Things continued to progress steadily with Isabella's labour but Hunter was becoming more anxious by the second convincing himself of all the things that could wrong resulting him losing Isabella and the babies. Hunter dealt with this by pacing continuously much to Isabella's annoyance.
"Hunter sit down!" Isabella groans puffing through the pain, Hunter couldn't bear to see the person he loved most in the world, he knew this was meant to be the happiest time of his life - he would be meeting his children soon of course but knowing he couldn't help Isabella made him feel so useless.
"Sorry" he mumbled perching on the seat next to the bed "Where is the doctor? Surely she should be seeing you more than this" Hunter wanted someone to blame for everything but this was just a natural process that he could barely wrap his head around.
"The doctor is coming in every hour - way more than she usually would" Isabella explained closing her eyes briefly almost imagining what sleep would feel like right now but knowing it wouldn't happen - probably for the next 18-years if these babies have anything to do with it
Hunter grumbled under his breath not really able to argue with this logic, he knew Isabella had read up on pregnancy and labour - she was amazing like that, always preparing and gaining knowledge about important things.
"Speak of the devil.." Hunter says making Isabella open her eyes and sure enough she saw Dr. Guirrerez walking into the room. It was now 6am and Doctor Guirrerez had dark bags under her eyes due to lack of sleep probably matching Isabella's.
After checking Isabella she painted a smile onto her face which Isabella knew was, of course, a good thing.
"8cm dilated Isabella, amazing! You only have 2 more to go and then we can start pushing - get this show on the road with getting these babies out to see their mummy and daddy"
Hunter sighed with relief that it was somewhat almost over and Isabella grinned back to the Doctor, she just wanted to meet the two little people who had taken over her body these past 8 months but then her smile faltered.
"Are you okay Isabella?" the doctor asked, noticing the change in her instantly
"Well, it's just that even though I know I am close to the end... I also know that your shift ends soon and I can't imagine having anyone else to help me but you" Isabella said, anxiety piercing through her body - so far she had been extremely calm about the whole idea of labour and delivery.
Doctor Guirrerez watching the monitoring screen as Isabella's heart rate spiked and her breathing also increased due to nerves.
"Isabella, listen to me!" Dr. Guirrerez said firmly making Isabella momentarily snap out of her panic "I am not going anywhere, me and you are in this together until those babies decide to show their face"
"You promise?" Isabella whispers, her heart rate steadily falling back to its normal rate.
Hunter smiles softly, Isabella was almost childlike in her fear at wanting the same doctor to stay for stability that she lacked for so many years, Hunter found it completely endearing.
Two hours later, Doctor Guirrerez discovered that Isabella was indeed ready to start pushing, the second baby still wasn't completely in the right position but she was hoping that the movement of the first would allow gravity to take over and allow the second baby's head to drop into the birth canal properly.
Two towels to clean the babies, blankets to wrap them in and teeny-tiny hats were set up ready for the tiny pink babies who would hopefully enter the world very shortly.
A bead of sweat dripped down Isabella's head while Hunter wiped it away with a cold cloth, the pain was increasing by the second despite Isabella puffing on the gas and air which seemed to have little impact.
"I'm..not..sure..I..can..do..this..Hunter" Isabella panted the fear bright in her eyes, Hunter placed on a soft kiss on her forehead before taking Isabella's face into his hands forcing her big, wild eyes to look into his
The roles had completely reversed by now, for Isabella things now suddenly seemed too real and she was completely and utterly terrified that she wouldn't be able to do this but Hunter now felt in control, he was the calming presence she needed
"You can do this Isabella, you're going to be okay - I am not going to leave your side!" Hunter said kissing her hard on the lips as if trying to transfer each ounce of his love into her through their kiss
Isabella nodded, she still wasn't completely sure she could do this but having Hunter believe in her made her seem somewhat invincible. With the help of another nurse, Hunter held back Isabella's leg while Dr. Guirrerez, true to her word about staying past the time when she should've gone home, instructed Isabella on when to breathe, how to breathe when to push, when not to push - it amazed Hunter how she knew exactly what she was doing and how she managed to stay completely calm under pressure.
After what seemed like forever, Doctor Guirrerez lifted her head up to look at Isabella and Hunter.
"Isabella, you're doing great! The first baby is crowning, that means I can see the top of his head - Hunter would you like to come and look?"
Before the doctor had even finished her sentence, Hunter had come to the bottom of the bed with awe written all over his face but he soon went back to Isabella's side where he promised he would be.
"God, you're perfect Isabella!" Hunter exclaimed, he had never seen something so outstanding and amazing - nothing could ever be compared to this moment
"Isabella I need a big push to get the baby's head out then we will take a break"
After a large push which was accompanied by a guttural scream, Doctor Guirrerez told her to stop.
"That's enough Isabella, pant for me - slowly... that's it, well done. On your next contraction, you're going to push and your first baby will be here" the doctor explains, Isabella was almost happy for a second until she realised she would have to do this all over again shortly after this was over.
As a band of tightness wrapped around Isabella's stomach in the form of another contraction
"Push Isabella!" Doctor Guirrerez yelled
"Well done! Your first baby is born at... 8:37 am"
The wide armed, bloodied baby was placed onto a towel on Isabella's stomach to be wiped down. A large cry instantly filled the room just like expected as a tear slipped out of Hunter's eyes which he didn't even bother to brush it away.
"You can have a quick cuddle Isabella but we need to get the baby wrapped up and checked over with them being early and we need to get ready for your second baby" Doctor Guirrerez says gently as Hunter helped Isabella lower the hospital gown down on Isabella's chest so she could have skin to skin with her baby
"Let us see her then" Hunter grinned, convinced he was having two girls
"Actually Hunter, your first is a little boy" the doctor grinned lifting the still crying baby and placing onto his mother's chest, they slipped a white hat onto his little head to keep him warm. Isabella placed her hand on the back of his head and one on his back, he instantly started to settle with letting out smal whimpers.
"See, you're a natural" Hunter grinned more tears streaming down his face while Isabella also cried - this along with meeting Hunter was the best moment of her life
"Okay Isabella, the nurse is going to take little man just over there to the warming cot to clean him up and check him over while we finish this" Doctor Guirrerez, as the baby was gently taken out of Isabella's arms she felt cold and empty, she was already counting the minutes until she could have him in back in her arms.
"Not long and you'll have both babies" Doctor Guirrerez grinned
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