☽ Swimming Lessons ☾
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Mikayla watched as one of Beacon Hills players was thrown to the ground by a player from the other team. He looked gigantic from where she was seated next to Allison and Gerard. Stiles was in a red tracksuit on the bench with Tara next to him. She stood up from her seat to yell with Coach.
"Come on! Is that thing even human?" Tara yelled standing next to Coach. Said player was looming over their own, Tara could see his smug smirk.
"Is it even a teenager? I want to see a birth certificate!" Coach added moving to sit next to Stiles, Tara joining him on Stiles' other side. "Who or what is that genetic experiment gone wrong?"
Stiles opens and closes his mouth a few times before answering the question. "Eddie Obomowitz, Coach."
"The Abomination?!" Tara asked, her eyes widening as he looked back at the field. "I didn't know he played for this team?"
"Oh, that's cute." Coach scoffed to the side. Tara's gaze made its way to where Sydney was sitting with Vivian, Melissa, and Naomi. The Argents knew she was a werewolf, so she couldn't sit with Allison and her grandfather like Mikayla was.
Vivian could feel how heavy her eyes were, trying to force her to sleep with their weight. It was a chilly night, she could see her breath. Her mom was beside her, focused on the game but Vivian could still feel how Naomi's eyes bore into her every few moments. Vivian knew she looked like a corpse lately, but right now she needed to push the sleep deprivation to the side.
She had a job, so did Sydney and Stiles. So did Mikayla and Allison. Theirs was the most important one.
Mikayla hoped the cool air could excuse why she was shaking. The nervous energy she was exerting was starting to effect Allison. She rubbed her hands over her arms then down her legs before she spoke, looking over at Mikayla for a small burst of bravery.
"I knew I should have brought a warmer jacket." Allison said, smiling like it was a joke. Gerard looked over at his granddaughter. He immediately took off his jacket.
"You're cold? Here, take my coat." He said standing, causing Allison to the same so she could take the coat. Her little plan working, now it was Mikayla's turn to help. The two sat back down, settling before Mikayla said anything.
She felt Allison slip something into her gloved hand, she grabbed onto the keys before sitting up straighter to see over the crowd, spotting Stiles in his bright red.
"I'm going to go say hi to Stiles, hopefully make him feel better about how the team's playing." Mikayla told them, the small smile not something she had to fake. Even if she was set on getting over Stiles, butterflies still filled her stomach at the thought of seeing him.
Sydney could hear as Mikayla got up, discreetly getting up with her own excuse. Melissa and Naomi were more focused on their children, concerned looks at the violence on the field. As she walked past where Allison and Gerard were sitting she heard a small part of their conversation.
"Teenage crushes, huh?" Gerard said referring to Mikayla and Stiles. She was holding his hands, jumping slightly like she was telling him something exciting. Sydney took a deep breath at the sight, her eyes looking up at Allison. She had a melancholy look at the pair. Sydney didn't have the heart or energy to see Vivian's reaction. Probably a mask of what she was actually feeling.
Vivian took a shaky breath, she could tell the rest of her body was shaking too. Whether from the cold or the nerves, she didn't know. She tapped Naomi on the shoulder, earning her moms full attention in a few seconds.
"I'm going to go on a short walk." Vivian said, trying to keep her voice even. She could already see the concern that started to appear on Naomi's face. "I'll ask Stiles and Sydney to keep me company. Just some jitters from the game. Nothing serious."
Naomi looked hesitant as she replied. "..Okay. Don't be gone too long."
"I won't. I promise." Vivian said quickly before leaving just as fast. She accidentally bumped into a player, apologizing before she rushed off. Naomi's eyes were on her as she met up with the other two behind the bleachers. Stiles staying close to her side as they walked towards the school, with the key Mikayla had slipped him. All out of Gerard's sight.
When Naomi looked back towards the game, Melissa was looking at her. "Everything okay?"
"I don't know." Naomi said with a sigh, rubbing her hands over her face. Melissa could understand what Naomi was going through, it felt like they didn't know their kids anymore. Melissa wrapped an arm around Naomi, she leaned into the touch.
"I can't feel my legs!" A player exclaimed as he was wheeled away. Naomi looked back at Tara, nervousness flowing off her in waves.
"That one yours?" A player asked, he had a camera around his neck. He was looking down at Melissa.
"No, mine is still on the field." Melissa said with a polite smile towards the stranger. The stranger held up his camera, taking a picture. "While, I'm here, really wishing that he would have stuck with tennis."
"Mine's helping the Coach. She's more of a leader-" Naomi tried to brag before she saw Tara throw her clipboard down. Then grab it, wiping it off and hugging it to her chest. "She would not do well at this sport."
The stranger chuckled at the two mothers. They looked over at him, he was looking back at photos. "Are you the yearbook photographer?"
He looked back up taking a second to process what they had just said to him. "No, I just take pictures."
"Just lacrosse? Or other things?" Melissa asked, trying to make conversation. He looked back down at his camera, flipping to a new picture the two of them couldn't really see.
"Anything that catches my eye." He said, his tone made Naomi feel uneasy. While he walked away she caught a glimpse of the picture he took.
The curly head of hair she saw was too familiar.
Vivian stopped in the middle of the parking lot. The shadows felt like they were moving around her. Out of the corner on her eye she saw a figure walk into the shadow the building made. Her eyes darted away, only to meet Stiles eyes. He was in front of her with a concerned look. "Are you okay?"
"Fine, just.. little nervous." Vivian said, stumbling slightly on her words. She could tell neither of the twins believed her. Sydney was standing off to the side with her arms crossed.
"Vivian." Stiles said, really wanting an answer before the committed a felony. Vivian couldn't lie when she was looking into his honey brown eyes.
"I think I should stay out here, keep a look out. You know." Vivian conceded, there was no judgment in either Stilinski's eyes as they nodded.
"Okay, if that's what you want to do. The infamous Stilinski twins will cause chaos without you." Stiles joked managing to pull a smile out of Stiles. "Plus, you were always good at watching our backs and making sure we didn't get into trouble."
"Yet, you always managed to find yourself in some kind of mess." Vivian teased him back, the dopey grin on Stiles face brought her comfort. "Go, you're on a time crunch."
Stiles still looked unsure, remembering the last time she was left alone this close to the woods. But the stern look on Vivians face convinced him. He started to walk quickly to the entrance of the school, finally noticing that Sydney wasn't next to him anymore.
During Vivian and Stiles' talk she had snuck off to a familiar car with its lights on. She slowly approached the drivers side door. Lydia was inside her car, red gloves on as they wiped her tears. Sydney didn't hesitate to knock on the window.
"Lydia, what's wrong?" Sydney asked, Lydia just looked down. Sydney sighed knocking again. "Come on, please-"
"Just go away!" Lydia yelled, turning fully to Sydney. Sydney's eyes softened when they fully looked at Lydia. Her outburst didn't scare Sydney off.
"What's wrong?" Sydney asked softly, Lydia still furiously wiping her tears.
"Look, I don't need anyone seeing me cry." Lydia said back. The anger gone, more just embarrassment.
"I think you look beautiful when you cry, or when you do anything really." Sydney said, leaning against the window with her arm. "You shouldn't care about people seeing you cry. You're allowed to express emotions other than disgust and happiness."
Lydia searched her best friends face for the lie and found no traces. She finally rolled down the window, Sydney's eyes widening in surprise for a second before she leaned further into the car. Sydney waited for Lydia to start talking. She looked hesitant, fear in her eyes.
"You're going to think I'm crazy." Lydia said, her voice a whisper. Sydney couldn't help but let out an amused breath.
"Lydia, trust me when I say this. Nothing you could ever say to me would make you seem crazy." Sydney said with a sincere look. Lydia seemed to relax as Sydney kept talking. "Even if you use those big words I don't know. Anything you say... I'll listen with my whole heart."
The crowd cheering made Sydney snap back into reality as she noticed her brother walking towards her. She let out a conflicted breath, a pained look on her face. "In five minutes."
"What?" Lydia asked, confused at the sudden change.
"I just need five minutes, to do something- like really important. Then I'll be back and we can talk about anything. We can do anything. I'll be all yours." Sydney explained, Lydia leaning her head against her hand. There was a tense silence before Lydia gave in.
"Five minutes."
Danny was sitting on the bench with an ice pack on his head. Tara was fighting back the urge to bite her nails as Coach squatted in front of him. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Four?" Danny asked looking at the two fingers in front of his face. Tara slapped her head into her clipboard.
"Say two." Coach whispered, holding his fingers closer.
"Two?" Danny said, still disoriented. Coach's face split into a grin as he helped Danny up.
"Perfect. Get out there. Come on!" Coach yelled as he forced Danny onto the field, throwing his stick at him. "Get out there, and have a stick."
"Stay safe!" Tara yelled after Danny, catching the ice pack he had dropped.
"You're still short one player, Coach!" The ref yelled at him. He looked back at the bench to find it empty, shaking in anger.
"Where's Stilinski?" Coach asked, looking around and finding no sign of him. Tara knew she had to cover quickly. She looked into the stands and her eyes landed on Boyd, next to Erica. Tara elbowed Coach, nodding her head over to the man.
"You! You play lacrosse?" Coach asked, Boyd's eyes widened in shock, Erica's were in fear. Tara raised her eyebrows at him. He wanted to be like Scott, this was his chance.
Mikayla's head whipped back to look at Boyd. He was standing, Erica's hand on his chest. She whisper-yelled something at him. His eyes moved to her, Mikayla gave an encouraging smile.
Boyd took off his jacket.
Stiles and Sydney were looking everywhere they could in the office. They were finding nothing. After a few minutes they gave up, deciding there wasn't a book to be found in the office. Stiles pulled out his phone, starting to text Allison when a presence made Sydney look up.
Erica stood in front of them with a smirk on her face. She startled Stiles, making him jump back slightly. Sydney stood completely still.
In a second Erica had Stiles in her grip and a knowing look in her eyes. Erica knew Sydney wouldn't fight her, not the way Erica would fight back. Erica had Stiles, Sydney had to follow her.
She led them to the pool, Derek standing there with a basketball in his hand. She let go of Stiles, going to stand next to Derek. Both were in front of the other two.
"Stiles, Sydney." Derek greeted like they were friends. Sydney wanted to punch him.
"Derek." They said at the same time. Both equally aggravated.
"What did you see at the mechanic's garage?" Derek asked, still curiously looking at the basketball in his hand.
"Uh.. several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting." Stiles sassed back making Sydney grin to herself. She looked back up at the two werewolves with a stone cold look on her face.
Derek and Erica also laughed at his joke but theirs were more threatening. Derek extended his claws, cutting into the basketball and making it deflate. Sydney took a step in front of Stiles.
"None of your business." Sydney said with the hint of a growl.
"Well.. if neither of you want to tell us what happened. We could find your friend, Vivian. Ask her instead." Derek said, seeming to find the right button to press.
"Alright." Stiles said, giving in to the threat, a shaky breath accompanied his sentence. "The thing was pretty slick looking."
"The skin was dark, kind of patterned." Sydney muttered, not happy that she had to talk to the people in front of her.
"I think I actually saw scales." Stiles added finishing the description. Erica was a shade whiter, Derek looked like he was thinking.
"Is that enough? I have someone I really need to talk to." Sydney said, Erica didn't seem to happy at the statement. Derek looked back up at them with a sharp look in his eyes.
"All right, fine. Eyes." Stiles said, reaching back into his memory. Sydney was too focused, looking at Erica. Every time she saw her she didn't see this new Erica. All that went through her mind was the old Erica. The one who snorted when she laughed and messed with her hair when she was nervous. "Eyes are.. yellowish and slitted."
"It has a lot of teeth. Oh, and it's got a tail too." Sydney quickly added with a sigh. "That's all."
They both waited for a response but got nothing as the two looked up above Stiles and Sydney. Fear was visible on Erica's face, Derek's only showed in his eyes.
"What? What, have you seen it?" Stiles asked looking between their faces. Sydney started to back away at the looks. "You have these looks on your faces, like you know exactly what we're talking about."
Stiles and Sydney turned around to be faced with the thing that haunted their dreams.
Tara watched with bated breath as Boyd played. Mikayla was holding Allison's hand as the game continued. The Abomination tried to bodyslam Boyd, which had to be against the rules at the intensity he was doing it. But he bounced right off Boyd, landing on the ground in front of him.
Mikayla was the first to stand, everyone followed after her. Cheering at the fact they got that monster off the field. Tara clapped as loud as she could. Coach yelling next to her.
"The bigger they are... the bigger they are!" Coach yelled, Tara too distracted to notice the weird phrase. Melissa and Naomi stayed seated, but clapped as loud as everyone else. Naomi even dog whistled.
Boyd took off his helmet with a confident smile. He looked around at the cheering crowd. His eyes landed on Mikayla. His smile widened as he heard her cheers. He lifted a fist in the air, his eyes moved to Scott. Glowing yellow.
Scott looked back at Tara, who noticed it as well. She was surprised the clipboard hadn't broken under her hands. She looked back at Mikayla and Allison.
They were looking down at Allison's phone. Stiles had texted them, 'nothing here', Mikayla looked down at Tara shaking her head.
Boyd was standing ready for the whistle to blow for the next game. Scott ran up to him, a hand against his chest. He was saying something but Boyd wasn't listening. The whistle blew and Boyd was off. Scott only waited a second before running beside him.
He grabbed the ball before Boyd could and took off. Tara watched, holding her breath. She knew Scott was starting to use some of his advanced abilities, just so Boyd wouldn't reveal his secret. Which wouldn't have happened if she hadn't suggested him but she had to ignore that tiny voice in her head for the bigger one worrying about Scott.
Scott kept going and made the game winning goal. Coach fell to his knees with a scream. Everyone was cheering until they saw Scott get body slammed by the opposite team. Tara could hear the crack of the bone as he landed. She took off when she heard the whistle calling a yellow penalty.
Naomi stood with Melissa. Both of them jogging over to where Scott was laying. Tara got there first, Allison closely behind her with Mikayla standing behind the two as they kneeled beside Scott.
Tara looked up to see the two teammates chest bumping at what one of them had done. She stood up, walking until she was almost chest to chest with them. "You think that's funny?!"
Coach pulled her away, the refs getting between them. Tara turned to find Scott reassuring Allison. "I'm fine. I'm healing. It's okay."
No one else could hear it but the four of them, Tara using her advanced hearing. He looked up at Tara before looking back at Allison. "The book?"
"It's not in his office. It's gotta be at the house." Allison whispered to him, Mikayla looking back to make sure Gerard wasn't in earshot.
"Scott. Oh, my god, your leg is broken." Mikayla said, looking down at the bend out of place leg.
"Not for long." Scott said, starting to get up. Tara and Allison helped him, letting his arms rest on their shoulders. His leg had already started to heel. Now it just looked like a twisted ankle.
Coach, Melissa, and Naomi pushed through the crowd looking at Scott with shock as he started to stand.
"Scott, don't move-" Coach said, looking down at his leg with a tilted leg.
"It's okay. It's okay. I'm fine. I'm fine." Scott repeated to the nervous three. Naomi had her hands on her hips.
"I could have sworn I heard bone breaking from where we were sitting." Naomi said, Melissa nodding with wide eyes.
"Heard it? I felt it." Coach said as Gerard made it to the group.
"Coach-" Tara said adjusting Scott's arm on her shoulder.
"Seriously, guys, I'm fine." Scott said with a nervous chuckle, Allison looked at Mikayla motioning over to Gerard. They both walked over to where he was standing. Tara now the only person keeping Scott up, not like he really needed it anymore but she was a cautious person.
"We should go." Allison said to her father with Mikayla next to her. Mikayla was getting a ride home since Allison had driven her to school, and she couldn't find her sister anywhere.
"Hold on. I wanna ask him one more thing."
Sydney and Stiles backed up to stand with the other two. Sydney was in front of Stiles as the reptilian looking at them landed. Derek crouched to the ground, ready to fight.
It threw Erica into a wall before it pounced towards Derek. Sydney pushed Stiles to the side, she then ran to where Erica landed, unconscious.
Derek spun away from the attack but Sydney could see red on his neck. "Derek?"
"Your neck." Stiles said as Derek reached back. Stiles caught him before he could hit the ground. He started to drag Derek away from the thing.
"Where is it? Can you see it?" Stiles asked panicked as he dragged Derek across the room. Sydney looked around, crouched defensively in front of Erica.
"No, just hurry." Derek snapped limping with the mobility he had left for the moment.
"Call Scott!" Sydney yelled, looking through her pockets not finding her phone. She looked at where she had been standing and saw it on the ground.
Sydney went to grab it but was blocked by the reptilian. She looked over at Stiles and Derek. He had dropped his phone, reaching to grab it made Derek fall into the pool. Unable to make himself swim, he sunk to the bottom.
"Stiles!" Sydney yelled, his head snapped over to her. "Help Derek, he's the only one that knows about this shit. I'll get my phone."
Stiles took the instructions and drove into the pool. Grabbing Derek's arm and wrapping it around his shoulder.
Sydney had a stare off with the thing in front of her. Both waiting for the other to make a move. Then the doors opened behind them. Tara walked in, not expecting what she saw.
"What the fu-" Tara said before she saw Sydney reach for something. The reptile was quicker, cutting Sydney's neck. She stumbled back, looking up at Tara before falling into the pool behind her.
Tara looked between the pool and the monster in front of her. She ran as fast as she could. Diving into the pool before the thing could get her. She sunk until she could grab Sydney's arm.
They both broke to the surface, breathing deeply. They looked over at the other side of the pool where Stiles and Derek were floating.
"Where is it?!" Stiles yelled looking around. Tara did the same, seeing nothing.
"I don't know!" She yelled back, nervous that she couldn't see the enemy. They heard a hiss echo through the room.
"Are you gonna get me out of here before I drown?" Derek asked, his gruff voice loud enough for them all to hear.
"You're worried about drowning?" Stiles bickered back, gasping for breath. "Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth?"
"Where's Vivian?" Tara asked, it was the whole reason she was there. She had told Naomi that Vivian went home with Sydney and Stiles after the game since the three couldn't be found. Scott had been invited to Allison's house.
Naomi was obviously worried but she trusted Tara. She trusted the Stilinski's and honestly she just wanted to go home and sleep. She wished that her daughter would be at the house with her but teenagers sometimes need their space, or that's what she had heard.
"I don't know." Stiles said, panic obvious in his voice. "She seemed off then she stayed outside, to keep watch. I haven't seen her since."
"Great, another problem!" Sydney said taking deep breaths, only her head above water.
"Did you notice I'm paralysed from the neck down in 8 feet of water?" Derek asked, Sydney rolled her eyes.
"Get your own problems." Sydney yelled back, hating the familiar feeling of nothing.
"Also it's 7 feet of water." Tara corrected getting a glare from almost everyone in the room. Stiles sighed, looking around the room again.
"Alright, I don't see it." Stiles said, starting to push him and Derek to the edge of the pool. Tara started to do the same, her werewolf strength helping.
"Wait, wait. Stop, stop." Derek said making all of them freeze. He thrust his head to the wall, the shadow showing it was still in the room with them.
Tara turned her head to look at it face to face. She swam away from the edge, dragging Sydney along with her. "What's it waiting for?"
They stayed floating, watching as the creature circled the pool. It stopped by the latter and splashed its hand into the water before shaking its head and backing up.
"Wait, did you see that?" Stiles said, him and Derek closer than Sydney and Tara.
"What?" Sydney asked, her nervous gaze moving to Stiles.
"I don't think it can swim." Stiles said, explaining why it hadn't killed them yet. They were mostly quiet after that, watching as it stalked them like they were prey.
"Why did you have to drop your phone so far away?" Tara asked, no accusation in her voice. Just fatigue.
"Okay, okay. I don't think I can do this much longer." Stiles said, human and tired. If Tara was starting to feel drained, Stiles had to feel much worse.
Stiles eyes locked on his phone. Right on the edge, Derek could tell what he was thinking. "No, no, no! Don't you even think about it."
"Do it, Stiles!" Sydney yelled, ignoring the sharp look from Derek.
"Can you trust someone for a second." Tara yelled at Derek. He scoffed at her.
"I'm the one keeping you alive, okay?" Stiles said his head bobbing underwater for a second. "Have you noticed that?"
"Yeah." Derek conceded, spitting water out of his mouth. "Who's gonna be able to fight that thing, you or me?"
"A, we're right here, B, what if it gets you again." Tara said, she looked over at where Erica was still unconscious.
"Is that why I've been holding you up for the past two hours?" Stiles asked, reminding Tara how long she had been floating in the water.
"Yup. You don't trust me. I don't trust you." Derek stated matter-of-factly. "But you need me to survive, which is why you're not letting me go."
"You ever here about the scorpion and the toad?" Sydney asked, taking quicker breaths. "That's not always a good incentive."
Stiles stared at him for a few minutes before making a decision. He threw Derek off of him and into the pool. "Stiles!"
Stiles swam to the edge as Derek sunk. The thing stopped a few feet from Stiles. Just staring.
"You trust me?" Tara asked, looking at Sydney. She sighed before nodding. Tara dropped her, swimming to the edge, getting out of the pool.
She made eye contact with the monster. He started to edge towards her instead. It started moving fast, Stiles grabbing his phone quickly.
Tara ran slightly further down until she was sure Stiles was safe. Then she dove down again, grabbing Sydney just as Stiles called Scott. The reptilian keeping his eyes on her as she swam.
"Scott!" Stiles yelled into the phone before he moved it away from his ear with a shocked look. Tara knew he was with Allison so he must have hung up on him.
Stiles threw his phone somewhere else in the pool before diving down and grabbing Derek again.
"Tell me you got him!" Sydney said, still trying to catch her breath. She didn't see the call from before.
Their silence was enough of an answer. They all stayed quiet again, starting to give up hope on surviving. Tara was still wondering where the hell Vivian had gone.
"I can't stay up any longer. I need something to hold on to." Stiles said, his eyes landing on the small diving board. He wasn't able to grab it, his strength failing him as he and Derek started to sink.
"Derek! Stiles!" Tara yelled as she watched them go down. But just as quickly as it happened, Scott pulled them out. He was wolfed out and crouched in front of the two.
Tara had never feel as relieved as she did in that moment. She started to drag Sydney to the edge. Luging her up and over before pulling herself out. Keeping an eye on Scott.
The creature launched itself at Scott, he jumped in time to miss it. They landed facing each other. The things tail wrapped around Scott's ankle and threw him into a mirror.
Scott recovered quickly, grabbing one of the broken pieces as a weapon. Tara took that as her cue to check on Erica.
She was starting to come too but she had hit the wall hard. She looked disoriented, Tara moved Sydney over to the other girl. Erica grabbed Sydney's hand, seeming to find comfort in it.
The monster looked at its reflection in the mirror, tilting its head at the sight. Scott noticed, looking at the mirror in confusion.
The reptilian ran at the wall, using it to push itself onto the roof. Swinging from one of the support beams to break through the glass part of the roof. They all panted, exhausted.
"Don't hang up, next time."
They all huddled around Scott's computer. They were scrolling through the pages on the file located on Gerard's keychain.
"Is that even a language?" Stiles asked, it was difficult to read. They were all having trouble. "How are we supposed to read this."
"It's called the Kanima." Derek said walking up to them with Erica beside him.
"You knew the whole time?" Sydney accused, anger from earlier resurfacing.
"No. Only when it was confused by its own reflection." Derek explained, water still dripping from him.
"It doesn't know what it is." Tara said, feeling empathy for the thing that tried to kill her.
"Or who." Derek added.
"What else do you know." Stiles asked, worry for Vivian starting to surface.
"Just stories. Rumours." Derek said shaking his head.
"But it's like us?" Scott asked, getting to the root.
Derek nodded. "It's a shape-shifter, yes. But it's not right. It's like a..."
"An abomination." Stiles said looking down at his shoes. Derek agreed with Stiles, him and Erica turned to leave but Scott stopped him.
"Derek." Scott said, making them stop and turn back to the teenager. "We need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the Argents."
"Like hell." Sydney said, looking at Scott like he was crazy.
"You trust them?" Derek asked, anger surfacing in his tone.
"Nobody trusts anyone." Tara broke in. "That's the problem."
"While we're here arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger and faster than any of us, and it's killing people." Scott continued raising his voice. "And we don't even know anything about it!"
"I know one thing. When I find it, I'm gonna kill it."
Stiles rubbed the towel over his head. His plaid pyjama pants on with a slightly too big shirt on. He had just taken a shower after his after school pool party.
The lights in his room were off as he walked in, only the open window bringing light inside. He flipped the switch and revealed, Vivian.
She was sitting on his bed. Her knees held to her chest by her arms and her head buried. Stiles rushed over to her. Sitting in front of her on his bed.
He looked over her, seeing no injury. Her clothes looked fine, like she was perfectly fine. But she wasn't. Her breathing was quick.
She looked up at Stiles, glossy eyed. Stiles could feel his heart caving in with worry. The girl he was in love with was on the brink of a panic attack.
"Vivian, Vivian. Tell me what's happening." Stiles said breathless, having difficulty keeping his hands at his side. But she was in a bad state, he wasn't going to touch her without her permission.
"Stiles." She squeaked quietly. Stiles nodded, letting her know she had his full attention.
"I don't know what's real anymore."
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