Jackson knew that he should go with Isabella - who had already stood up to go - to find Hunter but he also couldn't help but look longingly at Molly, this didn't go unnoticed by Isabella who knew exactly how it felt to be torn but what you should do and what you wanted to do.
"You stay here Jackson, Molly and Alexander need taking to a safe place now anyway, Catherine was planning on sending someone here in a mere few hours to move them away - we can't let that happen" Isabella finds confidence from somewhere to give orders out to Jackson and she couldn't deny it felt good even when she jumped slightly as Jackson let a growl out at the thought of his mate being taken away from him
"And Hunter?" Jackson asks with a look of concern passing over his face which is replaced but love when he glances back at Molly who blushes softly
"It might be best that you're not there anyway, you know Hunter is going to be super angry and I'm usually the only person to keep him calm - don't take them to the pack... here.." Isabella goes into the bag she brought with her and pulls out some keys, she takes one off of the ring that has multiple and presses it into Jackson's hand "That is the key to the log cabin Hunter took me too, its outside the pack lines by a couple of miles but it's safe so take them both there and stay there until I contact you"
Isabella glances down at Alexander who is watching her with pride in his eyes and Isabella would be lying if she said it didn't make her feel good inside - he was her father and he looked proud of her, she wanted this for as long as she could remember but at the same time, so many years had passed, could they really create a relationship now?
"Dealt with it like a true Queen" Jackson says with a knowingly smile before bowing his head out of respect making Isabella smile... for once she did truly feel like a Queen
"A what?!" Molly and Alexander say at exactly the same time
"Have you been living under a rock? Isabella's mate is King Hunter of all Werewolves" Jackson says grinning down teasingly at Molly who can't help but smile back
"You're a Queen?" Alexander asks his jaw dropping and his eyes wide
"I guess so... and my King is outside and the fact that he hasn't knocked the door down and is patiently waiting is more concerning so I really should go and sort things out.. Jackson are you fit to drive?" Isabella asks looking Jackson up and down, it had been a long time since he had last had alcohol but she still wasn't sure if he was safe enough to drive
"I...." he starts, Isabella can't help but smile at him, the hesitation in his voice was clearly because not only had most of the alcohol worn off so he was coming to his sense but he would be putting his mate in danger
"I can drive" Molly says, rubbing the side of Jackson's arm comfortingly making him shiver
"Okay well take the car that we brought Jackson, I need to go" Isabella throws the keys to the car at Molly to catch before turning on her heel and starting to walk out
"You'll be okay Isabella" Jackson says comfortingly, she notices Alexander not looking her in the eye now but he has his eyes fixed firmly on her large stomach that she had momentarily forgotten she had
When Isabella finally walks out of the front door, she instantly sees Hunter leant against the hood of the car with what looks like calm eyes which scared her even more than if he was shouting and screaming at her - she almost knew that it was what she deserved, he would've been worried sick just like she would've been if it was the other way around, not to mention, Hunter wouldn't just have been worried about Isabella anymore, he also had the twins to think about.
"Let's go," Hunter says walking around to the passenger side to open the door for Isabella to slide in before going to the other side and getting in himself, throughout the whole journey Isabella tried to create small talk and Hunter would reply in short sentences but still didn't let any anger show, in the end when they were about halfway home, Isabella simply stopped asking questions or attempting to create conversation.
Hunter led Isabella to their bedroom and as soon as the door was shut Hunter turned to her with sad eyes, the two of them stared at each other for a couple of minutes neither moving or saying anything. Isabella was the first to move, she had been perched on the edge of the bed but she managed to lift herself up and walk to Hunter who was stood in the middle of the room. Wrapping her arms around Hunter as best she could, Isabella pressed her lips to Hunter's hard chest but his arms remained limp at his side
"Hug me" Isabella whispers, her voice catching slightly - she would rather an angry, shouting Hunter who would cuddle her afterwards than a silent, non-responsive one.
Instead of hugging her, Hunter pushed Isabella away gently before stepping further way to create a further gap.
"How long?" Hunter simply says, his voice is husky and thick with sadness, it breaks Isabella's heart
"Have I been working with Jackson?" Isabella asks respecting Hunter's need for space even though her body yearned to touch him, to comfort him
"Been lying to me, keeping secrets from me, pretending like everything was okay when it wasn't, you tell me how long its been since you decided you couldn't trust me as your mate anymore Isabella?" Hunter says in a monotonous voice
"I do trust you" Isabella says her voice crumpling slightly
"Clearly not as much as you trust Jackson" he sneers slightly for the first time showing some sign of anger but as quick as it is shown, he hides it again with a blank expression on his face
"That wasn't it Hunter and you know it" Isabella sighs perching on the edge of the bed again suddenly feeling incredibly tired
"Do I?" he shrugs tilting his head to one side slightly simply staring at Isabella
"I have so much to tell you about what I found out, it's important and your parent's involvement needs to be investigated Hunter, it's not good but I can't tell you these things when you're angry at me," Isabella says stifling a yawn as she rubs her large belly
"I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed in you Isabella" Hunter explains and with that he walks out of the room while Isabella is left feeling like she has just had the hardest punch to the stomach, she had never felt a pain like the pain she felt knowing that Hunter was disappointed in her - he had never been disappointed with her before and she didn't like this.
Isabella knew not to follow Hunter - he needed time to himself, time to think... after all he was hurting too. Without undressing she crawled into bed and cried and cried until she was at the point of exhaustion that she could do nothing else but simply fall into a disturbed slumber.
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