A/N - UM.... well there's no way to hide it, I am a terrible person/author. I totally understand all your frustrations with this book, well actually me considering I am the one who should be updating it but honestly I felt like I was writing a new chapter without ever going back to read what I had previously said so I lost the spark and excitement (Also had huge plot holes which could make for great plot lines). Also, just to put it out there I just qualified as a Children's Nurse so yeah that kinda been crazy, making it even harder to sit down and read what I had said previously to see where I wanted to go from here.
I am not trying to make excuse... or maybe I am but since reading through the book again I feel as though I want to write again and to continue this story as it does have some potential. That's not to say I'll be perfect and be updating extremely regularly especially as I am due to start my first nursing post but I definitely feel that excitement I felt so long ago when I starting writing this book and I hope it will carry my through to create the book all you amazing readers deserve to have.
One of my favourite things when reading through this book has been reading the comments, I guess I never truly appreciated how attached you all get to the characters - particularly Jackson (a favourite of mine too) who I promise I will try to feature more, especially now with his relationship with Molly- it's funny because I have been completely attached to characters in other authors books so I was being incredibly selfish to not realise the impact I was having by leaving a book so carelessly so I am here to apologise and try to do better, no promises though as I don't want to let anyone down.
As it stands right now, here we go again into chapter 26 of Silver Blood...
26 -
"Can we not just put names into a hat or something because you two are useless?" Jackson says bursting into laughter looking between Isabella and Hunter
They had been discussing baby names for what felt like forever and was still no closer to choosing a name for the twins, nothing felt right.
"Jackson I am not choosing my children's names, you know the thing they use for the rest of their lives by picking it out of a hat" Isabella smiles, she looks much better but Hunter has demanded she stay on bed rest until the announcement ceremony which had been delayed yet again until the twins would be 10 days old.
"I like the name Molly" Hunter teases and Jackson simply goes beetroot red, it was now no secret that Jackson had a mate but nobody else was yet to meet her, it hadn't been decided how to get around the whole - missing father and the random girl who was looking after him. Thinking about it Isabella realised she didn't even know anything about Molly and why she was the caretaker trusted to look after the big secret that was her father.
"I like the name Molly too but it is already taken" Jackson stutters when he finally finds his voice.
"Natalie, Emma, Sophia, I don't even know how to say this one..." Hunter muttered looking down at his phone
"Are you looking on mums net again" Isabella grinned, this time it was Hunter's turn to blush, nobody else knew but Isabella had woken up the night before to find Hunter asleep with his head on the bed next to her, his laptop still lit upon a number of different mummy and daddy websites, he had even made an account on one to ask questions.
"Delilah means..." Jackson started also looking at his phone
"It means delicate, I know I researched all those cutesy names with meanings like that but it doesn't feel right. Any children of ours are not that, they are strong, powerful and amazing, they deserve names that mean as much" Isabella explains, she could've sworn she saw Hunter pale at the idea of more children but chose to ignore it, she knew how terrified he had been and still bore the dark circles and now beard that covered his chin as he hadn't wanted to leave her side for a moment.
"Name her Katniss then" Jackson grins just as the baby girl starts to whimper in her crib beside Isabella, reaching down with a slight wince, Isabella picks her up and cradles her in her arms as if she had been a mother her whole life.
"What is your name?" she asks quietly lowering her head to nudge her nose lightly against the baby's nose before placing her lips softly at the end of her nose.
Isabella is briefly listening to the two men reel off names but is lost in the world that is her baby, well one of them. Isabella never knew it was ever possible to love someone as much as Hunter, he consumed her, he was her first thought in the morning and the last at night, he was her everything and yet these babies fit perfectly in with them.
"Harriet, Matilda, Gabriella, Jessi..."
"Stop, say that again," Isabella says snapping her head up to attention
"Jess..." Jackson starts to say but Isabella interrupts
"No, the other one," she says impatiently not taking her eyes off of the baby, something felt right about that name.
"Gabriella?" Jackson says in a confused tone
"Gabriella?" Hunter says with a light tone, he feels it too, Isabella is sure.
"I love it, it is a powerful name and SHE IS Gabriella... I couldn't imagine anything else now I have heard that" Isabella grins looking at Hunter who is smiling back just as wide and they know they have finally agreed.
"Just one more name then" Jackson says going to scoop the baby boy up, he was also amazing at handling the babies too, he was the perfect Uncle and officially would be soon.
"And what is your name Mister Prince, JACKSON JUNIOR," he says in a booming joking voice, it falls when the baby starts to scream at his loud voice, Jackson looks completely terrified as he takes the baby to Hunter and runs to the other side of the room
"I guess that's me out the running" he mutters with a pout.
"I have an idea but would it be too unoriginal to give him a G name since we already have Gabriella?" Hunter asks unable to help his smile when he says his daughter's name.
"No of course not, if it is the right name then that is what matters" Isabella smiles back
"Please tell me you are not going to say Gabriel because I will crack up" Jackson howls barely able to breathe while Hunter rolls his eyes.
"No, I was thinking..." Hunter pauses and looks down at his son for a moment as if weighing up whether it matches the little boy "Well, maybe Grayson... do you hate it?" Hunter asks suddenly very worried at voicing his thoughts as if it isn't his child too
"I don't hate it..." Isabella thinks for a moment "Actually... I love it. It is perfect!"
Jackson suddenly becomes much more serious, everything was now official now the babies had names and although they were not officially 'announced' as royalty, Jackson comes to the bed in front of his King and Queen and gets down on one knee with his head down.
"I live to serve Princess Gabriella and Prince Grayson"
This was the most serious Isabella had ever seen Jackson and for some reason, she felt her eyes fill up with tears, she felt Hunter places Grayson in his cot and go over to Jackson who he now completely towered over.
"And your King Hunter and Queen Isabella you duffus, you have some practising to do before the announcement ceremony" he jokes pulling Jackson up from the floor and wrapping his arms around you.
Through her slightly blinded by tears sight, Isabella watched as Hunter rested his head don his friends shoulder showing a moment of ultimate weakness to show Jackson the trust he had. Isabella also heard Hunter whisper "Thank you", it appeared things were well and truly forgiven between the two men.
Not long after, Jackson left to go and see Molly and therefore Alexander under the sworn secrecy of not telling anyone the names of the babies. Isabella had a feeling he might slip up with his mate who he clearly loved already but for some reason, she felt okay about that, maybe Isabella was beginning to trust?
The babies were sleeping in their crib and it gave Isabella a moment to look over at the man she loved, she drank his sight in and although she had never loved him more she knew that he needed to go and take care of himself, he had barely slept for days and honestly looked terrible.
"No, before you ask," Hunter said not looking up from his computer screen, it was so infuriating to have someone know you so well sometimes.
"Hunter, I am not asking. You're starting to smell and you look awful" Isabella joked holding onto her nose with a smirk, she noticed Hunter close the laptop and a smirk also on his face.
"I smell do I?" he grins mischievously before slowly making his way towards Isabella, she stares on warily but is still taken by surprise when Hunter dives onto the bed "You'll only know how I truly smell if you smell my... armpit!" he laughs
Isabella squeals and tries to dodge Hunter who is tickling at her sides but he suddenly stops when Isabella winces at moving too quickly, his face is instantly filled with concern.
"I'm sorry," he says not moving from above her but not touching her at all
"Don't apologise, this is normal, I just pushed two babies out of my vagina?" Isabella says with a straight face but she can't help but smile when Hunter's face breaks into a grin before he barks out a laugh "Surely, you are not laughing at the word Vagina? YOU CHILD" Isabella giggles
"Even so this goes to show, you need me," Hunter says finally laying down onto the bed pulling Isabella gently into his arms which wrap loosely around her
"Do you provide pain relief for NORMAL pain? No, but you know why doesn't help, me being in pain and also worrying about you not looking after yourself, it doesn't help me at all Hunter" Isabella explains with her raised eyebrows
"Touche" Hunter sighs clearly knowing when he is beaten "but what will you do?"
"You know, the same thing I do while you're here, just go wash, eat and get some sleep. We will be here when you get back. I think I am just going to sleep anyway" Isabella shrugs, she knows he needs to go but it taking advantage of a few more minutes of cuddles
"Fine but I'll wait until you fall asleep" Hunter smiles down at Isabella before pressing his lips to her forehead
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