Gut feeling. An instinct or intuition. an immediate or basic feeling or reaction without a logical rationale.
I always had the feeling that my family had never actually been normal. The stories my grandfather would tell about the supernatural had always felt too real to not be a story.
There two stories my grandfather would talk about a lot. A story of a Nemeton, and one of a giant beast people called La Bête du Gévaudan.
The beast of Gévaudan.
The story would always end with Marie-Jeanne Valet killing the beast, who happened to be her brother. When she returned with the news, a small portion of her family had joined her to kill others like the beast.
But as time went on, some of that family separated from the Hunters because they believed some supernatural creatures were still human and not all bad. That's when an Edric got married to an Argent and hyphened her last name, and my ancestor Alfred was born and creating the book I was currently holding.
And then the story of my great grandfather happened. And he became a werewolf through the bite. And after my grandfather was born, he was killed.
And it was by Gerard's father. Which meant Allison's great grandfather killed mine. But you can't hold a grudge if you never met the guy.
Scott stared at me with shock, his body frozen as he tried to comprehend the thoughts running through his brain.
Stiles, on the other hand, started laughing hysterically.
"I TOLD YOU! I WAS RIGHT!" He yelled as I turned to him, eyes widened.
"You... you knew?" I asked as he put his hands on his hips, nodding.
"Well yeah. I mean, when you told us about your ancestors being some of the first hunters I kinda had the idea you meant the Argent's. I just didn't think I'd actually be right." Stiles said as I hummed, looking down at the book and flipping through the pages.
"There's so many creatures in this book... werewolves... werecoyotes... werejaguars. You think we'll ever cross paths with one?" I asked as Scott blinked, shrugging.
"It's a possibi—"
"Holy shit." I cut him off, earning a frown from both Stiles and Scott as I showed them the drawing. "This is what my car flipped on the night I got bit."
"A Nem— nemo— nemie... Yeah I can't read that." Stiles squinted and stood up straight as I rolled my eyes.
"It's called a Nemeton. It gains power from ritual sacrifices and can lure any supernatural creature to where it stays. Like a—"
"Beacon." Scott said as I nodded in confirmation. "I guess that's how Beacon Hills got it's name." He joked with a soft chuckled as I smirked in amusement.
"Do you think that's what brought... whatever that lizard thing here?" Stiles asked. I shrugged, wondering if what he said could be true.
"Maybe. We just have to figure out what that lizard thing is." I said, going to sit down in one of the chairs. Scott and Stiles standing next to me and leaning over my shoulders.
It didn't take too long to finish going through the book. Mainly because it ended halfway through with a half drawn lizard man, and a blood splatter.
"And he didn't even write what the hell it is first." I complained, tossing the book aside as Stiles dropped his head.
"Perfect. Now we actually have to get Allison to find the journal." Scott said as I stood up slowly, turning to them.
"Sorry, guys. I thought I'd actually have something to help with." I apologized as Stiles shook his head.
"There's no reason to apologize, Dean. We still have a way to find out what that... lizard-man was." Stiles said as I nodded, taking in a breath filled with nerves.
And you know how gut feelings work. Sometimes you just can't shake the feeling that something bad could happen to someone you know.
My phone rang loudly, popping my bubble of thoughts. After a few moments of it ringing, I finally had looked down at the Caller ID, and felt my heart sink.
"Dean?" Stiles asked. "You gonna get that?" I looked up at him for a moment before I answered the call.
"H—hello?" I said, clearing my throat as I turned away from Scott and Stiles.
"Dean... it's Melissa." Scott's mom croaked out. It sounded like she had been crying. And maybe I was, too.
"Don't tell me what I think you're gonna tell me." I begged, feeling hot tears trickling down my cheeks.
"I'm so sorry, Dean." She sounded genuinely upset. And she had every right to be. They were best friends.
I shook my head, not allowing myself to actually cry unless I heard her say those words.
"You're mom died a few minutes ago." I hung up as quickly as I could, tears now streaming down my face as Scott had finally sensed the disparity radiating off my body.
"Dean what's wrong?" Scott asked as Stiles grabbed my shoulder and forced me to face them.
"Dean?" Stiles' voice cracked at how low he had said my name.
"She's dead." I mumbled, Stiles and Scott sharing a saddened look. "I'm gonna lose Jeremy." I sobbed as Scott shook his head.
"No. No you aren't, Dean. We can figure out a way to keep you two together." He said with a hopefulness in his voice.
"I wasn't even there. I didn't— I didn't get to say goodbye. She died... alone." I fell into the chair and buried my face in my hands, the tears seeping through the cracks that separated my fingers.
"What am I gonna tell him? How— How am I supposed to tell a 10 year old that his mom died?" I stammered, looking up at Stiles and Scott as they just stood there awkwardly.
I sniffed hard, waving my hand away. "You guys go talk to Allison I.. I need to get ready to tell Jeremy and I need— I need to start getting ready for a funeral."
Good thing I didn't get you guys attached to the mom, right? 😃
Sorry y'all are probably crying bc Dean is.
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