☽ Saving Derek ☾
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Sydney's yelling got Allisons attention. She looked horrified as a tear ran down her face. They both looked at Scott who was staring into one of the cars with a murderous expression. He then slowly looked over at Allison again. He wasn't fully wolfed out, Sydney could tell.
They had both gotten better at controlling themselves. A month ago Sydney would have fully wolfed out at just the thought of someone seeing Scott like that. Now she was just worried about how Scott would react to this when he wasn't thinking on just instinct alone.
Sydney was startled out of her thoughts when one of the cars honked and a very recognizable Chris Argent yelled at Scott. "Move!"
Scott then snapped his head back to the car Argent was in before he jumped over the bus and ran into the woods. Sydney didn't stick around long as she followed Scott as fast as possible.
Before they remembered that she was there too.
"No- no, we aren't just gonna let you leave her here." Stiles said to a now standing Peter. He had let go of Vivian who was partially laying next to Lydia who was completely passed out.
"You don't have a choice." Peter said while he typed on his phone. "You are coming with me."
Stiles looked back over at Vivian who was swaying even as she was laying down. She looked greener and paler than usual. Stiles looked back up at Peter. "Just kill me. Look I don't care anymore."
Peter sighed and pulled Vivian up by her uninjured arm, the grass she has been laying on now had a slight tint of red. Stiles's breath picked up as he watched the girl he's in love with wince as a monster digs his nails into her wrist. Vivians head started to ache.
"Call your friend." Peter said to Stiles who slowly rose to his feet. "Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get."
Stiles maintained eye contact with Peter as he pulled his phone out.
Scott sprinted through the forest with adrenaline pumping through him, Sydney right behind him. He threw his jacket on the ground behind him just as Sydney stepped out of her heels. Scott was able to run a few more feet before he fell down to all fours, still taking deep breaths.
Scott let out a painful scream when Sydney came to a stop next to him. She took a step away from him and felt her own breath get heavier. She took a minute to look around and found nothing recognizable.
She let her mind wander to her friends, and wondered if they noticed their friends absences. Vivian might but Sydney hadn't seen her in awhile, same with Lydia. Stiles probably found them by now. Tara's probably worried about Vivian more than she would be about Sydney. Scott might be the one she'd worry about here.
Mikayla will definitely notice if Stiles and the others didn't get back soon.
"Lydia?!" Mikayla yelled when she saw Jackson carrying a bloody Lydia in his arms. She had gone to the parking lot when she didn't see her friends around the gym. That's when she heard Jacksons yelling for help. Then she saw her sister, one of her best friends limp in her asshole of an ex boyfriend's arms.
"Somebody get help!" Jackson yelled once he was in the crowd of students by the parking lot.
Mikayla wondered where the hell Stiles Stilinski was.
"Vivian, I can still call Tara." Stiles said trying to remain as emotionless as possible while also trying to get his stubborn friend to go to the hospital. Vivian had Stiles suit jacket around her and until Stiles started talking she had been using it to try and stop the bleeding from her three wounds.
"I promise I'm not getting any blood on your seats." Vivian tried to joke but fell flat. They were in his jeep with Vivian in the back and Stiles with Peter in the front. The ache in her head was starting to turn into a mild headache.
"That's not what I'm worried about." Stiles said under his breath while he glared at the road ahead of him. Peter on the other hand was sitting casually.
After a moment of silence Peter looked over at an enraged Stiles. "Don't feel bad. If either of them live, they'll become a werewolf."
"Another thing to check off my bucket list." Vivian said her voice monotone as she inspected her wounds.
"Come on Vivian-" Peter started only to be interrupted by Stiles.
"Don't talk to her."
Peter sighed before he continued talking. "She'll be incredibly powerful."
"Yeah, and once a month, she'll go out of her freakin' mind and try to tear me apart." Stiles said after a shaky exhale.
"I'm right here." Vivian said wincing when she tried to sit up. "Lets worry about Lydia. I just have scratches, those won't turn me."
"I wouldn't be too sure." Peter said as he went to looking back out the window. "Well, actually, considering she's a woman.. twice a month."
"If I wasn't in considerable pain right now, I'd kill you."
When Stiles parked, he helped Vivian out of the jeep. The minute she was steady on her feet Peter grabbed Stiles by the back of his shirt and dragged him away from the car. Vivian following with wobbly legs.
They were in some random parking garage. Peter stopped behind a car that Vivian recognized. Peter pulled out the keys.
"Whose car is this?" Stiles asked once Peter let go of him.
"His old nurses car." Vivian took a deep and shaky breath. "She drove me home once."
Vivian held back a whimper. She was trying to keep her emotions inside, but a guy who she had been alone in a room with since she was 13 had given her an injury that could kill her. She was trying to have hope that all this blood was just leftover blood that wasn't needed. But as a daughter of a nurse she knew that wasn't true. She just needed to stay alive long enough to make sure Stiles was okay.
"What happened to your nurse-" Stiles started to ask as Peter opened to trunk to show the corpse of his crazy nurse. "Oh my god."
Vivian hid her face in Stiles shoulder, which she was also using to keep herself steady on her feet. Peter reached into the trunk and pulled out a briefcase and swung it to Stiles chest. Vivian peaked her head out to stare at the women who she had, had multiple conversations with, dead in a trunk.
Tara flashed in her mind. What if that were Tara. Vivian wouldn't be able to take it.
But it wasn't. It was some evil psychotic nurse. Vivian took a deep breath and steadied herself away from Stiles while Peter closed the trunk while commenting. "I got better."
Vivian wanted to kill him.
Sydney hated being a werewolf. She's hated it since the moment Vivian and her confirmed it in the locker room. Sydney hates how it affects her, but even more how it affects her friends.
She was leaning against the wall next to a patient room in the vet. Scott was inside that room, overthinking everything. Sydney hadn't seen Tara, Stiles, Mikayla, Lydia, or Vivian for at least an hour now. She hadn't heard from them either.
The only think she could focus on was how pissed she was at Peter Hale and the people who burned him and his family alive.
Peter Hale and The Argents.
Tara Varrington. To weak to do anything to help. That's all that ran through Tara's head while she was sitting in the hospital. Peter Hale has her friends. That's another thing going through her head.
Lydia had been attacked because she was looking for Jackson, Vivian was also looking for him. Sydney and Stiles went looking for them. The only people who came back were Lydia and Jackson, the two least important people. They couldn't find anyone. Vivian and Stiles were smart, and they could find Derek. Peter is looking for Derek. Derek.
Tara has had a lot of alone time while she waited to see how Lydia was doing. Mikayla kept pacing and crying. Tara did her best to comfort Mikayla, but she was slightly distracted.
For her whole life, Tara always had one strict line between good and evil. That line is getting more blurred by the second. The minute she saw Derek she thought he was evil, then he was good, then he was evil. It's so confusing. Tara just knows that Derek lost his whole family in a fire. If she lost Naomi and Vivian in a fire, then some weird uncle of hers came and asked her to get revenge... she knew she would agree.
Peter lost his whole being because of them. Why should she feel bad for the Argents. When Tara got that far in her thoughts she remembered how she felt when she first saw Scott fully wolfed out. She had been terrified. She can't blame the Argents for having that same fear.
Tara just wanted her friends to be okay.
The bleeding in at least 2 of her wounds had stopped, which was good. Bad thing is that the most important one, her chest, was still bleeding. Another bad thing was that Vivian was getting closer and closer to passing out. She stumbled slightly and fell into Stiles before she took a few deep breaths, standing straight again. Stiles still kept an hand on her arm.
In the briefcase was a computer and Peter had it open on the closed trunk of the car. Vivian was still trying to think of a way to stop Peter without Stiles getting killed.
"Good luck getting a signal down here." Stiles said looking around the deserted garage, then at Vivian. They had been dancing an hour ago, now she was bleeding out and being stubborn about it. Peter handed Stiles a small device. "Oh, Mifi."
"You're a Mac guy?" Vivian asked weakly. "Does that go for all werewolves, or just a personal preference?"
Vivian winced and let out a small sound of pain while Peter grabbed her arm again, reopening the old wound. "Turn it on. Get it connected."
Stiles cast a look over at Vivian who was trying to stay strong. He sighed and moved over to the computer. "You know, you're really killing the whole werewolf mystique thing here."
"Look, you still need Scott's Username and Password, and we're sorry but we don't know them." Vivian said back glaring over her shoulder at Peter.
"You know both of them." Peter stated and dug his claws deeper.
"Fuck!" Vivian said trying to suppress a scream of pain. "We don't know."
"Even if I couldn't hear you heartbeat, I would still be able to tell that you're lying." Peter said moving his claws an inch and actually making Vivian yell in pain.
"Right Stiles?"
Mikayla has never felt this scared. She had been crying nonstop since she saw Lydia in Jacksons arms. She had run out of tears. Tara was in her own world but still trying to comfort her which Mikayla appreciated. The Sheriff was here, which definitely eased her worries. What didn't was Jackson.
He walked out of the elevator holding his neck. "Where is she? Where.."
Jackson trailed off when he saw Lydia through the window. She was in a hospital gown and had an breathing mask on. Jackson couldn't look long before the Sheriff came over and cornered him against a wall.
"Hey. Hey!" The Sheriff said getting Jackson to look him in the eyes. "What the hell happened to that girl?"
"I don't know. I went out looking for her--" Jackson started frantic.
"What, you just happened to wander into the middle of that field and just found her there like that?" The Sheriff asked rhetorically. "Don't lie to me, son."
"No, I--" Jackson said getting mad. The Sheriff grabbed Jacksons shirt and slammed him back up against the wall.
"Hey! What happened to her!" The Sheriff yelled, Mikayla looked away not being able to take the tension. She just stared at her big sister.
"This isn't my fault." Mikayla heard Jackson say back.
"She's your girlfriend." The Sheriff accused. "That's your responsibility!"
"No, she's not, okay?" Jackson admitted. "She didn't go to the formal with me."
"Then who'd she go with?" The Sheriff asked getting Mikaylas attention.
"Stiles. She went with Stiles."
"What happens after you find Derek?" Stiles asked as he typed. Peter had retracted his claws and let Vivian have a break. She was trying to breath through the pain of multiple claw marks, and now a massive headache.
"Don't thinks Stiles, type." Peter said back, finally losing the casual demeanor. He was getting impatient now.
"You're gonna kill people, aren't you?" Vivian asked leaning heavily against the hood of the car.
"Only the responsible ones." Peter said looking over at Vivian instead of the computer. Stiles stopped typing for a minute and shook his head in frustration.
"Look, if I do this, you have to promise me to leave Scott and Sydney out." Stiles said as he continued to type. His eyes pointedly avoiding Vivian's hunched over figure.
"Do you know why wolves hunt in packs?" Peter asked but not giving Stiles any time to answer. "It's because their favored prey are too large to be brought down by one wolf alone. I need Derek, Scott, and Sydney."
"They won't help you." Vivian said through clenched teeth as she pushed herself up.
"Oh, they will." Peter said his confidence and casual demeanor back in full force. "Because it'll save Allison."
Stiles and Vivian didn't want to admit it. Vivian especially. But Allison had become Scott's weakness these past couple of weeks. Vivian also knew that Sydney would help Scott because it'd keep Peter away from Stiles, and Lydia.
"And you will, because it will save Scott." Peter said directed at Stiles. "Your best friend whom you know so well, you even have his username and password."
"And Vivian.." Peter continued. "Who you'd do anything for."
Vivian scoffed at Peters annoying know-it-all tone as she pressed on hand to her wrist and one to her temple. The headache was getting worse. Stiles sighed and moved the computer closer to type in the information.
"His username is 'Allison'?" Peter said reading the screen while Stiles typed in the password. "And his password is 'Craze'?"
Vivian bit back a smile as she said her next remark.
"You still want him in your pack?"
Sydney leaned against a tree. Her eyes closed. She was still in her suit, and it was probably ruined by now. They had gotten an idea while at the vet's office. They just needed to find Derek. Sydney remembered what Vivian had said that first full moon. 'Wolfs howl to signal their place to the rest of the pack'
Scott was going to howl to alert Derek, which would get him to howl. Then they'd know where he was. Scott stepped back towards Sydney as his howl rang out. Her senses were heightened after he was done, and she was keenly aware of where Scott was.
After a few minutes of silence they were both losing hope when they heard in the distance and faint howl in response.
They both started sprinting.
The map came onto the screen as all three peered over at it. Vivians eyebrows furrowed at what was in front of her.
"Wait, what the-" Stiles said having the same response as Vivian. "That's where they're keeping him?"
"At his own house?" Vivian said leaning closer and almost falling forward, her head aching with the movement. Peter studied it for a second before he came to a realization.
"Not at it." Peter said grabbing his Mifi. "Under it. I know exactly where that it."
Peter tensed when he heard a loud howl, the other two hearing it distantly. They all snapped toward the noise. Peter sharper than the other two.
"And I'm not the only one."
Mikayla didn't know how long she'd been staring at Lydia. The Sheriff was looking for Stiles, who probably had Vivian with him. That familiar jealous feeling boiled up but she took a deep breath and focused on her sister.
She saw a familiar figure from the corner of her eye walk up next to her. Tara had been quiet just like her. Both worried about Lydia and their missing friends.
"I never thought I'd get use to the beeping of those stupid monitors." Mikayla said, her voice thick with emotion. "I've only been here for 2 hours, but those will never leave my mind."
"I know." Tara said quietly from the side. "Naomi tried to keep us away from it, but it still never leaves your mind."
Tara remembered how Stiles use to talk about it, until he didn't. Sydney never talked about their mom. Well about her illness. Tara remembered the beeping she'd hear when she went to say hi to either of them at the hospital. She remembered it when she went over to the Stilinski's with a casserole to congratulate Claudia on the recovery and was sat down to hear the news.
They fell into the tense silence they'd been holding since they got to the hospital. It didn't even break when they both saw Allison walk over and hold her hand to the window. It didn't break when Mikayla threw her arms around Allison in a one sided hug before Allison walked off.
Leaving them both with more questions than before.
"Give me your keys." Peter said as he slammed his back door shut with his computer safely inside the car. Stiles was standing in front of him, still by the trunk. Vivian was next to Stiles, the bleeding pretty much having stopped but Stiles still worried whenever he looked at the dripping dress. Vivian still felt light headed but she wasn't sitting this one out. She couldn't. She felt this pull, she needed to be there.
Stiles sighed and grabbed his keys, handing them to Peter. "Careful. She grinds in second."
Peter took them in his fist and squeezed handing him back, the now all bent keys. Stiles gaped at them but Vivian just held her glare. "So you're not gonna kill us?"
He paused just before opening the drivers side door. He turned to the two, both only thinking about the others safety. Peter stalked towards them with an unreadable expression. Stiles raised his arm slightly in front of Vivian, while they both back up.
"Don't you understand it yet?" Peter asked stopping after he took a couple steps forward. "I'm not the bad guy here."
"You turn into a giant monster with red eyes and fangs, and you're not the bad guys here?" Stiles asked his body now partially blocking Vivian, who could still feel the blood rushing to her half closed wounds.
"I like you." Peter said in that superior tone. "Both of you."
Vivian scoffed while trying to ignore the nagging in her gut. The feeling of wrongness at the fact that she's not going with Peter. Stiles sighed as annoyed as Vivian but still had a slight fear of what Peter could do.
"Since you've helped me, I'm going to give you something in return." Peter said making them both skeptical. "Do you want the bite?"
They both snapped their eyes over to Peter, both shocked to silence. Everything faded to Vivian, except Peter and his words. And Stiles.
"What?" Stiles asked breathless.
"Do you want the bite?" Peter repeated in a slowly more annoyed tone. "If it doesn't kill you- and it could-- you'll become like us."
"Like you?" Vivian asked softly. "Like Scott and Sydney?"
"Yes, a werewolf. Would you like me to draw you a picture?" Peter said getting more impatient.
"No." Vivian said sharply. "I understand."
"That first night in the woods, I took Scott and Sydney because I needed a new pack. It could have easily been either of you." Peter explained taking another step forward, this time Vivian and Stiles stayed rooted to their spots. "Or your friend.. Tara?"
Vivian took a step forward with a dangerous look, Stiles stopping her by grabbing her arm. She took a deep breath and took a spot next to Stiles. Trying to ignore the satisfaction her little outburst gave Peter. "You might already be transforming. Deep enough scratch marks are rumored to be just as effective as a bite."
Vivian's hand ghosted over her wrist. The deepest of them marks, and the pain came flooding back. So did that dumb headache. Peter turned his attention to solely focus on Stiles who eyes were more focused on Vivian, like it had been this whole night.
"You'd be every bit as powerful as him." Peter continued to explain gaining some of Stiles attention back. "No more standing by his side, watching him become stronger, and quicker, more popular, watching him get the girl. Watching her get the girl. You'd be equals, even more. You wouldn't have to watch your twin sister and best friend from afar."
Peter reached down and grabbed Stiles arm. Pulling it up to his mouth. "Yes or no?"
Vivian waited with bated breath as Stiles looked over at her. At the blood that littered her arms. Stiles took too long to answer and Peter extended his fangs and went for his arm. Stiles yanked it back as soon as he saw the change in Peter. The hand raising right back in front of Vivian.
"I don't wanna be like you." Stiles said confidence rushing through him.
"Do you know what I heard just then?" Peter asked taking another step forward, getting even closer. "Your heart beating slightly faster over the words 'I don't want'. You may believe that you're telling me the truth, but you are lying to yourself."
"And you." Peter continued turning towards Vivian. "Your heart only got quicker when it was Stiles, who was getting the bite. The prospect of those bleeding marks turning you into a monster doesn't phase you. You're not better."
"Good-bye Stiles, Vivian."
Sydney and Scott had made it to the barely standing Hale house. They had slowed to a slow walk. Scott was taking the lead like usual, while Sydney was following him. They looked over the house but their attention was drawn elsewhere. They heard a slight rattle from behind them and followed their senses.
They ended up at a grate covered tunnel that could fit them if they ducked. Sydney and Scott made eye contact mental communicating. Scott goes first, opening the grate and going through.
Sydney right behind him.
"I swear- if I didn't have a nurse for a mother I would never be able to get these stains out." Vivian commented as she looked down at her clothes, trying to ease some of the tension. Stiles and Vivian were speed walking/running to the hospital since Peter ruined their only way to drive. "I need to find a new shirt."
"Why would you need another shirt?" Stiles asked for the first time the entire car ride.
"Well we need to tell your father and all this blood might send to the wrong messag-" Vivian said only to get interrupted.
"I need to tell my father, you need to get checked in." Stiles corrected in a cold tone.
"Stiles, I'm fine-" Vivian tried to argue.
"Fine?! I saw you almost bleed out on my fucking seats!" Stiles said turning for a second to look at Vivian and starting to walk even faster.
"I said it wouldn't stai-" Vivian said with an awkward laugh.
"I don't care about the damn seats!" Stiles yelled, a level of seriousness Vivian hadn't really seen before. "I care about you. The fact that you could die because of how stubborn you're being."
"Stiles, I need to help." Vivian said a serious demeanor taking her over. Trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. "I have to."
"You have. Vivian.." Stiles said his volume quieter.
"Please, let me make sure everyone's all right." Vivian pleaded leaning closer to Stiles. "Let me finish this, then I'll get check up. I promise I'll be fine."
Vivian wasn't fine. She was an emotional wreck. She had a massive headache that came out of nowhere. The claw marks had stopped bleeding but she knew she had already lost a lot of blood and they still had a sting to them. But she would never forgive herself if she didn't help Scott and Sydney in someway.
Stiles looked Vivian over as they came to a slow stop in front of the hospital. For as long as he's known her, Stiles Stilinski has never been able to say no to Vivian Gasko. In this moment he even had trouble deciding, but fate decided to help him a bit.
Just as Stiles went to answer Vivian stumbled slightly. When she tried to stand straight she just stumbled even closer to the ground. Stiles caught Vivian just as she lost consciousness.
He picked her up and ran into the hospital. Everyone there knew the Gaskos. Naomi, Vivian, and Tara. So when they saw Stiles carrying Vivian they rushed to help. Stiles tried to keep himself together as he felt the blood run down his hands. Vivians blood.
Stiles took a deep breath and wiped his palms onto his pants. He walked into the elevator and went to the floor he knew his father would be on. The one Vivian was going to be taken to. His hands started to shake as the elevator doors opened and he rushed out.
Vivian had made it here first. He saw them wheeling her away. He tried to follow but was stopped by his father. The Sheriff grabbed Stiles shirt to make his son stay and look him in the eyes. "You know what? You're lucky that we're in a hospital, cause I'm gonna kill you."
Tara walked over when she saw the two together with her arms crossed. "Where's Vivian?"
Stiles eyes went to the staff in the distance, Tara following his line of sight and tensing. She lost all the emotion on her face and body at once. She just stared while Stiles talked to his father.
"I'm-I'm sorry." Stiles stuttered trying to stop the shaking of his entire body. "Vivian was being stubborn, and I lost the keys to my jeep so I had to walk with her the whole way here. She- she collapsed right outside. I-"
The emotions rushed back to Tara and she had to cover her mouth. Tears were streaming down her face as she thought of Vivian where Lydia was. Vivian could die and Tara had to just watch.
weak, weak, weak
"Stiles, I don't care!" Noah yelled causing Mikayla to walk over with her arms crossed. She noticed Tara and looked between them all.
"Is- will.. do you think Vivian will be okay? And Lydia?" Stiles asked after a moment. Mikayla then realized what happened and looked around but couldn't see where Vivian had gone.
Noah sighed and looked behind himself at Lydia. Their mom was there brushing back Lydia's hair. Mikayla had to leave after 20 minutes. She couldn't take the atmosphere anymore.
"Vivian just got here, so I don't know, same with Lydia. Partially because they don't know what happened." Noah explained softening at his sons state. "She lost a lot of blood, but there's something else going on with her."
"Wh-what do you mean?" Stiles asked as he thought back to Vivian who had almost the same injuries as Lydia, except they were claw marks. Vivian had lost a lot more blood.
"The doctors say it's like she's having an allergic reaction." Mikayla explained quietly looking at the ground. "She keeps going into shock."
"I'm- sorry... I'm so sorry Mikayla." Stiles said. Mikayla had speculated what happened to her sister but how Stiles is reacting, and the fact that Vivian is also hurt. She knew.
"What happened? Did you see anything?" Noah asked "I mean you were with them both. Do you have any idea who or what attacked either of them?"
Stiles stayed silent for a moment, he was internally debating what he should say. He seemed to come to an answer. "No. No, I have no idea."
"What about Scott and Sydney?" Noah asked satisfied with his sons answer.
"What do mean? What about them?" Stiles asked his nervous energy no disabating.
"Did they see anything?" Noah asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"What do you- are they not here?" Stiles asked snapping to attention.
"What are you talking about?" Noah asked getting annoyed again "I've been calling Scott on his cell phone. I've gotten no response. Same with Syd."
Stiles looked over at Tara who gave him a look. Mikayla and Jackson shrugging. None of them knew where Scott and Sydney were.
"Yeah, you're not gonna get one."
The tunnel was made of brick, it had hanging lanterns. Sydney didn't feel scared as they walked through the tunnel. It didn't look run down or like a murder was going to jump out and start chasing them.
They walked for a few minutes before they reached the room where Derek was being held. When they got there one of the hunters was standing in front of Derek and facing away from them. He didn't notice them enter the room as he talked to Derek.
"Ready to have some more fun?" He asked as he flashed a large bright light at Derek. "To be honest, my knuckles are kind of hurting. So I brought some help."
The hunter held up a bat and went to swing it. Derek grabbed it before it could hit him and leaning forward. "I brought a little help too."
The hunter turned and was faced with Sydney and Scott.
Stiles, Tara, and Mikayla had been annoying Noah. They wanted to know what was happening. Vivian was in the room next to Lydia. They were in the same state, both kept going into shock and weren't showing any signs of waking.
Tara doesn't know if anyone had called Naomi. She would of but she was too busy trying to help take down Peter to make a call.
"Listen, just go wait with your friends, all right?" Noah said as he lead the three back to where Lydia and Vivian's rooms were.
"Dad, tell me. Look, you know it has something to do with Derek." Stiles tried to reason with his father as they all walked.
"What?" Noah said looking around to make sure no one was looking. "I thought you guys said you barely knew him."
"All right, we might know him a little better than that." Tara admitted throwing her arms up in the air.
"I don't." Mikayla said when Noah looked over at her. He sighed and grabbed Stiles and Tara's shoulders, Mikayla following along.
"You do realize that I'm elected to this job, right?" Noah asked as he dragged them along.
"And if we help you figure this out, you'll be re-elected." Stiles said not phased. "Am I right?"
"Noah, come on." Tara said making Noah stop with them all in front of him.
Noah sighed and looked back in the direction they'd been walking. "You know what? That girl there has got nothing to do with a six-year-old arson case."
"When did you decide it was definitely arson?" Tara asked intrigued as they started walking again.
"When we got a key witness." Noah said not stopping so Stiles or Tara couldn't butt in. "And, no, I'm not telling you who it is, but yeah, yeah, we know. It's arson. And it was probably organized by a young woman."
"What young woman?" Mikayla asked from beside Stiles.
"If I knew that, she'd be in jail." Noah said.
"Was she young then, or is she young now?" Stiles asked moving his hands around like he did when he was thinking.
"She's probably in her late 20s." Noah answered before his phone began to ring. "oh, I gotta grab this call."
"You don't know he name?" Stiles asked again.
"No, I don't-" Noah said getting very annoyed with his son. "What is this? 20 questions? All we know is she had a very distinctive, uh, what do you call it- a pendant."
"What the hell's a pendant?" Stiles said getting annoyed with all the information he lacked, and maybe by the fact that his sister and best friend were in danger and he couldn't help.
"Stiles, did you go to school?!" Noah said stopping and turning to his son and motioning to his neck.
"It's a necklace." Mikayla said with a clear image of Allison and her distinctive necklace.
"Now, can I answer this call?" Noah said to his son.
"Yeah." Stiles said defeated.
"Thank you." Noah said walking away while answer said phone.
Stiles rubbed over his head quickly in frustration. He then let his hands fall to his side. Mikayla cleared her throat making Tara and Stiles turn to her.
"Remember Allisons necklace?"
Derek shoved the hunter against the wall, knocking him out. Scott and Sydney just watched, frozen. One of his hands was chained above his head and he had an electric device taped to him. He tore it off while the two of them walked up to him.
"Help me with this." Derek said motioning his head to the arm that was suspended above him.
"No." Scott said with Sydney next to him, her arms crossed.
"What?" Derek asked staring at the joint force of the two.
"Not until you tell us how to stop Peter." Sydney said with some new found confidence.
"You really want to talk about this right now?" Derek asked annoyed.
"He's going after Allison and her family." Scott explained oddly calm. "He's going to kill them."
Derek looked over at Sydney with a harsh glare that didn't even phase her. "I could care less about Allison's family, she's cool. But I'd rather not have a psycho werewolf ruining my life."
"So what?" Derek said more to Scott then Sydney.
"So tell us how to stop him." Scott said not a waver in his voice.
"You can't! All right? Now-" Derek said starting to yell. He aggressively pulled at his chained wrist to no avail. "I don't know when Kate's coming back, so just get me out of this right now! Get me out now!"
The two didn't flinch back when Derek yelled at them. He didn't look threatening, he looked desperate and scared. Sydney felt bad but she also knew why she was doing this. It was important to stop Peter.
"Promise you'll help us." Sydney said in a sharp tone.
"You want me to risk my life for your girlfriends, huh? For your stupid little teenage crush that means absolutely nothing? You're not in love. You're sixteen years old. You're a child."
Sydney let out a laugh after he was finished. "Wow, some issues to deal with there, but um- I don't really have a girlfriend, so thanks for reminding me. And maybe you're right. Maybe we are just kids."
"But we know something you don't." Scott said with dangerous look. "Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister, right?"
"He lied." Sydney said the lightness from before leaving her voice.
"Remember this?" Scott asked holding up the incident report of a dead deer with that same spiral symbol carved into it. "This is what brought your sister back to Beacon Hills. Right?"
"Where'd you get that?" Derek asked with a shaky voice.
"My boss told me three months ago that someone came into the clinic asking for a copy of this picture. Do you wanna know who it was?" Scott asked holding it right in Derek's face. Derek was quiet so Scott just continued. "Peters nurse."
"They brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the alpha, and that's why you're going to help us." Sydney explained trying to keep her emotionless attitude even when the image of Stiles dead popped into her mind.
Derek was breathing heavily and looked pissed. He leaned back against the bars as he clenched his fist. He stayed quiet.
Scott sighed and turned around with Sydney following. "Just say you'll help us, and I'll help unlock your other.."
Scott was cut off when they heard a clang behind them. They both turned slowly to see Derek rubbing his wrist with no chain around it.
"I'll help you."
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