☽ Team Protect Lydia ☾
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Vivian looked behind herself as she walked at the back of the group. They had just gotten out of class, all frazzled after what just happened to Lydia. Scott lead the group with Allison next to him, then Tara and Stiles, Sydney was in front of Vivian at the rear. They were almost to Coaches office, their safe meeting place since they all knew his schedule at this point.
Before Sydney could enter the room, Vivian grabbed her arm letting the door shut and leaving them in the empty locker room. Sydney looked annoyed as she turned to Vivian. "What?"
"You need to tell Mikayla, you know what class she has." Vivian said, serious as ever. She could see Tara's blonde hair from the small window, watching to make sure their absence wasn't noticed. "This just got very real, her sister deserves to know and Mikayla has to know more about what's going on then any of us."
Sydney nodded, not as annoyed by Vivian anymore. "You're right."
"I'll tell you if we come up with a plan." Vivian said as Sydney walked away. She then hurried into the office right as the other four started talking.
"Derek's outside waiting for Lydia." Scott informed Allison and the other humans who weren't honed in on Derek's every movement like the wolves were.
"Waiting to kill her?" Allison asked, worried but still confused on what she just witnessed. Scott and her were in the center of the room, not too much room between them. Stiles was in the back corner with Tara, both watching the interaction while Vivian stayed by the door.
"Presumably." Vivian said, crossing her arms. Scott looked at her for a second before explaining it more thoroughly to Allison. "If he thinks she's the Kanima, then yes, especially with what happened at the pool."
"It's not her." Tara said with a shake of her head, walking a few feet towards Scott, Stiles following her lead.
"It doesn't make sense, if it's her and not me." Vivian agreed, resisting taking a shaky breath.
"She didn't pass the test, nothing happened." Scott reasoned with a shrug.
"It can't be her." Vivian said with conviction. They all looked at her before sharing their own looks.
"It doesn't matter, because Derek thinks it's her." Allison said with a frustrated look. Tara nodding along.
"He's not taking the chance that it was a 'mistake'." Tara added, looking solemn.
"So either we can convince him, he's wrong-" Allison started actually trying to be the problem solver.
"Historically, that's not be an easy feat." Vivian added getting looks at her unhelpfulness.
"Or, we figure out a way to protect her." Allison finished, but to them all it sounded like an impossible task.
"We do have like three werewolves on our side." Tara tried to add hesitantly.
"So does Derek, but he also has himself. We could barely take down Peter." Stiles said with a slightly manic smile.
"I really don't think he's going to do anything here, not at school." Scott reassured them. It made sense, it would only reveal himself and he was already on the polices radar.
"What about after school." Allison snapped, worried about her best friend.
"Well that's the real problem here." Tara said trying to joke but falling flat. They whole room basically sighed as they tried to come up with a plan.
"What if we can prove that Derek wrong?" Allison asked after leaning her head back in exasperation.
"By 3:00?" Stiles asked like it was the worst idea he had every heard.
"I think the only way we can do that is by finding the actual Kanima." Vivian said, again getting glares from Tara and Allison for still shooting down their ideas. "But Scott, and Tara, should still try to talk him down."
"There should be something in the bestiary." Allison said, with a shrug. "If the first plan doesn't work."
"Oh you mean the 900-page book written in ancient archaic Latin that none of us can read? Good luck with that." Stiles bounced back, in his usual sarcastic tone.
It was silent for a moment before Allison furrowed her eyebrows. "Actually I think I know someone who might be able to translate it."
Actually having some hope, Scott met Tara's eyes. They both knew what the other was asking and they both agreed. "We can talk to Derek, maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove it's not him."
"But if anything happens, you guys let me handle it, okay?" Scott said looking between the three. "Or at least Sydney."
"I'm a wolf too, Scott." Tara said crossing her arms and straightening her posture.
"A, you're a lot newer then either of them; and B, you're going to be with him anyway." Vivian explained, walking over to Tara and placing a hand on her arm. "Plus, you're kinda technically part of his pack."
"Vivi-" Tara started but got stopped by the look in her eyes.
"Tell me you'll be able to hurt Isaac or Boyd when the opportunity presents itself." Vivian said, keeping eye contact even when Tara tried to look away.
"Scott doesn't want to hurt them either." Tara said, looking over Vivian's shoulder at said wolf.
Vivian gave her a small smile. "Brings me to my next point." She turned to face Scott. "We can take care of ourselves."
Stiles came up behind her, pulling her a step back from Scott. "You shouldn't really be talking."
"None of you, except Tara, can heal like I can. Once again, she'll be with me." Scott said sounding frustrated at his stubborn friends and girlfriend. Allison rolled her eyes, turning to her bag and pulling out a wooden contraption. Everyone looking over her shoulder as she did so.
Allison then flipped it down and a mini crossbow was revealed. She then held it up for everyone to see. "I can protect myself."
"Badass." Vivian muttered to Stiles getting a small smile from him.
Scott looked conflicted as the three humans stared him down, well Stiles wouldn't really be described as staring down but Vivian and Allison did it well enough for him.
"What?" Allison asked after Scott took a second too long to respond. He again didn't respond. "Did something else happen?"
"I just don't want you getting hurt." Scott finally said back, leaning slightly closer. Vivian took that as her queue to turn away and towards Stiles and Tara.
Tara also looked conflicted and worried but not for Allison, for Vivian. "I know that look, Tare."
"Vivian, you were just in the hospital." Tara said back, getting Stiles' nod as a backup. Vivian rubbed her hands over her face.
"Sydney will be there, so will Allison and Mikayla, our expert archers." Vivian said, with a hard look. "I know they won't leave Lydia's side, and I won't either... I know what she's been through. She doesn't deserve to die for it. I'll be safe."
Tara looked like she felt better about it, but still she was conflicted. "Tara, you need to do this. You need to close this.. relationship you have with Derek and his pack. Don't you want that?"
"Yeah, I should." Tara said, finally being honest. "They're just like me, Vee."
Vivian looked down at her hands. "I know they are. If you want to help them, then you need to stay with Scott, and you need to try and talk them down. They've been through hell, they need someone else on their side."
Tara was nodding, but then Stiles stepping towards her drew her attention. "But they're still trying to kill, Lydia. So if they're not taking the bait.."
"I need to wait for another time." Tara nodded with a deep breath. "My first goal is to help her, and you guys. Always."
"I trust you, Tara." Vivian said, making Tara feel instantly better and guilty. They all turned to Scott and Allison again, they seemed to had finished their conversation. Scott motioned for Tara, the two started to walk towards the door when an arrow went flying from behind. Scott catching it just in time.
They all looked back to see Stiles standing with the crossbow looking guilty and stunned. He had been messing with it. Allison grabbed it from him, while Vivian hit his arm.
"Sorry. Sorry."
Tara kept a cold face as she trailed behind Scott to the lacrosse field where they found Boyd standing. "We want to talk to Derek."
"Talk to me." Boyd said back, he was more neutral then the other two of Derek's pack. He didn't have to ooze confidence to be threatening. He was already a strong guy before even being turned.
"Boyd, come on." Tara said as they got closer to Boyd. He started walking towards them. "We don't want to fight."
"Good, 'cause I'm twice the size of both of you." Boyd said back, finally showing a confident smirk. Tara and Scott shared a look as they stopped a few feet in front of Boyd.
"True." Scott said back looking Boyd up and down. "Really, really true."
"Good thing there's two of us." Tara added with a smirk of her own.
"You wanna know what I think?" Scott asked, getting a playful nod from Tara. Taunting Boyd. He tilted his head as a response. "We're twice as fast."
Scott then went down and knocked Boyd down to the ground before he could get a punch in. Tara stayed where she was, proving that if Scott could do it on his own, then together they wouldn't struggle to win. But they all knew that wasn't the full truth. Tara was still as new as Boyd, even if she was faster than him, it wouldn't help her too much.
Boyd hopped up quickly but Derek was there in an instant before the fight could continue. "She failed the test."
"I've failed plenty of tests, doesn't mean I should die." Tara said back with a sigh. "Lydia is different."
"I know, at night she turns into a homicidal walking snake." Derek bit back at Tara.
"I'm not going to let you kill her, we won't." Scott said back, moving slightly so he was more between Derek and Tara.
Derek shared a look with Boyd, both looking amused. "Who said I was going to do it?"
Tara and Scott traded a confused look before their heads whipped back to the school. He had sent Isaac and Erica to do the job. They didn't hesitate to try and run back to the school, but Boyd took Scott off guard and knocked him to the ground. Derek just grabbed Tara's arm and felt her struggle for a few seconds before throwing her to the ground beside Scott.
They both groaned as they recovered from the brute strength thrown at them. Derek looked down at them. "I don't know why you think you have to protect everyone, Scott, but even so, Lydia has killed people and she'd gonna do it again, and next time it's gonna be one of us."
"What if you're wrong." Tara said back.
"She was bitten by an Alpha. It's her." Derek snapped back, losing his patience.
"You saw that thing up close. You know it's not like us." Scott said back, finally having caught his breath.
"But it is! We're all shapeshifters." Derek about yelled down at him. "You don't know what you're dealing with. It happens rarely and it happens for a reason."
"What reason?" Tara asked, looking up at him. Innocent as she usually is, it's probably why Derek liked her when he first met her. She's not like everyone. She stays innocent through the bad parts of life. It's a blessing and a curse.
"Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are." Derek said, slightly softer now. But they all knew what he was implying. Derek held a hand out for Scott to take, Boyd doing the same for Tara. The other two hesitantly took the hands and were pulled to their feet.
"Even Sydney called her cold-blooded." Derek said, close to them both now. He wanted it to stick. But he was talking to the wrong people for that.
"What about Vivian?" Tara asked, the silence loud around her. "The same thing happened to her."
"She wasn't bitten." Scott excused quickly, it was a logical response.
"Then why is she reacting the same as Lydia?" Tara asked, now genuinely asking. It didn't make sense at this point, and Vivian wasn't in the sharing mood. "The scratches were pretty deep."
"What if they're immune." Scott said, coming to a sudden realization. "What if they've got something inside that makes them immune to the bite, that's why the venom didn't affect her."
Boyd looked over at Derek starting to look unsure about his own stance. But Derek was still confident. "Vivian was affected, with Sydney and Stiles as witnesses."
"They were only scratches, the bite hasn't done fully what it's done to Lydia." Tara said as it occurred to her. "Lydia has been acting worse than Vivian, it makes sense."
"No one is immune!" Derek said, now full on yelling. "I've never seen it or heard of it. It's.. it's never happened."
"What about Jackson?" Scott shot back, looking up at Derek. More confident about his theory.
"That's why you tested him. Because you gave him what he wanted. Just like me." Tara added also feeling more confident. Derek was quiet, looking more shameful, if Derek even could look like that.
"Scott, Tara..."
"Peter says the bite either kills or turns you." Scott kept going, not letting Derek interrupt anymore. "You were probably hoping that he'd die. But nothing happened, right?"
Boyd now had lost any confidence or neutrality he had ever had. He was now nervous and uncomfortable. Tara understood the feeling.
Tara looked over Derek's face. "And you have no idea why, do you?"
"No." Derek said through his teeth.
"Well, we have a theory." Tara said looking over at Scott.
"Lydia and Vivian are immune and Lydia somehow passed it on to Jackson." Scott said, Derek still was silent. "You know, I'm right."
"No!" Derek yelled, tired of the two of them.
"You can't do this!" Tara yelled desperately.
"Look, I can't let her live! You should have known that!" Derek yelled continuing the argument. Tara softened, she could see in Derek's eyes that he didn't want to have Lydia killed.
"We were hoping we could convince you, but then..." Scott said, now having the upper hand.
"We weren't counting on it."
"I mean, logically it makes sense that he'd send Erica and Isaac after Lydia." Vivian said, leaning against the lockers in the hallway. Sydney, Mikayla, Jackson, and Allison were tasked with grabbing Lydia and telling her about the study group they were doing. "Keeps his hands clean and gives them a way to 'prove themselves'."
"You think Derek cares about keeping his hands clean?" Stiles asked, looking down at his watch quickly before giving Vivian a look. She rolled her eyes.
"He still wants Scott in his pack, probably also Tara." Vivian said with a shrug.
"What about Sydney?" Stiles asked, picking out the unsaid.
"That ship has sailed." Vivian said with a sigh. "He threatened Lydia and he's threatening her family.. he already turned Erica and Tara."
Stiles didn't have time to respond before the doors opened. Lydia was walking in the front with Sydney holding her arm and Allison on the other side. Mikayla was behind her with Jackson, Stiles and Vivian following swiftly, not before looking behind the others and making sure they weren't followed.
"If we're doing a study group, why didn't we just stay in the library?" Lydia asked, pulling her arm away from Sydney's firm grip.
"Because we're meeting up with some other people." Allison said with a small stressed smile.
"Well, why don't they meet us at the library?" Lydia asked with a sarcastic smile right back.
"Oh, that would've been a great idea. Too late." Stiles said pushing between Jackson and Mikayla.
Lydia slowed down, seeming to realise something. "Wait.. hold on."
"Lydia, shut up and walk." Jackson said grabbing Lydia's arm and pushing her forward. Mikayla pushing to walk on her other side, glaring at Jackson.
Sydney gave Allison an exasperated look as they stood closer together with Stiles between them. Vivian stayed in the back, taking another look back.
Feeling unsettled.
"McCall, Tara! Get over here!" Coach called as Scott and Tara ran past his office. They looked at each other a deflated as they walked over, impatient before he even started talking.
Coach walked out with ripped up pads. Tara took them from him with a confused look as Coach talked. "You know I'm gonna require an explanation for this. You know there are certain responsibilities to be a captain of the lacrosse team."
"Co-Captain." Scott corrected, slightly distracted by the torn up pads that had to have been done by something not human.
"And you, Tara, have responsibilities as a coach."
"Assistant Coach." Tara corrected this time.
"Partial responsibilities." Coach corrected himself this time.
"Where did you find these?" Scott asked, panicked as he looked up at Coach.
"Under the bleachers, and you know somebody's gonna have to pay for these." Coach said not seeming to notice the internal panic in Scott or Tara's body language.
Tara put two torn pieces together and saw the last name, Mahealani. "They're Danny's."
"Oh, great, mystery solved." Coach said, not seeing that Tara was more talking to Scott then him. "Why don't you tell your buddy Danny to take care of his equipment or I'm gonna make McCall take care of it for him." Coach turned to Scott. "Now, do you really want to be taking care of Danny's equintment all the time?"
"That depends. Are we still talking about lacrosse pads?"
"If we're studying at Scott's house, then where is Scott?" Lydia asked as they got out of Stiles' jeep. It was a tight fit and Vivian was still feeling the ache in her legs.
"Meeting us here, I think. I hope." Stiles said, leading the way with the others following quickly.
"Thanks for doing this." Allison whispered to Jackson, slightly away from the group as they were the last to get out.
"I needed to talk to her anyways." Jackson said bluntly, looking behind himself with a dangerous look in his eyes.
Once everyone was inside Stiles locked the door the three ways he could before looking out the window, Vivian beside him. On the other window was Allison and Mikayla.
Stiles and Vivian turned back after they were sure they hadn't been followed, only to be met with a judgmental look from Lydia. Vivian had to resist a snide comment. There was an awkward silence, everyone's eyes darting between each others. Eventually Stiles started to excuse his behavior. "Uh... There's been a few break-ins around the neighborhood."
Mikayla nodded, everyone stayed silent after that. Looking around the house. Mikayla then grabbed a chair close by and put it under the doorknob. Feeling more reassured she turned to find more weird looks to their behavior.
"And a murder." Vivian said, not seeming to dismiss Lydia's suspicion but Jackson took her attention. After getting a look from Allison Jackson nodded his head upstairs. "Lydia, follow me. I need to talk to you for a minute."
"Seriously? What is going on with everyone?" Lydia said, reluctantly following Jackson.
They made it to the top of the stairs before Mikayla and Sydney followed.
Scott and Tara pushed through the crowd of students trying to leave the school at the bell, they had the pads in hand with a very important question for the person they belonged to.
"Hey, McCall." A random guy said, one Tara recognized from the last game. Scott turned his head and Tara heard a click as she had partially turned her head. The guy then nodded his head. "Thanks."
Scott nodded with a confused look before getting back on the task they had been doing before the interruption. They against pushed through a crowd of kids before they were at the library where Danny was sitting with his computer on the table. Tara set it down on the table, earning Danny's attention.
"Dude, what did you do to my pads?" Danny asked, looking annoyed and surprised as he grabbed them.
"Me? You were the one wearing them." Scott said, Tara nodding as they both looked down at him.
"No, I wasn't." Danny said with conviction.
"You were in goal." Tara realised.
"Yeah, different pads." Danny confirmed.
"Then who was?" Scott asked, but he got distracted by his phone ringing. The screen said Allison which meant one thing. "What's wrong?"
"You need to get here now." Allison said, her voice conved fear. "Right now."
Derek's pack was there.
Lydia and Jackson ended up in Scott's room, closing the door behind them. Mikayla and Sydney stood in front of it with their ears against the door. They both never trusted Jackson, even less so in a room alone with Lydia. They also felt better if she had more protection near.
"You okay?" Lydia asked, seeming concerned. Mikayla looked over at Sydney, barely able to hear anything. Jackson made a noise of agreement. "So..."
"So, you never gave me my key back." Jackson said back, aggressive. Sydney looked annoyed herself mouthing to Mikayla 'key' making her also roll her eyes.
"What?" Lydia asked, surprised that's what Jackson would want to talk about. "Your key? That's what you wanted to talk about?"
"Why didn't you give it back?" Jackson pressed ignoring the anger in Lydia's tone.
"Are you kidding?" Lydia said, raising her voice enough that Mikayla could actually hear. "I'm attacked by some lunatic who bites me. A lunatic who, by the way, still hasn't been caught. I spent two days freaked out of my mind walking around the woods naked, all of my friends are acting like total nutcases, and you expect me to be worried about some stupid key?"
"So do you have the key or not?" Jackson asked, not seeming phased by her freak out. "Vivian went through the same thing, and she seems fine. Key?"
Sydney had to keep herself from breaking the door down while Lydia answered. "Not."
"She's lying to him." Sydney whispered to Mikayla with a confused look. Why would she lie about a key?
"You just lied to me." Jackson said as Sydney went back to listening. "Where's my key, Lydia?"
Lydia was quiet, Sydney heard sniffles. She had started to cry. Sydney didn't know what to do, she was frozen. "Huh. It was you, wasn't it? You edited the tape."
"What tape?" Lydia asked, seeming to sober up.
"The night of the full moon." Jackson clarified, still interrogating her.
"That dumbass." Sydney said, taking a step back from the door.
"What?" Mikayla asked, looking worried.
"He tried to record himself during the full moon, his transformation." Sydney explained with a sigh. She pressed her lips together as she came to the other revelation. "But someone edited it.."
Sydney went back to listening hearing Lydia answering whatever Jackson had just said that Sydney had missed. "I have no idea what you're talking about. But if you need it so badly.."
A jangling could be heard, Sydney assumed Lydia's necklaces as she handed the key back to Jackson. "I hate you. I hate you so much."
It wasn't too hard to hear that was a lie. "No, you don't."
"But I should. I really should." Lydia said, Sydney could hear them step closer to each other. She back away after that with an unreadable look to Mikayla.
"What's happening, Syd?" Mikayla asked, stepping towards Sydney. Concern radiating off her.
"They're kissing, or they were going to. Decided I didn't want to hear it." Sydney said back. Mikayla looked disgusted.
"Well, we can't just.. let them." Mikayla said back to Sydney. She tried to move towards the room but Sydney's arm stopped her. "Sydney."
"We have more important things, and Lydia knows her worth. She's not going to get back with him." Sydney reassured Mikayla as she lead her away from the door. They made their way back to the others in a somber mood. "We just have to make sure Lydia doesn't die at the hands of a werewolf."
"We can deal with her lovelife later."
Vivian was still right next to Stiles, thinking that moving any farther from him would be the worst idea. While Allison was on the other end of the door by the other windows. All three of them kept looking out the window, Derek and his pack were just standing around. Sometimes they would talk about something but none of them could understand what.
"Oh jeez." Stiles said rubbing a hand against his face after his last peak. Vivian looked over at Allison to see her just staring at her phone.
"What are you doing?" Vivian asked, not trying to sound accusatory.
"I think..." Allison looked conflicted and scared, Vivian could understand the feeling. "I think I have to call my dad."
"No, if he finds you here, you and Scott.." Stiles argued but Allison wasn't listening.
"I know." Allison said, on the verge of tears. "But what are we supposed to do. They're not here to scare us, they're here to kill Lydia."
Vivian sighed cracking her knuckles anxiously. She turned fully to Allison. "I may not have been your biggest fan, but Allison, you're smart. Your dad is going to kill them if you call him.. that won't help anyone. With this war- We told Scott we could take care of ourselves, and I know we can."
"Vivian, we have Sydney and my crossbow. What can we do with that?" Allison asked deflated.
"I have an idea." Stiles said after a second of consideration. "Just shoot one of 'em."
"Are you serious?" Allison asked, looking concerned for Stiles mental state.
"Like Vivian said, we told Scott we could protect ourselves, so let's do that. Or at least give it a shot." Stiles said, not sounding like he trusted his plan that much.
"I mean, they don't think we're going to fight. So if one of them takes a hit, they're definitely taking it." Vivian said with her arms crossed. "And they have to know we have Sydney upstairs by now, they can see it's only us three down here. They won't expect an attack."
"Which one?" Allison asked as she looked through the window again.
"Derek. Preferably in the head." Stiles said after taking a peak.
"If Scott can catch an arrow, Derek definitely can." Vivian said looking back at Stiles. "I say Erica, or Isaac actually.. any of the three."
"You mean two." Allison asked as she continued looking out the window while the other two just looked at her.
"No, she meant three." Stiles said as he and Vivian rushed to look out the window again. One of them was missing. "Where the hell is Isaac."
"You have to shoot now, before we find out." Vivian said, looking over as Allison raised her bow. Before she could aim, Isaac was behind her. He grabbed the bow out of her hand, throwing her and the bow to the side. Then he grabbed Vivian and threw her to the ground, pushing Stiles to join her.
Vivian sat up as Isaac walked towards where Stiles and her hand landed. She found Allison. "Sydney!"
That's all she had to say before Allison was running up stairs. Vivian was backed up to a wall with Stiles as Isaac's eyes turned yellow.
Her hand reached out for anything she could reach.
Sydney and Mikayla heard glass shattering as Allison appeared in front of them. "Isaac got in, he's with Stiles and Vivian now. Get Lydia, and take her somewhere."
Lydia opened the door the second Allison finished talked, looking confused and slightly scared. Mikayla walked over quickly and grabbed Lydia's shoulder. "Someone's trying to break in, we have to go and call the cops."
Sydney watched as they quickly walked to Scott's bathroom and locked the door. Then she turned to Allison. "Where the hell is Jackson?"
They went into Scott's room and saw the window open, with the toxin dripping from it. Allison pointed her crossbow towards it.
"Stiles, Vivian, it's here!"
"Stiles, Vivian, it's here!" Vivian heard Allison yell down as she grabbed the broken leg of a table. Hitting Isaac's face with it. That didn't seem to affect him as much as Vivian then slamming into his knees with it. He stumbled slightly, giving Vivian enough time to slip away.
Stiles had just been thrown into a wall before Isaac had turned his attention to Vivian. That had been happening for five minutes at this point. Isaac dealing with both of them. "I really wish I had some wolfsbane."
"Nice joke, Vivian." Isaac said, sarcasm oozing from him. "We really could've been friends, if I wasn't here to kill your other friend."
"I'd hardly call Lydia my friend." Vivian said, as she stood with Stiles while Isaac approached them.
"Then why are you risking your safety to protect her? Cause I actually recall you hating her." Isaac said tracking Stiles and Vivian as they tried to edge away from him. "Those glare's weren't subtle."
"Yeah, but it seems I hate Derek and Erica more." Vivian said wincing as she felt the ache in her leg from the first throw to the ground she took.
"Hates such a strong word." Isaac said staying where he was, not trying to attack them.
"You used it first." Stiles spit back at him. Isaac shrugged, then he lunged at them. Stiles and Vivian dove in two different directions. Vivian kicked Isaac's leg, making sure his attention was on her.
Vivian was crawling back as Isaac advanced on her. She was basically in the corner of the room. "What happened to you, Isaac?"
"Derek, and don't you see how good it's been." Isaac said, looking so reassured.
"Why are you so loyal to.. Derek?" Vivian asked, genuinely confounded by the choice. "Even Tara doesn't fully trust Derek, don't you trust Tara?"
Isaac seemed to falter, but not enough to not notice the bat coming for his head. He caught it in his hand, turning to face Stiles. "Seriously Stiles?"
Stiles had a smirk. "Seriously."
Isaac then noticed how his hand started to feel sticky...and numb. He released the bat as saw the toxin covering almost the whole bat. Then he collapsed. Vivian looked up with a shocked smile, she stood up quickly. Then she saw Allison standing with Sydney, who held a paralyzed Erica. She pointed to Allison. "That you?"
Allison nodded. "Badass."
Then she saw Tara and Scott who had entered through the back. Vivian and Stiles walked over to them, while Tara walked over to Isaac. She crouched down, pushing his hair out of his face. "Isaac."
"Tara." Was his response before she stood up and let Scott grab him. Sydney and Scott threw them both outside before they all walked outside, standing as they faced Derek and Boyd.
"I think I'm finally getting why you three keep refusing me." Derek said with a smirk even though he had lost. Scott and Sydney were the farthest on the porch. with Allison and Tara on Scott's side and Stiles and Vivian on Sydney's. "You're not omegas, you're already in your own pack. I'm still deciding who the alpha is, I'm leaning towards Scott."
They all looked at each other, confused why Derek looked so triumphant. Derek's smirk grew "But you know, you still can't beat me."
"But we can hold you off, until the cops get here." Sydney responded with a smirk of her own when she heard the familiar police sirens. That ended as quickly as Derek's did when they all heard footsteps scurrying on the roof.
The pack all rushed to the other side of the porch from the noises. Allison and Scott grabbed onto each other, Tara gravitated towards Vivian while she grabbed Stiles hand. Sydney stood on her own. They all looked up at the roof to find the Kanima, it looked down at them before hissing and scurrying off.
Derek glared down at his two paralyzed betas before back at where they'd seen the Kanima. He looked back over at Boyd. "Get them out of here."
They all kept staring at where they had seen the Kanima until they heard two pairs of footsteps coming outside. Lydia and Mikayla both ran out, Mikayla's eyes locking on Boyd's. Lydia just looked pissed. "Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"
They all just looked between Lydia and each other. Seeing her mere moments after the Kanima meant only one thing.
It couldn't be her.
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