That night Isabella tossed and turned in her bed, she eventually gave up trying to sleep and decided to take a walk hoping that it would somehow magically give her a clue as to what the code for the safe might be. After walking around for a short amount of time Isabella guessed the best place to check would be in the office, Hunter had told her that office was as his father had left it and he hadn't changed much around, she hoped that this would mean she might be able to find some clues.
As Isabella walked into the office her eyes instantly went to the picture where the safe was but then to the shelves of books, many of them were the ones Hunter had used to look for information about other werewolves with no reaction to silver. Isabella ran her fingers along the spines wondering which one might hold the answers but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, all the books looked normal and she couldn't possibly take them all down to search each page.
Isabella sinks into Hunter's big chair just looking around the room just hoping that her eyes would spot something out of the ordinary but nothing jumped out. With a sigh of frustration, Isabella lay her head down on the desk and took some deep breaths, without that key to the attic that would the end of her chances to find out more about her past and future.
Sitting up again, Isabella's eyes fly around the room but nope, nothing.
Next, Isabella started to open and close the draws of the desk but of course, they were full of Hunter's things, there was no reason for Dominic's secrets to be here, Hunter would've already found them and told her... the thought makes Isabella's heartache, she was sure that Hunter would tell her and yet here she was keeping secrets. Isabella finds herself not paying attention and pulls open the lowest draw with too much force that pulls the whole draw out that drops the floor with an almighty bang
"Shit" she mutters freezing hoping that nobody heard
Isabella starts to place all the things that had fallen out of the draw back in as quickly and as quietly as she could. As Isabella tried to force the drawback into its space she felt something blocking its way, she pulls the draw out and looks into the black hole but something at the back catches her breath, a now crumpled up letter.
Barely managing to breathe at her discovery, Isabella reaches in and pulls her findings out, much to her delight it is not only one letter but a number of them all tied together with a piece of ribbon. This surely must mean something, even a clue to what the code for the safe might be. Isabella couldn't control her shaking fingers as she undid the bow, looking over at the clock she realised the twins would probably waking up soon meaning she didn't have much time to work with but the excitement made her unable to stop peeling open the first envelope.
All the letters seemed to be was love letters between Dominic and the witch Daphne, some even hate letters as the two of them discussed how much they wanted to hunt down every silver blooded werewolf. Isabella wasn't even sure why they referred to people like her as Silver blooded, she definitely bled the same colour as any other werewolf. Daphne also was clear in her hatred for her sister Daisy, not only was she disgusted that she didn't want to join in the 'fight against the dangerous' but she fell for a werewolf man.
This confused Isabella as surely Daisy was only doing as Daphne had done unless what was between Daphne and Dominic was all lies, one-sided lies at least, she had gained the trust of the most powerful man in the werewolf world. It also confused Isabella how Dominic had most of his responses to Daphne's letters, surely they should be with her wherever she now resided - the thought had never crossed Isabella's mind until that moment that maybe she was no longer alive.
There was one letter that caught Isabella's eye the most.
Dearest Daphne,
This day will go down in history for you and me, we have managed to do it, to create the child that will finally give us the answers. This date will be forever burned into my memory, every year on this date I will be the happiest man alive as it is the start of the downfall of those creatures.
We will use this child to do all the testing we need to for you to create the weapon to end them all, I can feel the power bursting in my veins, we have finally done it.
I owe it all you Daphne, I love you with my whole heart and can't thank you enough for everything you have done.
To our future together with you, my brilliant woman.
All my love,
Your Dominic.
Isabella couldn't help but to crumple the letter in her hands in disgust, they really were going to use a defenceless child to create some sort of weapon, that child being her. At the thought Isabella couldn't help the defiant smile on her face as she realised that yes they had caused the creation of the baby but they would no get their answers, Isabella's life only seemed to bring more questions but she was now on her way to finding the answers, she was sure.
Isabella scooped the letters up and headed to the library where she took down a number of books on the higher shelves and hid the letters behind them, she wasn't ready for anyone to find them yet.
After this, Isabella sat down feeling breathless as she realised something, she didn't know the code to safe so really reading the letters had been futile... hadn't it?
A newfound excitement-filled Isabella's mind as she started to head back to the office, had the code been literally staring her in the face all this time?
Isabella broke into a run as she made her way to the study, time really was running out and she needed to see if her thoughts had been right but metres from the office, not paying attention to where she was going, Isabella ran into a strong and warm back so hard and she bounced away from it, lost her footing and fell onto the floor with a 'thud'
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