We are human.
We live, we love, we hurt, we learn to love again.
We live our lives, we accept what we’re told and dismiss the fantastic as just that, nothing more than the byproduct of a strange, imaginative mind. We take the truth and lock it away as eccentric, crazy.
We are close-minded, even when we are so sure that we are the opposite. Knowing what we know about our universe, we should know better, should be better, more accepting, but how can we accept the multiverse when we can’t even accept our own kind for who they are?
We are alone, our universe remains lonely, but that’s because we, as humans, are dangerous.
Ignorance, greed, anger… seven deadly sins are only the beginning. We are violent, we are hateful and we are small.
We are outcasts. The many veiled passageways between worlds have been closed one by one until only few remain. Every now and then a curious empyrean from another pocket in time will find their way through, but they always return full of fear and tribulation and the rift grows and grows.
Other worlds fear us. We are locusts and they are lush fields ready to be stripped of their value. And while they could destroy us, have more power than we could even begin to comprehend, there is a benevolence that we could never understand, just as they cannot understand our own malevolence.
The horrible truth is that we will never be able to exist side by side. There will always be a barrier. Those with the power to bridge us are the ones who don't deserve it, the people who would do the most good are the ones who don't want or need the power. We humans are our own worst enemy.
But things aren’t always black and white, good and evil.
There is good in us, purity. There is curiosity and an easy acceptance of what we cannot explain.
Things are different through the eyes of a child.
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