☆ Another One Takes The Bite ☆
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Mikayla looked over at Allison as she parked the car. They had stopped at a gas station, it was pretty empty, it was late. Before Allison got out of the car, Mikayla grabbed her arm. "Thank you for the ride, again."
"It's really no problem." Allison said with a smile. "It was on my way."
"Still." Mikayla said before Allison laughed slightly and got out of the car. She let herself look out the window for a few minutes before the humidity and heat in the car got to her. Mikayla opened her door to let some air in and closed her eyes.
She almost feel asleep until she felt arms around her waist and a bag over her head.
When the bag was pulled off her head a gag was shoved into her mouth. She was tied to a chair with Allison next to her. Allison's breathing was quick and she was looking around quickly with fear in her eyes. Mikayla was trying to take deep breath and thinking of all the ways she's seen people escape in tv shows when she saw Chris tied to a chair in front of her.
Allison seemed to have seen him too. His movements weren't as frantic, but all three of them were still trying to escape their binds. Mikayla and Allison were starting to cry at this point. No deep breaths saving Mikayla.
She almost tilted her chair over before a mans voice came out out of nowhere. "Have you ever wondered what happens if a hunter gets bitten, girls?"
They both looked around the room they were in. It was the living room of the Hale House. "Have you ever wondered what happens when you get bitten?"
Chris was still struggling, Allison doing the same. Mikayla had given up and was whimpering to herself with tears in her eyes and a random man's voice in her ears.
"What do you think your father would do, Allison?" The man said again. Allison has stopped struggling, listening to the mans words and looking at her dad with concern and fear. "What do you think he'd have to do, Mikayla?"
Allison looked over at Mikaya now. She was taking deep breaths, trying to keep herself calm while Allison kept her eyes on her friend. Mikayla looked at Chris, where Allison's eyes had just been, he was struggling like a wild animal. Almost like he was feral. The voice had gone quiet as Chris broke the chair in half with his struggling. Allison looked back over at him. Her and Mikayla with matching wide eyes.
Chris ripped his arms from his binds and took the gag out. He held his arm out and a man handed him a phone, it was a voice recording. "When all it would take is one bite to change everything."
Allison rolled her eyes at him, disgust filling her face. Mikayla slammed her foot on the ground, annoyance and anger filling her as Chris kept talking. "One bite and everything changes."
He walked over to his daughter and pulled out the gag, while his friend pulled out Mikayla's. She spat on his boots while Allison talked to her father. "Is this how we're gonna do father/daughter talks from now on?"
"No, this is how we're going to train you both." Chris explained with a calm demeanor despite the girls emotions. Mikayla took a few deep breaths and looked at the floor. "Do you know why we use arrows?"
"They can't heal until it's taken out." Allison answered looking away from her father and at Mikayla.
"It's long distance, less risk?" Mikayla suggested based on what was just being talked about.
Chris didn't answer. He just grabbed two arrows from his friends. One that looked like Allisons and one that had the letter M on it. Mikayla never thought her arrows were going to have to be untraceable, sue her.
"Look familiar?" Chris asked showing the two arrows off to them.
"You were going to kill him." Allison answered for both of them.
"That's right." Chris said with no regret. "And if we find Isaac on another full moon, we will kill him."
Chris walked back towards them, yelling at this point. Allison and Mikayla were starting to shrink in their chairs. "That's the hard choice we make. But it wasn't my choice."
"Gerard?" Mikayla asked swallowing the little fear she had. Chris looked over at Mikayla with an amused and intrigued look.
"No." Chris said before walking over and placing a hand on each of the girls shoulders. "You see, the Argent family has a surprisingly progressive tradition. Knowing wars and violence are typically started by men, we place the final decisions, the hard ones, with the women."
A look of realization came to Allison's face and it let Mikayla know exactly who made the decision. Chris didn't stop, he just walked back to stand in front of them. "We train our sons, to be soldiers and our daughters, to be leaders."
"No offense, Mr. Argent" Mikayla spoke up "but I'm not your daughter."
"But you have the makings to be a hunter. I saw you that night. You dealt the final blow. You made the hard decision." Chris said pointing at Mikayla. "It's also a great motivation to have a friend with you."
He walked behind the two of the girls again. "Your training starts now." Chris handed them each their arrows before walking out of the room, grabbing his jacket from his friend on the way. "Time them."
This friend held up his phone with a timer on it and pressed the start button for them both to see before walking out with Chris. Mikayla looked over at Allison, she was staring straight ahead, emotionless.
"Ally?" Mikayla asked quietly making her look over at her. Mikayla gave her a small, puny smile. "Race you?"
Allison took a deep breath and nodded. They both started sawing at the rope tying their hands together. Allison was done first, not surprising. She came over and untied Mikayla, who was a second away from being done. More like a minute. They walked side by side out of the house, rubbing their wrists.
In front of the house was the guy from before, leaning against Allison's car. When he saw them he stopped the timer and showed it to them. "Congrats."
"For what? It took us two and a half hours." Mikayla said with a hostile tone. A look of anger on Allison's face.
"Took me three when I did it." The man said making Allison and Mikayla smile slightly at him. Allison got in the driver's seat with Mikayla going to the passengers side.
Both done with their first lesson as hunters.
Vivian wasn't bad at PE. She just hated it with every bone in her body. Most people agreed with her, except the ones that were great at PE. Then they were just show offs. Like Scott.
They were climbing a rock roll for class today and Scott got partnered with Allison. They were climbing together, while presumably chit chatting. Vivian just wanted to get it over with. She was next with Stiles and Then Sydney with Erica, a random girl from their class. Sydney had actually talked to Erica a few times, at lunch or in class.
Back to Scott, they were both almost to the top. They had stopped a couple of times and Scott was a small amount farther than Allison. When mysteriously- she kicked his foot off -he fell all the way back down, being suspended an inch above the ground because of the rope attached to him for safety. Taking some deep breaths to calm the adrenaline running through his veins.
The rope released the tension and Scott fell all the way to the ground, still taking a few breaths. Coach sat down on the mat next to where Scott's head was. "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy."
Scott was saved from more embarrassment and harassment when Tara walked in, 25 minutes late. She was in the gym uniform but she was hunched in on herself, Coach looked over at her. Scott and Stiles waited for the yelling that he always gave someone who was late to class.
He instead just looked at the clock then back at Tara who was standing at the back of the group standing in front of the rock wall.
"You okay with doing this tomorrow?" Coach asked, his voice hadn't lost that edge of sarcasm but it had a new quality. Tara nodded quickly before looking over at Vivian. "Alright, next two!"
Vivian started to walk over to where Tara was but Coach's arm stopped her. "Gasko, Stilinski."
"But Coach-" Vivian tried to argue but Coach just blew his whistle.
"Let's go. The wall." He said making Vivian sigh and take Scott's place. Vivian looked over at Stiles, who had a dopey smile on his face. Vivian smiled to herself and started to climb.
She was only slightly quicker than Stiles. When she got a little over halfway she felt her hands start to get sweaty and her breathing to get heavier. Vivian blinked a few times before forcing herself to go quicker.
"You know- I'm just letting- letting you win." Stiles said through breaths making Vivian scoff playfully at him.
"Sure you are." Vivian said with a teasing smile staying in one spot and looking down at him as he made it to where she was.
"I'm the lacrosse player here." Stiles said with a challenging look.
"I get more field time than you do." Vivian said with an amused smile before she continued to climb.
"I get more practice time." Stiles called after her as he continued again. She just shook her head with a small smile. Vivian got to the very top and was going to wait for Stiles when she felt her ears grow distant. The noises seemed to cancel out, she looked around for a second and when she looked back down at where Stiles was, he wasn't Stiles.
He was Peter. Vivian froze in fear and accidently let go of where she was. She looked down as she fell and managed to land on her feet instead of on her back like Scott. When she looked back at Stiles, he was him again. She took a relieved breath before unhooking herself and walking over to where Tara was.
"Okay, Erica, girl Stilinski." Coach called after Stiles was down. Sydney made quick work of the wall, and was done in a matter of minutes. When she looked back up at Erica, she was little lower than halfway. She looked like she was struggling, looking down at them.
Sydney could hear her whimper and let out a shaky breath. Like she was about to cry. Sydney looked over at Coach to see if he noticed. He was too busy with his clipboard until they heard Erica say quietly. "Help... please."
Everyone walked over to where Sydney was standing, under where Erica was. Coach in the front of them with the closest he could look to concerned. "Erica? Dizzy? Is it vertigo?"
"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear." Lydia said looking at Coach with slight judgement and some confusion. "She's just freaking out."
After Lydia said that, with clear judgment this time, the kids were less concerned and more entertained. Sydney sent a look back at Lydia before looking back up at Erica with Coach beside her.
"Erica." Sydney said now with clear concern.
"I'm fine." Erica snapped back.
"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Vivian said, moving to the front with Tara beside her.
"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff." Coach said with annoyance.
"This is why you read your emails." Tara muttered to him. Coach looked down at her before looking back up at Erica.
"Erica, you're fine. Just kick off from the wall." Coach explained while Lydia sighed. Erica looked down at them, still looking like she was about to cry. "There's a mat to catch you."
"Come on." Sydney said softly. Erica slowly pushed away from the wall until she hit the ground with her feet. She swayed slightly when she landed, Sydney helping her steady herself.
"See, you're fine. You're on the ground." Coach said as Erica unhooked herself. "You're all right. Let's go. Shake it off. You're fine."
Erica looked down as she walked through all of the laughing kids. Sydney could see the looked on her face as she pushed away from her.
Stiles and Scott stood at the front with Tara, Vivian, and Sydney next to them. They were in the locker room after class and Sydney was still reeling from what happened only 20 minutes ago.
Coach whistled to get everyone's attention. "Listen up. Anybody sees Isaac Lahey, you immediately tell the principal, get a teacher, or you call me. Except for you, Greenburg. Don't call me for anything. I'm not kidding. Don't call me. You shouldn't even have my number."
"Isaac?" Scott asked directed at Stiles, Vivian, and Tara.
"It's Derek's problem now." Stiles said back, walking with Scott. Vivian and Tara behind them, and Sydney the furthest back.
They all walked to Stiles and Scott's lockers. Vivian having to keep her laughter at bay, when she saw what Stiles shirt said. 'Stud Muffin' she failed.
"What's so funny?" Stiles asked her from behind Scott's locker.
"Nothing." Vivian said but Tara was smiling with Vivian.
"Anyway, what do you mean tonight's not a good idea?" Stiles asked, being the only one on the other side of Scott's locker door.
"I don't know." Scott said, slightly distant. "The thing we saw last night, Isaacs missing, Allison's grandfather. All this stuff happening with Derek just doesn't feel right."
When Scott was done talking he shut his locker. Sydney sighed at Scott and crossed her arms, not realizing that while Scott had been talking Stiles had changed his shirt. "No, you're not backing out. Do you want to know why?"
Scott didn't answer, but Vivian and Tara seemed to have zoned out of the conversation so Stiles lowered his voice as he continued. "Because you and Allison are obviously having quite a great time together. And you know who else wants to have a good time?"
"Please don't." Sydney said under her breath as Scott rolled his eyes.
"Stiles! Stiles wants to have a good time. Many, many times. Several times in a row. In several different positions." Stiles ranted making Sydney gag. She looked away as her hearing focused and her hands started to shake. She looked over at Scott and the same thing seemed to be happening to him.
Sydney sprinted past Vivian and Tara with Scott behind her. The two of them and Stiles followed the two as they all caused a commotion in the locker room.
When Sydney got into the gym, Erica was starting to lose her grip. She was trying to climb it again, alone without a mat. Sydney got there right when Erica started to fall and caught her in her arms. She was starting to convulse, like she was having a seizure. Sydney set her on the ground with Scott beside them.
"Put her on her side! Put her on her side." Vivian said dropping to where Sydney and Erica were. The rest of the class was now back out there with them.
"How'd you know?" Allison asked looking at Scott and Sydney.
"I just felt it."
Stiles and Sydney walked into the lunch room with a mission. They both looked around the room, making sure no one was watching, as they approached Vernon Boyd. Stiles and Sydney slid into chairs across the table from the man.
Stiles was sitting with his elbow on the table, sideways on the chair. Sydney moved her chair to sit on it backwards, intertwining her hands as she placed them on the table. Stiles looked away from Boyd, acting casual. Sydney had a serious face on as she looked at Boyd. Both acting like they're about to participate in a drug deal. Both doing it very differently.
After a minute, Stiles nodded at Boyd, looking back away again. It took another minutes before one of them started talking.
"Boyd, you got the keys?" Stiles asked looking down at the floor. Boyd kept a straight face on as he held his hand out, the keys dangling from his fingers. Stiles and Sydney looked at each other, smiles coming to both of their faces, before Stiles reached out to grab the keys. Boyd made a fist, holding on tightly to the keys so Stiles could grab them.
"This isn't a favor." Boyd reminded, looking over at Mikayla at the table behind them before looking back at them. "It's a transaction."
"Right, yeah." Sydney said reaching into her bag and pulling out twenty dollars. She slid the money across the table casually as Stiles looked over his shoulder again.
"I said fifty." Boyd said with some annoyance in his voice, but he was quite a passive guy so it wasn't that threatening.
"Really? I... I remember 20. I don't know. I have a really good verbal memory, and I remember twenty." Stiles said starting to stutter, making Sydney roll her eyes. "I remember that distinctive 'twa' sound. Twa-enty."
"I said fifty." Boyd said looking unimpressed. "With a 'fa' sound. Hear the difference? If you can't, I can demonstrate some other words with the 'fa' sound."
Boyd leaned forward with a calm threatening voice that made Stiles start to reach into his bag. Sydney directed a glare at Boyd, she had some other words that she think he should hear himself.
"No, no, no, I think I'm recalling it now." Stiles said adding an extra twenty to Sydney's twenty. "Maybe I just got in confused with forty."
Boyd kept his unimpressed look as he at a chip. Stiles sighed and gave up on his cool casual demeanor. "Come on man. Have you seen that piece of crap Jeep I drive?"
"Have you seen that piece of crap bus I take?" Boyd asked back making Sydney sigh and add the final ten. Boyd gave them a sarcastic smile before handing over the keys.
Sydney grabbed them this time and got up with Stiles right behind her. They walked over to the table their friends were at. Mikayla, Vivian, and Scott on one side, while Stiles and Sydney sat on the side Tara was at.
"Got it." Stiles said as Sydney slammed the keys down on the table. "Scott, I'll pick you up right after work tonight, then I can get you two," Stiles looked over at Vivian and Tara. "and we'll meet up at the rink, okay?"
No one answered him, the three on Scott's side staring at the entrance to the cafeteria. The other three looked over just in time to see Erica Reye's walking back through. Her hair looked straightened and she had leopard print heels, a short skirt that even Lydia would gawk at, and more makeup than usual on.
Erica made direct eye contact with Sydney as she grabbed some random guy's apple and took a bite. She looked back at the guy while she wiped the juice off of her lips, and Sydney had never felt jealous of an apple until then. Lydia gained her attention by slamming her hands on the table. "What in the holy hell is that?"
"It's Erica." Sydney responded breathless. Erica stood tall again and walked back out of the room, taking the apple with her. Almost everyone at the table got up immediately to follow Erica, Mikayla having to pull Sydney up before she realized.
Tara and Vivian were the furthest ahead with the others trailing behind them. When they got outside, Tara got deja vu from when she saw Isaac being driven away.
Derek's car was out front with Erica on the passengers side opening the door. Sydney and Scott stopped beside her. Stiles, Mikayla, and Vivian standing off to the side. Tara's mouth was wide open as Erica gave them a mischievous smile as she got in the car. Derek looked over at them with glasses on his face.
He gave them a wide smile as he drove off with Erica. Tara's eyes staying where his car had just been, she was frozen.
"Did you know about this?" Scott asked with no accusation in his voice.
"No." Tara said quietly.
"I thought you were in on the loop?" Mikayla asked looking at Vivian and Stiles with confusion.
"So did I."
Mikayla laughed slightly at the joke Lydia had just finished. She was having fun with her sister and Allison while they waited to leave for the rink. She felt kind of bad that Sydney couldn't be here. Chris knew she was a wolf, so it wasn't safe to be in the Argent house.
They were all interrupted by Chris knocking on the door, Mikayla straightened her back at the sight of him. Allison paused in the middle of putting a glove on and looked over at her dad.
"Headed out?" Chris asked leaning against the door.
"Studying." Allison answered quickly. Chris nodded over at her, making Allison walked over after she sighed.
Lydia pulled Mikayla down into the chair with her and took some silly pictures making Mikayla start to giggle, until she looked up and saw Chris and Allison, still talking. They both looked back over at Lydia, looking over at the pictures they had just taken and smiling. Mikayla looked over at her big sister too.
Praying Chris wouldn't do anything.
"Hey, Mom." Vivian said watching her mom leave the far door in the hallway. She looked tired but satisfied at the same time. It was almost time for her to go back to work, and Vivian could tell Naomi was still worried about leaving the house with Vivian alone some night.
"Hey, Sweetheart." Naomi said with a wide smile coming to a stop in front of her daughter. They were standing in front of the guest room, where Tara was getting ready. "You going somewhere?"
Naomi was looking at Vivian's clothes, she was wearing two layers and had her boots on. Vivian could see the underlying of worry. "Just hanging out with Stiles. They guy who always drives me home and you've known for years."
"I'm always going to worry about you." Naomi said seriously making Vivian start to feel warm and itchy. Like she wanted to leave as soon as possible. She could take a heart to heart right now.
"I know." Vivian said trying to keep her voice from being too shaky. "I'll be safe. I'll even take a stupid picture of the group for you."
Naomi still looked hesitant before sighing. "I want it to be really stupid, so stupid, you'd be embarrassed if I posted it on Facebook."
"I promise." Vivian said before letting her Mom hug her. Tara walked out of the room as they pulled away. Vivian's eyes immediately looked Tara over. Ever since the full moon she'd been very hesitant to hang out with the group, them all knowing what she was now.
They didn't look at her differently, maybe with a little more worry or concern. Tara was probably the most scared about Stiles's reaction. But he was Stiles, her best friend.
"Ready to go?" Vivian asked softly with a calm look on her face. Always the rock of the group, maybe a little more unstable than usual. But still someone Tara could lean on.
"You know it." Tara said mustering up a smile. They both started to walk away before Naomi grabbed Tara's arm, pulling her into a hug like she did Vivian.
"You two be safe. I mean it." Naomi said as she pulled away from Tara, kissing her head.
"We're always safe." Vivian yelled as a joke, but leaving before she could feel the tension it brought to the room. After everything that joke didn't seem the same.
"I hope so."
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