Nobody for the first two days mentioned Isabella's condition, they didn't want to make it look obvious plus Isabella and Jackson were under strict instructions from Hunter not to mention it, he would lead the questioning - Isabella wasn't too happy about this as it was her body that he wanted to discuss why should she hold back?
After a short amount of time though, Isabella knew Hunter was right - Catherine and the old King, Dominic seemed to know everything you were thinking before you even thought it so if they didn't approach this cautiously then Catherine and Dominic would catch on to what was going on in no time.
On the third night, Catherine demanded to everyone that they were going to have a family meal that everyone had to attend, she begrudgingly invited Isabella because she knew she wasn't going to get away with not inviting her daughters mate. Isabella was starting to notice that Dominic and Catherine cared about their son but they were disapproving of everything he did and they seemed to believe nothing was ever good enough for him, not his mate, not his friends not even his own decisions.
Hunter had decided to also invite Jackson without even telling Catherine which Isabella tutted disapprovingly at, she loved Jackson and wanted him there but surely it would just cause more arguments.
"I won't come if you don't want me too" Jackson smirks knowing both Hunter and Isabella wanted him there
"You know I do but your mother won't be happy Hunter" Isabella mutters shaking her head
"It'll be fine" Hunter waves off kissing her on the forehead before rushing off to his office
"Yeah it'll be fine... everyone loves Jackson" Jackson says his smile growing wider by the second
"Did you just talk about yourself in the third person?" Isabella laughs cradling her bump
"Yes Jackson did" he winks before turning on his heel and following the direction that Hunter had just walked in
"Jackson, this is family only" Catherine sniffs
"I invited him, he is our family" Hunter replies pulling out Isabella's chair before helping lower her into it
"I... But..." Catherine stuttered but a stern look from Hunter made her quiet, they might have been the former King and Queen meaning they had a large amount of authority but Hunter was now above them and they had to listen to him "...Fine!"
Isabella looked across the table to see Leila, Hunter's younger sister who had been mates with Finn. It broke Isabella's heart to see that she was still slightly sedated by the hospital to keep her emotions under control, the mere thought of Hunter dying was enough to spring tears to Isabella's eyes let alone actually having to go through it - even if that mate was a vicious man who had not only attacked Isabella but also his own mate.
"How are you feeling Leila?" Isabella asks sweetly, she really didn't make much effort to speak to Leila as much as she would've liked - not only was she Hunter's sister & she had saved her life on several occasions but she was a permanent reminder to Isabella of Finn and every time she spent more than half an hour with her it seemed unbearable, tonight was going to be a test in itself.
Despite jumping slightly at the shock of being addressed, Leila turned to her "Um... I'm good thanks, getting there" she replied almost in a Luna Lovegood sing-song voice
"Good" Isabella smiles before the room descended into an awkward silence
They had finally finished but everyone was still sat around talking, Isabella could feel a headache coming on and a sense of dread in her stomach from being around Leila, the thought of being like this just because she was around Leila was enough to make her feel worse because it wasn't Leila's fault so it made Isabella feel awful to blame her. Hunter reached over, under the table and took Isabella's hand into his own before placing it on his lap with a comfortingly smile, she had never told him how she felt about Leila but she didn't need too, he knew.
"Oh mum, dad, I've just remembered, I had a question for you - when everything was happening with... Finn..." Hunter mutters glancing up at Leila "We found out someone who was helping him, was unaffected by silver..." Hunter is quickly interrupted
"Who? Where is she?" Dominic shouted standing up abruptly from the table
"Woah... dad chill out - who said it was a girl? What do you know? We couldn't find anything about this in any of the books and yet you clearly know something we don't" Hunter says looking at him up and down suspiciously
"Oh I know nothing but it's very interesting isn't it" Dominic muttered lowering himself back into the chair awkwardly
"There is something you're not telling me" Hunter says angrily slamming his fist on the table making it shake, Leila squeaks nervously in her seat as she watches everything unfold
"Hunter calm down" Isabella says squeezing his thigh softly
"Yes Hunter, listen to Isabella - your father and I heard of something happening with a rare group of werewolves that were no affected by silver, there were rumours that these people were going to be killed out for their blood and your father wanted to find and protect them but he never got the chance, we didn't know if they ever managed to save themselves" Catherine explained, Isabella thought she looked shifty but she couldn't just accuse her of lying plus who could come up with lies that quick?
"I want to know everything about this tomorrow, for right now my wife is not feeling too well so we're going to go back to our room for a rest" Hunter says standing up quickly making every drop, he helps Isabella from her seat before leading her out of the room with Jackson following closely behind
"I don't think they're lying" Isabella said even though she actually wasn't sure
"Sorry to tell you mate but they're lying" Jackson says pushing his head in between Isabella's and Hunter's shoulders
"What makes you say that?" his voice slightly frosty half from annoyance at his parents and half at Jackson because he was calling his parents liars without expanding any further
"Your mum's left eyebrow twitches when she lies" Jackson explains, when both Hunter and Isabella look at him with 'what the hell' look on their faces he shrugs "I'm good at observation"
"You're just weird" Hunter says with a ghost of a smile on his face, they had become even closer since everything happened with Finn - Isabella thought it was because Hunter was forced to realise that his best friend wasn't invincible and he could lose him so Hunter was really trying to show Jackson how much he cared, well indirectly
"Are you sure?" Isabella asked thinking it sounded extremely unlikely that this was the case
"Yup, I don't know what made me notice but I've never been wrong - I just hope she never gets botox" Jackson says before bursting into laugher, he starts to walk away without another word leaving Isabella and Hunter stood in the corridor waiting for his chuckles to disappear
"That boy is something else" Isabella giggled before turning serious, her head was screaming out in pain, this whole night had wore her out - she only wanted to impress Hunter's parents "What now?"
"Oh I don't know, I believe Jackson is right but there is no way to prove it I can't just turn round and say 'Your eyebrow twitched, you must be lying' and they're clearly not willing to tell me a lot of information - this is going to be more difficult than I thought" Hunter says rubbing his head between his thumb and index finger
"Come on, lets go lay down" Isabella whispers kissing Hunter's cheek before taking her hand and slowly leading him up the stairs
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