"y/n....i vow to love you faithfully forsaking all others i promise to love to trust and to respect you to comfort you in times of need. and keep you safe. all that i havr is now yours i give you my hand and my heart fpr as long as we both shall live." he says as we exchange rings "levi... i vow to be your faithful partner in sicness and in health i promise to love uncondtionally. to honor and respect you and bring you solace in times of need i promsie to cherish you as long as we both shall live." i say "I now pronuce you man and wife you may kiss the bride." the preist says levi pulls me in as our lips press together everyone claps
i stand as i watch all my friends and family both new and old happily dance i giggle as my mom joins in "mrs akerman." i hear i gasp and turn seeing levi i smile "thats me..." i say "yeah you." he says smiling and pulling me into him "hmm" "lets get out of here im sick of sharing you with the riffraff" he says "we havent cut the cake yet." i say "you hate cake." he says "i know but...." i look over at the large grande wedding cake "its a wedding cake...ill make an exception." i say looking back at him he smiles and nod "okay" he says and kisses me i kiss him back we pull away
i walk with levi out side of the venue with my bouquet that i had yet to throw i stop and throw it behind me i look back seeing it in erens hands who has a very nervous expression." i say the car door opens for me "thank you." i say too levi he kisses my cheek walking aroun to the other side i wave at my family and get into the car
we pull up to an airport that sits a large cream white jet the car stops i open the door and step out in awe "you own this?" i ask him "we own this." he says i turn to him smiling he pick me up i giggle he kisses my cheek and walks up the steps of the jet.
from japan to greece to europe to hawaii our honey moon were traveling the world seeing the most amazing sights have romantic nights in expensive hotel rooms someting i only dreamed of doing
i say on a canopy lounging bed in front of the beach in my bikini as levi sits reading next to me i take my phone ou and text him *i didnt get much sleep last night* to which he picked up his and replied <dont count on any tonight either> he chuckles i smirk "levi." i say "hmm" he turns to me "will you put some of this on my back" I say handing him sunscreen "if you insist." he says taking it i lay forword on my stomach he moves closer to me than he was sitting up all the way he indoes half part of my bathing suit top "take off the whole thing" i say "Not a chance." he says rubbing it onto my back"why." i say "your showing plenty as it is" he says i lower my sun glasses look over to each side seeing literaly everysingle woman in either a thong bikini of on thier backs enoying a full top off sun bath "im wearing more tahn anywoman here" i say "do you want to be oglied by ever guy on the beach...." he says i sigh he hits my butt "your done i giggle he kisses my cheek "im gonna go for a swim you coming?" he says taking off his sun glasses and getting up "mmhm right behind you." I say jokingly as i watch my sexy husband walk off to the water i sigh and take off the rest of my top
"y/n" i hear i open my eyes my sunglasses still over them i giggle seeing levi "hi" i say "what are you doing" he says "i mustve turned over in my sleep" i say "Oh heheh come on...its a little funny" i say he throws the blanket over me i giggle i sit up and sigh "levi look around theres nothing but boobs and bodies for as far as the eye can see.... its boobs in boob land" i giggle "booblandia." i finish he sigh "nobody cares about mine." i say "they will when theyre on the cover of some sleazy tabliod." he says i groan "alright come on were going back to the boat." he says i sigh and get up
we walk into our bedroom that is on the huge yatch he pulls my waist into him and kisses my cheek "do you insist on defying me mrs akerman." he says i giggle "what should i do about that." he says "learn tolive with it." i say "mm not my style" he says "do you remeber the safe word." he says "mmhm purple." i say "y/n" he pulls me in rougher i giggle and nod "red." i say "good" he says as his hands travel up my body taking off my bathing suit cover and pulling it off placing it on the side table "tomarrow im gonna glue this to you." he takes undoing my bikini top straps and taking it off and throwinf fluffy handcuffs onto the bed "how-" i begin he shuts me up by kissing my sweet spot onto my neck how did he get those through air plane security?
he moves over me kissing my chest and neck in sweet spots "do you love me." he says "you know i love you." i say "then why do you defy me." he says "becasue i can" i say he kisses me as he pushes his big hard length into me roughly and with out warning i moan as my head throws itsself back he kisses me bites at my neck making marks "ah....levi." i moan out he shifts making me go weak
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