☆ Don't Train With Derek Hale ☆
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"Why aren't you healing?" Tara asked while they walked into Deatons. After the Ice Rink fight, Scott needed some bandaging and the guilt Tara felt for not helping him obligated her to go with him.
Mikayla went home, Tara could see the empty feeling in her eyes. Nothing could help her but space and maybe someone who understood. But no one she was friends with truly understood except Sydney. Erica and Boyd both turned, Mikayla and Sydney were close with them before the bite. The only difference is that Sydney is a wolf too, Mikayla is still just a human.
"Because it's from an Alpha." Deaton said when they walked into his operating room. Scott's shirt was up showing the scratch Derek had given in him while they fought.
Deaton stood next to the metal table in the middle of the room, on said table was a man with large scratches on his chest. Tara and Scott looked at him in shock.
"I think we better have that talk now." Deaton said when he noticed their nervous eyes darting between him and the body. Deaton rushed Scott over to the table with his supplies and started to clean his wound while Tara stood next to Scott.
"They're coming back, so we don't have much time to talk." Deaton said, trying to keep his voice calm but Tara could see the anxiety building in his eyes. She'd seen it enough times with Stiles and Vivian.
"What is that?" Scott asked still holding his shirt up. Deaton had a bottle in his hand, he was pouring the liquid inside on a small cotton ball.
"Rubbing Alcohol. You don't want it to get infected, do you?" Deaton asked after freezing for a moment at what Scott decided to focus on. Scott shook his head quickly, Deaton now pressing the cotton ball on the scratch. Tara holding Scott's hand, knowing he must be in pain. "You'll heal the same. Just not as quickly, because of Derek."
"Okay, how do you know all of this?" Scott asked while Deaton grabbed another cotton ball.
"Who's they?" Tara asked, having woken up this morning not expecting this many adrenaline inducing situations in one night.
"It's a long story." Deaton said focusing on Scott's scratch, grabbing a bandage. "What I can tell you is that I know about your kind. Your kind, I can help."
Tara felt her gaze wonder back to the man on the table. The scratches were deep, raw, and red. It made her nauseous. Deaton noticed Tara's question before she asked it.
"This.. this is something different." Deaton said, Tara looking back over at him instead of the poor soul on his table.
"Well, do you know what did it?" Scott asked, now his eyes on the man.
"Or who?" Tara asked, quieter.
"No. But the Argents will." Deaton said, the two teens eyes snapping to him. "And this is a crucial part. They'll have some kind of record or book. It'll have descriptions, histories, notations of all the things they've discovered."
"All- all the things?" Scott stammered, as a car pulled into the parking lot, Tara whipping her head to the closed door. "How many different things are there?"
"We have to go, Scott." Tara said, tugging on the hand she was still holding. He let himself be pulled to one of the supply closets. Tara and Scott pressing themselves to the wall as footsteps told them the Argents had entered the room.
"I'm starting to think I need to buy a more prominent 'closed' sign." Deaton said, annoyance obvious in his tone. More shuffling happened in the room, someone else entering the room.
"Hello, Alan." Gerard said, Tara heard as Alan's heart quickened. The senior hunter seemed to scare almost everyone he encounted. "It's been a while. The last I heard, you had retired."
"Last I heard, you followed a code of conduct." Deaton said back, standing his guard. Tara doesn't want that to be what kills him.
"If you hadn't noticed, this body is one of ours." Chris said, the new information made Tara want to feel less sympathy for the guy. But Tara was only part wolf, she couldn't bring herself to hate the guy who had to have died in extreme pain.
"I did." Deaton said, his tone clipped. "I also noticed the gunpowder residue on his fingertips. So don't assumed I'll be swayed by your philosophy just 'cause I'll answer a few questions."
"He was only 24." Chris said, it felt like a punch to Tara's gut. He was only 8 years older than her.
"Killers come in all ages." Deaton said, not allowing himself to get guilt tripped like Tara.
"All ages, sizes, shapes." Gerard said, his voice seeming to command the room in a way Tara didn't like. "It's the last one that concerns us."
"How about you tell us what you found?" Chris asked, being the only one trying to get answers. More footsteps, they were rearranging themselves.
"See this cut?" Deaton asked, Tara hearing how he cracked the neck to show said cut. "Precise. Almost surgical. But this isn't the wound that killed him. This had a more interesting purpose."
"Relating to the spine?" Gerard asked, it almost made Tara laugh. It was like she was watching a crime show. She'd rather be sitting on Vivian's couch with Naomi and Vivian sitting close, watching a show she had to look away from at least 3 times an episode.
"That's right." Deaton said. "Whatever made this cut was laced with paralytic toxin potent enough to disable all motor functions."
Tara assumed Deaton was motioning the the cuts on his body when he said his next sentence. "These are the causes of death. Notice the patterns on each side?"
"Five, for each finger." Chris said, something Tara had noticed as well. She was trying to keep her focus on the conversation and not the fact that she was pressed closely to Scott McCall. The guy she was trying to get over.
"Each claw." Gerard corrected, if it was him on that table Tara wouldn't feel an ounce of sorrow.
"As you can see, it dug in, slashed upward, eviscerating the lungs and slicing through the bone of the rib cage with ease." Deaton continued to explain, confusion laced in his voice.
"Have you ever seen anything like this before?" Chris asked, wanting to get to the bottom of what exactly happened. Not trying to blame.
"No." Deaton said.
"Any idea at all what killed him." Chris asked, getting the same response.
"But I can tell you it's fast, remarkably strong, and has the capacity to render its victims essentially helpless within seconds." Deaton added, instead of his one word answer of before.
"If you're saying we should be cautious, we get it." Chris said, too much judgment for someone who just gave them valuable information.
"I'm saying you should be afraid." Deaton said, a feeling Tara was very familiar with. "Be very afraid. Because in the natural world, predators with paralytic toxins use them to catch and eat their prey. This prey wasn't eaten. That means whatever killed him, only wanted to kill him. In fact, killing may be it's only purpose."
That did not sound good.
Vivian sighed, wanting nothing more than a shower. Erica had dumped them into a dumpster, well, Sydney was placed next to it. But it still angered her to no end. Vivian also had a pounding headache, probably from being knocked unconscious.
Now she was with Stiles and Sydney at a mechanics shop. She didn't want to walk home, and the bitch of Derek's pack had put Stiles jeep out of commission. Her mom was at work, and so was Noah. That meant she was stuck here.
It wasn't as bad as it could have been. The twins bickering with the mechanic was fun to watch. Stiles stormed out of the waiting room with Sydney right next to him while Vivian followed behind.
"Hey!" Sydney called with her hands in the air. "What's taking so long."
Stiles and Sydney ducked underneath the creeper that was raising his jeep, the mechanic ignoring them. He was in a white tank top, his muscles on show.
"What do you think you're doing?" Stiles asked looking up at what the man was doing. "All I needed was a starter."
"Yeah, but it looks like your whole exhaust system has gotta be replaced, too." The mechanic explained, before going back to work with his drill.
Sydney crossed her arms with an agitated sigh. "Why do I get the feeling that you're grossly over exaggerating the damage?"
"It's an old car. I'm surprised she's lasted this long." Vivian said, going softer then she usually would. It's an important car. It used to be their mom's, Vivian wasn't going to be too harsh. Especially since it's been her main ride for a few years now.
"It's probably gonna run you around, like, 1,200, parts and labor." The mechanic explained, ignoring the dig at him from Sydney.
"Are you kidding?" Stiles asked, throwing his hands up. They didn't have that kind of money, it made Sydney slightly pissed at Erica for also taking the car part she ripped out. "This thing doesn't even need a catalytic converter, and, yes, I know what a catalytic converter is."
The mechanic stopped working on the car to turn to Stiles and Sydney fully, probably tired of them complaining about him fixing their car. "You know what a limited slip differential is?"
"Uh..." Stiles said his confidence dropping, Sydney also trying to come up with an answer. Both could not think of even a good guess. "No."
"Yeah, could run you more, like, 1,500." The mechanic said, getting back to work. Vivian sighed, her headache getting worse.
"Let's leave the man to do his job. Fixing your car." Vivian said grabbing the twins arms.
"Okay, just finish." Stiles said as he let himself get dragged away.
"We'll be back here seething with impotent rage." Sydney said, Stiles nodding even if the mechanic couldn't see them. Vivian pushed them towards the door, wanting to just sit down.
Stiles grabbed the handle but his hand slipped on some mysterious liquid. "Real sanitarity."
He opened the door, walking through with Sydney and Vivian behind him. He wiped his hand on Sydney, who wiped her arm on Vivian's. "I'm in here with children."
She sat down in the chairs in front of the big window, rubbing her temples. Sydney and Stiles looked at the picture hung up next to the door. It was the mechanic, he looked young and he was in a lacrosse uniform. "Figures."
Sydney could feel the weird liquid on her bare arm, hating the feeling. She tried to move her hand to rub it off but it felt completely numb. She looked over at Stiles and Vivian. Both staring down at their hands that didn't seem to be doing what they wanted.
"Guys?" Vivian asked with a shake in her voice. Stiles's phone slipped out of his hands landing on the ground. Vivian stood up quickly ignoring the head rush.
Their hands started to shake, Vivian trying to force hers to move but she could feel her arms start to numb. She looked over at Stiles but his eyes were glued to one of the cars closer to them. She looked over and saw a scaly hand starting to climb down.
"Hey." Stiles called as his legs started to shake. "Hey!"
They watched as the creatures hand scratched the mechanics neck. It looked up, making eye contact with Vivian. Then it flipped the creeper on, starting to lower onto the mechanic. The three tried to move but all of them fell to the ground, losing all feeling. Only having slight control over their bodies.
Stiles and Sydney army crawled until they couldn't, landing in front of the door with a large window in it. They watched at the mechanic tried to move, not being able to. He looked like he was suffering from what they were.
Vivian had her eyes pressed closed, it felt like her brain was trying to pound out of her skull. "Fuck."
"Vi?" Stiles asked, his focus being taken.
"It's the headache." Vivian said, breathing through the pain. "What's happening?"
"Call 911." Sydney breathed as she watched the machine lower more and more. It was almost like she could feel the man's fear from where she was.
Stiles was struggling to press the numbers on his screen. The feeling in his limbs still missing. He had the 9 and the 1 pressed but the next time he looked up something was in front of the door. Sydney watched with wide eyes as the creature hissed at them through the door. Vivian felt like she could pass out when she heard a loud crunch and yell.
"911, what's your emergency?"
Vivian was pacing a few feet away, her headache seemed to have gone away. So did the paralysis. Stiles's eyes were focused on her as he sat in an ambulance with Sydney next to him. Their father sitting with them as they went over what happened.
"I told you, I just... I walked in, and I saw the jeep on top of the guy." Stiles explained, Sydney nodding along. They were lying, but they knew they couldn't tell their dad the truth. It would be safer to tell a lie then get him dragged into whatever this was. "That's all."
"What's wrong with you hand?" Noah asked, Stiles had been cradling his hand. Sydney also kept trying to wipe her arm even though the substance was gone.
"Nothing." Stiles said back, waving it for a few minutes to fully get feeling back.
"Can we just get out of here?" Sydney asked, she didn't want to be out in the cold rain. She could tell Vivian wanted to leave. Vivian was just waiting for Stiles and Sydney to get done with their dad so she could tell him to not speak a word about this to her mom. It was a weird coincidence that she was here, Naomi did not have to get another thing to worry about.
"Look, if there's something you don't think you can tell me..." Noah trailed off, Sydney hated how well he could read them.
"You think we're lying?" Sydney asked, he was right but still.
"No, of course not." Noah said, his children were avoiding his gaze and they had just seen something traumatizing. "I'm just worried about you two. Now, if you saw someone do this, and if you're afraid that maybe they're gonna come back and make sure you don't say anything about it..."
"We didn't see anything." Sydney said taking a deep breath. Stiles and her looked dead on their feet. They were tired, Vivian was tired. They just wanted to go home, not have their father nitpick their story. "At all."
Stiles eyes went back to Vivian. "Can we go now, please?"
"Sure." Noah said, accepting their story even if he had his reservations. "But not in your jeep. We're gonna have to impound it. Sorry, kid, evidence."
Noah got up from the ambulance as Stiles sighed in annoyance. "Can you at least make sure they wash it."
When Vivian saw him get up she rushed over, standing in front of him. She could tell she looked frantic from how Noah grabbed her shoulders. "Vivian? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah.. um- it's just.. um." Vivian tried to say but her hands were shaking and her breath was quick.
"Are you sure? You look like you're freezing." Noah asked, worry for his children's best friend filling him.
"Please don't tell my mom." Vivian finally go out, not pacing only because of Noah's hands on her shoulders.
"Why? Did you sneak out or something?" Noah asked confused. Vivan shook her head and tried to keep back the tears.
"I don't need her worrying about something else." Vivian said looking down at her hands as she nervously played with them. "I- I can't have her.. she already worries too much."
Noah hesitates before sighing. "I won't lie to her if she asks... but I won't call her."
"Thank you, thank you. Thank you, Mr. Stilinski." Vivian repeats, starting to calm down. Noah had a soft look in his eyes before taking his hands off of her shoulders.
"Go wait with Stiles and Sydney. Get a jacket. You still look like you're freezing." Noah said before walking off. Vivian made her way over to Stiles and Sydney, they both stood up when she made it to them.
"What was that about?" Stiles asked, always interested in whatever Vivian had to say.
"What- oh nothing." Vivian said, getting a look from Sydney. Who had to have heard everything. Vivian shot her a look back. "I promise."
Stiles shrugged off his jacket, handing it to Vivian. She looked between it and him with confusion. "You look like you're going to freeze to death, and we can't have that."
"Why is everyone telling me that?" Vivian said putting on the jacket without argument. "Did you call someone to pick us up?"
"Yeah, Scott." Sydney said, interjecting awkwardly.
"I hate.. everything." Vivian said rubbing her eyes, the twins laughed at her.
"Don't you always?" Sydney asked while Stiles gazed at her with a fond look. Vivian meets his eyes, her fond look more hidden with worry.
"How are you two doing?" Vivian asked looking from Stiles to Sydney. "You're the ones that saw... the.. you saw it."
Stiles put on a half hearted smile. "Same as always. I guess."
"Don't lie." Vivian asked looking over at Stiles. "I didn't see it and I feel.. different."
"We have to focus on finding it." Sydney said with a stern voice. "Then we can work through.. whatever this is."
Vivian couldn't argue because Scott pulled up the next second. The three of them jogged over to his car, happy to be out of the sprinkling of rain. Sydney got in the front seat while Stiles and Vivina placed themselves in the back.
"You okay?" Scott asked once the door shut.
"Yeah." Stiles said sinking into his seat, trying to play it off. Vivian, the hypocrite she was, didn't think Stiles should be doing that.
"You're right." Vivian said quietly, her eyes and mind focused on Stiles.
"It's not like you." Stiles added leaning his head against the headrest. Vivian had to keep her hand from reaching over for his. "I mean, it's eyes were almost, like, reptilian."
"But there was something about them." Sydney said shaking her head softly, trying to place it.
"What do you mean?" Scott asked, listening intently.
"You know when you see, like, a friend in a Halloween mask, but all you can actually see are their eyes, and you feel like you know them, but you just can't figure it out who it is?" Sydney continued squinting her eyes, trying to remember the face she didn't ever want to see again.
"Are you saying you know who it is?" Vivian asked, being the only one who didn't get an up close view. Just seeing it from afar, meeting its eyes. She didn't want to remember it.
"No." Sydney said taking a deep breath, looking at Stiles through the rearview mirror.
"But I think it knew us."
Tara calmed herself as she opened the door. Nothing could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her. Derek was holding Erica's thighs, while they made out. Isaac was on the ground with Boyd standing behind him.
The minute Tara got into the room all eyes were on her. Derek threw Erica off of him with a snarl. "That's the last time you do that."
"Why? 'Cause I'm a beta?" Erica asked with a fake pout. Tara looked at the two on the ground, they both looked like they were in pain.
"No." Derek said with a knowing look, a scheming one. "Because I have someone else in mind for you."
"That the only reason, Der?" Tara asked nervously. Derek moved his eyes over to Tara, his face gave away nothing. Boyd looked surprised, Isaac looked happy, and Erica looked like she had to hide her disgust.
"What are you doing here?" Erica asked, resentment clung to her. Tara didn't care, she understood why Erica wasn't her biggest fan.
"I was going to ask Derek something." Tara answered honestly. "Now I'm a little scared he'll punch me, just to test my reflexes."
"Are we done?" Isaac asked breathing heavily. "'Cause I got about 100 bones that need a few hours to heal."
Derek walked over to Isaac, crouching in front of him. He grabbed Isaacs arm, like he was cradling it. Then he twisted Isaac's arm, breaking the bone and dragging him closer. Their faces inches apart. Erica and Boyd looked scared, Tara was terrified and worried.
"Derek!" Tara yelled going to move forward, Boyd put his arm out to stop her.
"101. You think I'm teaching you to fight, huh?" Derek asked as Isaac's face started to drop from pain and exhaustion. "Look at me! I'm teaching you to survive."
Derek dropped Isaac to the ground. Tara pushing Boyd's arm away to kneel next to Isaac. She helped him sit up, letting Isaac lean against her.
"You're insane." Tara yelled back, Derek turned to her an intense look in his eyes.
"What. Do. You. Want. Tara." Derek asked, his anger barley hidden.
"One of Argents men was killed." Tara explained, the image of the men on the table having not left her mind. "They have no clue who it was... I wanted to know if you did? Gerard... he's scaring me."
"He's planning something." Derek said, he was angry at himself. Anyone could see that. "I don't know what. But that's not our only problem."
"The thing that killed Isaac's dad?" Tara asked, her eyes only a glare towards Derek.
"I think it might have killed someone else tonight." Derek explained to the whole pack. Tara nodded, her mind going to the text Vivian had sent. It didn't give too much detail, but it was enough to connect the two.
"It had to have." Tara said, her eyes darting to Isaac for a second. Checking on him again before going back to Derek. "My friends were there."
"Who." Derek demanded, Tara didn't really want to give away the information but it was like it left her mouth without permission.
"Stiles, Sydney, and Vivian." Tara said, like it was an automatic response. Derek turned around, like he was thinking.
"Sydney?" Erica asked, Tara could see she was trying to hide her worry.
"No one was hurt, except for the mechanic.. do you know what this.. thing is?" Tara asked making Derek turn back around.
"No. And until I find out, you all need to learn everything I know. As fast as I can teach you." Derek said before walking down one of the hall in the loft. Tara watched him, for a few minutes before looking back down at Isaac.
"We have to stop meeting like this." Isaac said with a weak smirk. Tara ran a hand through his hair with a small smile.
"Derek was right." Tara said softly, her other hand olding Isaac's broken arm, her thumb rubbing back and forth. "You have to be careful."
"Why are you telling us this? Why not your other pack?" Erica asked, grunting as she got up from the ground.
"Because I'm kind enough not to treat other packs like my enemy's."
"Lydia?" Mikayla asked, knocking on her sisters door. Their mom was behind her, and after a few minutes of no response, she opened the door.
"Time to get up." Natalie, their mom, said with a scoff. The sun was up, light filling Lydia's room, but she was laying with the covers over her head.
"Go away." Lydia said back, not moving her covers. Mikayla moved to the side of the bed that wasn't occupied by Lydia, moving as close as she could to the figure under the covers.
"You're going to be late for your appointment with the counselor." Mikayla said, carefully.
"Remember, we have a deal." Natalie said, not as softly as Mikayla but their mom was stressed enough as it is. Lydia needed to talk to someone, they all knew that.
"Remember, I told you I was fine." Lydia sassed back, the covers moving slightly.
"Lydia, please.." Natalie said pulling the covers down. The two on either side of Lydia stared at the blood covered comforter, with wide eyes.
Mikayla's eyes quickly moved over to Lydia, she sat up slowly. Still groggy from sleep. Natalie gasped, grabbing Lydia's arms. Searching for the source of the blood. Lydia now looked confused and scared, the sight of blood waking her up.
"What did you do?" Mikayla asked trying to meet her older sisters eyes. Natalie turned over Lydia's left hand, her knuckles bloody. "Oh, my, god."
"What did you do to yourself?" Natalie asked as her youngest daughters eyes landed on the mirror across the room on Lydia's dresser. The other two looked into it. The reflection being divided into a million little pieces. The mirror was broken, like it had been punched.
Mikayla looked back over at Lydia. Her makeup was smeared, like she had been crying and too tired to clean her face. She looked confused, like her punching the mirror was news to her. Mikayla could feel the fear filling her body at the implication.
Something was happening to Lydia. Something not human.
"I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm trying. We'll get through this." Stiles said, his hand near his heart as he spoke with sincerity. Scott looked at his best friend with love in his eyes. Vivian and Tara looked down at them with amusement. "I know because I love you. I love you more than.. Oh my god!"
"You two really need to find a better way to communicate." Vivian said leaning against the wall behind Stiles. The two boys were sitting on the stairs, ignoring the annoyed looks of students walking around them.
"Come on. You're the only person we both trust to do this." Scott said, begging Stiles to continued the job of passing messages.
"Correction. He's the only one you could convince to do it." Vivian said, getting a snicker from Tara, who stood leaning against the railing on the stairs. Scott shot Vivian a look before he continued.
"Is she coming to the game tonight?" Scott asked, urgency in his voice.
"Yes, okay? Message complete." Stiles said pinching the bridge of his nose, obviously annoyed. Vivian rubbed his shoulder with sympathy. He looked up at her to see the sarcastic look on her face at his pouting. "Alright, now tell us about your boss."
"He thinks that Allison's family keeps some kind of records of all the things that they've hunted. Like a book." Scott explained, looking around to make sure no one was listening. Vivian and Tara leaned down to hear, even if Tara already knew.
"He probably means a bestiary." Stiles said snapping his fingers while trying to remember.
"A what?" Tara asked furrowing her eyebrows.
"A bestiary." Stiles said looking between the two, both looked clueless. He looked up at Vivian, she shrugged. Scott then laughed, looking up at Tara who nodded with him.
"I think you mean bestiality." Scott said laughing, but Vivian and Stiles's faces didn't change. Questioning why they were even trying at this point.
"That would make more sense." Tara said nodding, but she could tell that was definitely not what they meant.
"Nope, pretty sure, he didn't." Vivian said, before giving in to the confused looks. "It's an encyclopedia of mythical creatures."
"How am I the only one that doesn't seem to know anything about this stuff?" Scott ranted, Vivian raised her eyebrow at him.
"I'm pretty sure Sydney doesn't know either." Tara said, trying to cheer Scott up. "I didn't."
"Okay, you know, you're my best friend, you're a creature of the night." Stiles said placing a hand on Scott shoulder. "It's kind of like a priority of ours."
"We lost a lot of hours of sleep researching about you and Syd." Vivian added, she looked over at Tara. "I think you just didn't get to the best parts of your books."
"Yeah, cause they were boring." Tara said, shuddering. She more meant history or educational books. They weren't Tara's cup of tea, she liked ones with a world she could get lost in. "I don't understand how you read books, Vivian."
Vivian let out an amused breath. "Okay, back to the matter at hand."
"If we can find it, and it can tell us what this thing is..." Scott said trailing off.
"or who." Stiles added, they all stayed quiet for a second.
"We need to find that book."
Vivian only got one minute of peace after she left the bathroom, Stiles appearing beside her. He grabbed her forearm, directing her to the doors that lead outside. Vivian looked at him, questioning.
"Stiles? What are you doing?" Vivian asked, never knowing what Stiles had planned.
"You're going to help me with the messages between Allison and Scott." Stiles said, keeping his eyes forward. Vivian started to stumble as he sped up.
"Why?" Vivian asked, amused. Like she usually was around Stiles.
"Tara and Sydney are werewolves, and I don't want to do it alone." Stiles said, looking back at Vivian at the end.
"I'm a suspected wolf." Vivian tried to argue, but she knew it would be no use. "I also kissed Scott, remember that."
"How could I forget it." Stiles grumbled, Allison now in sight. "You also kissed my sister, so think of this as retribution."
"Fine." Vivian gave in, stopping in front of Allison and Mikayla with Stiles. "We think your family has a bestiary, know anything?"
Allison started to giggle. "I think you mean.."
"No, he means bestiary." Mikayla said, recognition on her face.
"And, the two of you. I don't want to know what's going on in your heads." Stiles said, blinking rapidly.
"Okay, can either of you describe this thing?" Allison asked looking between the three.
"It's like a journal." Mikayla said, looking over at Stiles.
"It's probably old and worn." Stiles said gesturing around, having never seen one before.
"Like, bound in leather?" Allison asked, looking away like she was remembering something.
5 minutes later Vivian was run with Stiles, to get to Scott, Sydney, and Tara. They were walking in the halls, chatting about something that she couldn't care to listen about. Stiles used Scott to stop himself. Vivian leaning heavily on Stiles, both out of breath.
"Yes. Seen her grandfather with a book like that." Stiles explained taking a deep breath, and holding it.
"Book?" Sydney asked, farthest away from the two.
"Journal, creatures, bestiary-" Vivian said in between breaths, cutting off Sydney before she could speak. "- if you say bestiality, I'll kill you."
A minute later Stiles and Vivian were running again, against her will. They found Allison outside again, still with Mikayla. They seemed to be doing homework when Stiles and Vivian got to them.
Both of them leaned against the table, panting for a second. "Where does he keep it?"
Vivian could feel the sweat forming as Stiles and her basically fell into the lockers next to Scott's. Sydney was the only one with him this time. Vivian could see her holding back a laugh at their disheveled looks.
"She- She says- it has to be- office." Vivian gasped for air, remembering why she hated gym more and more. Sydney had a sympathetic look on her face, reaching into Scott's bag she handed them the inhaler.
"I could kiss you." Vivian said basically cradling it in her arms.
"That's what got you into this mess." Stiles said grabbing her arm and dragging her away.
They took a minute in front of Mikayla and Allison to take a hit of the inhaler. Allison and Mikayla both looked amused to watch the two almost die delivering messages.
"You could be doing this." Vivian said pointing at Mikayla.
"I'm too close to the hunters." Mikayla said holding her hands up. Stiles shot the two glares.
"You know, drug dealers have been using disposable cell phones pretty successfully for years." Stiles explained, taking another deep breath. Vivian could feel the ache in her side coming on.
"My parents check every call, email and text message I send." Allison said back, it made Vivian want to cry. "Trust me, they'd find it."
"All right. Can you get the book?" Stiles asked, tired of all the running.
"Not without his keys." Allison said looking over at Mikayla.
"Well at least we have a new goal for this lacrosse game."
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