☆ Never Train With Derek Hale ☆
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After her mom died Sydney took walks to calm herself or when she just needed to be alone. Vivian was being moody, Tara almost got killed, Scott's being a dumbass, and Stiles is just being himself. So she was walking by herself at night. She wasn't thinking really.
She had been walking for probably 20 minutes now and should turn back soon before she got too far from her house. Before she could turn she heard some rustling in the bushes right next to her. She tensed and looked at the bush, waiting for the worst, when a sweet looking bunny came out of the bush. She let out a breath of relief. But just as the moment came it was gone. The bunny got snatched back into the bushes in a second. Sydney wasn't going to wait to see what that bunny looked like when it came back out.
She started sprinting as fast as she could. She was mentally planning what she could do to escape. She knew Allison's house was close and honestly she'd rather deal with hunters than the Alpha. She tried to remember how to get to it from her very few times visiting it.
She was a few miles from Allison's house when she saw a break between the bushes and slid into it. She tried to be as quiet as she could. She could hear him when she was running but now it was silent. She looked over her shoulder back onto the sidewalk and saw nothing. Letting out another sigh of relief when she looked back in front of her with her eyes closed.
She wanted to stay there for a few minutes just to be safe, after 2 more minutes she heard her phone start blaring. She panicked and tried to grab it but was surprised by Derek right in front of her grabbing the phone from her hands with a stone cold expression.
"You're dead."
"I can't believe you." Sydney said still walking to Allison's house. She just wanted to see if Allison was free. She was a cool girl and Sydney now never wanted to be alone because of the stunt Derek pulled.
"I said I would teach you. I just didn't tell you when." Derek said walking directly next to her.
"I bet Scott didn't like that explanation." Sydney said giving Derek a quick side eye.
"He handled the situation better. He made other noises where he was to distract me. You just ran." Derek said starting to walk faster than her.
"God, you're a dick." Sydney said under her breath even though she knew he'd heard.
"Look, I am this way, because of birth. You were bitten, it takes more time. I told the same thing to Scott." Derek said stopping in front of Sydney and turning to face her.
"My father got hurt." Sydney said with a glare. "I should have been there to help."
Derek sighed and looked down. "You and Scott are more similar than you seem."
Derek than showed Sydney her phone, which he still had. "You need to get rid of distractions just like Scott did."
Derek crushed the phone in his hand and then let it drop onto the sidewalk. Sydney looked down at the phone, she only had it because his father busted his ass to get it for Stiles and her. She looked up at him her anger flowing through her. She was starting to breath heavy and was ready to punch him.
"You feeling angry?" Derek asked. Sydney scoffed and tried to walk away only to be grabbed by Derek who turned her around. "That's your first lesson. You want to learn how to control this, how to shift, you do it through anger, by tapping into a primal animal rage, and you do it without anyone around. Especially her."
Sydney knew who Derek was talking about but she just didn't want to admit it. "I'm feeling pretty angry right now."
"Not angry enough. You and Scott have the same problem." Derek explained starting to get frustrated. "This is the only way that I can teach you. Now can you stay away from Vivian."
"Fuck off." Sydney said turning and walking away this time without any distractions.
"You'll regret seeing her." Derek yelled back before she heard him leave. Sydney was in her own head the rest of the walk. She didn't even notice when she got to Allison's house until she crashed into Scott who was leaving.
"Syd?" Scott asked confused.
"Sorry, I got a little distracted." Sydney apologized. "Could you give me a ride?"
"Sure, yeah." Scott said starting to walk to the car when they heard rustling in the bushes. "Derek?"
The rustling continued, Sydney and Scott shared a confused look and stepped closer. Scott seemed to decide it was Derek because he continued to talk. "I- I know I said I would stay away but you broke my phone."
"He did that to you too." Sydney asked with her arms crossed. "I told him to fuck off, I'm surprised you listened."
"He made some scary promises. Like my family and friends would die." Scott said their positions seeming to have changed in the 'listen or not'.
"I left before that part." Sydney said looking down at her shoes.
"Who did he want you to stay away from?" Scott asked when the bushed made a noise again and they both looked at it again.
"Sorry Derek, we'll both listen from now on." Sydney said, and after a few minutes of no response they both looked around the yard. Sydney made eye contact with two red eyes and grabbed Scott who had just seen it too. They both sprinted to Scott's car. Scott fished the keys out of his pocket as quickly as possible and unlocked the car. They both pushed inside and locked it before the alpha made it to them.
He started circling the car slowly. Sydney and Scott were both shaking with fear as he approach the drivers side window. He used the fog from a recently rainy day and drew a swirl on his window before walking away into the night.
Leaving the two scared teens to rush back home.
Sydney decided to stay with Scott after their encounter. They both walked as fast as they could to his room and stumbled into the dark room. Scott locked the door and closed the window, locking it as well while looking out it. Sydney fell back against his bed trying to take deep breaths.
When they were sure the coast was clear Scott turned on the lamp and revealed Derek glaring at the both of them, sitting in Scott's chair. Sydney jumped up from the bed, Scott jumping a little away from his lamp, both scared out of their minds.
"You seriously need to stop doing that." Scott said angry at the wolf. Sydney nodded holding her face in her hand for a minute.
"So what happened?" Derek asked casually as if they weren't just chased. "Did he talk to you?"
"Yeah, we had a nice conversation about the weather." Sydney sassed back irritated.
"No, he didn't talk." Scott said in the same mood as Sydney.
"Well, did you get anything off of him? An impression?" Derek asked still trying to find something to use.
"What do you mean?" Scott asked starting to calm down.
Derek shook his head and stood up. "Remember your other senses are heightened. Communication doesn't have to be spoken. What kind of feeling did you get from him?"
"Anger." Scott said with a small nod.
"Focused on you two?" Derek asked getting an immediate shake from Sydney.
"Not- not us, but it was definitely anger. I could feel it." Sydney said, Scott agreeing the entire time.
"Especially when he drew the spiral." Scott added.
"Wait, the what?" Derek asked. "What'd you just say."
"He drew this spiral on window of my car, in the condensation. You know?" Scott responded.
"What?" Sydney after Derek went into his own little world. "You have this look like you know what it means."
"No, it's-it's nothing." Derek stumbled snapping back and trying to walk away.
"Wait-wait-wait." Sydney and Scott said at the same time both grabbing one of Derek's arms and turning him to them again.
"You can't do that." Scott said when his eyes were on them again.
"You can't ask use to trust you and then just keep things to yourself." Sydney added.
"Doesn't mean anything." Derek repeated unlocking Scott's door.
"You buried your sister under a spiral." Scott realized making Derek turn back to him.
"What does it mean?" Sydney asked softly, not as demanding. Derek took a deep breath debating while he opened the door.
"You don't want to know."
"Stay away from Vivian." Was the only thing on Sydney's mind as she walked into school. She had caved and listened to Derek. Plus Vivian barley talked to her anyway, she was moody and was only talking to her wonder twins. Which was ironic cause Tara and Stiles aren't twins and Stiles and Sydney are. But Sydney doesn't care because she was supposed to be staying away from Vivian.
Sadly she couldn't stay away from Jackson since her best friend was his girlfriend but she can take his asshole behavior better than Vivian's. Sydney was going to meet Lydia at her locker and passed right by Vivian's class. She couldn't be blamed if she took on look in before meeting Lydia.
Vivian wasn't happy. She knew it was stress, it almost always was. Anxiety just messes with her emotions. She knew she shouldn't be as mad as she was. She was a mix of worried and stressed and didn't like how that felt so she channeled it to anger towards Scott.
She was worried about everyone. Tara still wasn't okay after what happened the other nights, she was confused and Vivian just hopped she would talk about it soon. Stiles wasn't sleeping, Vivian could tell this was effecting him, especially the fact that Scott just ditched him with the problem for a day. Vivian wasn't worried about Sydney, she was mad at Sydney too. Sydney helped yes, but was still lying to Stiles and Vivian hated lying to Stiles. She just hopped he'd forgive her when he found out.
Scott walked into the class and made eye contact with Stiles and tried to with Vivian but she was looking away from him. He sighed and took his seat behind Stiles and across from Vivian who was next to Stiles.
"Still not talking to me?" Scott asked leaning forward. Stiles and Vivian just kept looking forward not acknowledging Scott. "Can you at least tell me if your dads okay? I mean it's just a bruise, right? Some soft tissue damage?"
Stiles didn't say anything, but Vivian could tell he was close to breaking. She glanced over at him and saw him rolling his tongue in his mouth while Scott blabbered on.
"You know I feel really bad about it, right?" Scott continued more focused on Stiles than Vivian. Cause he knew it'd be easier to break Stiles and have Vivian follow suit. He turned to Vivian this time with a sigh after no response from Stiles. "Is Tara gonna ignore me too?"
Again getting no response he went back to Stiles and his original plan. "What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and.. that I went to Derek for help."
"Are you insane?" Vivian asked loudly turning in her chair.
"If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him." Stiles said still facing away. Vivian took a deep breath and followed Stiles lead.
"And if I were talking to you, I'd probably tell you that that'd probably win Tara back." Vivian mumbled.
"But obviously we aren't talking to you." Stiles said as the bell rung. Scott gave up and started getting ready for class while Stiles sat and drowned in curiosity. After about 3 minutes Stiles turned and looked at Scott. "What'd he say?"
"You broke first." Stiles mumbled to Vivian who was giving him a look. She let out a small breath before also turning to Scott.
Scott was just happy his friends were talking to him again.
They walked out of class still discussing. Vivian had been texting Tara about it the whole time and she was waiting for them by the door. "Wh- He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?"
"Yeah." Scott said not batting an eye when Tara starting following the walking three.
"All right, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try and kill someone, and that someone's usually us." Stiles said.
"I know. That's what he means when he say he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it." Scott complained.
"Well, how's he gonna teach you to do that?" Vivian asked.
"I don't know. I don't think he does either." Scott said cementing the very little respect Vivian had for Derek.
"Okay. When are you tw- you seeing him again." Tara stuttered over her words.
"Just told me not to talk to about it. Just act normal and get through the day." Scott explained making the all finally stop and look at him.
"When?" Tara asked.
"He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work." Scott answered. They all looked between each other before sighing.
"All right, well, that gives us to the end of the school day then." Stiles said with a confident look.
"To do what?" Scott asked a little scared at the looks they all had.
"To teach you ourselves."
Trying to act normal was not working, also not talking to Vivian. She had texted Sydney to meet them on the Lacrosse field during their free period. Sydney was about to say no when Vivian then threatened to drag her dumbass there herself. So Sydney had to talk to Vivian after all.
Also Allison just told her about some ancestry and Sydney was definitely not listening. She tuned back in when Lydia started talking. "The what of who?"
"The Beast of Gevaudan! Listen." Allison said with a book in her hand and a focused look. "'A quadruped wolf-like monster, prowling the Auvergne and South Dordogne of France during the year 1764 and 1767. Le Bete killed over a hundred people, becoming so infamous that King Louie The 25th sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it.'"
Sydney now remembered why she wasn't listening. It was about hunters killing what she was because she killed people. Allison's family more specifically.
"Boring." Lydia stated pointing her fork at Allison.
"'Even the church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan.'" Allison added in an ominous voice which didn't make Sydney feel any better.
"Hmm. Still boring." Lydia decided making Sydney smile.
"'Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predator, possibly a Mesonychid.'" Allison read ignoring Lydia's comments.
"Slipping into a coma, bored." Lydia said pretending to fall asleep for a second.
"'While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shape-shift into a man eating monster.'" Sydney hated this stupid book.
"Any of this have anything to do with your family?" Lydia asked waving her fork around.
"This. 'It is believed that Le Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renowned hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature.' His name was Argent." Allison finished with a smile.
"Your ancestors killed a big wolf?" Sydney asked playing with her food.
"So what?" Lydia asked.
"Not just a big wolf. Take a look at this picture. What does it look like to you?" Allison asked turning over the book and showing a draw picture of what Lydia saw. Lydia zoned out on the picture and started to worry the two. "Lydia?"
After repeating her name a few more times she looked back up with wide eyes. "It looks.. like a big.. wolf. See you in history."
Lydia then left the two alone. Allison then looked over at Sydney and showed her the book more. "Syd?"
"It looks- it looks like a.. werewolf." Sydney said making a joke at the end and making Allison laugh.
The next table over was Tara, Vivian, Stiles, and Scott. Scott hiding behind his book with Stiles and Vivian sitting in front of him and Tara on his side. Stiles grabbed the book leaning it back.
"I think the book is making it more obvious." Stiles said tired of Scott hiding.
"Besides, she's reading, anyway." Tara said softly with a small smile trying to calm Scott enough to put the book away. He closed the book but was still leaning down on the table. Vivian snatched the book away making him look at her.
"What the hell?" Scott asked trying to grab it but getting a slap on the hand by Tara.
"Grow some balls and stop hiding. You're a busy man, she'll understand if you can't talk to her." Vivian lectured. Scott sighed but kept his head on the table.
"So did you come up with a plan yet?" Scott asked Stiles who was squeezing his apple to death.
"Does that mean you don't hate me now?" Scott asked looking around the table.
"No." Tara stated simply.
"But your crap has infiltrated my life, so now I have to do something about it." Stiles explained with a small frown before lightening. "Plus I'm definitely a better Yoda then Derek."
"Okay, yeah, you can teach me." Scott said looking quickly to see if Allison was watching him, snatching the book back from Vivian while she was giving Stiles a confused look.
"You're like his Dumbledore? Or Hagrid?" Vivian asked getting a sigh of disappointment from Stiles.
"I forgot you're a Harry Potter person." Stiles said a hint of disgust in his voice.
"What's that mean?" Vivian asked while Stiles was gathering his stuff.
"Nothing, I need my best friend who's actually watched the best movies to walk me to class." Stiles said grabbing Tara's arm and leading her around the table as she grabs Scott book again.
"Still hate you." Tara said with a teasing smile.
Vivian and Sydney were slightly late to the field. Vivian had to keep her promise and drag her to the field. When they got there, Tara and Stiles were sitting on the bench with Scott standing in front of them.
"You're finally here, did you get it?" Stiles asked when he saw the two and the bag in Vivian's arms.
"Yeah I got it, from the trash." Vivian said setting the bag down for Stiles to rummage through.
"Here put this on." Stiles said handing over said thing, while Sydney and Vivian joined them on the bench.
"Isn't this one of the heart monitors they use for track?" Scott asked looking over the thing.
"Yeah, I borrowed it." Stiles said earning a scoff from Vivian.
"Stole it." Tara corrected.
"Temporary misappropriated." Stiles defended.
"Coach uses it to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogs, and you're gonna wear it for the rest of the day." Tara explained. Scott focused his attention back on Stiles
"Isn't that Coaches phone?" Scott asked getting a shocked look from Vivian.
"You didn't." Vivian said glaring at Stiles.
"That, I stole." Stiles said looking away from Vivian's intense look.
"Why?" Scott asked confused.
"All right, well, your heart rate goes up when you go wolf, right?" Stiles asked getting a nod from Scott. "When you're playing Lacrosse, when you're with Allison, whenever you get angry."
When Jackson shows his stupid face, when Stiles tells Vivian his stupid jokes and she laughs, whenever Lydia purposely messes up- "Maybe learning to control it is tied to learning to control your heart rate."
"Like the Incredible Hulk." Scott said with an excited smile.
"Kind of like the Incredible Hulk, yeah." Stiles said less excited then Scott.
"No, I'm like the Incredible Hulk." Scott said with a stupid smile.
"Would you shut up and put the strap on." Stiles said with an unimpressed look. Scott rolled his eyes and did as told. Then he walked with Tara to the middle of the field while the other three walked a few feet away with a Lacrosse stick and ball.
Tara pulled Scott's hands behind his back and taped them together with layers and layers of duct tape. "This isn't exactly how I wanted to spend my free period."
"You're lucky you're getting this for free Scotty." Tara said with a teasing wink getting a laugh out of Scott.
"You ready!" Stiles yelled to him when Tara was safely behind Stiles with Sydney. Vivian was next to him with the phone out, watching Scott's heart rate.
"No." Scott yelled back, now completely defenseless.
"Remember, don't get angry." Vivian yelled to him looking at his normal rhythm.
"I'm starting to think this was a really bad idea." Scott yelled right when Stiles picked up the ball and threw it, hitting Scott right in the stomach.
"I think this was a good idea." Sydney said laughing next to Tara.
"Oh man." Stiles said with a smile of his own. He threw another one hitting Scott in the shoulder. Vivian watched Stiles throw the balls with interest. He was decent at it, but not great since he never played.
"Okay, that one.. kind of hurt." Scott said his face a mix of pain. Tara felt that familiar swirl of concern for Scott. She looked over at Sydney to distract herself but found Sydney looking between Stiles and Vivian. They were smiling and standing a little close.
"Quiet." Vivian yelled over looking down and seeing the heart rate had only gone up a few. Tara could see in real time as Sydney's went up. Her arms with crossed and her glare could kill.
"Remember you're supposed to think about your heart rate." Stiles yelled picking up another ball. Tara kept her look focused on Sydney who's crossed arms had become tighter.
"Heart rate." Tara whispered to Sydney with a knowing look. Sydney let her arms fall back to her sides and looked away from the sight.
Stiles continued to throw balls at Scott, almost every one of them hitting him. He was groaning and wincing while trying to stay calm. He was doing good so far, and Stiles was having the time of his life.
"I think my aim is actually improving." Stiles said looking at the stick. Vivian scoffed and set the phone down on the ground.
"I can aim better than you any day." Vivian said snatching the stick and scooping up a ball. She then threw it and hit his hip, making Scoff almost double over. "That's how it's done."
Stiles took the stick back, gaping at Vivian before he was reminded of Scott. He looked down at the phone and saw Scott's at 130. "Remember don't get angry."
Tara looked over at Sydney who was clenching her fist and staring at Stiles and Vivian again. Tara sighed and looked back at Scott. She wasn't prepared to deal with Sydney's relationship problems.
"I'm not getting angry." Scott said his voice not as light as before. Stiles kept throwing them at him and Scott started to try and dodge them. After a few more minutes Scott wasn't looking too hot.
"Stop, please- wait give me a second." Stiles did not listen to Scott's pleas and threw another one at him. Scott fell to his knees with his head down, breathing heavily. Tara wanted to run over to him but was kept there by her own Sydney problem. Tara looked over at Sydney and saw her also breathing heavy but looking somewhere else.
Behind the bleachers, Jackson was standing and watching the scene go down. It pissed Sydney off. Tara wanted to go yell at him but Sydney was two seconds away from doing it herself, and Sydney's way involved some blood.
Tara was too focused on Sydney to noticed Stiles and Vivian starting to panic at Scott 161 heart rate. It was slowly going up, Stiles dropped the lacrosse stick and grabbed the phone. Vivian looked behind her at Tara and Sydney, noticing their situation and walked over quickly.
"I've dealt with her before, you go help Stiles." Vivian said getting a sigh of relief from Tara.
"Syd?" Vivian asked grabbing her arms. Sydney drew away like Vivian had burnt her. She looked up at Vivian with wide eyes before looking at Scott.
"I have to go." Sydney said before sprinting off too fast for Vivian to follow. She went back over to Tara and Stiles who were slowly approaching Scott. Right when they made it to him, Scott broke his restraints and clawed at the ground. They all saw his heart rate go back down to his regular number.
"You were changing?" Stiles asked looking down at Scott who was now laying on the ground.
"From anger." Scott stated still calming down.
"It's from anger." Vivian said as they all kneeled to Scott's level.
"So Derek's right." Stiles said.
"But it was like, the angrier I got, the more I felt." Scott explained further.
"Good to know." Tara said.
"I can't be around Allison." Scott said confidently.
"She makes you that happy?" Tara asked trying to keep the jealousy and judgment out of her voice.
"No." Scott said taking the effort to actually look them in the face.
"She makes me weak."
"All right, so you stay away from her for a few days. You can do that." Stiles said as they walked back into the locker room. No one had noticed Sydney's absence yet, but it was concerning to Vivian. Hearing what Scott said about Allison, she wanted to know who made Sydney weak. Who her Achilles Heel was.
"But is it a few days, or is it forever." Scott said bouncing a ball in his hands.
"Scott, you can't over react." Vivian said leaning against the end of the lockers with her arms crossed. "It's cause you love her. If you ignored her forever, you'd eventually find someone knew who you'd have to avoid."
"Yeah, and this whole 'woman makes me weak.' is a little too Spartan Warrior for me. It's probably just a part of the learning process." Stiles said adding to Vivian's point.
"Yeah, but you've seen Derek-" Scott starting getting interrupted by Tara.
"Yes I have."
"I mean the guys totally alone." Scott said ignoring Tara.
"Yeah, also his whole family died in a fire. I think that adds to it." Vivian said with a serious voice.
"What if I can, like, never be around her again?" Scott said lightly banging his fist against the locker he's currently leaning his head on.
"Well, if you're not dead, that could be a good thing." Tara said trying to reassure him.
"Rather be dead." Scott said with a monotone voice. Vivian rolled her eyes and looked over at Stiles.
"You're not gonna end up like Derek, all right? We'll figure it out." Stiles said all of them tired of the self pity.
"'Kay." Scott said not feeling any better.
"Come on, let's get out of here." Vivian said willing to do anything for Scott to be back to himself.
"Something smells terrible in here anyway." Scott said pulling his hood up.
"Really in a boy's locker room? That doesn't make any sense at all."
"No, it's like something's rotting or dying." Scott said further. They were almost out of the locker room when Tara stopped suddenly.
"Shit, you guys go on without me. I forgot something." Tara said quickly, jogging back over to the lockers she grabbed a small bag full of random sentimental stuff she keeps in her bag. Her aunt told her that as long as she carried that bag all her loved ones would be safe. Her aunt's a little witchy.
Tara was about walk out again when Jackson popped up in front of her scaring the shit out of her. "Fuck, sorry, didn't see you."
Tara tried to side step away but Jackson grabbed her arm keeping her there. "What do you have there?"
"Um, just a stupid bag of stuff." Tara answered. Jackson didn't look dangerous, or as if he was going to punch her, but Tara knew him. She didn't like Jackson. Yet she felt she should be nice. He looked vulnerable and weak. Also they did just survive a near death experience.
"How are you doing.. after you know?" Jackson seemed sincere in the question but Tara really didn't want to talk about it and how crazy it made her feel.
"Do you have a free period or something?" Tara asked trying to be as nice as possible when she felt trapped.
"No, I-I just don't like sitting through Chemistry." Jackson said his voice softer than normal, his lips slightly turned as if he was one second away from smiling.
"I understand that. Mr. Harris must really hate us." Tara joked getting a small laugh from Jackson. She waited a few moments for him to leave or to start insulting her but he just kept staring down at her.
"Did you want something?" Tara asked as polite as she could sound. "Because as much as I'd love to also skip Chem, Vivian would kill me. Vivian does not take death threats lightly. Stiles will also ask what took me so long and why I went back and I really should think of an excuse that didn't sound like I was in a cult- I'm sorry, I'm rambling."
"It's fine, I just wanted to talk." Jackson said her voice somehow getting softer. "Preferably to someone who went through the same.. experience."
"That would be nice but again. My parents would kill me with their expensive hitman." Tara joked getting frantic to leave.
"I realize that I've been a jerk to you, and especially to Scott. I just wanted to say that I was sorry." Jackson said sounding completely serious. Tara sighed and looked down at her feet. Jackson chuckled above her.
"I'm being serious." Jackson said with amusement.
"I know you're being serious. I just don't think you're being sincere." Tara said an uncomfortable laugh coming out. She tried to make a get away again but was stopped.
Jackson sighed and waited until she looked back up at him. "Do you know what it's like to be the best player on the team? To be the star? To have every single person at the game chanting your name?"
"No, not really. I've always been more on the sidelines with Coach." Tara answered quietly.
"And then.. some kid.. just comes along, and then everyone starts looking at him instead of you. Do you know how that feels like?" Jackson asked his face turning colder, also focused on something.
"No, I don't." Tara said her voice becoming colder as well. "But I know for certain that Scott has never got to have anything. So if you could give him some grace."
"It feels like somethings been... stolen.. from you. Like you'd do anything to get it back." Jackson said with an ominous tone.
"There's no 'I' in 'Team'." Tara said with a curious gaze up at him.
"There's a 'Me'." Jackson said smirking after a minute. "That was a joke."
Tara let herself laugh lightly. "You've always been a jerk to us Jackson, but if you truly are turning a new leaf. I'll happily be the first to congratulate you."
"Well that's an honor." Jackson said, smirk still wide as ever. Tara searched his face for something, but eventually she gave up, sighing.
"I really do have to get to class." Tara said taking a deep breath looking around before adding. "And I'd love to have that chat you were talking about later. We should talk about our.. experience. To help."
"Thanks, Tare."
Mikayla had a free period, sadly it was the period after all her other friends. Beacon Hills let all kids have some free period to study or hang out, even the freshman. But Mikayla was alone and caught up on her homework. So she wandered the halls, maybe someone would catch her eye.
She found Allison sitting by herself with a book in her lap. Mikayla knew Lydia liked her so Mikayla did. Also Mikayla was bored.
"Whatcha reading?" Mikayla asked with a big smile on her face.
"Oh just something for a history project." Allison said trying to brush it off.
"Lydia told me about that. It's about your family right?" Mikayla said actually interested.
"Um, yeah. My ancestor just killed some big wolf." Allison said already predicting Mikayla's reaction to be the same as her sisters.
"That sounds.." Mikayla started, Allison bracing for impact. "So cool!"
"Really?" Allison asked surprised.
"Yes! A big wolf, and your ancestors are the ones that took it down, I'd be proud." Mikayla said excitement never fading and never seeming fake.
"Well it was a lot more than a big wolf." Allison said her excitement coming back.
"Well tell me about it. I have time." Mikayla said making Allison smile wider.
"Just you wait."
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