Boyd shoved Scott to the ground and we all watched him slide away. Isaac and Erica stayed down while Derek slowly walked over to Scott.
"C'mon Scott. Be apart of my pack, now. You won't be an Omega anymore, and you'll have power, too." Derek suggested as Scott stood up.
"You'd only let me join for your own personal gain." Scott spat as Derek shrugged.
"Maybe." I walked up next to Derek, who had a smirk on his face. "Maybe I'll let you do whatever, like Dean." Scott's eyes landed on me as I looked down again.
"That's why you rejoined his pack? Because he was giving you free will?" Scott asked as I rolled my eyes, scoffing.
"It's not just about the free will, Scott. Who the hell wants to willingly be an Omega? At least I actually have power now." I snapped, which only seemed to anger Scott.
"But you were better off without Derek. You have me, and Stiles—"
"That's two people out of four. Which one do you think I'll go for?" I asked as Scott tensed up.
"The one with the person you love." Scott murmured as I stared blankly at him.
"I guess you were wrong about that, then."
I sat up against the ice rinks wall, panting in pain as I slowly lifted up my shirt to stare down at the deep claw mark, which was already healing. But it was bleeding enough to drip onto the ice.
Scott stared down at me, then to his hand, where his claws dropped with my blood. "Dean I—" Scott did my form the words he wanted to say, only watching as I attempted to stand up before falling back down, holding my still-healing abdomen.
Derek rushed over and shoved Scott out of the way, helping me stand up. "Dean are you alright?" Derek asked as I huffed, looking at Scott.
"I've had better days." I knew that if Scott had been an alpha, there was a higher chance I wouldn't walk out of the ice rink breathing. That cut had been deep.
Derek glared daggers into Scott's eyes, Isaac now on my other side and helped Derek drag me away.
Once we had reached outside I was able to walk on my own, slowly limping towards my car before I could walk without problems. I turned to Derek slowly, unable to form any words.
But for clear reasons, it felt like he had known I wanted to leave his pack. And he allowed it, with the acception that I didn't come back unless it was actually necessary.
My hand gripped the steering wheel as I drove around Beacon Hills. It had started to get dark, but the sun was still lighting up the sky, making it look like a Bob Ross painting.
"Happy little accidents." I muttered to myself, feeling my shirt, which was still torn up and wet with blood.
When I looked back up, I had almost yelled, slamming on the brakes as something that definitely wasn't human or werewolf ran past my car and towards an auto shop.
I watched it crawl into the garage, feeling my heart sink as I heard someone too familiar.
"Oh. Nice. Real sanitary. Quality establishment you got here!"
I pulled over and getting out of the car as fast as I could, sprinting into the shop to see Stiles spin around in confusion.
"Dean? What the hell are you doing here?" He slurred out as I shoved him to the ground, peering out one of the windows. I hadn't really heard him struggle to speak, too busy worrying about his safety to really care.
"I'm saving your ass." I whispered, my eyes catching sight of Stiles limp hand. I frowned in confusion, grabbing it as it flailed around. "What the hell happened?" I asked as Stiles gestured to the door handle. I looked over at it, opening it slowly and grabbing a thick napkin, wiping it across the handle and closed the door.
Staring at the goo, I did a small wipe of it on my pinky, slowly watching as I felt it go numb.
"It's a paralytic toxin." I told Stiles, noticing his brows furrow together in confusion.
"A... what?" He whispered as I frowned at him.
"It's a toxin that temporarily paralyzes something. And that something is usually—"
I stood up quickly to look out the window, my head farting around to see if I could find whatever the hell I saw outside.
"Prey." Stiles went to stand up, only to fall over and struggle to move. "Stiles are you okay?" I asked as he just stared ahead.
"I can't... move." He mumbled as I turned to the glass door, seeing something lizard-like move around.
"I'll— I'll be back." I whispered, quickly standing up and going to the door, ignoring Stiles mumbles of protest.
I opened and shut the door quietly, making sure not to touch the toxin on the door and walked over to see whatever was holding up Stiles Jeep had crushed the mechanic. I felt my heart sink in disappointment, knowing that I probably could have saved him if I wasn't so busy making sure Stiles was okay.
"Dean—" my head spun around to see the thing that had killed the mechanic, but it had been Stiles to say my name. My eyes widened in panic as I looked back at the dead mechanic, turning towards Stiles again to see the killer gone.
After a few more moments of searching, I went back to see Stiles was now sitting up. I sat down next to him, listening to the sirens of squad cars and an ambulance pull up.
"I already told you, Dean took me back here and we just saw the guy, that's all." Stiles said as he and his dad sat in the ambulance. He was trying to shake the numbness out of his hand, which seemed to be working at the moment.
"What's wrong with your hand?" Sheriff Stilinski asked as Stiles sighed.
"Nothing. Look can we just go now?" Stiles questioned as his dad frowned at him.
I walked away back to my car, leaning against the top as I waited for Stiles. A smelled of frustration got closer and I turned my head, seeing a very angry buzzcut boy walking over.
"They're impounding my car. Apparently it's evidence." Stiles groaned as I shrugged.
"It was on top of a dead guy." I said as he glared at me, causing me to chuckle as I gestures to my car. "I'll drive you home, and when they are done using your car as evidence we can get it."
Stiles muttered a few incoherent curses under his breath and I laughed, getting into my car and driving towards Stiles' house.
"So... you know how when it's Halloween and you see your friend wearing a mask, but you can only see their eyes? And you feel like you know 'Em but you just can't figure out who it is?" Stiles asked as I raised a brow, nodding slowly.
"What? Are you saying you know who it is?" I asked as Stiles shook his head.
"No... but I think it knows who we are."
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