Isabella walked down the stairs with no urgency but soon noticed that there was nobody around, it was eerily quiet and that made her nervous, there was something wrong, she was sure of it. Isabella raced to main quarters where all announcements were made, it seemed to the place where everyone came together when needed, it would be the place she would get any information she needed.
As she turned the corner into the room at the top of the steps she noticed that Hunter was at the bottom addressing all the people gathered there, people started looking up at her with a shocked look on their faces but Hunter clearly hadn't noticed, he was a man on a mission.
"I want everyone to split up into smaller groups to ensure we search the widest area to find your Luna" he barks, Isabella can hear the fear in his voice even though he is trying to cover it with control
"Hunter" Jackson mutters but he doesn't take his eyes off of Isabella who shrinks away wishing the ground would swallow her, this was all for her?
"Not now Jackson!" Hunter yells
"Look behind you" Jackson demands so with a sigh Hunter turns on his heel and he stops in his tracks, he waves his hand over his shoulder and almost immediately everyone scuttles out fo the room, he doesn't even need to say anything
Isabella notices the thunderous look in his eyes and for one of the first times she feels fear deep inside of her, not at the thought of any harm, Hunter could never do that to her but there is a look on his face that she has never seen before. Hunter storms up the steps and without a word grabs Isabella's hand and pulls her forcefully to their bedroom.
"ouch Hunter, you're holding onto me a bit tight" Isabella protests, luckily as they enter the room Hunter lets go of her, that look still in his eyes
"WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU" He screams making Isabella jumps, she looks around the room expecting cries from the twins but notices that they are not there
Isabella doesn't even know what to do, she truly had never seen him this way and she knew he was acting like this out of fear, she was able to accept that what she had done was wrong - she hadn't known so much time had gone by, she could barely understand how it had happened but it had and she knew it had scared him thinking that something had happened to her.
"I'm sorry" Isabella whispers looking to the floor, she almost tells him everything but the internal battle inside of her makes her think that might be a bad idea, she was in enough trouble with him right now as it was
"Sorry doesn't cut it right now Isabella," Hunter says, he sounds strangely calm and this is even scarier than when he was just shouting. Hunter starts to walk out of the room.
"Where are you going?" Isabella calls after him, her legs shaking so much that has to perch on the edge of the bed
"It's late Isabella if you hadn't noticed, I need sleep" he responds
"Your bed is here" she replies, she really didn't want to hear what he said next
"I can't even bear to look at you right now I am so angry and I need to be away from you, I'll sleep in a spare room and your children - thanks for asking - are in the hospital nursery, I placed them there because I needed someone to look after them when I thought I would be out searching for your dead body," Hunter says coldly his voice breaking slightly when he mention Isabella being dead
"I fucked up Hunter, I know that but you know how much I love you and the twins so don't you dare make out that I don't care!" Isabella yelled it was a low blow to bring the children into this
"Were you thinking of them when you disappeared Isabella? They are to stay where they are tonight, you can't focus enough for you to look after them" he says turning around briefly to see Isabella's face crumple and tears stream down her face, he wanted nothing more than to wrap her up in his arms and to apologise but some part of him wanted her to feel the way he had, he wanted her to hurt.
This had never happened between them before, yes they shared words that they regretted but this was something else, in a fit of anger that Isabella had never felt before she launched herself at the door and slammed it shut.
Isabella tried to settle in the bed but simply couldn't, she felt completely weary but her body would just not give in, she needed Hunter next to her, to hear the babies snuffles and yet there was nothing, silence.
Isabella was not thinking straight when she made the decision to go and follow her leads now, she had decided that Hunter probably already hated her so she might as well get it all over and done with and hope that one day in the future he could find it in his heart to see why she did this and that she truly did love him.
Finding her way to Hunter's office yet again, Isabella sad down behind the chair and wrote a letter to Hunter explaining that she had, had some leads that she simply needed to follow and that she was going to visit someone, she felt cruel not even mentioning who it would be but she didn't want following, she needed to do this on her own. Isabella knew that saying this wouldn't ease his anger but it was the best she could do. Isabella ended the letter making sure that could be no doubt that no matter what had happened she did love Hunter, she knew she wasn't perfect and often showed it in the wrong ways but there was nobody else for her and she couldn't wait to be back in his arms.
Next, Isabella made her way to the hospital nursery where the twins were being cared for, the nurses looked shocked when she walked in and didn't seem to know what to do with themselves.
"Luna" they said bowing their head nervously "The Alpha told us..." they started but Isabella interrupted
"I am not here to make you break your orders, I just wanted to see my children"
Thankfully they left her to it, she picked each baby up in turn, she drank in their faces, she knew she would only be a matter of days but they had already changed so much from when they were first born, they were the best things that had ever happened to her and each day she couldn't understand how half of her had made something so completely pure and perfect.
Tears dropped from her face as she sang them a lullaby before kissing them goodbye, even though Hunter wouldn't understand she was doing this to ensure that not only that she knew about her past but also her future, their children would be affected by this too and she needed to make sure that she was as well equipped as she could be to keep them safe.
Isabella was thankful that in some of the good times with Hunter he had shown the basics of driving a car, she was an extremely nervous and shaky driver but she certainly knew she couldn't do this by foot, it was over 200 miles (321 km) that she would have to travel, just before setting off Isabella screamed at the bang on the window beside her.
"What do you want?" she hissed at the person
"You figured the code out then?"
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