"Lydia is going to be killed by Derek unless we can prove it's not her." Stiles said as me, him, Scott and Allison walked down the hallway of Beacon Hills High.
"Maybe there's something in the bestiary." Allison suggested as Stiles scoffed.
"Oh, you mean the 900 page book written in archaic Latin that none of us can read? Good luck with that." He shook his head as I frowned, stopping in the middle of the hallway. The other three soon stopped after to look at me.
"I can read Latin." I said with a small smile as Scott's eyes widened.
"Since when?" He asked in shock as I chuckled.
"Since 3rd Grade when I went through a Greek Mythology phase. Oh— it's still here, just dormant and very asleep." I smiled as it was Allison's turn to frown, turning to Scott and Stiles.
"Why didn't either of you ask if he could read Latin?" She asked as Scott and Stiles began to stammer.
"Do any of us look like we read Latin? Seriously we are Sophomores in high school and the only languages they teach here are French and Spanish." Stiles said as I hummed.
"And German." I smiled, the three once again looking back at me as I put my hands in my pockets. "Ihr seid alle Idioten, weil ihr nicht fragt, ob ich Latein spreche." I walked up next to Stiles leaning forwards to whisper into his ear. "Und du bist ein noch größerer Idiot, wenn du dich nicht durchsetzt."
Stiles gave me a confused look. "Wait what does that mean?" He asked as I smiled and shrugged, walking away. "Dean what does that mean?!"
"Okay. Are you sure you can actually speak Latin or were you just messing with us?" Allison asked as I took the old journal from her.
"Latine loqui possum." I smiled as Stiles raised a brow.
"Possum?" He asked, looking over at Scott, who shrugged as I sighed.
"It means 'I can' in Latin." I said, turning the pages until I saw the Kanima.
"Vis eius maxima ad apicem lunae." I read as Scott sighed.
"English, please." He asked as I looked up at him.
"I have to read it out loud to myself to translate it." I grumbled as a smell of embarrassment wafted into my nose, seeing Scott shift uncomfortably before I chuckled. "Just kidding, I just like speaking in different languages."
"You're a jerk." Scott joked as I smiled, looking back down at the book.
"Like the wolf, it's power is greatest at the moon's peak." I translated and squinted. "Some of the letters are smudged, I can't read it."
"Just try, alright? Do your best." Stiles crossed his arms and leaned on the arm of the couch as I tried to read the smudged words.
"Like the wolf, the kanima is a social creature, but where the wolf seeks a pack, the kanima seeks... a friend." I frowned and looked over at Scott. "A friend? That's really some way to get a friend." I scoffed, reminding them all that the Kanima was a murderer.
"Maybe it's lonely." Allison suggested as I scoffed once more.
"Lonely enough to kill, apparently."
I got really bad writers block for this chapter especially since I wanted this one to actually be Stiles and Dean's first kiss but I didn't know how to write it in... so I guess I'm putting it off for now :/
But I currently want to thank you for reading this book. I love it a lot and hope you all are too :))
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