18.𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒇𝒂𝒔𝒕.
It's been a few days since the first will reading. Jamie and Hitter haven't seen each other since, but after letting her heart out right after he read her a note, she's felt slightly at peace about it all. She was still trying to figure out why her feelings were so all over the place because of a deceased biological parent she didn't even know.
Let alone want to know.
She's said it before, most adopted kids wonder what their life could have been, who their real parents were but Jamie never did. She was content her entire life, having her older and younger sisters as well as her momma bear and even daddy.
Slipping large gold hoops onto her ears now, Jamie fluffs out her short hair then stands in her short yet dramatic floral dress and brown thigh high boots with laces that go on for ages.
Today is brunch day and as much as she didn't want to leave the comfort of her own home, Jamie is forcing herself to not let this Connie thing affect her time and bond with her family.
"Miss, your car is ready." Jamie's head of security tells her and Jamie nods, going to grab a purse she can change to because of her colour scheme today, along with a fur coat.
Now heading downstairs and out to her car, Jamie grabs a handle and pulls herself into the high G-Wagon, tossing her purse aside then grabbing a pair of sunglasses she slips over her eyes.
Blinking her hazard lights at her security, Jamie lets them know that she's ready to go as she pulls on her seatbelt and then starts the car, putting the car in drive and beginning to the gate slowly, before getting out onto the main road and stepping down on the gas.
Jamie enjoys driving quite a bit, big or small cars, she's fond of them all actually. She still remembers her sweet sixteen, her first car was a Bentley which the license plate wrote 'SUGAR', it was kind of tradition for all the Davenport daughters. A Bentley in your favourite colour with the license plate of your name.
Bear. Honey. Sugar. Baby.
Eventually, Jamie arrives at today's restaurant pick and jumps out of the high car, pushing the door shut and tossing her keys to the valet. The weather isn't stiffling but it's fairly warm and Jamie is in the mood for a chilled glass of rosé. Heading up the outdoor flight of stairs, Jamie pulls her sunglasses off when she spots her family, surprised at the sight of Crow.
"Hi everyone." Jamie places kisses on all her sister's cheeks, even giving a half hug to Crow before finally kissing her mom's temple.
"We missed your obnoxious presence around here, J." Elijah jokes and Jamie smirks, waving the waitress over so they can get their drink orders.
"Ah Elly, nobody would have even noticed you were gone." Jamie winks and everyone laughs at her light mood today, where they expected her to be sullen and sad.
"Important news ladies. Momma, you're turning the big 5-0 this year!" Rickson brings up and the girls all clap and cheer loudly, causing Crow to chuckle at their behavior while Yasmine rolls her eyes and picks up her glass of wine, taking a sip.
"Come on momma, we have to do something absolutely huge!" Elijah says and Yasmine shrugs.
"We all need something amazing to happen this year. What better way than celebrating the person who made us the amazing women we are today?" Jamie also adds on and the girls start talking at the same time, throwing out ideas of how the party could go and Yasmine only watches all the excited glints in their eyes with how long they get along, Nial eventually roping in Crow to join the discussions and all Yasmine can think is how well she did with her daughters.
Even Jamie laughs, a genuine laugh Yasmine hadn't heard in the longest time which she missed.
"Matching dresses? Yes that's going to be so cute!" Elly gasps dramatically.
"I don't wear dresses." Nial states, turning her nose up with a shake of her head.
"I don't really either..." Crow says and Nial points her thumb at Crow as if to say, 'see'.
"We'll figure it out along the way! The important thing is that momma, this party is happening." Rikki says and the girls nod their heads, finally paying enough attention to order food but once the orders are placed, the girls are back to planning their mother's fiftieth bash while she watches them and sips on her mimosa.
Arriving back at home that evening, Jamie takes a tired stroll up the stairs and to her bedroom, taking off her coat and then her heels, sighing when her bare feet sink into the carpeted floor.
"You had a good day today." Reaching underneath her dress, Jamie raises her handgun while turning quickly, but is only met with Hitter, who stands in a shadowed corner of her bedroom.
"I did." Jamie agrees, setting her gun down and then she takes off her earrings, along with the belt around her waist.
"It was good to see you smile." Jamie laughs then goes into her walk-in closet and takes off her dress, grabbing her black silk pajamas and pulling them on along with a short robe then she walks out and into her bedroom again, feeling Hitter's eyes rake over her as she disappears in the bathroom. Leaving the bathroom with her makeup remover and wipes, Jamie flicks the lights in the bedroom on and then sits by her vanity, beginning to wipe her face.
"I never understood how one could apply makeup for hours every morning only to take it off every night." Jamie smiles, swiping her lipstick off.
"It doesn't always take hours." Jamie justifies, putting the remover all over her face and smearing the makeup all over, grabbing a towel and wiping it all off. Heading back to the bathroom, Jamie washes her face and moisturises. "Why did you say you were here again?" Jamie asks, passing Hitter to go downstairs and he follows behind her, hands in the pockets of his dark coat. They head to the kitchen and she takes out a bottle of rosé.
"I didn't. But I came to see you." Jamie sips the drink from the glass she's just poured and looks at him over the rim.
"Hm..." Jamie gulps the drink in one go and then sets the empty glass down, shrugging. "I'm okay."
"You think you are more like it." His voice states matter of factly and she drags her tongue over her bottom lip slowly.
"I don't really know anymore. I'm going with the flow at the moment."
"Wanna talk?" Hitter pulls himself up onto her counter so his legs are dangling over the side and she looks at him.
"No, because I don't know what I would want to say." Passing him once again to return upstairs, Jamie sighs when he snags her waist and pulls her back against his front so she rests her head against his chest. "What?"
"Nothing, I'm just holding you." He states and Jamie runs her hands over his muscled arms.
"I'm tired." Jamie half whines and he chuckles, lowering his head and brushing his masked nose onto her cheek. "You make me even more so because I don't know what to do with this."
"I'll leave–"
"No." Jamie says quickly, turning around to look at him then she painfully confesses, "You make things a little bit better and I hate watching you leave me whenever we're together. I didn't mean it that day when I told you not to come see me, I was just confused when I saw you all beat up and more than a little pissed off that I just... I don't know."
Hitter stares at her and she raises her eyebrows in anticipation to his next words. "Then I'll sit with you until you fall asleep so you don't have to watch."
She nods. "I'll take it." Grabbing his hands, Jamie pulls him down from the counter and then drags him up the stairs and back to her bedroom, taking off her robe and setting it aside. Tossing off some throw pillows, Jamie climbs under the covers and watches as Hitter takes his jacket and shoes off, staying on top of the covers but extending his arm so she can lay on it.
Ignoring the offer completely, Jamie climbs on top of Hitter so she's straddling him then pulls her blankets over them both, hugging his waist.
"Goodnight, Wolf. Can you turn off the lights?"
Wolf brings his watch up to look at it, taps a few buttons then her house plunges itself into darkness.
"Thank you." Jamie murmurs softly and his arm cups her waist while his hand strokes her to sleep.
She feels safe with him, like tonight is just another night where he holds her close and makes sure that no bad can come visit her while she's in her most vulnerable state.
Long after she's asleep, Wolf adjusts his hold on her and slides down so he's laying down and her head is tucked into his neck. Her soft lips are pressed against his skin, her hand curled around his waist and he closes his eyes and listens to the soft sound of her breathing, as it fuels him with as much comfort as he hopes his presence ensures for her.
Waking up the next morning, Jamie finds herself curled up where Hitter was the previous night when she fell asleep and she sighs with deep disappointment that her position didn't stop him from getting up without waking her.
Still though, she feels herself extremely well rested, as though she slept for days instead of hours, the glass of rosé she had before bed the previous night making her mind appear fuzzy and light this moment.
Hearing footsteps coming up her stairs, she sits up lazily and grabs a gun from underneath her pillow, waiting in anticipation at the unfamiliar weight of the body that definitely isn't any of her guards or family but then her eyes widen when Hitter comes in holding a large tray of breakfast. She puts the gun away.
"You made me breakfast?" Jamie asks when he begins setting it out on her bed and she reaches for a mug of coffee. A latte to be exact, with a heart as the art.
"A heart is the easiest latte art to make after swirls." He sits on the edge of her bed and she smiles, taking a sip of the hot drink. Her cheeks are flushed after the first sip, her short hair frizzy and messy with her having just woken up but Wolf can't take his eyes off of her.
When she was asleep, she looked so peaceful and now that she's awake and with him, she looks just at ease as she did the previous night and knowing that he ignites those feelings in her...
"Did you eat?" Jamie asks and he shrugs. "I was asleep, you should have eaten something."
"I'm good. I'll watch you eat though." Jamie rolls her eyes and sets the mug aside, looking at the assorted foods in front of her.
"What do you want me to try first?"
"Try the pistachio pancakes." Jamie reaches for the plate and uses her fork to cut a bite. Her eyes are small and pointed without her usual makeup framing them and it makes her appear younger than she is.
"I don't like nuts so I don't know where you got them." She accuses before placing the fork in her mouth and chewing. He smiles. Grabbing some syrup, she pours it over the pancakes and tries it again. "Surprisingly good. I don't eat pork."
"It's turkey bacon." Smiling, Jamie picks up the plate with the eggs sausage, bacon and toast, then has a bite of everything, her mouth full so she just hums in approval. "Good." She mumbles after a while, then she picks up the plate of pancakes and eats those instead again.
"I really like pancakes." Jamie explains once she's drowned them in syrup. "But I love syrup more."
"I'm glad I could satisfy your needs. I have to leave now." He tells her and Jamie swallows everything at once, then picks up her mimosa to wash everything down. "I shouldn't have stayed the night in the first place but I did. It was great..." They make eye contact and hold it for a while. "I have to go though."
"Okay." Jamie's bottom lip juts slightly as she stares at him with sudden longing eyes and he smiles underneath his mask at the disappointment in her gaze, knowing that he feels the exact same way.
"I'll come back again." He promises.
"When?" Jamie tilts her head.
"When I do." He stands and Jamie crawls off the bed and stands next to him, hugging him and kissing his masked lips, her eyes locked on his.
"Bye James." Stroking a finger over her eyebrows and temple, Hitter brushes his nose over hers, pulls away then leaves Jamie smiling and waiting for his return when it happens.
The cutest? Come on. Say it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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