Luckily, once Isabella had given Jackson all the information she had on the situation he told her he would deal with sorting out any meetings they needed to have because although he was close with Hunter he didn't have to do things Isabella did like sharing a room where Hunter was more likely to come across the information and find out the truth. Jackson had done so well, so much so that he made Catherine aware that he knew what was going on and demanded that she tell him the number that rang them in Hunter's office that night, having no other choice but to give the number over she did.
When Jackson rang the number and gave the code and password they were happy to set a time and date without even asking for his name, this tells me this is super top secret and that only the people who were meant to know about it did so when the code was given along with the password they thought you were let in on the secret, they definitely wouldn't think the ex-King & Queen would give it away by being overheard.
It was Catherine's birthday in two days and so Hunter, as a good son and host he decided to throw her a party, it was the last thing Isabella wanted to do as she and Jackson were going for the meeting early the next morning and she was already on tenterhooks but how could she say no to a pouting Hunter who was begging her to go?
"Please, Bella... I can't do it without you" he asks fluttering his long, dark eyelashes and pursing his lips dramatically as he crawled across the floor on his hands and knees to meet Isabella who was also sat cross-legged on the floor folding up baby clothes. As King and Queen, they got an incredible amount of clothes for the babies for free and Isabella found herself spending more and more time going through baskets of clothes that she either wanted to keep or give away to those who needed it more.
"I don't know, I'm pretty tired" Isabella replied, this wasn't a lie - with her having twins she was now in the final stretch of her pregnancy as they usually came early and she was always tired these days but that wasn't the main reason
"We don't have to stay long" Hunter whispers crawling behind Isabella, he pushes all of her hair over one shoulder and kisses her neck on the side free of hair
"Fine! I'll go but not for long" Isabella says unable to resist smiling at her mate who wrapped his arms around her and hugged tightly - but not tight enough to hurt "Gotta be careful with all my girls" Hunter would say each time he gave Isabella a hug that caused him to squeeze her.
Hunter stood at the bedroom door fully dressed in his suit, Isabella hadn't even noticed he was there and yet Hunter couldn't help but think about how he had never been more in love with Isabella, whenever he thought she couldn't get better she blew him away yet again. Stood there, Isabella had one heel on one foot and a black ballerina pump type shoe on the other
"Style or comfort?" she mumbled
Isabella had a light purple wrap dress on that dipped down her chest slightly, it had a little bow in the middle to make her rib area look small before it accentuated her large bump. That bump held Hunter's children and that was what made Isabella look so irresistible, she was providing him with the best two gifts possible, her love and children.
"I say comfort" Hunter finally says not bothering to move away from the door frame that he was leaning against
"Oh shit Hunter!" Isabella squeals jumping out of her little bubble before she started to laugh "You can't do things like that, I have a baby pressed against my bladder - possibly two! I could wee!" she exclaims through giggles while Hunter laughed too
"I'd still love you," Hunter says despite pulling a joke disgusted look
"I'm missing something," Isabella says turning back to the mirror, her hair and makeup was done to perfection thanks to Ava but there was still something missing
"I know what it is" Hunter grins as he starts to rustle through the drawers to the side of Isabella, she watched him with a doubtful look until he pulled out a familiar velvet black box that made her heart swell with happiness
"My necklace" she whispers trying her best to shunt away the tears threatening to spill from her eyes
Hunter opened the box to reveal the necklace Isabella knew so well, Isabella had originally taken it off because she though it upset Hunter to see her wearing it as it reminded him of her old life but when they got round to talking about it (Hunter asked why she took it off) he told her that he didn't feel that way at all, he knew it was something she treasured from a good time in her life so she should put it back on but he had been pushed to the back of the drawer and Isabella kept it there... just in case. Yet now Hunter was the one offering it to Isabella she knew he really didn't mind her wearing it, she had an overwhelming sense that she wanted to do anything to make Hunter happy no matter how ridiculous it was and that was what she thought she was doing.
Isabella picked up the necklace in her hand and it seemed to come to life with sprinkle like dots coming alive on the gem, they danced and whizzed across like crazy something Isabella had never noticed before.
"What did you do?" Hunter asks looking closer at the necklace
"I just... picked it up - it probably did that before, Alpha Jax probably put an enchantment on it or something to make it look pretty when touched" Isabella shrugged yet when she passed it over to Hunter, the purple dots completely disappeared - how had she never noticed this before? Then again, she never took it off before she met Hunter and she was very young when Alpha Jax gave it to her but she could remember Finn's jealousy about how he wanted a special present.
Isabella held up her hair in a bunch allowing Hunter to bring the necklace around her neck and clasp it into place and it once again burst into colourful light, she held the pendant in her fingers and watched it for a moment before remembering she had one heel and one flat shoe on, she kicked off the heel and placed the other flat shoe on her foot.
"Perfect" Hunter grinned placing a kiss on Isabella's forehead before crouching down on level with the big bump "You two behave," he says sternly before then placing a kiss over the fabric of Isabella's dress.
"You ready?" Isabella asks cheekily even though it had been Hunter waiting for her
"That I am, My Lady" Hunter grinned pulling Isabella's hand into his before the set off to the ballroom
Whenever Isabella and Hunter entered an even there were usually people shouting their names and waving to them, particularly Isabella since she was carrying the future King or Queen in her stomach - they were never there to harm anyone but they could sometimes get rowdy, the advice Hunter would give was talk to people if you like too but you're not obliged too and if anyone tried to pull you towards them then you ignore it completely and let security deal with it, if you talk to someone who forces you over to them it's like you're saying it's okay
As Isabella and Hunter entered the room, as usual, there were the usual royal 'fans' who were shouting after them os they spent some time talking to them but it soon got too busy and dangerous so they decided to move on, Isabella felt someone calling her name and a pulling on the back of her dress but the pulling persisted so she eventually decided to turn around and politely ask the person to stop but to her shock it was Catherine who was wide eyes with shock
"The necklace.."
"What?" Isabella replies her hand going up to the necklace protectively
"It's you!"
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