really didn't want to.
"James, I just wanna talk to you. Dad really didn't know about you, him and our mom seperated for a while around the time she was pregnant with you and—"
Her voice fades away and I break out into a full on run the rest of the way to the table, pulling the first person I see into a hug and burrying my face into their neck in attempt to muffle out the words I don't want to hear.
"Jamie?" Crow's confused voice says but she pulls me to her either way and wraps an arm around my waist.
"I w-wanna leave." I stutter breathlessly.
"Sugar, what's going on?" My mom's hand draws me away from Crow and into her arms and her cupped hand goes around my cheek, forcing my eyes to look into hers.
"Hi, I'm really sorry for interrupting. My name is CeCe Prescott and my father—"
"Your father is Emerson Prescott, isn't he?" Rickson steps protectively in front of me and I turn away from them as I hold onto my mom tightly.
"He is. I'm James' sister."
"Get her out of here, or I'm calling the cops—or taking care of it myself!" I demand and my mom rubs my back soothingly.
"Calm down Sugar, it's okay sweetheart."
"No it isn't!" I pull away and look at CeCe, narrowing my eyes at her with hatred as I ball my shaking hands into fists. "What more do you people want from me?!" I pretty much scream at her now.
She flinches away from me and I step back, away from her when pain crosses her features. Features that I also...
"James." A familiar voice speaks up and I look behind me at where Hitter is standing, having appeared from seemingly nowhere, his intense gaze focused intently on me.
"I don't know how many hints you need, but you should leave if you don't wanna get hurt. Jamie doesn't wanna see you. Especially not right now." I hear my big sister Rikki say in a low, sickeningly sweet, yet threatening voice.
My lip trembles the longer I stare at him, his warm eyes reasoning with me so I force myself to look away from him as my rage intensifies, "She's dead, but she's making me – forcing me to grieve over a damn stranger!"
"Jamie." Hitter repeats, this time firmer and I shake my head, willing myself not to look at him again.
"She has no right to ask for forgiveness! None of you have the right to burst in on my life and ruin it, demanding for things that I don't owe you!" My eyes burn as tears rush out of them, my hands not fast enough to wipe them away in time so I keep them at my sides. "I hate her! I don't care that she's dead, I hate her!"
"Jamie!" Strong arms wrap around me and my head is turned into a familiar chest, sobs wracking my body with all the anguish I've been holding in.
"It's okay." Wolf whispers in Jamie's ear as she cries aginst his chest, fisting his shirt tightly. "It's okay, don't cry..."
Yasmine stares at the couple in utter confusion as her daughter sobs uncontrollably into the arms of her protector, the scene not exactly a shock but also not quite normal either. "Somebody escort Miss. Prescott out please." Rickson says, not seeming as fazed as all her sisters are, all of them staring at Jamie and S.H with wide unbelieving, yet worried eyes.
It is their first time ever–ever seeing Jamie in the arms of somebody that isn't them. Let alone a male...
"I don't wanna know her because she didn't wanna know me." Jamie whispers for the ears of the one holding her and he lowers his chin onto her head.
I really love this chapter no matter how heavy it was. Look out for the next update too, our girl Jamie has feelings to dish out!
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Xx, Your Favourite Koala.
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