☽ The Game ☾
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"I hate this. I hate you." Vivian whispered to Stiles with conviction as they got out of his Jeep. They had been waiting for Derek to finally leave his house, and the minute he did they were ready.
Sydney, Scott, and Stiles all had shovels while Tara and Vivian had the flashlights. They walked towards the grave in the almost pitch black. Vivian couldn't keep her eyes off of the unstable house as they walked. It was charred and half of the roof was caved in. That fact that Derek still lived here surprised her. She also felt this deep pit in her stomach when she looked it over and remembered what happened, how many people died. How most of them were Derek's family. She wondered how he could still live in it, why he would.
"Wait, somethings different?" Scott said as they got closer.
"Different how?" Stiles asked.
"I don't like the sound of that." Sydney said powering ahead. She felt that same feeling from before, weaker. It wasn't different, Scott was just closer now.
"Let's just get this over with." Vivian said looking back at the house with unease.
They all stopped at the fresh grave. Tara wanted to cry, she hated the fact that some poor innocent girl could be under all of this dirt, how her parents and loved ones didn't even know. Sydney stared at the dirt for a few minutes, after a while she looked up and met Scott's eyes. She sighed and started digging, Stiles and Scott following soon after. Vivian and Tara kept the flashlights on the hole that was starting to form. It was quiet for the most part. Vivian glancing over at the forest a few times just to make sure they were alone. Vivian could tell Stiles was getting tired, Sydney and Scott had werewolf stamina to help them but Stiles was just a human and Vivian was ready to give him an out when Scott started talking for the first time in what felt like 2 hours.
"This is taking too long." He said when the hole was to their hips.
"Just keep going." Stiles said through pants.
"What if he comes back?" Tara asked turning her flashlight to the forest.
"I'm assume Stiles planned that." Sydney said looking over at her brother with a teasing smile before continuing to dig.
"I do in fact. Get the hell out of here." Stiles said making Vivian let out an amused breath.
"What if he catches us?" Scott asked.
"Have a plan for that too." Stiles said not elaborating.
"Care to share with the class?" Vivian asked looking over at Stiles.
"Scott and Tara run one way. You, me, and Sydney go another. Whoever he catches first.." Stiles explained letting his sentence trail off.
"You gonna protect me?" Vivian teased making Stiles look up at her with a cocky smirk.
"You know it gorgeous." He said ending it with a wink before looking back down at what he was doing. Vivian rolled her eyes with a smile a bit of pink coloring her cheeks. Sydney sighed at that same churning feeling.
"Don't forget I'll be there too princess." Sydney said shooting Vivian a smile and noticing the pink had doubled at the nickname, if someone else noticed they didn't mention it.
"For the record I hate that plan." Tara said flashing her light to the forest again. She liked the fact that she'd be with Scott but she didn't like separating from the others. Especially Vivian, who for the most part has done her best to make sure Tara is safe.
"Stop, stop," Stiles said when his shovel hit a solid object. The three threw their shovels off to the side and knelt to the ground whipping away the rest of the dirt. Vivian and Tara peering into the hole aiming their flashlights to where their hands were.
Under the dirt was a cloth tied together with multiple pieces rope. Stiles started undoing them and was taking way too much time in Sydney's opinion. "Hurry up."
"I'm sorry, but he tied this with like 900 knots." Stiles said causing Sydney to join in.
"I'll do it." Scott said their hands now pushing against each other while they all untiled the many knots keeping the cloth together.
Finally all the knots were untied and they unraveled the cloth to reveal a dead wolf. The three jumped out of the hole screaming. Tara screaked and hid her head in Vivian's chest, who couldn't keep her eyes off of the dead wolf. She just froze, she looked over at Stiles with a panicked expression.
"What the hell is that?" Sydney asked with panic in her voice.
"It's a wolf." Scott answered in the same state as Vivian.
"I can see that." Sydney said with aggravation.
"I thought you said you smelt blood, like human blood." Stiles said in the same tone as Sydney.
"I told you something was different." Scott said, Sydney didn't know how he could even tell the difference.
"This doesn't make sense." Stiles said. Vivian nodded looking around quickly while trying to calm Tara down.
"We have to get out of here." Sydney said letting panic show in her voice. Stiles looked over at Vivian who hadn't spoken in awhile. He saw that her eyes had locked onto a plant a few feet away.
"What's wrong?" Scott asked when he saw they both had their eyes on the purple flower.
"You see that flower?" Stiles asked making Tara finally pull her head away from Vivian and look over at what they were talking about, intentionally avoiding the dead animal below.
"Yeah, what about it?" Scott asked looking over with Sydney.
"It's wolfsbane." Vivian said still looking at it while the other were looking at her.
"What's that?" Sydney asked vaguely remembering Vivian ranting about it when they were 11. vaguely.
"Haven't you ever seen the wolf man?" Tara asked a confused look on her face. After getting a shake from Sydney and Scott she continued. "Lon Chaney Jr.? Claude Rains?"
"The original, classic werewolf movie." Stiles elaborated.
"No, what?" Scott questioned
"You are so unprepared for this." Vivian commented while Stiles got up to investigate the rest watching him intently. He grabbed the plant by the roots and pulled it up to find it connected to a rope. Stiles kept pulling it and went in circles around the hole. They all followed him with their eyes. Scott cast a glance back down at the wolf only to see it had changed
"Guys." He said standing up drawing their attention. They all looked back down, Tara immediately looked away while Vivian again couldn't keep her eyes off of the body. Sydney felt like she couldn't breath. They all just kept looking at the now human body.
"Call your dad. Now."
After they called the twins dad they were told to leave the premise immediately. They didn't listen. They piled into the car and drove to where the road was visible and waited it out there. Usually Vivian would object and convince them all to go home and get some sleep. But after what she saw she wanted to see him thrown in jail herself. Tara was still in shock, she was staying close to Scott and Vivian, barley speaking. Sydney was in a similar state, except she was avoiding any close interaction with anyone. She was in the passenger side and leaning away from Stiles.
When the sun was rising they saw the cops making their way to the Hale house. They followed after a few minutes, keeping a good distance. They parked at the edge of the clearing where the Hale house was located and sat in the car while the cops went through the motions. The car was parked so the side was facing the house. All of them were turned to watch as they looked through the house and the buried body. Everyone except Sydney who just looked at her feet and avoided looking at the house.
After a while they all got out of the car. Tara and Stiles leaning on the back while the other three were near the front of the vehicle. Tara and Stiles both had this determined look on their faces and that didn't reassure Vivian, but her head was a mess so she couldn't think ahead and worry about what they might do.
The five watched as Derek was lead out of his house in cuffs. Sydney eyes followed him as he was lead to the cop car, before he was shoved in he looked directly at her and Scott with an unreadable expression but Sydney assumed it was anger. She then looked down again and started messing with her nails. Vivian looked over at her and made eye contact silently asking if she was okay. Sydney just looked away and tried to keep herself from biting her nails.
Vivian sighed while she looked back at the cop car. She then noticed that Stiles and Tara weren't at the back of the car anymore. She quickly looked around and saw the two walking over as casually as possible. Scott seemed to notice as well since he started shaking his head and muttering no. That caused Sydney to look up and sigh.
"You've got to be kidding me." She muttered starting to walk over to stop them but Vivian just grabbed her forearm and pulled her back to the car shaking her head slightly. Sydney did just that and tried to ignore how warm her arm felt.
Stiles and Tara looked around for a second making brief eye contact with the three who all shook their heads. The two ignored them and then ducked into the front of the car much to the threes dismay, who all looked away and started pretending to be busy.
It was a tight fit but Tara and Stiles made it work. Tara was halfway onto the console and Stiles was slightly out of the car but they were on a mission. Stiles immediately started talking while Tara sat back and observed him for a second.
"Okay, just so you know, I'm not afraid of you." Stiles said leaning close to the barrier that blocked him from Derek.
"And I'm not attracted to you." Tara said leaning back and glaring at Derek who stayed stone faced. Stiles gave her a confused looked before going back to Derek who was still glaring at them.
"Okay maybe I am." They both responded with after a minute. They looked at each before realizing they were getting off track.
"Doesn't matter." Stiles said shaking his head. "I just wanna know something. The girl you killed... She was a werewolf."
"And a person." Tara blurted out, her glaring turning into a sad look. Stiles gave her a look before continuing.
"But she was different kind, wasn't she."
"I mean she could turn herself into an actual wolf, and I know Scott can't do that." Tara said now leaning closer to Derek sadness turned into curiosity, and maybe a little anger.
"Is that why you killed her?" Stiles asked.
"Why are you so worried about me when it's your friends who're the problem." Derek responded his face and voice staying emotionless.
"When he shifts on the field, what do you think they're gonna do... huh? Just keep cheering him on?" Derek asked making Tara irritated and Stiles confused.
"Friends?" He mumbled to himself while Tara continued the conversation.
"He won't"
"I can't stop him from playing, but you can." Derek said leaning forward. "And, trust me... you'll want you."
Before Tara and Stiles could say more they were dragged out of the cop car. They were walked a few feet away by the Sheriff who did not look amused. Tara looked over at Vivian who was still watching from afar. Tara gave her the 'please god help' look making Vivian sigh and push off the jeep walking towards the three.
"What the hell do you think you're doing." Sheriff Stilinski asked before Vivian was able to get there.
"We're just trying to help." Stiles said right as Vivian made it to the group.
"Help by getting yourself killed?" Vivian asked standing next to the Sheriff who was in front of the two.
"Hello Vivian." The Sheriff said with a polite smile.
"Hey Sheriff." Vivian said the smile reflected on her face.
"Could you help me with something?" He asked turning to her.
"Of course." Vivian responded trying to hide her nervousness.
"How'd you stumble across this?" Sheriff asked making Vivian let out a nervous laugh.
"Well you see.. Your son here was annoying me like usual and so I decided to take a nice walk through our lovely woods here-"
"With a murderer on the loose." The Sheriff interrupted.
"You make a valid point." Vivian said looking over at Tara who just shrugged. She gave the Sheriff a sheepish smile who sighed and looked at his son.
"Your turn."
"We were looking for Scott's inhaler." Stiles explained.
"Which he dropped when?" Sheriff Stilinski asked with a raised eyebrow.
"The other night." Stiles answered
"The other night when you were out here looking for the first body?" The Sheriff asked making Vivian look over at Tara and motion the other way.
As they both start to walk away the Sheriff turned to both of them. "The night you lied to me Vivian?"
Vivian sighed and slowly turned over to him and gave him a forced smile. "Did I say that?"
"I'd say lying is really defined as reclining in a horizontal position. Which I know for fact Vivian did not do." Stiles explained with a innocent smile. The Sheriff looked over at all three with a tired expression.
"Get the hell out of here." He said motioning to the Jeep.
"Absolutely." Stiles said walking away with the girls.
"You're an idiot." Vivian whispered when they were out of ear shot.
"And you haven't gotten better at your excuses." Stiles said back.
"My one the other night seemed to work." Vivian shot back.
"Yet it was still uncovered." Stiles said with a teasing smile as they made it to the Jeep where Sydney and Scott were waiting for them.
"By you!" Vivian said at full volume.
"One of Vivian's bad excuses?" Sydney asked making Tara nod who was trying hard not to laugh.
"Don't you start." Vivian said pointing her finger at the two before getting in the Jeep.
"I'd never." Sydney teases with her hands in the air.
"That's starting."
"I can't find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial." Scott said from the front seat with Stiles.
"Just keep looking." Stiles said looking over for a second.
"Maybe it's like a ritual, or something, like maybe they bury you as a wolf." Tara theorized.
"Maybe it's like a special skill, you know?" Sydney said from the back with her arms crossed. She was not excited for the topic of conversation.
"Like something you have to learn." Vivian asked who was way to close to Sydney, being squished in the middle of Tara and her. Sydney started feeling too warm, she still felt weird and was trying her best not to shrink in on herself like Scott was.
"I'll put it on my to-do list, right underneath figuring out how the hell I'm going to play this game tonight." Scott said while Tara put a hand on his shoulder, he flinched back before giving her an apologetic smile.
"Maybe it's different for girl werewolves." Stiles said making Tara nod. Vivian looked over at Sydney with a knowing look, she just ignored Vivian's eyes.
"Okay! stop it!" Scott said what Sydney was feeling.
"Stop what?" Tara asked confused.
"Stop saying 'werewolves'! Stop enjoying this so much." Scott said back with a hostile tone. Sydney couldn't focus on that as much, since she was trying to ignore her own urge to yell. Vivian gave Scott a look and looked him over quickly.
"Are you okay?" She asked also looking over at Sydney for a second which did not go missed by Tara.
"No! No, I'm not. I'm so far from being okay." Scott said almost like he was in pain. Sydney leaned against the side and closed her eyes hoping everyone was too busy with Scott to notice her own pained look.
"You know, you're gonna have to except this, Scott, sooner or later." Stiles said
"I can't." Scott said doubling over in his seat.
"Well, you're gonna have to." Stiles said looking over at him. Sydney let out a small gasp making Vivian look over at her and grow concerned.
"No! I can't breath." Scott said letting out a small yell grabbing the top of the Jeep to balance himself. Vivian looked between the too and racked her brain for what could be happening but with two in pain werewolves and Stiles struggling to keep the jeep from crashing.
"Pull over!" Tara yelled as she was thrown into her seat.
"What's happening?" Stiles asked all of them panicking. Vivian was trying to shield Sydney from view when she caught sight of Stiles bag.
"Where did you put the wolfsbane rope?" Vivian asked slightly louder than necessary.
"Why?" Stiles yelled back keeping her eyes on the road.
"Stiles, just tell me." Vivian yelled to him.
"My bag." He said causing Tara to lean over the console and look through his bag.
"Why'd you keep it?" Tara yelled to Stiles even though she was right next to him.
"What was I supposed to do with it?" Stiles asked.
"Stop the car." Scott said looking over at Tara and Stiles with yellow eyes. Vivian was thrown against Sydney as the car stopped. Sydney looked down at Vivian who was halfway in her lap, she had yellow eyes the quickly filtered back to brown. Vivian met her eyes and turned herself so she was facing Sydney and as close as possible.
"Sydney, hey look at me." Vivian said as Sydney nodded and let out a shaky breath.
"Vivian." Sydney said her eyes lowering to Vivian's lips for a quick second. Vivian grabbed Sydney's hands making her eyes fall to their intertwined hands.
"Just breath, just breath." Vivian whispered rubbing Sydney's hands in a calming manner. Sydney nods and keeps her eyes on Vivian's and slowly calms down and back to normal. They get startled out of their little trance by Stiles and Tara yelling.
While Vivian was calming Sydney, Stiles and Tara had grabbed the bag and ran out of the Jeep throwing it into the forest. Stiles and Tara were catching their breath and trying to calm their racing hearts, and as they turn they see that while they were all distracted Scott had opened his car door and disappeared.
That made Tara let out a panicked scream and break Stiles eardrums.
They were all now piled in the car with Tara in the front and Sydney and Vivian in the back. Stiles was on his police radio trying to find where he was while Vivian and Sydney were looking around in the back and yelling his name.
"Stiles you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty." The girl on the other side said with an annoyed tone.
"Look Miranda, can I call you Miranda." Tara said taking the radio from Stiles.
"No you-"
"I just need to know if you've gotten any odd calls?" Tara said interrupting her.
"Odd how?"
"Uh, like an odd person or.." Stiles said leaning over to speak into it.
"A dog-like individual roaming the streets." Tara finished for him.
"I'm hanging up on you now." She said her tone still annoyed.
"No!" Tara said but it was too late. She threw the radio down in annoyance.
The next time they saw Scott was at the game.
Sydney wasn't exactly happy with Scott. In fact she was the opposite of happy. She had been stressing the entire day about what Derek had said the other day and it didn't help when Stiles and Tara told them what Derek said.
Sydney knew she probably shouldn't have gone with the other two girls to talk to Scott but she felt like she had to see how he was feeling. They all walked into the locker room where the team was getting ready. Tara was leading Vivian and Sydney following a few feet behind. Sydney couldn't tell how Tara was feeling which was new. Tara usually wore her emotions on her shoulder but with Scott and Allison she's been a little more blank.
Tara didn't even know what she was feeling but she knew she didn't want Scott to ruin his life because of some stupid girl who he barley knows. Tara could feel the sadness bubbling in her but she decided to channel that into anger like Coach taught her. She could feel Vivian's eyes on her and was thankful that they've been too busy to have a talk because she doesn't think she could take that.
Vivian felt indifferent about everything. She was physically and emotionally tired and was ready to hang out with Stiles when the game was over. He could always make her feel better when she was stressed. She was desperately trying to ignore the stress about Scott but anxiety never makes her forget about it.
They made it to Scott who was almost done. He was sitting on a bench tying his shoes. Stiles was a bench over and when he saw the three walk over he stood up to join them. Tara tried to ignore how he looked in his jersey, which is a sight she always enjoyed, while she crossed her arms and tapped her foot like she always saw Naomi do.
"You gonna try and convince me not to play?" Scott asked not looking up at them.
"I just hope you know what you're doing." Tara said not having the heart to changer her tone from soft.
"If I don't play, I lose first line and Allison." Scott said which made Tara more annoyed because why did he care so much about Allison, what about her.
"Allison's not going anywhere." Vivian said exasperated from the side. "I've told you this."
"And it's one game that you don't really need to play. Tara can convince Coach not to kick you from first line." Sydney said desperately walking so she was the closest to Scott.
"I want to play!" Scott said loudly looking up at Sydney before looking over at the other three. "I wanna be on the team. I want to go out with Allison. I want to have a semi-freaking normal life."
"You had one. Without those things." Tara said trying to keep her voice steady. She couldn't take it anymore storming off with Vivian following her. Stiles and Sydney watched for a moment before looking back at Scott.
"I get it." Stiles finally said from the side with a lingering glance at Vivian. Sydney sighed and ignored the ping in her chest sighing and looking at Scott. She understood too.
"Just try not to worry to much while you're out there, okay?" Stiles said sitting on the bench things calming significantly.
"Or get too angry." Sydney added still standing but just as conflicted
"I got it." Scott said
"Or stressed." Stiles continued.
"I got it." Scott repeated.
"Don't think about Allison being in the stands." Sydney said
"Or that her father's trying to kill you." Stiles added on.
"Or that Derek's trying to kill you." Sydney said now trying to calm her racing heart.
"Or the girl he killed." Stiles said beating a dead horse.
"Or that you might kill someone if a hunter doesn't kill you first." Sydney said voicing her own fear.
"I'm sorry.. I'll stop." Stiles said after Scott gave him and Sydney a look which Sydney returned.
"I should go.. Good luck." Sydney said leaving still confused. At least she'd be next to Lydia, she's nicer than she appears and Sydney likes that she's earned a place in Lydia's nice friends.
Even if she's next to the very reason she's worried. Scott's stupid girlfriend.
Vivian was one of the only people on the bleachers since most of them were just getting to the field or getting food. One of those people is Mikayla. She was bundled up in her winter gear her arms full of snacks as she sat next to Vivian.
"Hey V! Remember how I told you about those archery classes I was telling you about?" Mikayla said immediately after she sat down. Vivian nodded vaguely remembering the offer for lessons from Mikayla.
"Well I was talking to Allison and her dad," Mikayla said making Vivian tense for a second when Allison's dad was mentioned. "who is very nice by the way, but anyway she said she knew a bit of archery herself."
That worried Vivian a bit more but she didn't want to look too into it. Vivian looked over at Mikayla and noticed a faint blush on her cheeks. "Has your crush faded for our resident nerd?"
Mikayla blush deepened at the mention of Stiles making Vivian smirk widen. She wasn't able to tease Mikayla any more because Melissa and Naomi walked up.
"Hey daughter." Naomi said with a smile messing with Vivian's hair.
"Hey mom." Vivian said back as Naomi and Melissa waved at their respective children. Mikayla also waved over at Stiles who returned the gesture.
Vivian looked around for Sydney only to find Allison and her dad sitting where Lydia and Sydney should be. Vivian decided to stop worrying so much and try and enjoy the game.
Sydney was actually with Lydia. They were over at the snack stand slowly realizing they hated everything there. "Lydia if you weren't so picky you wouldn't be hungry."
"Says you. You'd eat anything." Lydia teased before her eyes fell on Scott. "I have to go deal with something."
Lydia then walked over to Scott with Sydney right next to her. Lydia grabbed the bottom of Scotts shirt and started whispering towards him so quiet that Sydney wouldn't have been able to hear if she didn't have enhanced hearing.
"I just want you to remember on thing for tonight." Lydia said tone implying a threat.
Scott looked down at where Lydia's hand was balled in his shirt, his look full of confusion. "Uh.. winning isn't everything?"
Lydia let out a laugh and let go of Scott's shirt straightening it out before innocently saying "Nobody likes a loser."
Lydia then looked over at Sydney and motioned her head to the bleachers before walking away with Sydney close behind. Sydney gave Scott a shrug as she passed following Lydia to the bleacher right next to Allison and someone Sydney hoped to never see again.
Sydney gave a awkward smile to Allison and her father, who gave her a specific look she did not want to see on someone who almost killed her. She sat on the other side of Lydia farthest from Mr. Argent as she could and looked over at Tara who was sitting next to Jackson with Coach on the other side.
Tara was still mad about the locker room so she wasn't going to be the nice cop this game. Coach pat Jackson on the leg keeping his focus ahead. "How's your shoulder?"
"It's fine." Jackson responded nodding his head.
"You feel any pain?" Coach asked.
"No." Jackson said.
"What if I give it a big ol' punch? Would you feel pain then?" Tara asked only sparing Jackson a quick glance emotionless.
"Maybe?" Jackson said confusion laced with a bit of fear.
"Listen, just go out there. Just give it your best. If you feel any pain." Coach said struggling with the end.
"Walk it off." Tara said bluntly walking away from the bench
"That's my girl." Coach said following after.
The whistle blew and everyone got into position. Vivian and Sydney in the bleachers and Tara on the field. Jackson was up against someone from the other team for the ball, he took it and started sprinting down the field passing the ball to someone other than Scott which continued for 10 more minutes until the ball fell to the ground. Jackson and Scott both saw it and went for it. They were right next to each other both almost to the ball when Jackson shoved Scott to the ground. He then scooped the ball up and score the first goal of the game.
Melissa was keeping Naomi back from yelling while everyone jumped up and cheered. Melissa and Naomi followed a minute after begrudgingly. Sydney had been pulled up by Lydia who was cheering with Allison. Sydney was standing silently with her arms crossed, she shot a glance at Vivian who was glaring at the field with an oblivious Mikayla next to her. Tara had a tight grip on her clipboard trying to keep herself cool while Coach yelled excited from the sidelines.
Sydney was trying to remove her eyes from Vivian when she felt Lydia bump her arm with a sign. She looked over and saw Lydia hold up, with Allison's helps, a sign that read 'We Luv You Jackson'. Sydney scoffed earning an elbow with no real heat from Lydia.
Sydney looked back over at Scott and saw his eyes focused on the sign. She knew he was getting angry from the sign, if she saw Vivian holding it up she'd be mad herself. Sydney started shifting nervously.
Tara looked over at the sign herself and tensed making her way to Stiles sitting next to him. She motioned over to the sign and he had the same reaction almost all of them had.
"Brutal." He said looking ahead as Scott marched to his place on the field.
"This is not gonna end well." Tara said agreeing.
Sydney saw everyone huddle around without Scott. She focused trying to hear what they were talking about.
"What if he's open?" Danny asked.
"Who's the captain. You or me?" Jackson asked in a threatening tone.
"Jackson come on. Dude, I just want to win." Danny argued back.
"We will win." Jackson said with conviction.
"But-" Danny tried only to be interrupted by Jackson again.
"What did I say? Huh? What. Did. I. Say."
"Don't pass to McCall." Danny confirms before they all dispersed revealing to Sydney that Scott had been listening as well.
They played a few more rounds Scott still not catching the ball and being avoided. They could all see Scott getting more and more worried. Sydney's panic doubled as Scott leaned over the cold revealing his heavy breaths. She made eye contact with Tara who made her way over to Scott as casual as possible.
"Scott? Are you okay?" Tara whispered getting a slow nod which didn't calm her worry. She sighed but couldn't do anything else since Coach called her back.
Scott's demeaner was making the opposing team member back away slightly. Sydney looked down trying to slow her own panicked breath. Lydia shot her a worried look when Allison's dad piped up.
"Which one is Scott again?"
"Number 11." Allison said starting to get worried.
"Otherwise known as the only one who hasn't caught a single ball." Lydia added with a snide tone. "This entire game."
"Might want to ask you boyfriend why." Sydney muttered from the side. She really didn't care if Lydia heard or not.
"I hope he's okay." Allison said worried about her boyfriend, her dad looked more interested.
"I hope we're okay." Lydia said looking at the score board which read 3 to 5 the other team in the lead. Sydney rolled her eyes getting really fed up with Lydia. "We need to win this."
Lydia then stood up and grabbed a different sign hitting Allison when she stayed seated. "Allison? You gonna help?"
After a minute of hesitance Allison stood up and helped her hold up a "Jackson is #1" that was the last straw and Sydney got up moving over to where Vivian and Mikayla were. She only got a small confused looked before they both looked at why she moved and understood. They all kept their eyes on Scott as the next round started. The two main players fought for a minute before the ball was flown into the air. Scott then ran jumping over one of the players and catching the ball midair sprinting through the field dodging all the the opposing players and then scored.
Everyone started cheering standing up and cheering. Vivian even stood up and clapped while Tara clapped from the sidelines. Sydney stood up and clapped slowly conflicted on how to feel. Naomi was yelling a storm making Melissa laugh which made Sydney feel better. What also made Sydney smirk was when Coach yelled out. "Pass to McCall! Pass to McCall!"
The next round the other team got the ball and as the player looks over at Scott. Sydney can hear his growl and sees the fear on the players face as he passes the ball to McCall. She hears Coach ask Tara if that really happened. Sydney is shocked and mad herself.
Scott then sprinted across the field the other players too slow to catch up and he threw the ball breaking through the goalies net and scoring. Tara and Coach are arguing that its a real goal and the teams are tied. This round being the last to make the winning shot.
Scott manages to get the ball again and runs a few feet before stopping and standing in a predatory way quickly reminding Vivian and Tara that there was problem they shouldn't be ignoring.
"You got this Scott." Tara mutters to herself hopping Scott can hear her.
Then in the last few seconds Scott focuses on the goal and as the other players finally catch up her throws the ball and scores the winning goal making them all jump up and cheer happier then they were any other time. Scott stands where he is pulling off his glove and seeing his claws grow in. He runs towards the locker room before anyone notices.
Vivian runs to Stiles with Sydney behind her, Mikayla too busy talking to Lydia to notice. Stiles is sitting down on an empty bench since everyone is celebrating before they go to the locker rooms, most opting to shower at home.
Sheriff Stilinski was on the phone with a worried expression making Sydney and Stiles question him only to get a hand in response. Naomi and Melissa were off to the side waiting for their kids, since Vivian promised a dinner with Naomi for finding a body. Tara walks over to them with her own worried expression. "Should we worry about where Scott is?"
"Tare I'm sure he's fine." Vivian reassured putting a hand on her shoulder. "He hasn't hurt anyone yet. We'll check on him when we know what the Sheriff is talking about."
Tara gave him a small smile and nodded. "You act like you aren't like Stiles then you say that."
Vivian rolled her eyes while the twins snickered. Just like old times.
Later they made their way to the locker room still before any of the players. Tara was lagging behind because she had to talk to Coach so Vivian and the twins got their first. They had been chatting softly to themselves when they got near the showers looking over to Scott.. who was making out with Allison.
They all turn and make a small barrier as Tara walks in. She gives them a questioning look trying to look past them only to still get blocked. "Guys? Is Scott here or not?"
"Um yeah but he needs to.. uh he's.. Stiles." Vivian said hiding her face in his shoulder.
"Scott needs a little privacy." Stiles said right as Allison pushed past them with an embarrassed smile. She waved at them all getting small waves back from each.
Tara stood there realization on her face when Scott joined them with a dopey smile. The three turned to Scott standing next to Tara all with small smiles.
"I kissed her." Scott said.
"We saw." Stiles said amusement in his voice.
"She kissed me." Scott said still in amazement.
"Saw that too." Vivian said not as amused as Stiles.
"That's pretty good huh?" Tara said trying to keep the shake out of her voice.
"I-I-I don't know how, but I controlled it. I pulled back." Scott said wide eyed, Sydney glanced over at Vivian with a small smile before shaking her head and looking back at Scott. "Maybe I can do this, maybe it's not that bad."
"Yeah, we'll talk later then" Stiles said patting Scott before trying to walk away. Scott grabbed his shirt and stopped him his amazement turning to confusion.
"What?" He asked. Stiles hesitated for a second so Sydney decided to take the lead.
"The medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found." She said without a pause.
"And.." Scott said asking for her to elaborate.
"Well I'll keep it simple." Sydney said taking a step forward. "Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal, not human. Derek's human, not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail."
"Are you kidding?" Scott asked.
"No, and here's the bigger kick in the ass." Vivian said continuing for Sydney. "Their dad I.D.'d the dead girl. Both halves.
"Her name was Laura Hale." Stiles finished.
"Hale?" Scott asked with fear in his voice.
"Derek's sister."
Mikayla was running back over to the field after everyone had left. Jackson was still there grabbing his stuff and Lydia was getting impatient so Mikayla volunteered to go help him. She spotted him near the middle of the field holding a glove. She smiled and ran over waving.
"Jackson! Lydia's getting a little impatient." Mikayla yelled as she made her way over.
"Um.. Okay, I'm coming." Jackson said dropping the glove back down and walking past Mikayla with an unreadable expression.
Mikayla just kept her big smile and went to grab the glove too assuming Jackson had accidently dropped it again or it could be missing from one of the players. She looked at it in her hands and saw that the top had five holes where the fingers could be. Like it was ripped. She looked back behind her shoulder at Jackson but he was too far for her to ask anything else.
She shook her head and put the glove in her purse continuing to walk her own merry way not noticing the black sharpie on the side labeled McCall.
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