i sit interviewing a new memeber the door to my office open i look seeing my husband i sigh "oh um cameron this is my husband levi akerman, levi this cameron stall." i say he stands "oh man i-im a big fan of you sir pleasure to meet you." he say as they shake hands levi looks a little irritated "yes sure do you mind i need a word with mrs l/n here." he says i sigh " i stand up "no im not done here levi." i say levi gives me a quick look "ah y-you know im just gonna grab a coffe that the repesionist offerd me excuse me." cameron walks out "good looking guy." he says "seriously levi vetting my techs now." i say he sighs turnif to face me "I tried emailing you it bounced..theres no y/n akerman at C.O" he says "i know y/n l/n is the name i use at work and i know your gonna say i dont need to work but i can just sit around all day plan dinner date chose what color the next penthouse and floors and wallpaper are gonna be with amiela that would drive me insane. i work because i love me job" i say "understood...but you cant love it as y/n akerman." "i need to have my own idenity here people already think i got to where i am becuase of you." i say "you didnt you worked hard and long and i annyoed you for thoses longs why does it matter what you call your self who gives a shit about your name." he says "well aparently you do i asked you here to drop off the book prints and it turned to this." i say he scoffs "would you change your name for me" I say "yes. if it ment that much to you i would." he says i sigh and look down i nod "fine! i'll think about it." "you will." he says i nod "yes but if i say no you cant get mad." i say "fine." he "you kno thats how this works remebr talk listen work stuff out...now get lost i need my tech back" i say he chuckles stepping closer to me "ill pick you up at five." he says and then begins to walk off "i might not be done by then." i say "what?" i say he says i go over to him wrapping my arms around his neck "my boss is kinda a pain in the ass" i say he kisses me i kiss him back we pull away "five." he says i smile "watch the step." i say he chuckles and walks off i follow opening the door he kisses my cheek and walks off "cameron." i say he walks up to me "yes." he says "welcome to C.O" i say he smiles.
i walk out of the office building with sawyer and alex and see levi standing aginst a lamborgini i scoff "mr fancy pants" i say going over to him he kisses me i kiss him back we pull away "can i drive." i say "this." he says i nod "i dont think so." "let me drive it." "no" "letme drive it." i beg again "no." he says i groan he chuckles
we pull up to an amazing old style masion in flowery vines the car stops as we get out "i feel like ive been here before." i say "you saw on the boat across the bay." he says "oh yeah its beautiful" he says "i bought it." he says i stop "for us as a home...i shouldve asked you first but-" "levi." i say and kiss him he kisses me back it lasts a few seconds "i love it thank you." i say we walk up to the porch "wow." i say "ah levi." a woman comes out in a short red dress with her clevage out for centuries "y/n" she says "this is rico brzenska. the architect. shes a freind of mikasas" "this location is perfect im going to build you a fabulous house." she says placing a hand on levis shoulder he pulls away "lets go in shall we." he says takeing my hand
we gather around a table with blueprints on then "now! let me show you what i have inmind. a self sutaining smart house marine steel self cleaning glass a guest wing with an entertaing area to the west. and this to die for an infinity pool itll reall back that view of the water." she says putting her hand on levis moving it up a bit he pull back i clear my throat "you wanna tear the whole house down." i say "dont you...its so dated." she says "i love it...i think it has charecter." i say "well a new house would be a statement and econlogicly efficent i mean these older places are so impractical.....but its up to you." she says looking straight at levi ignoring me "its up to my wife actually" he says as his phone rings "excume me." he kisses my cheek and walk off "rico." i say "hm" i sit on the side of the table "Im sure you very good at your job and what you do but this other wise levi wouldnt have asked for your imput but heh please stop speaking to my husband as if i wernt here." i say "y/n.." she chuckles "I have designed many pretege progects." i stand up and move closer to her putting on my firing you compsure "you may call me mrs akerman." i say she shuts up "and this isnt a pretege project this is going to be our home. so if you want this job i sujest you stop making eyes at my husband and keep your hands to your self or you can climb back into your shit colored car and drive back to seatle its up to you..." "look im sorry mrs akerman.. but i would never." she begins levi walks in "it wont happen again." she says i nod and smile "everything okay." he says coming over to me "yeah were just disccusing an alternitve aproch something more aprorite not so inyour face." i say using this advantage to run my hand across levis chest his grib tightens around my waist as he gets slightly turned on "yes." rico says
we walk back to the car "so im paying for extra security and your scarier than any of them." he says i giggle "when someone goes after what mine i get defensive." i say he chuckles "here." he hands be the keys "go ahead." he says i smile
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