☆ The Dream ☆
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Sydney sighed as another book was stacked into her arms. Vivian had dragged her to the library after hours. Sydney had an in with the librarian so Vivian was using that to her advantage. When her mom was sick Sydney would constantly go to the library to escape, which is also why Vivian wanted to go. To escape; so the librarian grew fond of her.
Vivian's anxiety had been keeping her up so she just wanted something to distract her. Sydney was happy she could be that and books made Vivian happy. Vivian looked around stacking books in Sydney's arms until she seemed satisfied. They then found a table in the corner and sat down together. Vivian reading books while Sydney watched her.
Usually Sydney would be more discreet when she admired Vivian but she just didn't have it in her today. She would also usually feel a deep guilt when she couldn't ignore her feelings. She knew Stiles liked Vivian, and her deserved her. Sydney didn't. Today all she felt was affection for the girl across from her.
"Do you need something?" Vivian asked still looking at her book.
"No? Why?" Sydney asked leaning forward snapping out of her trace.
"You keep staring at me and It's annoying." Vivian explained, only giving a small glare over the book.
"Are you sure you're annoyed?" Sydney asked with a smirk.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Vivian asked voice getting slightly airy after being caught in the lie.
"Well." Sydney said drawing it out as she got up from her chair. "I don't see signs of annoyance, more.."
Sydney let the sentence trail out as she rounded the table and walked closer to Vivian who was growing redder by the second. Sydney had a huge smirk when she finally made it to Vivian's side, who was trying her hardest to focus on her book.
"What signs.. Stilinski?" Vivian asked trying to keep her annoyed act up, too breathless to be believable.
"Well, Gasko." Sydney said her tone now low. Sydney was right next her now the same smirk still plastered on her face. Vivian risked a glance over at Sydney, and was now unable to look away as Sydney continued. "You've been on page 45 for 20 minutes now, so I think you've been a little distracted."
Vivian and Sydney kept eye contact for a minute more before they couldn't resist anymore and Vivian leaned forward connecting their lips. Sydney pulled Vivian up from her chair ignoring the sound of the fallen book. Sydney then pushed Vivian against the table earning a small gasp. She then let her hands rest on the table using the rest of her body to push Vivian further into the table. It was because of these that neither of them noticed Sydney's claws start to grow out.
After a few more minutes they broke apart, both trying to catch their breath. Sydney was looking down while Vivian was staring at the ceiling with a huge smile. She started laughing slightly, trying to wrap her head around everything. After a few moments of laughing she noticed that Sydney was still in the same position and still breathing heavily. Vivian slowly looked down to where Sydney was still actively pushing her into the table.
"Syd? Um.. that- that.. it's starting to hurt." Vivian said her voice conveying how scared she was becoming. After getting no response she felt the hands return to her hips and dig into them. Then Sydney lifted her head slightly her eyes darting to meet Vivian's. Bright yellow.
Vivian desperately tried to push Sydney away to no avail as those fingers kept digging in. Vivian was finally able to kick Sydney in the shins and duck under the table. She crawled as her hips continued to bleed. Sydney grabbed her ankle and started dragging her out. Vivian looked back with a petrified look. She continued to kick at Sydney's hand and was only able to get out because Sydney let go to grab her hips again but Vivian got up before she could.
Vivian the ran through the shelves trying to confuse Sydney. Who in retaliation pushed the book shelves down which Vivian barley avoided being crushed by. Vivian finally made it to the glass doors. She forcefully pulled them finding out that they were locked. She then started pounding her fists against the doors screaming for someone to help. She could hear Sydney getting closer and she was getting desperate so she started forcing all her body weight on her shoulder and ramming into the glass.
Right before Sydney could catch her she broke through and tried to crawl away. She was clumsily trying to get up. She wasn't able to get far when Sydney grabbed her ankles pulling her back in. She grabbed onto the broken glass on the side of the door getting more blood on her. Sydney was finally able to pull her all the way back into the mess of a library.
Vivian was pulled all the way to the back of the library covered in blood and earning more injuries. She was sobbing and begging Sydney to stop. When she was finally face to face with Sydney she tried to find one once of her Sydney. "Sydney please."
She let out one last scream as Sydney went for the kill.
Sydney bolted up in her bed gasping. She reached around her bed trying to take in her surroundings. She quickly realized it was a dream and grabbed her heart, trying to beat out of her chest. She took deep breaths trying to calm herself and reassure herself it was a dream.
She fell back against the bed and stared at her ceiling, covered in weird painted shapes that she and Stiles had done when they were 6. She stared at her ceiling for what felt like hours before she decided to give up on sleep. She turned to the side and sent Vivian a small text just for reassurance. She didn't get a response but she also wasn't expecting one. She hated how exhausted she felt.
The guilt was also back and that dream only made it worst.
"So did you end up killing her?" Tara asked as they walked into the school the next morning. Scott had, had a similar dream to Sydney only in a different location and with a different person. Stiles, Tara, and Sydney were all walking with him and talking about it. Vivian hadn't shown up or responded to any texts that morning which wasn't helping Sydney's stress.
"I don't know. I just woke up." Scott said as they walked into the school. "And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breath. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."
"Really? I have." Stiles said from next to Sydney. "Usually ends a little differently"
Sydney gave Stiles a disgusted look and gagged. "I never want to hear you say anything remotely like that again."
Stiles rolled his eyes at her and then looked over at the other two who both had their own looks of disgust. Scott decided after a minute to continue talking.
"A, I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real. B, never give me that much detail about you in bed again." Scott said getting a comment from Tara.
"Ditto." She said while Sydney started to slow slightly. She had the same feeling Scott did, her dreams had never felt that real before. She couldn't stop hearing Vivian's screams, or her face.
"Noted." Stiles said sighing. "Let me take a guess here."
"No, I know, you think it was something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm going to lose control and rip her throat out." Scott theorized.
"No, of course not." Stiles defended changing after Scott gave him a look. "Yeah, that's totally it."
"Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine alright?" Stiles said trying to reassure Scott.
"Personally, I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly." Tara added from the side.
"It's not like there's a Lycanthropy for Beginners class you can take." Stiles continued.
"Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher." Scott said hesitantly.
"Who, Derek?" Sydney asked with a hostile tone. "You're forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?!"
"Yeah, I know, but chasing her dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real." Scott explained calming Sydney down from her annoyance.
"How real?" Tara asked as they made it to the end of the school where the buses are parked.
"Like it actually happened." Scott said with certainty
They all walked through the doors to the buses stopping in their tracks at the site before them. The back of the bus was torn up and bloody with police surrounding it. Sydney felt a horrible feeling rise from her stomach. Tara swallowed before saying.
"I think it did."
Sydney couldn't focus on Scott's freak out because she was having her own. After a minute of standing she walked right back through the doors maneuvering through the halls. Tara was right behind her concerned about Allison but more about Sydney who seemed to be having a minor anxiety attack.
"Syd?" Tara asked softly speed walking right next to Sydney who had pulled out her phone and checked her messages.
"Have you talked to Vivian today?" Sydney asked through quick breaths.
"Um no, I stayed at my house last night." Tara said confused. "Why?"
Sydney didn't respond and continued her way to the library. She turned the corner and stared at the door. The broken jagged glass with blood surrounding it. Sydney had a flash of her dream where she had dragged Vivian through those exact broken doors. Sydney turned around and walked as fast she could with Tara right behind her.
"Sydney! Do you know what happened there?" Tara asked now panicked at the sight in front of her. Sydney stopped at a wall and leaned her back against it with heavy breaths. Tara stood next to her and was shocked when Sydney opened her eyes and they flashed blue then yellow. She closed her eyes again and slammed her fist against the wall.
Luckily when she opened her eyes again they were their normal brown again. Tara was still staring at her in shock. Sydney had closed her eyes again trying to keep the panic at bay, while Tara looked around desperately. That's when she spotted the person she needed the most.
Tara ran as fast as she could across the hall to where Vivian had just rushed in. Her hair was a mess and she was wearing the most lazily thrown on clothes. Tara couldn't focus on that as she stopped in front of Vivian holding her shoulders.
"Vivian. I- I.. Sydney- Eyes." Tara tried to say out of breath. Vivian still understood and looked down the hall at Sydney who had slid down the wall and was sitting with her head in her knees.
Vivian walked as fast as she could with Tara next to her. Vivian honestly didn't know what could be causing this and she was panicked for many reasons. Tara was following but didn't know why exactly. She was still processing what she had just seen.
"Hey, Syd?" Vivian asked sliding down in front of Sydney. Sydney slowly raised her head with heavy scared breaths. When she made eye contact with Vivian she pulled her into a hug with a heavy sigh.
"I thought, I didn't." Sydney tried to say with a shaky voice, adding in a quiet whisper. "I couldn't be the reason I lost you again."
Vivian pulled back with a reassuring smile holding Sydney's hands. Sydney was too relieved to notice the conflicted look on Vivian's face, but Tara could tell. She had known Vivian since they were 5. They could read each other like a book.
"Tare?" Vivian asked looking over at the girl while Sydney leaned her head against the wall taking deep calm breaths.
"We'll talk later. Okay?" Vivian asked giving Tara a look that she trusted.
Tara was about to explain the whole situation to Vivian when the intercom came on, drawing everyone's attention.
"Attention, students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last knight to one of our buses and our library. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will procced as scheduled." The intercoms blasted earning groans from students. It also seemed to snap Sydney back into place. She sighed and got up brushing off her clothes.
"See you at lunch." and she was gone.
Vivian stood up with Tara looking over at her, and then following her eyes to the library door. She sighed and straightened herself.
"Tell me everything."
Tara, Scott, Stiles, and Vivian were all sitting in their science class ignoring what Mr. Harris had to say. The four were all theorizing in the middle of the class. Stiles and Tara behind Scott while Vivian sat next to him with Jackson in front of them.
"Maybe it was my blood on the door." Scott said.
"Let's hope they don't test it then." Vivian commented.
"Could've been animal blood. You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something." Stiles said.
"And did what?" Tara asked.
"Ate it." Stiles answered bluntly.
"Raw?" Scott asked horrified.
"No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven. I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything." Stiles said proud that he was able to make Vivian snicker at the beginning.
"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once and awhile." Mr. Harris said making Vivian sigh and keep her eyes on her notebook. "I think you, Mr. McCall, and Ms. Varrington would benefit from a little distance, yes?"
"No." Tara said uncertain earning a glare.
Mr. Harris moved Scott to the very front of the class in front of Jackson now, Tara to the back next to a random guy named Isaac, and Stiles moved up next to Vivian since 'she might actually get you to do some work'.
"Let me know if the separate anxiety gets to be too much." Mr. Harris said before going back to teaching.
"I hate this class." Stiles whispered noticeably more quiet. "Is that my shirt?"
"I couldn't sleep last night. So I might have slept in and just thrown on some random shit." Vivian explained with a tired sigh. Stiles looked her over and noticed she looked like she was about to pass out.
"You okay?" Stiles asked
"Yeah, just a random bit on insomnia." Vivian assured with a small smile. She had been so stressed lately it had been messing with her sleep, if she was able to get home and get some.
Before Stiles could push, a girl named Harley jumped up from her seat and walked towards the window. "I think they found something."
Vivian jumped up from her seat and like everybody else crowded around the windows. There was an ambulance and the paramedics were wheeling someone. From this far she couldn't tell who it was, but it didn't look good.
"That's not a rabbit." Vivian whispered to the other three.
The man then sat up quickly screaming right before he was pulled into the ambulance. Everyone flinched back, Scott kept backing up though.
"This is, this is good." Tara said walking over to Scott. "He got up, that means he's not dead."
"Dead guys can't do that." Stiles added
"Guys!" Scott snapped quietly making all of them look over at him.
"I did that."
"But dreams aren't memories." Stiles reasoned as they sat down for lunch. Stiles and Vivian next to each other while Tara sat a seat away from Scott on the other side of the table.
"Then it wasn't a dream." Scott said. "Something happened last night, and I can't remember what."
Tara nodded and looked over at Vivian who was already looking at her. They both knew Scott didn't work alone that night, but he was at the bus and Sydney was in the library so where's the second body? Tara didn't like keeping this secret but she knew it was important. She also didn't know that Stiles was the only one at the table that didn't know his sister was the second werewolf.
"What makes you so sure that Derek has all the answers?" Vivian asked.
"Because during the full moon, he wasn't changed." Scott explained. "He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent man."
"You don't know that. There also was an incident at the library. How do you explain that?" Stiles asked oblivious to the looks being shared by the group.
"I don't not know it. I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel." Scott said earning a scoff from Vivian.
"I thought that was worst then death Scotty?" She said with a snide tone. Stiles sighed and looked over at Scott.
"No, you're not cancelling, okay?" Stiles said while Tara nodded, jealousy flooding through her.
"You can't just cancel your entire life. We'll figure it out." Tara reassured.
Lydia then walked over and set her tray down right next to Scott, getting confused looks from everyone and maybe an angry look from Vivian. "Figure out what?"
"Uh- just homework." Stiles excused.
"Why is she sitting with us?" Vivian asked Scott as the other popular kids piled in. Danny in front of Tara, Allison next to Scott etc.. Scott shrugged as more popular kids joined them.
Sydney was one of the last to come over and sit down. She looked hesitant and conflicted as she moved a chair to sit at the corner of the table next to Lydia. She avoided Vivian's eyes as Jackson walked over glaring at the person sitting at the head of the table.
"Get up." Jackson demanded.
"How come you never ask Sydney to get up?" The guy askes still seated.
"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin clot." Sydney said staring down at her lunch while the guy is dragged from his seat and replaced by Jackson.
"So I hear they're saying its some kind of animal attack." Danny said after a minute. "Probably a cougar."
"I heard mountain lion." Jackson said leaning back in his chair.
"A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia corrected making Sydney smirk at her food. "Isn't it?"
"It is." Vivian confirmed confused on how Lydia said it before her.
"Who cares?" Jackson said with a wounded ego. "The guys probably some homeless tweaker who gonna die anyway."
"You don't know that." Sydney said firmly.
"Actually, I just found out who it is." Stiles said looking down at his phone. "Check this out."
Stiles held his phone on it's side as everyone crowded around, with Vivian was pressed to his side which he tried desperately to ignore, as the phone played a video. "The Sheriff's Department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack. Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition."
"I know this guy." Scott said at the end of the video.
"You do?" Stiles asked.
"Yeah, when Scott use to take the bus to when he lived with his dad, that's the guy who drove." Tara explained casually from the side earning some looks from everyone.
"Craze is back I see." Jackson commented earning a few laughs. Sydney, Lydia, and the rest of her friends stayed quiet as Tara let out a fake laugh too. Vivian moved to threaten him only to be held back by Stiles. She looked him in the eyes but they both knew it wouldn't be worth it. Vivian settled back down in her chair with her arms crossed. Vivian was startled by Mikayla running up to them with her own tray of food.
"Did you guys hear?" She asked her voice as loud as usual but there was an underline tone of sadness.
"Yeah, Meyers the bus driver-" Jackson said trying to blow her off.
"No. The other victim." Mikayla said interrupting him and making Sydney tense. She took a seat next Vivian as every leaned near her. "They just announced they found another body. Dolores Morris, our librarian."
"Why hasn't another ambulance come?" Tara asked scared for the answer.
"There was no point. She was dead on scene." Mikayla said softly looking down at her food. Sydney tried to calm her breathing and was thankful when Lydia began talking.
"Can we talk about something slightly more fun please?" Lydia asked changing the subject, much to Tara's relief. "Like, oh, where are we going tomorrow night."
Lydia received a confused look from Scott and Allison and decided to explain herself. "You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?"
"Uh, we were thinking of what we were gonna do." Allison responded.
"Well I'm not sitting home again watching lacrosse videos, so if the six of us are hanging out, we're doing something fun." Lydia explained.
"Six?" Sydney asked confused.
"Well Scott and Allison, Me and Jackson, and You with whatever girl you've got on the hook." Lydia said with a forced smile avoiding Vivian, who most people have rumored is the new girl on the hook.
"Oh, okay." Sydney said looking down from Lydia.
"Hanging out?" Scott asked looking over at Allison. "Like the six of us?"
Stiles and Vivian were both cringing across from him. Vivian was hiding her face behind her hand while Stiles was covering his mouth and shaking his head. Scott continued.
"Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?"
"Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun." Allison answered with a small smile.
"You know what else sounds fun." Jackson said from the front and grabbing his fork. "Stabbing myself in the face with this fork."
Vivian scoffs as Lydia tears the fork away from him. Stiles rolls his eyes with Sydney copying unknowingly.
"How 'bout bowling." Lydia suggested to Jackson. "You love to bowl."
Vivian, Tara, and Stiles all shook their heads at Scott trying to get him to say no to this insane idea.
"Yeah with actual competition." Jackson said back.
"How do you know we aren't actual competition. You can bowl, right?" Allison challenged, earning more protests from Scott's three friends.
"Sort of." Scott said uncertain.
"Is it sort of, or yes?" Jackson asked leaning closer to Scott.
"Yes." Scott said
"In fact, I'm a great bowler."
"You're a terrible bowler." Tara reminded him as they walked down the stairs after lunch.
"I know." Scott said. "I'm such an idiot."
"God, it was like watching a car wreck." Stiles said. "I mean, first it turned into the whole group thing."
"And then out of nowhere comes that phrase." Vivian finished as they made it to the bottom of the stairs. Sydney was nowhere to be seen after lunch, she just disappeared. Vivian was expecting some teasing about the 'new girl on the hook' thing but it never came. She was kind of disappointed. But she knew that Sydney was probably trying to deal with the fact that she might have killed someone.
"Hang out." Scott said the word like it disgusted him.
"You don't hang out with hot girls, okay? It's like death." Stiles explained. "Once it's hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend. You just sit there while she reads and 'listens to you'."
"Hey! I listen." Vivian defended looking at Stiles who had a teasing smile. "I hate you."
"You and Danny can start hanging out!" Tara said excited before toning it down after the look she got from Scott.
"How is this happening?" Scott asked helpless. "I either killed a guy or I didn't."
"I don't think Danny likes me very much." Stiles said completely off topic.
"I ask Allison on a date, and now we're hanging out." Scott continued his own conversation.
"Don't overthink it." Tara said. "Maybe she was just going with what Lydia said."
"Am I not attractive to gay guys?" Stiles asked getting an amused huff from Vivian.
"I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me." Scott said
"Well Jacksons always been a dick." Tara reassured.
"And now I'm going to be late for work. Tare?" Scott said looking at Tara.
"I don't know.." Tara said not sure if she could be alone with Scott right now.
"Please, I miss you around the vet." Scott said convincing her and getting a nod as they walk away from the other two.
Stiles sighs and stops next to Vivian in the middle of the hallway. "He didn't answer my question."
"Why would he?" Vivian asked.
"It's important." Stiles argued.
"Sure." Vivian said unconvinced rolling her eyes, starting to walk away from him.
"V? Am I attractive to gay guys?!" He yelled after her, sighing after getting no response.
Tara and Scott rushed to the Vet, running through the door both with apologetic smiles. Scott rushing out apologies as he dropped his bag down. "Sorry."
"You're all of two minutes late." Deaton said looking through a random box.
"I just don't want you to think I'm slacking." Scott reasoned.
"Scott, I guarantee you, you're one of the least slacking kids in this town." Deaton said finally done with the box and turning around smiling at Tara. "And you brought the other one, hello Tara."
"Hey." Tara said jumping to sit on a counter watching as the two others do small tasks around the small office. She looked up through the door and saw the Sheriff through the window. She tugged at Scott getting his attention as well.
Scott looked terrified as the Sheriff walked opened the door. He put on a nice smile and lead a dog through with him, he also had a few papers in his hands.
"Hey, I see someone's ready to get their stiches out." Deaton said when he noticed the two enter the room. Tara smiles wide and jumps down waving at the Sheriff with a smile. One night when she was younger, her parents had gotten very mad and yelled at her. It scared Tara so much she hid in her closet and called the police station and got Noah. When she explained what was happening he drove over and took her away from her parents from the night. Ever since then he'd been nicer to her and was like a second father to her.
"Hey there, Scott, Tara." Noah said taking off his sunglasses. "Staying out of trouble?"
"Yeah." Scott said scared.
"You know I'm not." Tara said getting a smile out of Noah.
"Hey, listen, while I'm here, you mind taking a look at those pictures I was telling you about?" Noah asked as Deaton looked over the dog. "Sacramento still can't determine an animal."
"I'm not exactly an expert." Deaton said as he pulled looked over the pictures. "Is this the guy who was attacked in the bus?"
"And the Library." Noah explained. "And we found wolf hairs on Laura Hales body."
"A wolf?" Scott asked. "I mean, I think I read somewhere that wolves haven't been in California, for like, 60 years."
"True enough, but wolves are highly migratory. They could have wandered in from another state driven by impulse or strong enough memory." Deaton reasoned looking through all the pictures of the two peoples injury's that Tara couldn't stand to look at.
"Wolves have memories?" Scott asked.
"Long-term memories, yes. If associated with a primal drive." Deaton responded grabbing a specific picture and showing it to Scott and Tara. "You see this mark here?"
"Those are claw marks. A wolf would've gone for the throat or spinal cord with it's teeth." Deaton said motioning to his throat at the end, then showing the dead women's picture with her throat torn in half. "Like here."
"So what do you think, it's a mountain lion?" Tara asked trying not to sound too weird.
"I don't know. A wolf could chase down it's prey, hobbling it by tearing at the ankles." Deaton said taking a second before ending it looking at the Sheriff.
"And then the throat."
Naomi was worried, and for good reason. Her kids found a dead body and they have been distant recently. Tara is having problems with Scott and Vivian is becoming friends with Sydney again, neither of them have come to talk to her about it either. Naomi tried to ignore the worry because she trusted the two and if they needed help they'd come to her.
Naomi was at the front desk next to Melissa filling out some papers when Scott and Tara walked up each with a bag of food.
"Is my beautiful, and wonderful son actually bringing me dinner?" Melissa asked when she noticed Scott walking up with a huge smile.
"And is that my fantastic Tara?" Naomi said walking out from behind the desk to hug Tara who handed her, her own bag of food. "Thank you, Hun."
"Thought you wouldn't mind skipping the cafeteria tonight." Scott said leaning against the counter with a nod from Tara.
"You always complain about it, so thought it'd be nice to help." Tara added with a shy smile.
"You are the most thoughtful, loving, most conniving little con artist ever." Melissa said looking at Scott. "You are so not getting the car tomorrow night."
"Mom." Scott said his smile dropping. Naomi looked over at Tara, who was now avoiding her gaze.
"What? There's a curfew, so no car." Melissa stated simply. "But I will take this."
Melissa then snatched the food from Scotts arms, while a smirking Naomi took her own food around the counter next to Melissa. "Would you do the honors of having dinner with me?"
Melissa smiled and nodded, they both started walking to the break room waving at their children trading separate 'I love you's.'.
After the two parents disappeared Scott sighed defeated. Tara gave him an apologetic look, shrugging. "I thought it'd work. Naomi can always be swayed by food."
"Naomi is different from my mom." Scott said back. Tara was starting to walk out when she realized Scott wasn't following. She turned around and saw him staring at the room the bus driver was in. She quickly walked back over to him and out a hand on his shoulder.
"Are you sure?" Tara asked in a whisper looking at him not getting an eyes back. She just got a quick nod and they started to slowly walk to the room together.
The entire way the both looked hesitant, even as Scott opened the door and they got into the room. Tara stood behind Scott as he pulled the curtain back. When the bus driver was revealed he looked horrible. Tara let out a quiet gasp as she hid her head in his shoulder.
Scott let his eyes wander the room quickly as he let Tara press against his side. Even though he had a girlfriend, or he hoped she was his girlfriend, it didn't feel weird. Tara and him were always like this, he was glad they hadn't changed.
"Mr. Meyers?" Scott said out loud not expecting him to actually wake up and slowly turn towards Scott and Tara. Tara hesitantly moves her head to look at him as well. "Are you okay?"
After a minute Mr. Meyers starts to groan. He rocks back and forth and then grabs Scotts arm pulling him while he starts seizing. Scott and Tara start panicking when Naomi and Melissa run in.
"What are you doing in here. Get out now!" Melissa yells at the two while Naomi tends to him.
As Tara and Scott run out Tara has to take a minute and calm her racing heart, while trying to forget what she just saw.
Sydney didn't even hear Scott walk in. She had been avoiding the four after her freak out in the hall way. She was just waiting for the other shoe to drop, to learn that she had killed someone. And it had dropped, it dropped hard. Mrs. Morris who was always nice to her. She couldn't get Vivian's scared face out of her mind, she didn't want to learn what Tara thought about her know that she knew she was a werewolf, Scott is just being reckless, and she couldn't look at her innocent brothers face with the knowledge she could have killed someone.
She was sitting in her room just staring at her closet trying to decide whether or not she should suck it up and just go to the date with Lydia and maybe bring some random girl. Before she could finally decide Scott walked into her room and just started talking.
"You had a weird dream too, right." He stated not leaving room for an answer. "It was in the Library. Wasn't it."
"What do you want Sc-" Sydney sighed tired of all this only to get interrupted.
"You want answers. I know you do. I can get us some." Scott said pacing around her room.
"What do you mean?" Sydney asked intrigued.
"I talked to Derek. He said he could help us, but it would come at a price." Scott explained. "He didn't tell me what, just that I'd know. Anyway he also said that if we just went back to where it happened, the bus and the library, then we'd remember."
"Okay?" Sydney said sitting on the edge of her bed. "What's the catch."
"I know you've been avoiding us since that night. But we need them for this." Scott said looking her directly in the eyes.
Sydney stayed silent and looked out the window as the moon began to rise. She sighed and looked over at him waiting for him to speak first.
"Are you in or out?" Scott asked walking slightly closer to her.
Vivian liked having a plan. She thrived when she had one, so obviously when Scott told them his goal she made a plan. As far as she knew Stiles was the only one who didn't know that Sydney was a werewolf. Which was weird and annoying but she'd keep Sydney's wish for as long as she could. They would drive to the school around midnight, with them all sneaking out of their house.
Scott would go to the bus alone while Tara, Stiles, Vivian, and Sydney would keep watch. But they'd tell Stiles last minute that Sydney and Tara want to check out the library to see if the police missed anything. Vivian was slightly offended that she wasn't the chosen person to go with Sydney but she kept that to herself. Then the two were's would rack their memory and come back hopefully before the police security could catch them.
So far everything had gone to plan. None of their parents had caught them sneaking out, well if they did they didn't say anything. When Scott had gone to the bus Stiles tried to follow but was rejected, then was rejected again when going to library and was now pouting alone with Vivian.
"I mean, it's like I'm not even Robin. I'm like Alfred." Stiles complained to Vivian. Who had a horribly fake annoyed smile.
"What would that make me?" Vivian asked with a tease.
"Obviously Barbra Gordan." Stiles said with a wink. "And if I was Robin.."
"I thought you were Alfred. You're mixing this all up." Vivian joked.
"Gorgeous, if you were Batgirl. Then I promise I'd do my best to be your Robin." Stiles said earning a scoff from Vivian who turned hiding the slight blush on her cheeks. That's when she saw a guard looking around the buses. She hit Stiles pointing to the light, he then honked signaling Scott while Vivian texted Tara and Sydney to meet them up at the front of the school where they'd pick them up. Tara didn't get the text.
Sydney and Tara had been doing fine up until the library. As they got closer Sydney got more shaky. At the front of the door Sydney stopped getting a flash of when Vivian was dragged back into the library.
She walked and touched the tip of the glass lightly getting the flash of Vivian crashing through it. She shook her head and hesitantly walked inside while Tara decided to stay in the hall and keep watch. She then looked over at the table where she had pinned Vivian too and had a flash of Vivian's scared face and Sydney's claws dug into her hips. She then saw it in a different view as if she was watching instead of doing it. Instead of Vivian it was Mrs. Morris.
She then had a flash of her being around the library and reaching out of her desperately and she tried to grab her hand only to get claws in her own hand. She then stumbled back into reality and grabbed her healed hand. Before she could see anything else Tara ran in.
"There's some guard out there." Tara said quietly turning off her flashlight and ducking behind the knocked down shelves with Sydney. "We have to get out of here."
Sydney was still in shock about what she'd seen so she couldn't really respond. Tara's phone went off and Sydney threw it against a wall and grabbed Tara's hand. They sprinted out of the library and down the hall as fast as they could and they exited in the nearest entrance lucky that no one saw them.
Sydney had started to calm in the fresh air and saw the Jeep at the front of the school. They both ran and jumped into the back with Scott.
"Did it work?" Tara asked slightly too loud.
"Yeah, I was there last night." Scott said as Sydney subtly nodded. "And there was blood- like a lot of it was mine though."
Sydney agreed and cringed back at the image of it all. She then thought back to it and some of the blood was hers. She then looked up at Scott.
"Did you attack him?"
"No, I was there but I saw glowing eyes. and they weren't mine." Weren't mine either. "It was Derek."
"What about the driver?" Vivian asked as they kept speeding in the empty street.
"I think I was actually trying to protect him." Scott said.
"Wait why would Derek help you remember that he attack the driver?" Stiles asked taking a quick glance back.
"That's what I don't get." Scott said.
"It's got to be a pack thing." Vivian said
"What do you mean?" Scott asked with Sydney giving her a confused glance.
"Like an initiation. You do the kill together." Vivian explained further.
"Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience." Sydney commented from the back.
"Yeah, but you didn't do it. Which means you're not the killer." Tara said was a bright face.
"It also means that I can go out with Allison." Scott said with the same expression
"I was gonna say it means you won't kill us." Tara said.
"Oh, yeah. That too."
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