☽ Alphas Suck Ass ☾
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They ran as fast as they could up the stairs. They almost fell over multiple times as they checked the first classroom they found. After seeing it was locked, Lydia found one on the other side of the small hall. They all ran into it and shut the door, locking it and putting a chair under the door handle.
They all backed away from the door and made two rows on either side of the room. Mikayla, Lydia, Jackson, and Allison on one side. Scott, Stiles, Sydney, Tara, and Vivian on the other. They all tried to stay as quiet ask possible. Lydia and Mikayla were clinging to each other while Allison was leaning on the wall the door was attached to. Jackson made eye contact with Tara and it was as if she was reliving it all again. Everyone else was trying to take as small breaths as they could but after running as fast and far as they did it was a little hard.
They saw a blurred black silhouette pass by the window making them all tense and hold their breaths. Once it was out of view they all relaxed slightly.
"Jackson how many people can you fit in your car?" Scott asked after a moment.
"Five, if someone squeezes on someone's lap." Jackson said looking over at Tara.
"Five?" Allison asked fear making her lash out. "Mikayla and I barely fit in the back."
"It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention." Stiles said barley letting Allison finish her sentence.
"What about this?" Sydney suggested walking over to the door on the far side of the room, everyone following her. "This leads to the roof. We can go down the fire escape to the parking lot in, like, seconds."
"There's a deadbolt." Vivian pointed out. They all deflated before Tara looked up like a lightbulb had just gone off in her head.
"The Janitor has a key." She said with wide eyes.
"You mean his body does." Stiles said with a hard look.
"I can get it." Sydney and Scott said at the same time getting varied reactions.
"I can find him by scent, by blood." Scott said leaning closer to them and saying what Sydney couldn't.
"Well, gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea." Vivian said with her arms cross looking between both of them. "What else you got."
"I'm getting that key." Sydney said with a nod from Scott. They both pushed past the three humans who know and was stopped by the ones who did.
"Are you insane?" Lydia said holding Sydney's arm.
"Are you serious?" Allison said standing in front of Scott with her arms crossed.
"Well it's the best plan." Scott said trying to keep her from asking questions.
"What he said." Sydney said her tone the opposite of the soft look she was giving Lydia.
"Why is Sydney going?" Stiles asked panicked, his breathing picking up. Vivian grabbed his hand making him look at her.
"Scott will protect her. If he gets distracted by the Alpha then she'll grab the key and run." Vivian explained in a smooth voice. The three walked up to Scott and Sydney who were still being flanked by the four.
"We need that key if we're going to get out of here." Sydney explained further. Tara felt the concern she always hated filling her body as she looked at Scott.
"You can't go out there unarmed" Lydia said sternly
Scott looked to his side and grabbed the plastic rubber pointer ringer on a flimsy stick. Sydney looked down in disappointment, Vivian and Stiles rolling their eyes. Everyone else looked at him with slight judgment in their eyes.
"Well, it's better than nothing." Scott defended waving the stick slightly.
"There's gotta be something else." Allison said everyone looking around the room except Lydia.
"There is." Lydia said with a smugness in her tone as she looked over at Vivian.
"We're in a Chemistry room." Vivian said glancing over at the cabinet full of chemicals.
"What are we gonna do? Throw acid at him?" Stiles said growing frantic at the idea of his twin out there with nothing but Scott.
"No. Like a fire bomb. In there is everything you need to make a self-igniting molotov cocktail." Lydia explained fully showing off how smart she is.
"Self-Igniting-" Mikayla started to ask.
"Molotov Cocktail." Lydia confirmed. They all looked at her confused at the moment she showed her true intelligence. Sydney just had a small smile on her face. "What. I read it somewhere."
"We don't have a key for that either." Stiles said making Vivian scoff. She walked over to the glass cabinet and slammed her covered elbow into the glass and they were in business.
Lydia was leading the whole thing much to Vivian's dismay. She had a beaker filled with a few different things and was shaking it to mix it. She looked around for a second and then glanced at Jackson who was on her left.
"Jackson, hand me the sulfuric acid." Lydia said, he looked at the two bottles in front of him and hesitantly grabbed the on on the right.
She poured it in without checking the bottle and then shook the beaker again. She placed a cork into the beaker and handed the beaker to Scott. She gave Sydney a looked before Sydney surged forward.
"No, no, this is insane, you can't do this." Allison said her eyes filled with tears. "You can't go out there."
"We can't just sit here waiting for Stiles to check his messages." Scott said back leaning over the counter to look at Allison closer.
"You could die." Allison said, enunciating each word, leaning closer to Scott. "Don't you get that. He's killed three people."
"And we're next." Scott argued. Allison leaned back with a disappointed sigh.
"Somebody has to do something." Sydney said interrupting the lovers quarrel. Scott and Sydney waked towards the door and Scott was stopped by Allison who was still arguing. Sydney was stopped by Vivian who pulled her aside.
"Are you sure about this?" Vivian asked quietly looking at Sydney with worry.
"Don't worry Princess." Sydney said with a pathetic excuse for a smirk. She let her smile dropped when she saw the serious look on Vivian's face.
"I hate when you make me worry." Vivian said looking down.
"How can I make it up to you?" Sydney asked trying to keep joking.
"Take me to Paris." Vivian joked back.
"Promise." Sydney said holding up her pinky. Vivian connected their pinkies and let Sydney walk off. She ignored the looks she got from Stiles and Lydia who were the only two who saw their little exchange.
Meanwhile they missed a very important conversation. While Vivian pulled Sydney away, Allison stopped Scott with tears already falling down her face. "Scott, just stop."
"Allison." Scott whispered by stopping nonetheless.
"Do you remember- Do you remember when you told me you knew whether or not I was lying? That I had a tell." Allison asked her voice cracking in the middle. Scott nodded slightly. "So do you. You're a horrible liar, and you've been lying all night. Just.. please- don't go. Please don't leave us. Please."
Scott stared into Allison's teary eyes. He made eye contact with Tara, he had known her for years and he could tell how worried she was. If she wasn't objecting then he knew he had to do it. "Lock the door behind us."
Allison pulled Scott back, giving him an emotional and long kiss. After she let him go he turned away from her with a conflicted look and nodded toward the door. Sydney walked with him, giving Vivian's pinky one last squeeze.
Allison watched him leave with the same emotion Tara was trying to hide. Vivian walked back over to Stiles and leaned toward his ear.
"Please tell me it's 11:11"
Sydney and Scott stepped into the hall, closing the door as quietly as they could. They stepped slowly down the hall uncertain about each step. They walked until they made it to the door, the door they had run from only 30 minutes ago. They each looked through one of the windows until Sydney took the first step and opened the door slowly.
They walked slowly down the stairs, starting to speed up when they didn't hear anything. They walked through the school again until they made it where they had left the janitors body. They both looked around twice until they were sure they were seeing nothing.
They kept searching, now more confused. They both made it to the big gym. They stayed near the entrance just looking over the dark gym. Sydney didn't like how ominis it felt as Scott started to walk to the back of bleachers. She quickly followed him not wanted to be too far.
They slowly walked through the metal beams, Sydney periodically looking behind them to check. They made it about halfway to through the bottom of the bleachers when Sydney saw blood drop onto Scott's face, a second later another dropped onto Sydney's hand.
They both slowly looked up to the top of the bleachers. Only to find the Janitor.
Hanging more mutilated then they remembered.
Tara doesn't know why she let Scott leave. She saw how he looked at Allison and then her. If she had just said something he would have stayed. Or that's what she tells herself.
Sydney and Scott had been gone for a while. Allison and Tara had moved to sitting on the counter, while Stiles and Vivian were leaning on the wall. Mikayla was leaning on the counter, closest to Stiles. Jackson and Lydia were leaning on the opposite counter.
"I don't get this." Allison said breaking the silence they had kept since the two had left. "I don't why they're out there, and why they left us." Tara could tell Allison was more focused on the Scott then the Sydney. "And I can't.. I can't stop my hands from shaking."
Tara was having a similar problem but trying to hide it. Allison had a reason to feel like this, he was her boyfriend, Tara was just acting insane. Mikayla grabbed Allisons hands softly making eyes contact with her.
"It's okay." Mikayla said as Jackson quietly moved a hand to Tara's shaking ones. She looked at him getting a knowing smile. "Okay, it's gonna be okay."
Allison nodded starting to calm down, Tara doing the same and giving an appreciative squeeze of Jackson's hands that didn't go unnoticed. Vivian and Stiles both stared at their intertwined hands. Vivian's eyes flickering between theirs and Stiles own hands, that were clenched so tight that she could see it turning white.
She grabbed his hand and soothingly rubbed her thumb over the marks left by his barely there nails. That distracted him enough for Tara to let go of Jackson hand.
Mikayla keeping one of her fingers linked with Allisons.
Sydney and Scott had to stare in shock for a moment before both their eyes looked for the keys. They were right where they were supposed to be. Scott handed the Molotov Cocktail to Sydney and started climbing the metal rails to reach the keys. Sydney at first was looking for the alpha but then went back to Scott after he almost fell.
The keys were just in reach when a noise startled both of them. The bleachers started to close on them. Sydney looked back at Scott who was desperately reaching now, he just grabbed them before Sydney pulled him down and they started running. They barely made it out when the bleachers closed all the way. Both of them now on all fours, Sydney with the cocktail.
Both of them alert and waiting.
Vivian glanced over at the table they had been working at. She had already been planning how to clean it if Scott and Sydney didn't get back soon. That's when she noticed the bottle Jackson had handed Lydia. Vivian glanced at Lydia who was trying to avoid both interactions that had just happened. Lydia met Vivian's eyes and before she could glare she noticed Vivian's inquisitive look.
Lydia also looked over at the table, slightly turning her head to Jackson. "Jackson, you handed me the sulfuric acid, right?"
"It has to be sulfuric acid. It won't ignite if it's not." Vivian said to herself out loud drawing everyone's attention.
"I gave you exactly what you asked for, didn't I." Jackson snapped, opposite of how he was just treating Tara.
"Yeah." Lydia said passively. "Yeah, I'm sure you did."
He didn't.
Sydney slowly rose as the alpha approached them both on all fours. Scott also started to rise as they both waited for the alpha to be close enough to torch. "Come on."
When the alpha started running at them, Sydney threw the Molotov Cocktail at him. It shattered on his back confusing him but nothing set aflame. The alpha looked back at the shattered glass and then shook his head at the two. He continued sprinting at the two were's.
They both stood in shock before trying to run. The alpha grabbed one of their legs and flung them across the gym. He was back on them in a flash. He was hovering over both of them. One hand on each of their faces, his claws digging into their skin.
He was so close to their faces that they could feel the impending drool. He then leaned back up and tilted his head up, letting out 3 large howls that vibrated the school.
Back at the classroom they all heard it, it made Jackson fall to the ground in pain clutching his neck. Everyone looked down at him, Stiles noticing the claw marks had reopened on his neck.
When Sydney and Scott focused on where they were again, the alpha was gone. After a second of confusion they were both writhing in pain on the ground. Both trying to fight the impending change.
Sydney could tell it was too late when her eyes changed to yellow.
Jackson was being helped up by Lydia and Tara, one on each side holding an arm. He still looked like he was trying to fight some pain left over. "Uh, no, I'm fine."
Lydia still tried to check on his neck which he kept rubbing but was pushed away, Jackson staring at her with annoyance. "Like, seriously, I'm okay."
"That didn't sound okay, at all." Tara commented as Jackson backed away from them all.
"What's on the back of your neck?" Stiles asked trying to touch it but was slapped away, Jackson looking frantic for a second.
"I said I'm fine." Jackson snapped again. Everyone absolutely not believing him.
"It's been there for days, and he won't tell me what happened." Lydia said with her arms crossed.
"As if you actually care." Jackson said glaring at Lydia who had deflated.
"Can we not argue for half a second here." Mikayla said cowering slightly.
"Where's Scott and Sydney, they should be back by now." Tara said avoid Allison's eyes incase she gave something away. Little did they know the two people they were looking for were right outside the door, bloodlust on their mind.
"Yeah." Allison agreed starting to panic again.
"They'll be back soon." Vivian said trying to calm everyone down. "Let's not all turn on each other before then."
Outside the room Vivian's voice echoed in Sydney's head as she slammed her fist against the wall. She could feel herself fighting the change. Scott seemed to be doing the same thing as he leaned heavily on the door.
"They better be." Lydia said, being the final nail in the coffin. Memories of both of them flooded Sydney's mind as she slowly went back to normal. Scott was leaning heavily against the door while Sydney was fighting the urge to slide down on the floor.
In his haze Scott broke the key inside the door, finally getting everyone's attention. Allison ran to the door, trying to turn the now permanently locked door.
"Scott!" She yelled slamming her fist on the door.
Allison was starting to go manic after Scott's blurred face disappeared from the window. Turning the doorknob trying to open the door, pounding her fist on the door while yelling his name. Tara was frozen, standing a few feet behind Allison and starting at the window. Vivian looked through the window as well trying to see if she could make out Sydney. Stiles trying to do the same. Allison started to slam her whole body into the door.
"Stop." Lydia said starting yell when Allison didn't respond. "Stop!"
They all looked at Lydia and she tilted her head to the side. "Do you hear that?"
Distant sirens could be heard from the open window. They all rushed towards it, squishing their heads together so they could see 2 police cars pull up to the school.
Sydney was outside on the other side of the school when she heard them. She looked up, soaked in sweat.
Fully human.
Mikayla, Jackson, Allison, and Lydia were all together being looked after by the emts while Stiles, Tara, Sydney, Scott, and Vivian followed after the Sheriff.
"You sure it was Derek Hale?" Noah asked as they exited down the main entrance.
"Yes." Stiles said certain.
"I saw him too." Scott said adding to the lie with nods from everyone else.
"What about the Janitor?" Tara asked holding her arms to keep warm.
"We're still looking." Noah said.
"Did you check under the bleachers?" Sydney asked trying to not give away too much.
"Yes, Sydney, we looked. We pulled them out just like you and Scott asked, there's nothing." Noach explained.
"We're not making this up." Scott said completely serious.
"I know, I believe you, I do." Noah assured.
"No, you don't. You have this look like you feel bad for us." Vivian said, all of them stopping at the bottom of the stairs.
"Like you wanna believe us, but I know you don't." Sydney finished.
"Listen.. we're gonna search this whole school, we're gonna find him." Noah reassured. "Okay? I promise."
"Sheriff!" Someone yelled from the parking lot. Noah looked over before pointing a finger at them all.
"Stay. All of you." He said his focus on Sydney and Stiles, the two known most for disappearing.
After he left Scott, Tara, and Vivian looked over at the twins who were both leaning against the handrail.
"Well, we survived." Stiles said trying to lighten the mood. Scott was still gazing at the school with a look. "You know, we outlasted the alpha. It's still good. Being alive?"
"When we were in the Chemistry room he walked right past us." Scott said with an edge to his voice. "You don't think it heard us. You don't think it knew exactly where we were?"
"Well, how come we're still alive?" Tara asked.
"It wants me in it's pack." Scott said leaving out it also wanted Sydney. Scott sighed still trying to work everything out in his head. "But I think, first... I have to get rid of my old pack."
"What do you mean?" Vivian asked, scared for the answer. "What old pack?"
"Allison. Jackson, Lydia, Mikayla. You guys." Scott explained, the thought scared Sydney to her core.
"The alpha doesn't wanna kill us." Sydney said letting Scott finish the problem.
"It wants me to do it." Scott said turning away from everyone. "That's not even the worst part."
"How, in the holy hell, is that not the worst part, Scott?" Tara asked too emotionally drained for this day.
"Because he made me shift.. and I wanted to do it." Scott said his voice shaking. "I wanted to kill you. All of you."
They all stood in silence at the reveal. Vivian looking over at Sydney before avoiding the look Sydney gave back. Tara looked up and found Deaton sitting in the ambulance a few feet away. She started to walk away all of them following her.
"How..?" She asked when they all reached him. "How did you get-"
"Out?" Deaton asked. "Not easily, and from what they tell me, I'm alive because of you. I think I owe you a raise."
Before Deaton could say more the Sheriff found them. "Guys, come on, let's let the emts do their job. You can talk to him later."
They were pulled away. Scott running over to Allison, the rest of the group watched for afar. Sydney only caught one sentence. 'I can't trust you.' After that Naomi came and picked up Tara and Vivian. Sydney had never seen Naomi look so shaken, and she'd know this women her whole life. Eventually everyone left and it was just Stiles and Sydney, sitting on the sidewalk in silence. Sydney replaying Scott's words.
'I wanted to kill you. All of you.'
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