Gamerkasa and Gamerrui🔥🔥🔥
They r both sweats in Rec Room bc it's an amazing yet buggy game 🔥🔥🔥
~☆~ =Tsukasa's POV
~♡~ =Rui's POV
I open up steam to open Rec Room so my headset would run the game. But why is it always on screen mode?
"Why can't I see anything? I'm on standalone!!! Ghh... the Quest 2 can really get on my nerves sometimes..." I then realized that the link cable wasn't attached to my headset, so I closed Rec Room and hooked my VR headset to my PC and re run the game, it worked!!!
"Finally!!" I pressed start and loaded into my dormroom.
Huh? A gift- 5 star?! 'Found this on your wishlist, your choices interest me, fufu~' I opened it to find a cottage core shirt that I indeed had in my wishlist. I decided to send this person a thank you gift box of another 5 star in his wishlist! I found a barrel bucket skin as the only 5 star item in it so I sent it to him with a message saying 'I got your gift! Thanks!! Also what abt my wishlist?' A~nd send! There we go! What's his name? 'Ru-.'? Is he like those players who hang in the ^RecCenter a lot? His avatar doesn't seem like it...
He's wearing wavy middle part with the base color being purple and the highlight being a blue color, the gigantic glasses from the April Fools update on April 2024, Class of 2018 shirt with the Elseware belt. Interesting combo I must say.
I decided to get some tokens from ^Paintball and ^Paddleball, I am really good at those games anyway, including ^Dodgeball and a few quests but most of the servers are filled with hackers or just kids...
Getting people out in ^Paintball is pretty fun!! The little ding! sound that emits whenever you hit a player is entertaining. As usual, I have the most hits and least outs in the server, I didn't get any flag though...
I log onto Rec Room to play some ^Crescendo, yes it's the longest quest. But, can I resist whipping a bunch of mini-bosses and NPC's? I mean, I already have the full S+ set by soloing. Maybe I can help a few people trying to beat it? They may die a lot, but I seriously don't mind carrying!!
Ooh~ a gift box? 5 star as well. Oh! Seems like Tsuku responded to what I sent him! 'I got your gift! Thanks!! Also what abt my wishlist?' Fufu~ The reason why his wishlist intrigued me is because it's color-coded. It's something rare to see in someone. Wah~! It's the buckets skin I've wanted! He's so kind!
~In ^Crescendo~
"Hey uh, are you good at the game?" Someone asked, his name seems to be randomly generated... 'HappyHippopotamus5635'
"I guess you could say that. But why so early into the deep end? Your level is only 25."
"It is a Dracula theme and I wanna try it"
"It's a bit too early for Crescendo I'm afraid... it's the longest and hardest quest right now."
"Awh... what is the easiest and shortest?"
"Quest Of the Golden Trophy is. Want me to take you there?"
"Sure!!" We fist bump to party up and I take him to ^GoldenTrophy.
We fly through the quest, and it was fun! The only unfortunate thing is that double shooting is removed.. thanks, Rec Room devs... We use the normal plan of defeating the Goblin King, which is when a person takes two shields; hits the front of the Goblin King continously and a person with a bow will shoot the back since its the only place that takes damage.
"Great job! And look! We got S rank!!"
"Oh my god~! Yes we did!! Thanks Ru!"
"No problem... uh..."
"Oh, uh just call me Galax. I forgot to edit my profile"
"Oh! Well, no problem Galax!"
~After a few minutes~
I'm getting pretty bored now... should I play the new Rec Room Original? Nah... I'll just play a little ^MurderV3
Murder V3 always has been my favorite custom Room! I love the new roles too!! Maybe I should play it? Hmm... okay, I'll play it!
~At ^MurderV3~
Greeted by a new and improved lobby! To be honest I miss the old lobby and the old map. But nothing is meant to stay the same... hold on there a moment... Ru?! I should say hi!
"Hey there!!" I wave, that got his attention
"Oh~, you're the person with the intriguing wishlist!"
"Haha, yeah!" I put my hands on my hips
"Fufu, I must say I am impressed by the amount of organization you put in your wishlist!"
"Thank you~!"
"Ah, and you're wearing what I got you; those antlers really compliment the Elseware belt." "And I'm wearing one too~!"
"You are!!"
~1 year later~
Rui and I have been together since last year, time really does fly huh? He'd ask me to join his game a lot and I'd say yes if I was playing alone!
"Hi Tsu! How are you?"
"I'm good!"
"Uhm... I was thinking.." "Could we... meet up?"
I couldn't belive what I was hearing,
"Really? D-do we even go to the same school?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Fufu, I guess we're closer than you think~"
"3-C?! We're in the same class!!"
"Really?! Then we must know each other!!" "Wanna go now? Maybe~ Phoenix Wonderland?"
"Yes, of course!! See you in a few minutes!!"
"Fufu, see you Tsu!"
I want to make a show specifically for Tsuku, I mean. I've been hanging around with him a lot, even bringing Nene along with us whenever she ran out of games to play! But, the only problem is setting up and show planning, since we're going now. Oh well, another time maybe? Now... where's my sweater?
~At Phoenix Wonderland~
Hmm~ where's Tsu? I pull up my Rec.Net,
Where are you?
I'm a few minutes away from the park, my house is a little far lolol
Take your time, love <3
Yeah, now I regret sending that... curse you lack-of-delete-button!
Sorry, sorry!! Idk what I was thinking.
It's nothing serious/srs
Oya? A blonde haired boy is stood stunned looking at his phone. I walked up to him.
"Hi~! I know this isn't any of my business, but why so stunned?" I gave the boy a nervous smile
"U-Um... someone just called me something that sent butterflies in my s-stomach..."
"May I ask what was the nickname?"
"Love" "He didn't mention it being platonic of anything."
"Weird, I just called someone 'love' just now..."
I look at him slightly shook, "Tsu?"
He smiles and hugs me, I hug him back. Would now be a good time? This moment's special so I HAVE to confess!
He lets go of the hug, "Hm?"
"T-the pet name wasn't platonic, but it was an accident." I take a deep breath "I like you Tsu."
"I like you too Ru!"
Rushed ending~
I hate my life :3
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