☆ 'Accidental' Kisses ☆
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Stiles came up with the idea. Tara just wanted Scott to feel better. Allison had broken up with him because of what happened back at the school. It had devastated Scott, so in the middle of the night, Tara and Stiles woke him up and started driving.
They were now looking for a nice place to sit. Scott following along from behind them. Tara had wanted to bring Vivian or Sydney. Someone who would be more responsible but Stiles didn't seem happy with that suggestion, so Tara decided to let it just be the three of them.
"Where are we going?" Scott asked as they passed a small house.
"You'll see." Stiles said, knowing more about where they were going than Tara.
"'Cause we really shouldn't be out here. My mom is in a constant state of freak-out from what happened at the store." Scott said looking around, Tara looked down at her feet. She was use to her parents not caring about what happens to her, but it still hurt when she thought about how if she died. They wouldn't care. They'd put up a front, grief publicly. But otherwise, their burden would be gone. Tara really wanted a drink.
"Well, your mom isn't the Sheriff okay. There's no comparison, trust me." Stiles said as they continued to walk.
"Your dad isn't Naomi Gasko." Tara said joking with Stiles. Naomi Gasko was a scary women when she wanted to be. Naomi had lectured them when they got home, she didn't ground them though. Naomi was mostly worried, she was busy so she couldn't always keep an eye on the two. She tried, more now with the killings. It was harder than usual to sneak out tonight.
"Can you at least tell me what we're doing here?" Scott asked, Tara turned to look at him as she responded.
"Yes. When your 2nd best friend-"
"Hey." Stiles interrupted.
"gets dumped." Tara continued on ignoring the interruption.
"I didn't get dumped." Scott said, interrupting Tara once again. "We're taking a break."
"All right, well, when you're 2nd best friend gets told by his, girlfriend, that they're taking a break..." Tara said trailing off as they stopped at their location.
"You get him drunk." Stiles said finishing the sentence and holding up a mostly full bottle of whiskey.
Tara just smirked.
Stiles sat a half full bottle of whiskey on the ground between him and Tara. They were both lying back on the ground. They were wasted.
"Dude, you know, she's just one.. one girl." Stiles said having to think about his words. He was talking to Scott who was sober and sitting on the rock behind the two humans.
"There are so many-" Tara said her words more slurred than Stiles. "There are so many other girls in the sea."
"Fish in the sea." Scott corrected with mild amusement in his friends.
"Fish?" Tara asked in response. "Why are you talking about fish. I'm talking about girls."
"I love girls. I love 'em" Stiles said getting off topic. "I love especially ones with curly brown hair, brown eyes that if you look hard enough you can see a speckle of green, 5'9".."
"Like Vivian?" Scott said after a pause, not the least bit surprised or interested.
"Yeah, exactly." Stiles said, it was a known thing, his gigantic crush on Vivian Gasko. "Hey, how did you know who I was talking about.. about.. what was I talking about."
"Hey, you're not happy." Tara realized pouting "Take a drink."
Tara tried and failed to get up and grab the bottle. After a few seconds of trying she gave up and leaned back again, resting her head on Scott's leg.
"I don't want any more." Scott said, which stopped Stiles from continuing what Tara couldn't do.
"You're not drunk?" Stiles asked taking in Scott's sad demeanor.
"I'm not anything." Scott said, his voice monotone.
"Hey, maybe- maybe it's like, not needing your inhaler anymore, you know. Maybe you can't get drunk as a wolf." Stiles theorized looking up at Scott.
"Am I drunk?" Tara asked snuggling more into Scott's leg.
"You both are wasted." Scott said looking away from the two.
"Yeah!" Stiles said bursting into a fit of laughs. He holds up his fist to Scott, getting nothing in response. "Aw, come on, dude, I know it feels bad."
"I know it hurts. I know." Tara added, her eyes going out of focus. Both her and Stiles had gotten serious, smiles fading from their faces.
"Well I don't know." Stiles said starting to laugh again but Tara, even in her inebriated state, could tell he was lying. "But I know this. I know that as much as being broken up hurts, being alone is way worse."
"That didn't make sense." Tara said giggling. "I need a drink."
Before Tara could grab it, a hand reached down and grabbed it. All three of them looked up at the new person confused.
"Well, look at the three little bitches getting their drink on." A guy they didn't know asked, he was standing with another guy. They both looked a few years older.
"Give it back." Scott said in a calm but dangerous tone.
"What's that, little man?" The guy asked in a patronizing tone.
"I think he wants a drink." His friend said in the same tone.
"I want the bottle." Scott said his demeanor not changing.
"Scott, maybe we should just go." Tara said backing up slightly.
"You brought me here to get drunk. I'm not drunk yet." Scott said his voice getting even lower. The guy scoffed at Scott before he tilted the bottle to take a drink. Scott kept a glare leveled at the guy. Scott slowly stood up with his glare still focused on the guy. He walked up to the guy until they were inches away, the guy giving the same glare back.
"Give me the bottle." Scott said again, the guy just shook his head looking at Scott with amusement. Scott tilted his head down and even though Tara couldn't see him, she knew that his eyes had changed.
"Scott-" She tried to say but it was too quiet to really do anything.
"Give me the bottle of jack." Scott said again and this time, Stiles and Tara could see his nails start to grow.
"Scott?" Stiles said this time, but getting ignored like Tara. The guy looked scared as he slowly handed the bottle back to Scott.
Scott snatched it and threw it at a tree.
Scott was walking quickly back to the car with Tara and Stiles lagging behind. They had to jog to catch up with Scott.
"Okay, please tell me that was because of the break up." Stiles said when they finally caught up. "Or 'cause tomorrow's the full moon.
Scott stayed silent as they made it to the jeep. Scott opened the back door for Tara but Stiles stopped them. "Going home now, yeah?"
Scott nodded and let the two fall back into the car, both too drunk and tired to do anything else. Tara was about to ask Scott something when she noticed he was looking off in the distance.
He looked unsettled.
"You idiot." Vivian said the next morning. They were both given 20 minutes before Naomi was going to drive them to school. Vivian had gotten dressed in under 5 minutes and was now trying to help a hungover Tara
"Don't yell." Tara whimpered into her pillow. Vivian sighed as she looking through Tara's clothes.
"God, Stiles doesn't think sometimes does he. What if Scott could get drunk, then who would drive you three idiots home. Honestly you'd probably call me." Vivian ranted pulling out some comfortable clothes. "You could have gotten hurt."
"Can Naomi be the parent for today V?" Tara asked as she forced herself to get up. Vivian sighed, Tara could tell Vivian wasn't actually mad. Vivian could just be hurt that she wasn't invited, it surprised Tara that was for sure.
Tara got dressed as quickly as she could before being dragged out of the room with Vivian. Naomi was drinking a glass of tea while waiting for them, she was in her scrubs and looked relaxed. She gave them both a small smile, grabbing the keys knowing they would follow behind her.
"So.." Naomi said once they were in the car. Tara was just trying to ignore her pounding headache.
"So." Vivian responded from next to Tara in the back.
"Why'd you two sneak out?" Naomi asked casually as they reached a stop light. Tara's head bolted up and Vivian rolled her eyes. "Don't give me that attitude, Vivianna."
"If you'd like to know I wasn't invited, so it was only Tara." Vivian said, Tara felt a little hurt that Vivian ratted her out but knew where it came from. Vivian was definitely hurt that she wasn't invited.
"We were trying to cheer up Scott." Tara excused not able to give her usual emotional demeanor.
"You could've gotten hurt," Naomi said her eyes focused on the road, a strain in her voice. "again."
"I'm sorry. Trust me, I never want to leave the house again." Tara said, Vivian looking away from the window for the first time in what feels like hours.
"I don't know if I can trust you." Naomi said the strain still present. "We're here."
They both got out of the car, both feeling worse then they were to begin with. Tara turned to talk with Vivian.
But she had already walked away.
Sydney didn't know how to feel. About any of what was happening. Mikayla, Lydia, and Allison was one group she hung out with. Vivian was from a whole different group. But now Vivian was walking right alongside them. She hadn't spoken once, she had just hoovered. No one had really said anything, Sydney kept giving her worried looks but didn't a single look back. Sydney also hadn't seen Stiles around, he bolted out of the house as soon as he could.
"It's just weird. Everybody's talking about what happened the other night, but nobody knows it was us." Allison said walking through the halls as a normal kid instead of someone who was almost killed and then broke up with her boyfriend.
"Thank you, for the protection of minors." Lydia said trying to keep the mood light. Sydney was surprised that Lydia especially wasn't saying anything about Vivian walking with them.
"Guys, do you think I made the wrong decision?" Allison asked, they all knew she was referring to Scott and the break up. Sydney looked over as Vivian started to turn the opposite direction they were going, as much as she wanted to follow her she knew it would be a hopeless cause. Vivian looked hurt and Sydney hadn't know how to fix it when they were kids and she sure as hell wouldn't know how to do it now.
"About that jacket with that dress. Absolutely." Lydia said, once again trying to keep the mood light.
"Lydia, you know what I mean." Allison said, getting a sigh from Lydia.
"You did what you thought was right." Mikayla said in her beautiful soft voice, it's like it was meant for comforting.
"Absolutely." Lydia said the opposite of her sister in many ways. "He locked us in a classroom and left us for dead."
"I was out there too." Sydney said feeling guilty for letting Scott take all the blame.
"But I know you weren't with Scott. You weren't, right?" Lydia said her self assured tone faltering slightly at the end.
"Oh, yeah. I wasn't." Sydney said as the guilt made itself home in her stomach.
"Anyway, he's lucky we're not pressing charges, or making him pay our therapy bills." Lydia continued. They continued to talk but Sydney just couldn't get it out of her mind.
Why wasn't Vivian with Stiles.
Vivian didn't like this. Why was Stiles acting distant. It was weird, he's never been like this. She had barely seen him all day. He also excluded her from the little hang out. It shouldn't bother as much as she does.
Vivian walked into class with her head down. She had been having bad day after bad day lately, and Stiles little change in attitude wasn't helping. She was so in her own head she didn't even notice Allison until it was too late.
"Sorry." Vivian muttered quickly before pushing past her and taking a random seat. The seat happened to be right next to Stiles. Vivian glanced over at Stiles but got no look in return.
She looked back at the door as Scott walked into the room. He made a beeline to Allison who didn't even notice him until he was right in front of her.
"Allison." Scott said in a desperate tone. Mr. Harris was passing out tests and stopped next to Scott with his same condescending look.
"Mr. McCall," Mr. Harris said, leaning onto Allisons desk to get Scott's full attention. "please take a seat."
Scott sighed and walked over to the seat in front of Stiles. Vivian gave him a small smile and Stiles gave him a nod in greeting. Mr. Harris walked back to the center front of the room and continued explaining.
"You have 45 minutes to complete the test, 25% of your grade can be earned right now simply by writing your name on the cover of the blue book." Mr Harris said holding up a identical book to the one on Vivian's desk. Everyone in the room immediately wrote their names. "However, as this happens every year, one of you will inexplicitly fail to put your name on the cover, and I'll be left again questioning my decisions to ever become a teacher. So let's get the disappointment over with. Begin."
Mr. Harris started the clock. Vivian worked through the problems at a regular pace. After a few minutes she heard Scott's paper crinkle a few too many times. She looked up slightly and looked Scott over. He looked stressed, Vivian passed this off as it being a test and went back to her own.
After another minute or so she heard Scott get up and run out of the room with his bag. The minute Scott ran out of the room Stiles was following, leaving a stunned Vivian.
"Mr. McCall! Mr. Stilinski!" Mr. Harris called after them. Vivian sighed before grabbing her own bag and running out the way they came.
"Scott?" Stiles said as Vivian joined him in the hall.
They looked to their left and found Scott's bag discarded on the ground. Vivian walked toward it with Stiles right behind her. Vivian grabbed the bag and looked around the hall again.
"Scott?" She called this time while Stiles pulled out his phone.
Stiles dialed his number, called his name again before they started to hear a faint ringing. Vivian looked over at Stiles but just like in the room, she got nothing in response. Vivian sighed and started to walk towards the ringing with Stiles next to her.
They followed it all the way to the locker rooms, which seemed to be transformation ground zero now. They both seemed to realize that it was coming specifically from the shower corner. They both walked there and found Scott shirtless under the only running shower head.
Stiles let out a relieved sigh and Vivian reached for a towel as Scott turned to them. "Stiles- Vivian, I can't.."
"What's happening?" Stiles asked panic seeping into his voice.
"Are you changing?" Vivian asked this time, the same tone as Stiles.
"No." Scott said calming their worries. "No, I can't breath."
Vivian shrugged pulled Scott's bag up from where it had been hanging on her wrist. She began digging around until she found what she was looking for. She handed him his old inhaler.
"Here, use this." She said getting a skeptical look from Scott. "Come on, do it."
Scott took a hit from his inhaler and started to calm down, his breaths evening out. He looked puzzled for a few moments before looked at them both.
"I was having an asthmas attack?" He asked still perplexed with water running over him.
"No, you were having a panic attack." Vivian and Stiles said at the same time. Both very familiar.
"But thinking you were having an asthma attack actually stopped the panic attack." Stiles said the familiar small smile coming onto his face. "Irony."
"How did you know to do that?" Scott asked looking over at Vivian.
"Stiles used it on me a few years ago." Vivian said both of them looking at him.
"I use to get them after my mom died." Stiles explained. "Not fun right?"
Vivian vaguely remembered the year after Claudia died. It felt like a fever dream almost. So much going on at once, she didn't like to think about it. Claudia was like a third mother to her, a second one to Tara. It hit everyone hard when she died, especially Stiles who was in the room when it happened. Vivian remembered staying up with him for nights after the tragedy.
Scott shook his head and held his arms out. Still confused on why he had the panic attack.
"I looked at her, and it was like someone hit me in the ribs with a hammer." Scott said explaining his feelings. Stiles looked over at Vivian before getting ready to joke around like usual.
"Yeah, it's called heartbreak. About 2 million songs written about it." Stiles said trying to lighten the mood.
"I can't stop thinking about her." Scott sounded so confused, like he didn't know what he was talking about. Or who.
"Well you could think about this: her dads a werewolf hunter, and you're a werewolf, so it was bound to become and issue." Vivian suggested not really helping. "That wasn't helpful."
Scott looked utterly hopeless and Stiles sighed, his smile dropping. "Dude, I mean, yeah, you got dumped, and it's supposed to suck."
"No, that's not it." Scott said shaking his head again, his breath picking up again slightly. "It was like I could feel everything in the room. Everyone else's emotions."
"It's got to be the full moon." Vivian said, even thought she didn't see any of this when she was with Sydney.
"So we'll lock you up in your room later just like we planned." Stiles said shrugging. "That way the alpha, who is your boss, can't get to you, either."
"I think we need to do a lot more than lock me in my room." Scott said adding an eerie feeling to the conversation.
"What, you mean because if you get out, you'd be caught by hunters?" Vivian said crossing her arms.
"No." Scott said finally stepping away from the spray of the water. "Because if I get out..."
"I think I might kill someone."
Allison was sitting by herself eating her packed lunch when Mikayla took a seat next to her. Allison gave her a polite smile and took another bite. They had some kind of new connection after last night. It felt nice.
"You've got something." Mikayla said brushing a piece of cookie off of Allisons lip and eating it herself.
"Thanks." Allison said with that cute smile. Mikayla just gave her a smile.
"You wanna bite?" Allison asked holding out her cookie.
"Absolutely." Mikayla said breaking off a piece.
They held a moment of comfortable silence before Mikayla spoke up. "Ali, you know if you're regretting breaking up with Scott.."
"Yes?" Allison asked after Mikayla trailed off.
"Don't tell Stiles or them I said this, but I think it was a good idea." Mikayla said leaning in. "He shouldn't have done that to you."
Mikayla leaned back with a reassuring smile and they went back to eating with no serious incidents after that.
Across the lunch room Vivian had just left Tara. Tara was finishing up her lunch and promised to meet Vivian later. Tara had just picked up her tray and while trying to pick up her bag almost dropped the tray full of trash on the ground. Luckily before it could reach the ground, Jackson caught it without dropping anything.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Tara repeated as she took the tray back.
"I couldn't just leave a damsel in distress." Jackson said with his signature smirk.
"Well, thank you anyway." Tara said flashing him a smile before looking over the items in her arms, giving his a perfect view of the back if her neck. When she looked back up, Jackson's face was almost pale. "You okay?"
"Yeah, um, yeah sorry." Jackson excused as they started walking towards the trash.
"You can tell me the truth, after last night I've been on edge a bit too." Tara admitted as she dumped her trash.
"About Scott?" Jackson asked not even giving her a chance to answer. "In my opinion, with Allison breaking up with him, he's getting exactly what he deserves."
What those four didn't know what that just on the other side of the hall, Scott was sitting there.
Tara and Coach walked out of his office to the crowd of players waiting for instruction. Coach blew his whistle and everyone went silent.
"All right, geniuses, listen up." Coach said before giving the floor to Tara.
"Due to the recent pink eye epidemic- thank you, Greenburg- The following people have made first line on a probationary basis." Tara explained looking down at her clipboard which was riddled with Coaches terrible handwriting.
"Emphasis on the word 'probationary'." Coach added before Tara started to read of names.
"Rodriguez. Welcome to first line. Taylor, and uh.." Tara said looking down at the board squinting her eyes to read. "Coach you should take handwriting lessons for the benefit of all of us."
Tara looked at it for another minute as Stiles's excitement built up. "Is that an 's'. No, no, it's not an s, it's a b. Uh Rodriguez, Taylor, and Bilinski? Billinski!"
Tara looked at Stiles with a wide smile. He had his own mini celebration before sitting down after Coach glared at him.
"Stiles." Scott said trying to talk to him.
"It's Biles. Call me Biles, or I swear to god I'll kill you."
"One more thing, from here on out, immediately. We're switching to co-captains." Coach sad surprising Tara. "Congratulations, McCall.
"What?" Jackson asked stepping out of the crowd.
"What do you mean, what?" Coach said "Jackson, this takes nothing away from you. This is about combining separate strengths into one unit. This is about taking your unit, McCalls unit, we're making one big unit."
"Scott, it's you and Jackson now." Tara said getting Scott to look over at them. She had an even wider smile.
"Everybody else.. Asses on the field!"
Scott didn't look as excited as Stiles or Tara. They were all walking through the hall to get the field. Tara couldn't keep the smile off her face.
"Are you not freaking out?" Stiles asked handing Scott his lacrosse stick. "Cause I'm freaking out."
"What's the point?" Scott asked "It's just a stupid title and I could practically smell the jealousy in there."
Sydney stiffened from the end of the hall. She had be subtlety listening to them while Mikayla, Vivian, and her waited for them. Coach made it a rule that non team members were banned from sudden team changes after the incident of '10. Scott saying that made her realize she could smell it too, not the jealousy but the hurt, from both sides of the hall.
"Wait, you smelled jealousy?" Stiles asked as they came to a stop in the middle of the hall, Tara making eye contact with Vivian.
"Yeah, it's like the full moons turned everything up to ten." Scott explained. Sydney knew what he was talking about, she could barely get through her classes without losing it. She just felt out of her body this whole day.
"Huh." Stiles said his idea face present. "Could you pick up on stuff like, I don't know, desire."
Tara had to hold back an eye roll. "I thought we were mad at Vivian."
"Who's says it's Vivian? Who says I'm mad?" Stiles said lying worse than Vivians. Tara did roll her eyes this time.
"This little petty act you've been doing all today." Tara said looking back over at Scott. "You've noticed it, haven't you?"
"Everyone has." Scott agreed before sighing and looking over at Vivian, who was now just chatting casually with Mikayla. "What do you mean by desire?"
"Like.. sexual desire." Stiles hesitantly confirmed, Tara burst out laughing while Sydney had to keep herself from throwing up across the way.
"Stiles, she's not going to feel anything if you keep being a dick for no reason." Tara said her laughing fit dying down.
"I have a reason." Stiles said, looking around before leaning forward and whispering. "I think Sydney and Vivian are hiding something. Am I just crazy?"
Tara and Scott made eye contact and tried to back pedal Stiles's thinking. Sydney on the other hand was starting to hyperventilate. Mikayla and Vivian noticed and tried to calm her down but she told them she just needed a minute and turned the corner walking until she was out of sight.
"Um, you want me to go see if Vivian likes you." Scott said trying to change the topic.
"Just ask her how she feels and see if her heart rate rises." Stiles said getting a hesitant look from Scott. "Please, I've been in love with Vivian since I first saw her and her beautiful face."
"Okay." Scott said hoping it'd get Stiles mind off of the Vivian and Sydney secret. It wasn't just about helping Sydney anymore, they'd kept the secret long enough that they were scared for Stiles reaction to it now.
"You- I love you." Stiles yelled and Scott walked away. Tara watched him walk away and turned to Stiles.
"Even if she does, you still need to tell her why you've been avoiding her." Tara said and she just got a small nod.
Vivian was filled with worry for Sydney but Mikayla was the one person keeping her in her spot. She was so caught up that she didn't noticed Scott walk up to her.
"Hey, can I talk to you?" He asked quietly, he looked nervous. Vivian agreed, thinking that this was about Sydney.
They walked into an empty office. She looked over and saw Tara, Stiles, and Mikayla who had just joined the two, staring right at her and him before the door shut. She slowly turned her head back to Scott.
"Scott?" Vivian asked nervous.
"Hows.. Hows." Scott stuttered taking a deep breath before continuing. "How's Tara doing?"
Vivian stood in shock for a second. "She's fine, I guess?"
"Are you sure? I've seen her hanging around Jackson, and I'm just worried-" Scott started ranting getting interrupted when Vivian puts her finger up.
"Stop." Vivian made direct eye contact with Scott. "You don't get to ask about Tara right now. You've seen how much she cares about you. She does everything for you and you just ignored it for Allison. But the minute she's gone and trust me Scott, Allison is gone. I've had a long day, so I am not going to hear you ask about Tara now that you don't have a stupid girlfriend."
Scott looked pissed after Vivian's rant and she was pissed as well. Scott leveled a glare at Vivian and took a step towards her.
"You know Stiles is pissed at you." Scott said. "The one guy who has always been by your side is mad at you. Because you made a mistake. You don't get to take it out on me."
Scott took a step closer to her and she could tell what was about to happen. She thought over her whole day in a second. How Stiles was just ignoring her for no reason. How Sydney probably knows why since she just ran off all of a sudden. Sydney. Vivian made eye contact with Scott taking a deep breath. She couldn't even see the group on the other side of the door, the group that was just waiting to see if Vivian likes Stiles. Split on either side. But right now it was just Vivian and Scott. Both trying to ignore their feelings. They leaned closer.
And they kissed.
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