04. Thank You
Anthony Williams
I woke up to the sun's bright light entering my room. It brightened up my dimly lit room. Too tired to get up, I closed my eyes. That painting showed itself in my mind. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. I let out a sigh as I just got up and got ready for school.
"Yo.", Sam greeted.
"Morning.", I greeted back.
"You seem down today.", said Sam.
"Nah. Don't mind me."
Then I saw her, walking down the stairs from the 2nd floor.
"She's here early.", I murmured. My mood went even more down than it already is.
"I just don't get it. Why did she come here?", I asked myself. The day went by so fast. I guess it's because my thoughts are everywhere that I forgot about school.
"You guys go on ahead. I have to clear out my thoughts."
I went to the art room again. This time, I just sat at a corner and i fell asleep.
-Celine Garcia
"Thank you very much.", I thanked our teacher and I looked for the art room.
"Excuse me, can I ask where the art room is?", I asked a fellow student.
"Oh, it's on the 4th floor West Wing.", he replied.
"That looks heavy. Let me help you carry those.", he offered to help. What a gentleman.
"It's okay. I can somehow manage. Thanks for the offer though."
"I'm Ken. What's your name?", he asked.
"Celine.", I replied.
"Nice name. Well, see you later.", said Ken as he walked away. What a friendly guy.
"West wing.", I walked around and found the art room. I opened the room and closed it. I placed the art materials on the table. Then I found a guy sleeping at a corner.
"You must be tired.", I murmured as I sat beside him. Being beside him reminded me so much about how we would hide under a bridge and throw stones towards the seashore. We would always hang out on the beach, take a bath together at the beach, even poo together. I can't help but laugh at how stupid yet ignorant we were back then. It's adorable if I think about it now. I can't help but giggle as well. That's our past. We shared our childhood together. But now, everything has changed.
The room was colorful. It smelt like paint and wood. Everything about this room is Anthony. Slowly my eyes began to feel heavy and I slowly dozed off.
-Anthony Williams
It was dark already when I came to. I felt something heavy, as if someone was leaning on me. I noticed that it was her.
That's strange. What's wrong with me?
Warmth. Feelings. It started to overflow. Memories started to flood my mind. I remembered when she got really sick but still went to the beach with me. I felt really worried that we even fought. But later on, we just sat down and she fell asleep on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry. I fell-", she was cut when our eyes met. She was startled and she backed away from me. For a second there, I felt that I didn't want her to back away. But hatred overcame my thoughts so I clenched my fist, not showing it to her.
"I'll go now." She stood up not looking at me and I stopped her by grabbing her arm. She was silent, probably feeling guilty.
"I want to ask you something." She still remained silent.
"Why did you go away eight years ago?", I finally asked. I felt her twitch a little.
"I can't answer that right now."
"I just can't, not right now."
I wanted to punch her so bad.
"So you came back here for nothing?", I asked without looking at her.
"I have a reason. It's a reason that I need not disclose yet."
I was silent. We both were silent. Neither of us started to talk.
She looked at me as I called her out.
"At least say something for what you've done."
"I'm sorry."
"That's not enough."
"I know."
"Then why do you always say it?!"
A tear from her eye came running down her cheek. She could not say a word. All she did was silently cry deep within her consciousness. I was at a loss for words already. I could not say something mean right now. Just this once, I did what I had to do, what a friend would do in this situation.
I hugged her. It was what she needed right now.
"Thank you." Her words echoed through my ears, like a gentle breeze passing through my skin.
Her words, it could make me or break me. But one thing is for sure,
I heard her loud and clear.
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