new york
i drive out of the drive way to the house as i stop and look making sure no other cars are here on the secluded private road i giggle "y/n" he says nervously i step on the gas and flor it out to the street "whao y/n Y/N!" he say i giggle "sure beat wanda." i say about my old car before he bought me a new one
"weve lost connor" he says i laug "slacker im a race car driver now." i say his phone rings "hey connor.." he says and looks back "the suv in brown? i see it alroght." he hangs up "whats wrong." i say "were being followed sawyer and alex ran the plates theyre fake....alright miss race car driver do me somthing." he say s"what" "loose em." he says "seriously." he says "yes seriously...loose em." he says i smile and speed up more "how fast does this thing go." i say seeing a large wood carrying truck ahead of us "i dont knoe i have pushed it." he says "lets find out." i say and speed up even more and drift the car unger the truck and then back onto the road straight "where did you learn that!" he says "my dad...he drove cars for his living." i say "a valley." i say "no." i say he frowns "he was a get away driver." i say he scoffs
we go on the freeway "connor i have you on speaker." levi says "weve contacted all authroites your good to go as fast as you need and the vehicle is still in your pursuit." he says "shit." levi says "were behind them sir." he says "y/n push it." he says i do going up to 150 i weave easily inbetween cars until it comes to theese too cars that wont move i sigh flashing the lights he doesnt move "what kind of car is this." i say "a lambo." he say "what kind" "aventador." he says "hopfully i wont blow us up." i say "what!" he says i pull on th brake and gas at the same time and throw it back cause the car to rev making it sound like shots cause the back tires to skid making smoke the car moves we pass it i speed up going up to 200 "get off here." he says i go and move to the side stoping in a parking stucture "the car is off track sir but were still following." connor say s"thank you" levi says and hangs up levi looks at me and sighs "you need to teach me how to drive." he says i giggle "lets go again." i say he chuckles "was your dad really a get away driver." he says "yeah." i say "did you have your license" he says "no." i say and bite my lipe "permit" he says i shake my head no he chuckles and leans over to me kissing me kiss him back
"sorry mr akerman we lost them" connor says as we stand in the house "its gotta be kenny." levi says shaking his head "we got this from highway patrol." alex hands me a picture "thats not kenny taht looks looks like a woman" i say "where is sasha." he says "still in the hospital shes going to be relased next month." sawyer says "what the latests on kenny" levi asks 'Nothing scine the sabatoge he hasnt been seen for weeks no purchases no atm trasaction no phone calls nothing." connor says "what about friends family?" "no nothnig on that" "okay i want everything on kenny everything shoe sizes to dna everything and i want the three of you with us in new york-" "what?" i say to my husband "i have a meeting this week and your coming with me" levi says i scoff "to hell i am" i say "y/n" he says "levi." i say back he sighs the body gaurds walk out giving us space "you know i cant got to new york i have work" I say "take it with you" he says "i have metings and i dont think you want 22 other men in the jet with me" i say "reschedule." "I have to show up i have resposibilites you cant cage me." "I want you to be safe." he says "i will be safe i have sawyer and alex." i say he pulls me to his lap to which i sit on it side ways "ill be fine." I say "y/n" "ill make you a deal as soon as my meeting are over i will come to new york where you can keep an eye on me alright." i say "fine" he says "okay." i say as we then share a kiss we pull away "mrs akerman a pacakge came for you." amilea walks in i turn seeing her hold a box "ohi didnt order any-" "open it." levi says i look back at him he smiles i smile back getting up from my sport and walking over to ameila "thank you" i say and take the box shes holdng "levi where are the sissors." i say "my desk" he says i nod and place the box down i walk out
i walk into his home office and go to his desk serach from the sharp items i need i look through the drawer i stop when i see a small gun i look at it and sigh i close the drawer open the other taking out the sissors. i walk back in to the room "levi" i say "hmm" "why do you have a gun in your desk?" i ask he gets up and sighs walking over to me "its sashas." he says" why do you have it. why didnt you give it to the police" i say "she was in enough trouble as it is." he says i look down at the box opening it witht he sissiors levi kisses my cheek "i'll get rid of it." he says "okay" i say i open the box seeing lots of dresses and langerie "levi..." i say he chuckles calmly "maybe you could try one out now." he says i feel blush creep against my cheeks as his hands move up my waist
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