☆ Stopping The Alpha ☆
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Tara didn't have a good feeling about anything. Not since they left the dance, and she sure as hell didn't like how empty the hospital suddenly felt. Mikayla, Stiles, and her were wall walking towards the elevators when Jackson started to trail after them.
"Hey, where are you going?" Jackson asked as he caught up.
"To find Scott." Stiles said quickly not wanting to talk to the man more than he had to.
"You don't have a car." Jackson pointed out.
"We're aware of that. Thank you." Mikayla said shooting a glare at her sisters ex-boyfriend, something Tara has never seen Mikayla do.
"Here, I'll drive. Come on--" Jackson said grabbing Tara's shoulder when they kept ignoring him. She shoved his arm away before he could grab her. They all stood facing him with varying looks of anger and annoyance.
"Look, just because you feel guilty all of a sudden doesn't make it okay, all right?" Tara said with a cold tone. "You are still an asshole."
"Look, I have a car. You don't." Jackson said not even showing any friendliness towards any of them. "Do you want my help or not?"
"All right. Did you bring the Porsche?" Tara asked as Jackson pulled out his keys.
"Yeah." Jackson said as Tara grabbed them from his hands.
"Good. I'll drive." She said and they all turned to keep walking when they were face with two hunters lead by Chris Argent.
"Boys." Chris said before turning to the other two. "Girls. I was wondering if you could tell me where Scott McCall is?"
Tara was forever grateful for the fact that Sydney hadn't dated any relatives of hunters so they didn't know she was a werewolf too. They probably suspected since they weren't idiots, but now she only needed to lie for one friend.
"I don't know, sorry." Tara said followed quickly by Stiles.
"Haven't seen him since the dance." Stiles said, both him and Tara good at thinking on their feet.
"Who?" Mikayla said quickly. The hunters turned to Jackson who looked overly nervous.
"Uh.. I.. Uh." Jackson stuttered not able to find the words he needed. Tara rolled her eyes. Jackson literally didn't know where Scott was, like at all. He wouldn't even be lying. How could she have liked this guy for like a week.
"Oh, for the love of god." Stiles said sharing Tara's sentiment.
They were all grabbed and thrown into an empty operating room. Chris looked the door as the four turned to him, leaning against the padded table behind them.
"Let's try this again." Chris said with a threatening edge. "Where is Scott McCall."
They all stayed quiet so Chris grabbed Stiles by his shirt and slammed up against the cabinets. Mikayla pressed against the wall with a hard look from one of the hunters while he was holding Tara by her arm, the other hunter holding Jackson.
"Let me ask you a question, Stiles." Chris said only inches from Stiles face. "Have you ever seen a rabid dog?"
"No." Stiles said with a shake of his head. "I can put it on my to-do list if you just let me go."
"Well, I have, and the only thing I've ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon." Chris explained. "Do you wanna know what happened?"
"You used the power of friendship to cure him?" Tara asked with a sarcastic smile. The hunter holding her covered her mouth as his grip on her arms tightened.
"He tried to kill me, and I was forced to put a bullet in his head." Chris said poking Stiles forehead as reference. "The whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way towards me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. Can you imagine that?"
Stiles shook his head, Chris having let go of him. "No. And it sounds like you need to a be a little bit more select-"
Stiles was interupted when Chris slammed his fists onto the cabinets behind him. Trapping Stiles in his arms. "Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon? Did you have to lock him up?"
"Yeah, I did. I had to handcuff him to a radiator. Why? Would you prefer I locked him in the basement and burned the whole house down around him?" Stiles asked with a new anger in his voice. Chris started laughing as he too a step away from Stiles.
"I hate to dispel a popular rumor, Stiles, but we never did that." Chris said in an aggravating tone. Tara broke away from the guy holding her cause he didn't anticipate how strong she actually was.
"You lying bastard. Derek said you had a code." Tara said with tears brimming her eyes as she marched over to Chris. "I guess no one ever breaks it."
"Never." Chris said looking into Tara's eyes.
"What if someone does?" Tara asked not looking away from the hard look.
"Someone like who?" Chris asked curiosity replacing the coldness.
"Your sister."
Scott, Sydney, and Derek were trying to catch their breath as they walked towards the house. They had made it out of the tunnel and were now walking close together.
"Hey. Hold on." Derek said being the furthest behind because of his weak state. Sydney and Scott didn't register it until he repeated it again. "Hold on, hold on."
Derek looked around the woods for a minute before he turned back to the other two. "Something doesn't feel right."
"What do you mean?" Scott asked, both of them feeling it too.
"I don't know. It was- It was kind of like it was-" Derek said trying to find the words.
"No, don't say 'too easy'." Sydney said as she leaned against a tree. "People say 'too easy' and bad things happen."
Derek just sighed at Sydney but kept looking around. He was right, it felt weird.
"What, do you think finding you was easy?" Scott asked annoyed. "Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy."
Derek took one more glance before he took a deep breath. "Fine. You're right."
"Thank you." Scott said. As they started to get ready to walk again an arrow flew through the air, right into Derek's arm.
Sydney and Scott both looked around trying to spot where it came from and their eyes locked onto Allison and her Aunt.
"Now the leg." Kate instructed Allison who was the one with the bow.
"Fuck you." Sydney said to no one in particular, okay maybe Allison. She released the arrow and it hit Derek's leg, making him fall completely to the ground.
"Flash bolt." Kate said next as Allison reloaded. Derek turned his head to the two who hadn't been hit.
"Your eyes!" He yelled as Allison shot another arrow. Scott was frozen to his spot and just stared as the flashed made him land straight on his ass. Sydney at least covered her eyes but momentarily lost where they were.
"Asshole!" Sydney yelled in their general direction. She was too fucking tired for more of the Argents bullshit.
Sydney took quick breaths of air, she looked over at Derek who had pulled both of the arrows out of himself and was now running towards them. He grabbed the blind Scott and pulled him towards the house as Sydney followed. "Come on! Let's go!"
Derek got as far as he could before he fully dropped to the ground again. "Scott, Sydney, go!"
Scott was trying to rub the blindness out of his eyes while Sydney was feeling that confidence from before, leave her body like it wasn't even there in the first place. Scott looked up and saw two blurry figures moving towards him. Sydney made eye contact with Derek while Scott tried to talk his way out of this.
"Allison, I can explain." Scott said from the ground as he leaned on his elbows.
"Stop lying. For once stop lying." Allison said to Scott while Sydney backed away.
"Don't think he's capable of that Allison." Sydney said trying to joke.
"I was gonna tell you the truth at the formal." Scott said as he failed to crawl away. "I was gonna tell you everything. Because everything that I said, everything I did-"
"Was to protect me." Allison said with a scoff in her tone.
"Yes." Scott said, and honestly Sydney didn't fucking care. She just wants Peter to show up so she can just kil- stop him. She can't deal with it anymore. She's going insane with fear about what Peter'll do or make her do. She doesn't care if Scott and Allison end up together. If their forbidden romance works out. She just wants to see her best friends, and her family.
"I don't believe you." Allison said with tears brimming in her eyes. Sydney scoffed cause Allison was getting dumber by the say if she didn't see how much Scott ditched his friends so he could be with her.
"Thank god. Now, shoot him before I have to shoot myself." Kate said walking in from the woods. Sydney darted her eyes to Allison with a glare. If she shot Scott, Sydney wouldn't hesitate to kill Allison in the most brutal way possible.
"You- You said we were just gonna catch them." Allison stuttered looking back at her aunt.
"We did that." Kate said still walking towards her niece. "Almost."
Kate looked over at the still upright Sydney and shot at her. Sydney fell to the ground almost getting hit with a wolfsbane bullet, but lucky for her it looked like it actually hit her so Kate looked over at Derek this time.
"Now we kill them." Kate said shooting Derek in the chest before looking back over at the other two. "See? Not that hard."
Allison looked down at the terrified Scott then back at Kate who tsked at her. "I know that look. That's the 'you're gonna have to do it yourself' look."
Kate then pointed the gun at Scott making Sydney who was still laying on the ground, ignored, and Allison panic.
"Kate, Kate, Kate, what are you doing?" Allison asked trying to stop her aunt but getting pushed to the ground, right next to Sydney. Kate didn't seem as phased as Allison was by staring at Scotts scared eyes.
"Mm. I love those brown eyes." Kate said tilting her head as she cocked her gun, Sydney held her breath.
"Kate!" Chris yelled coming into view and stopping Scott's public execution. "I know what you did."
Kates eyes looked over to the burned house before they went back to Chris who was a few feet away. "Put the gun down."
"I did what I was told to do." Kate reasoned moving her gun around slightly.
"No one asked you to murder innocent people." Chris said back. "There were children in that house, ones who were human. Look what you're doing now. You're holding a gun at a sixteen year old with no proof he spilled human blood. We go by the code- nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent."
"We hunt those who hunt us." Allison repeated with furrowed eyebrows.
Kate didn't respond to either of her family and just started to pull the trigger when she saw in the corner of her eye Chris old his gun up to her.
"Put the gun down." Chris repeated his hand and gun shaking. Kate just stared at him so Chris shot the tree behind Kate as a warning. Sydney flinched back revealing herself. "Before I put you down."
Kate slowly lowered her gun making Sydney fill with relief. Chris and Kate were still staring at each other when the door to the Hale house creaked open.
"Allison get back." Chris yelled with his gun still pointed at Kate as they both stared at the door.
Kate quickly held her gun back up to the now open door. Scott and Sydney scrambled to their feet and stared at the door. Chris walked closer so his gun was pointed at the door. All of them frozen waiting for something to happen.
"What is it?" Allison asked scared and confused from behind everyone.
"It's the alpha." Sydney said her eyes glowing yellow along with Scotts. After another moment a black flash darted back. They all turned around looking for where Peter could have gone. Chris and Kate with their guns, Allison with her bow, Scott and Sydney with their claws.
It darted past again, knocking Chris down. They all spun towards where Chris was laying before moving looking around once they realized Peter wasn't there. It started to rain as Allison was knocked down next. Scott was knocked down followed soon after by Sydney. Leaving only Kate.
"Come on! Come on!" Kate yelled turning to a new direction every couple of seconds. She turned again but her gun met Peters hand. She shot it but missed since Peter had pointedher gun away from himself.
He twisted her arm as she kept firing. He then elbowed her arm making her lean lower to the ground. Still holding her gun, Peter grabbed Kates throat with a cold look in his eyes as he threw her onto the charred porch. He then walked over to her and grabbed her throat again and dragged her into the house, struggling.
Allison quickly got up and followed her. Sydney sighing as she got up as well and ran in after the dumb human. When they got inside they saw Peter in the very corner with his claws on Kate's throat.
"She's beautiful Kate." Peter said to the shaking girl in her arms as he looked at Allison. Sydney standing a foot away from her looking at Peter with a glare. "She looks like you. Probably not as damaged. So I'm gonna give you a chance to save her. Apologize."
Allison was close to sobbing as Kate looked at her with fear and love. Sydney was watched as Peter filled with anger in his old burned down house. Where was Scott.
"Say that you're sorry for decimating my family, for leaving me burned and broken for six years." Peter said going into more detail. "Say it.. and I'll let her live."
Sydney moved closer to Allison with her own dangerous look at Peter. She knew it was fruitless to try and stop Peter alone but she wasn't going to live with the guilt of just standing there.
"I'm sorry." Kate said as Peter moved his claws closer to breaking her skin. A small smile made its way to Peters face before he slit Kates throat with his claws. She fell to the ground while Allison ran past Sydney to get to her. She stopped a few feet away from the body and gasped as she looked at her. Sydney took a few steps closer but kept her eyes on Peter.
"I don't know about you, but that apology... didn't sound very sincere." Peter said tilting his head with a predatory look. Sydney let herself start to turn as Peter started walking towards them. She heard a growl and looked over to see Scott right next to her also wolfed out. Another growl was heard and she snapped her head over to see Derek appearing from somewhere in the back of the house, also in his wolf form.
"Run." Sydney said as Peter looked them all over. Allison taking the direction very well. All three of them charged towards Peter and all three of them got pushed to the side without leaving a scratch.
Derek was the first up and was thrown into the roof and then down onto the floor. Peter than rolled him into a pile of wood. Sydney took this opportunity to try and sneak attack Peter by attacking his back. Peter just flipped her back onto the ground just as quick. Scott tried the same thing and got thrown back into a dresser. Derek was back on his feet and kicked Peter before he was slammed into the ground and then kicked back down when he tried to get back up. Peter grabbed his leg and threw him into Scott and Sydney, who had just gotten back up.
Peter lost control for a second and almost transformed but stopped just in time for Derek jumped up and get pushed into a covered mirror. Sydney and Scott were both up again, they did the same attack of going for Peters middle but he just kneed Scott and kicked Sydney. He tried to throw them into a wall but Scott moved just in time and Sydney pushed against him so he fell right into Scott's punch. He was then pressed against the wall while Scott and Sydney kicked and hit him a couple of times. Peter threw them off of him and stalked back over to them holding them up by their necks getting punched once or twice before he threw them in opposite directions.
He fully lost control at that point and they all watched as he transformed into the fury alpha they'd come to fear.
Sydney and Scott went crashing through the front window of the house a few minutes later. The rain had stopped luckily but it was still muddy so Sydney took a minute getting up, same with Scott. They both looked up from where they laid as Peter came crashing through after them.
He picked Scott up from the ground and kept Sydney there by pressing his fury foot on her chest. They were both gasping for air when they met each others eyes and nodded. Sydney used all her strength to push his foot away making him lose balance while Scott kicked his stomach. Peter went flying backwards.
Peter got recovered pretty quickly and he was about to attack when tired screeching and lights caught their attention. Jackson, Mikayla, Tara, and Stiles were all outside of Jacksons car in a second. Stiles ran towards Scott holding a molotov cocktail but Tara was frozen in her steps, staring at what's been the star of her nightmares.
Stiles threw the molotov cocktail at Peter who caught it before it could hit him. He growled loudly at Stiles. Mikayla looked over at Scott and saw his eyes look over at a discarded bow. Allison was busy with her father who had just gained consciousness. Mikayla sprinted to the bow sliding on her knees as she grabbed it. Thankfully Allisons' arrows were right next to it.
Mikayla only took a second to load and then aim the arrow before she let it fly into the beaker, lighting Peter on fire. Allison looked at her with a question in her eyes. Mikayla just mouthed 'hobby'
The fire had started on Peters arm but stopped before it could reach is body. Stiles looked over at Jackson who had the other molotov cocktail. He took a second before he threw it and successfully lit the rest of Peter on fire.
Peter turned towards Allison and went for her but Scott kicked him in the face before he could even take a step in her direction. They all watched as Peter stumbled to the ground and slowly change back to his human form that was just as burned as his wolf form. Once he fell completely to the ground Sydney looked over in Stiles direction. She walked as fast as could over to him and pulled him into a tight hug.
"I miss talking to you." Sydney said with tears in her eyes.
"Me too." Stiles said back.
When they siblings finally let go of each other they saw that Allison and Scott had made up. Mikayla was admiring the bow in her hands and Tara was checking her phone which had blown up since she left the hospital.
All their attention was drawn back to Peter as they saw Derek walk over to his dying uncle. Peter was struggling for air while Derek stood over him, moving his legs so Peter was between them.
"Wait!" Scott said sprinting over to Derek who was now kneeling over Peter. "You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. If you do this, I'm dead. Her father, her family-- what am I supposed to do?"
Derek looked like he was debating it, and annoyed that he had to debate about it. Peter started to talk before Derek had decided. "You've.. already.. decided. I can smell it on you!"
Peter flashed his red eyes as Derek held his arm out and extended his claws before he slashed them across Peter's throat. Derek got back on his feet and slowly turned to the others flashing his new shiny red eyes.
"I'm the alpha now."
Vivian gasped awake. She looked around panicked before she had to spot and squeeze her eyes shut. Her headache was so much worst, anything she did caused a massive aching pain to shoot through her head. Then she felt everything she'd eaten in probably her life start to come up. She tore off everything on her and ran to the trash can.
She looked down and saw black liquid mixed in with her normal throw up. The door opening caught her attention and she wiped her mouth quickly looking up. Naomi was standing above her with a worried face.
"Aw sweetie." Naomi said helping Vivian stand and get back to her bed. She got Vivian situated again before calling a nurse on duty to come and check Vivian over. Vivian's headache was the same as it had been the minute she woke up. It stayed like that until the nurse got there then it disappeared as if it wasn't even there.
Vivian answered the nurses questions and nodded along until she left. She looked over at her mother who still had that worried face on. Vivian wanted a different look so she looked out her windows and found no one she knew.
"Where's Tara and Stiles?" Vivian asked looking back over at her mother.
"Probably off trying to find who hurt you." Naomi joke but still having to blink back tears.
"I'm sorry for worrying you." Vivian said softly grabbing her mom's hand Naomi looked down at their intertwined hands.
"You always worry me." Naomi said with a small smile but when she looked back up she had tears in her eyes. "I let you go on these adventures because you always come home safe and sound. Vivian I want you to have fun but I need you to promise me to come home safe."
"I promise." Vivian said immediately trying not to show how uncertain she was that she could keep it. They sat there for a while with brief moments of conversation, but mostly comfortable silence. That was broken when the group got back to the hospital.
Tara ran to Vivian's room as soon as the elevator doors opened. She pulled Vivian into the best hug she could. Naomi smiled at the two girls. Her two girls.
"I'll leave you to your friends." Naomi said standing up. "I have to call Melissa anyway."
"You don't have to." Vivian said looked at her mom slowly walk to the end of the bed.
"You deserve some private friend talk." Naomi said blowing her a kiss and waving at Tara as she left.
"Boy, do I have a story for you." It was quite the story that Tara told about what happened. It was also very detailed. Vivian listened to every word, and digested it all. Vivian let her eyes drift towards her window and Stiles.
After probably an hour Tara seemed like she had talked herself tired. Stiles had stayed sat outside Vivian's room the entire time. Tara sighed and stood up looking at Stiles through the window.
"I'll let Stiles have some alone time now." Tara said but before she could leave Vivian grabbed her wrist. "He was really worried."
"I'm sorry." Vivian said the words she'd been thinking for the past hour. "I haven't been the best friend."
"You've been the bestest friend. What are you talking about?" Tara asked with a confused smile.
"Well for one I kissed the guy you've been in love with since forever and didn't even apologize. I don't know what I was even thinking, I wasn't." Vivian said quickly. Tara stood in thought for a moment before looking back at Vivian.
"Thanks for apologizing.. but- but I think it's a good thing." Tara said nodding to herself.
"Really?" Vivian asked in disbelief.
"I think it was the final push." Tara said. "It helped me finally get over Scott."
"Do my ears deceive me?" Vivian asked getting a small laugh from Tara.
"I know, don't worry the world isn't ending." Tara said taking a deep breath and continuing. "I use to think that there was no one else but Scott. He was the endgame but at the formal-- when I danced with Issac.. it was so- nice."
"Issac Lahey?" Vivian asked with amusement. "He's cute."
"I know." Tara said before she started rambling again, and Vivian didn't mind listening some more.
In the hall Stiles was trying to keep his leg from bouncing but it was difficult with how nervous he was. From the corner of his eye he saw Sydney take the seat next to him.
"How did you do it?" Stiles asked looking over at Sydney. "How did you stand up to Derek and Peter? How'd you face that fear?"
Sydney took a deep breath and thought it over. "I thought about you and dad.. and mom. When she died.. and even before that I tried to block it out. To run away from it. I was still terrified, if Scott wasn't there.. I don't know if I could've done it."
Stiles nodded along remembering it all. The Stilinski's will probably never forget the year their mom got sick and then died.
"I ran when I started to develop feelings for Vivian. They were so small, it was probably just the closeness and how comfortable I was getting with our friend group. But I got scared it was going to end bad and so I ran." Sydney explained. "I left you guys and joined Lydia's group where if I did something wrong it wouldn't matter."
"It wouldn't have mattered to us." Stiles said softly.
"I know... I was so scared. It's my biggest regret. I lost that year with you guys. But I still got to meet Lydia and that's one of the best things that happened me. When I was standing with Scott in that vet, I just thought about how I couldn't lose you again- I couldn't let Peter ruin it." Sydney said she looked over at Stiles who still looked worried. "What's got you scared."
"It's nothing." Stiles said quickly sitting up straighter.
"We promised we'd talk more." Sydney reminded him. Stiles sighed and slumped in defeat.
"I love her so much. At the formal she was so close, her love was so close I could grab it. But then in an instant it was.. gone." Stiles explained. "I don't know what to do."
Sydney looked over at Vivian who was smiling. Sydney use to hate when she did that cause it made her so much more beautiful. Now she loved it because Vivians natural smile is so relaxed, it's the one time you see her fully let her guard down anymore.
"You know her more than me Stiles." Sydney said looking back at him. "Just talk to her."
Stiles nodded but didn't look anymore reassured. Sydney saw Tara start to actually leave the room this time and decided to stand.
"I'll talk to her for a bit so you can gain some more courage." Sydney said getting a grateful smile from Stiles as she replaced Tara.
"Hey stranger." Sydney said taking a seat by Vivian's bed.
"You aren't the Stilinski I was expecting." Vivian said but she didn't seem that surprised.
"You hurt me Gasko." Sydney said with a smile. Vivian playfully rolled her eyes and glanced over at Stiles. Sydney looked at the wall behind her head, where Lydia's room was.
"Do you think there's every a universe where this works?" Sydney asked after a moment of silence. "Us?"
Vivian sighed as a smile spread on her face. "I do... but it'd be a boring one, cause there'd be no Stiles or Lydia."
Sydney met Vivians eyes, hers slightly wider than the latters. "I don't know what you're talking about?"
"When I look at Stiles the whole world fades. I don't care if it's going slowly or if it's speeding up because if I spent the rest of my life staring at Stiles.. I'd consider that a good life." Vivian explained with a fond smile. "When I talk to him it's never dull. I keep him in line and he makes sure I have fun. We work. So do you and Lydia."
Sydney let herself smile as she thought about Lydia. "Do you ever get tired of being right?"
"It gets annoying sometimes." Vivian said as she looked out the window again only her eyes landed on Mikayla who had taken the seat next to Stiles. "Go sit with Lydia. If she wakes up she'll want a familiar face that isn't related to her."
Sydney followed Vivians eyes, she sighed. "Don't overthink it, V. That's always been your flaw."
Sydney walked out and looked over the pair for a minute. Mikayla reminded her of Tara at the beginning of all this. She knew that Stiles didn't like her the way she liked him, but she needed more time before she'd be able to face that.
"Mikayla can you sit with me so I have someone to talk to?" Sydney asked getting an enthusiastic nod, Mikayla's signature.
Stiles took a deep breath, and then another, and then he walked in. He wiped his palms on his pants as he took Sydney's place.
"There's my knight in shining armor!" Vivian exclaimed with a bright smile.
"There's my gorgeous princess." Stiles said in response with a matching smile. He then cleared his throat and looked down at her wrist. "How's the healing?"
"Normal sucky human healing." Vivian said with a pout. "Sadly I'm still a human."
"Are you really sad?" Stiles asked in amusement.
"Nah, I'm too passionate to be a wolf. I'd kill the first person who told me dogs are better than cats because cats 'hate you'." Vivian said laughing along with Stiles. Stiles took another deep breath.
"You know what song has been stuck in my head?" He asked "That one from the formal.. that we danced to."
"That must suck. I hate when slow songs get stuck in my head." Vivian said sitting up further in her bed and accidently getting closer to Stiles in the process.
"I think it's more the memory." Stiles said his voice down to a whisper.
"That was fun wasn't it?" Vivian said her voice following Stiles's. He nodded as they maintained eye contact. Stiles eyes darted to her lips and her breath hitched. His searched her face for something for a minute before he found his answer and connected their lips.
It lasted for maybe a minute but for Vivian it felt like forever. It just felt so right. They pulled apart both breathing heavier. A loud conversation startled Vivian and she pulled back farther and looked at her doorway. Mikayla had just made it and was too focused on Sydney so she didn't see anything. She turned over to the two with a wide smile.
"Do you want anything for the vending machines?" Mikayla asked not seeming to notice the tension in the air.
"I probably shouldn't.. but get me a reese's." Vivian said with a secretive smile. Mikayla nodded and then looked over at Stiles who was staring at Vivian. He snapped out of it it quickly and looked back over at the other people in the room.
"Um- um no nothing.. thanks." He stuttered which seemed to send some signal to Sydney who's eyes widened.
"You should still go with them. Um... cause- you know all those vending machine tricks." Vivian said quickly, Stiles searching her face again. "I should also get some more sleep."
"Bye Stiles." Vivian said cutting off Stiles search before he got a solid answer.
"Bye Vivian." Stiles said getting up and walking away with the other two. Vivian started to do the opposite of what Sydney told her to do. She overthought.
Why did she send Stiles away. Vivian had literally just told Sydney how right they were for each other. But when Vivian thought about, she knew Mikayla deserved him more. Stiles needed someone who would do anything for him, Vivian tried so hard to be that. Plus Vivian was so sure that he liked Mikayla when this whole thing happened, she can't get in the middle of a perfect relationship because the adrenaline cause Stiles to give her a stupid kiss. This year has sucked so far.
Vivian took some quick breaths and blinked back some tears. She looked back over at the trashcan she had thrown up in. She then grabbed her upper arm, and the bite mark that Stiles hadn't noticed. Something was happening to her.
And she didn't know what.
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