i put on a sun dress as levi puts the things away i giggle "what." he says "i should misbehave more often." i say he walks over to me "hm maybe you should." he says kissing me i kiss him back we pull away as his phone rings i sigh he goes over to it picking it up "hey ross whats up" he says "thats alright....what? was anyone injured." he asks "good....did he get any data...alright..y/n" he says and opens his computer ross shows up on the screen "whats wrong?" i ask "someone planted an arson bomb in the data room." levi says "oh my god." "this man here." ross shows security fotage of him in a beige hat and jump suit "like i said he didnt get data but he took files and set the fire to cover his tracks." ross says "shit." levi says i run my hands through levis hair calming him down it always works "ross? can you go back to him walking through hall 5" i say "of course." he says and goes back "pasue...zoom in." i say "alright." he does "levi...thats kenny" i say "whos kenny" ross asks "kenny ripper he was y/n assistant for a year..." levi says "was?" ross asks "he assulted me so he was taken out of all programs." i say "y/n im sorry love we need to go home." he says i nod "ross can ou inform connor to get the jet ready for this 5:30 pm" levi says "ofcourse and i-im so sorry mrs grey for having this problem during your honey moon." he says "no no dont be" i say he nods and the call ends levi closes the laptop "why would kenny do that?" i ask he sighs "what" "i got a letter for the team that investgated the helecopter crash it wasnt a malfuction its was sabatodged." "why didnt you tell me that?" i say "i didnt want you to worry." he says i sigh "you think kenny did that too. why would he be going to theese lengths." i say he sighs taking my hand "i dont know." he pulls me onto his lap i sit to the side "dont worry...i swore to keep you safe and i will." he says he says i nod
we walk back into our pent house home we laugh "that wasnt funny." i giggle "it was kinda." he says chuckling i turn seeing a new staff "mr and mrs akerman welcom home." amilea says "hi ameila." i say happy that she can use levis last name for me properly this time she smiles "this is sawyer banks and alex lemsly." levi says "hi." i say they shake my hand "they are in charge of your personal security" levi says "oh i-i have personal body gaurds now...yaaay" i say "dont worry you wont even know were here." sawyer says "that seems unlikly but thank you" i say "can i get you something to eat or drink." amilea asks "um tea?" i ask "of course." they all walk off leaving me with levi who pulls me into him kissing him i giggle kissing him back "ill be in my office." he says "okay." i kiss him again "laters baby." he says back to when we caoght my brother and mikasa having some fun. i giggle as he walks off i sigh
time skip
"you have everything." levi says i giggle yes." i say i smile "are you sure because i will go back and fourth as many times as you need i-" i cut him off kissing him he kisses be back we pull away "its just work ill be fine plus thing one and thing too will be by my side." i say looking at sawyer and alex." i say and sigh "they are there to protect you after what happend with and kenny and whats hapening now i want you to be safe." he says "i know. and i thank you for it....okay i have to leave now." i say "bye i love you." he says "i love you too." we kiss again i walk out with sawyer and alex
i walk into the office as evryone says hi to me i reply with hellos and goodmorning and hi's and waves i walk into my office and see its amazing new chairs and a new desk "goodmornig mrs l/n" i turn seeing annie. my assistant "hi this my office." i say "yes. the new fiction boss wanted you to be as comfetable as possible so he gave you a make over." she says "the new boss." i say "yes." she says i nod knowing it levi "Y/n!" i hear i turn seeing hanji she runs in and hugs me i hug her too "hi!" "welcome back" she says "thank you" i say annie walks out as her phone dings i smile as she leavs "sooooo who is that stunnging man over there." she says "oh thats sawyer my one out fo two of my body gaurds after the thing that happend with kenny levi doesnt want me to be alone with out 'protection' as he calls it" i say "ohh" "i know very very fancy" "can you find a spot for him like to be in." i say "i might have an opeing." she says and bites her lip i gasp "hanji! down girl" i say we both giggle. "everything is in the same place just bigger spacing. OH and i asked i.t. to change your email." she say "change it why" I ask "becuase they still have you as y/n l/n" she says "oh yeah um just leave it for now ill get to it its not an a on my list." i say she nods "alright well ill be in my office right next door so if you need anything call" she says "thank you" i say she nods and walks out waving to sawyer as she passes i roll my eyes the door closes i sigh and go over to my new desk i sigh sitting back in the chair geez levi" i say and smile.
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