This is a very unfinished map of Dragoskala and the surrounding Dollifite countryside. I never meant to post this rough version, but since it's taking quite a while to get around to doing something more publish-worthy, I finally convinced myself that some people would rather see this than nothing at all...
I threw some sepia tone and paper texture onto the pencil map just to say I did -something- new... but really, this was drawn in the early 90's and it's served through D&D campaigns and much writing since then.
Part of the problem in updating the map to a more precise version is that the "buildings" are just random rectangles and triangles that were originally meant to give more the feeling of where the roads were than actually map out specific locations. Now, with dozens of locations described in prose, game log, and database, I really need to solidify where some things are.
Still, the main elements are there... The "nucleus" of the DS amoeba (in the top left of the city) is the royal palace and grounds. Above and slightly to the right of that is the Guild Hall, where the freeman bargaining and lobbying meetings take place. The big building in the North-northeast quadrant is the Cathedral of One, and the street that leads directly out from that to the Southwest is Temple Row. The two harbors form the mouth of the "pacman", and Gillseton is the town directly across from them, with its own walls and small harbor. Connor Square is almost dead center in the city (just to the left of the harbors), and the segmented canal right below that connects the Scala (right) and Dragon (left) rivers. Teren Tower is a tall tower and lighthouse that looks out from the eastern-most point of Dragoskala. It was built in the same year Clasicant moved back to Dollif, LEY 3115, during a time of lawlessness and almost constant feudal war in the country.
Dragotton is the small walled town on the Dragon river, connected to the city by Dragotton Road, which enters the city from the West near the palace. Sentes Castle is the fortification at the western mouth of the canal. High Paeton is a keep controlled by the Baron of High Paeton, an important point of defense to the west of the city.
You can also see Skagate, the entrance to the city from the Ska Road (setting for Tete-a-tete). Dumon Manor is just out of sight to the south, past Furlong Beach (on the DS side of the river). Ill'Enniniess Hall is one of the buildings on the road that circles the palace walls, and the Silver Blades club and the City Barracks would be on the same road. Orluz Manor is northwest of the palace somewhere, on Wall Street. Connorton (the rough part of town) is the southwest corner of the city, south of the canal.
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