I stared down at the bag of mountain ash, idea's of how I could use it circling my brain as Deaton spoke.
"It's mainly used to keep the supernatural out. This office is lined with ash wood, which would make it difficult for someone like Scott or Dean to cause me any trouble." Deaton explained as I hummed.
"That explains why I can't smell any of your emotions." I looked up at them through my lashes as Deaton nodded.
"Okay... so then what? I just spread this around the whole building and Jackson or whoever is controlling him can't cross it?" Stiles asked, Deaton shrugging.
"They'll be trapped."
"Doesn't seem too difficult. I say we go right now." I said with a smile, getting ready to leave as Deaton made a small gesture to stop me.
"It's not as simple as it sounds, Dean. Think of it like gunpowder. It's just powder until a spark ignites it. You need to be that spark, Stiles." Deaton said, turning to the boy next to me, who raised a brow.
"If you mean light myself on fire, I think I'll pass." He smiled sarcastically as I chuckled.
"I think I'd like to pass on that, too. Don't want the smell of burning flesh to be the last thing I remember about him." I patted stiles on the back, keeping my hand on his shoulder as I felt him stiffen awkwardly, causing a smirk to form on my lips.
"Let me try a different analogy. I used to golf. I learned that the best golfers never swing before first imagining where they want the ball to go. They see it in their mind and their mind takes over. It can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish." Deaton smiled softly as Stiles scoffed to himself.
"For e of will." He repeated, turning to Scott.
"If this is going to work, then you have to believe it will." Scott said as I handed the bag of mountain ash to Stiles.
I waited outside of a large brick building with Scott, the two of us looking around as Stiles still hadn't shown up yet. "Where is he?" Scott asked as I shrugged.
"Probably doing something stupid before he gets here." I joked as I heard the familiar rumble of the old Jeep, turning to see Stiles pull up near us.
With a very unhappy look.
I frowned as he stepped out of his Jeep, slamming it shut with a sigh. "You okay?" I asked as he quickly spun around, nodding.
"Yeah. Yep, I'm fine. Peachy." He said with a forced smile. It was quiet obviously a lie, but at the moment I really didn't feel the need to pressure him into telling us why he was upset. "Just grab the other bag." He ordered as Scott quickly stopped me.
"We can't. Remember? Deaton said you have to do this on your own." Scott said as I clicked my tongue. Stiles sighed, reaching back into the Jeep to grab the bag.
I stared down at the mountain ash in Stiles' arms, my brows furrowing together as I thought of all the what if's that could end badly.
Like.. what if the mountain ash was actually completely useless? Or what if it did work, but Jackson was able to get passed. And what if when he did, I wasn't close enough to my friends to save them, like I wasn't fast enough to save my brother?
"Dean?" I looked over at Scott, who had a concerned look written on his face. "You alright?"
"Yeah. Sorry I think I zoned out." I replied, clearing my throat as Stiles sighed.
"Okay. This plan is officially starting to suck." He complained as he went to start making the ring, Scott stopping him.
"No. Not here, not now." He whispered, Scott dragging me away as I followed him in confusion. I turned back to see Stiles as equally confused.
"What? Scott! What am I supposed to— plan officially sucks."
I looked over my shoulder to the exit, hoping I would see someone walk in that I recognized so I could do something worth the excitement of being a werewolf.
I sighed loudly and looked back into the crowd of dancing bodies, my eyes widening as I witnessed Isaac and Erica dancing with Jackson.
"Dear god what are they doing?" I mumbled to myself, jumping slightly as I felt my phone buzz, looking down to see Stiles' caller I.D.
"Dean I'm almost out of mountain ash. You gotta help me. I mean I— I'm out here all alone like a fricken idiot with magic fairy dust, and—and I'm hearing gunfire and werewolves. This shit is freaking me out, now." He said as I turned back to the trio dancing, rubbing my eyes as I sighed.
"Stiles you know I want to help but... I can't. You have to do this on your own." I could hear that Stiles had started to panic, which in turn just made me feel bad. "You got this. And when we're done.. we'll— um... do whatever the hell we can do."
There was a long silence before the phone call ended, and suddenly I was a lot more nervous than I should of been. I looked around again to see Allison, my eyes widening as I became even more nervous than before.
"Shit." I muttered, starting to walk around to try and calm down, but it really wasn't working.
"Oh! Oh. Hey Dean." I stumbled back a bit as I had walked into Matt, who had a sly grin on his face.
"Oh. Hey Matt." I said awkwardly as he crossed his arms.
"How's you get in here? Thought you didn't find any tickets?" He asked as I chuckled, shrugging.
"You'd be surprised at what a rich kid could get. Look I really gotta—"
"Oh, actually there's something I need to tell you." Matt said as I looked at his hand, which was currently gripping my arm. I let out a Scott, smiling with a devious look.
"Look Matt. You need to let go, I got places to be." I said with a threatening voice as Matt leaned closely towards my ear.
"I know. But you should know that your brother knew more than you think. And I don't think you want to end up like him." My eyes widened as I looked at Matt, who slowly started to walk into the crowd.
"Hey wait— Matt?! MATT?!" I yelled, shoving through the crowd of people as I tried to find Matt. "MATT!"
I huffed loudly and clenched my fists, the feeling of warm blood trickling down and between my fingers. I felt a hand grip my shoulder, spinning me around.
"Dean. We got Jackson." Isaac said as I looked around, hoping to find Matt but instead I was dragged away by the other blonde.
I stared down at Jackson, who was unconscious in a chair, Stiles, Erica and Jackson standing next to me, Isaac currently holding his wrist in pain.
"Are you even sure that it's Jackson?" I asked, biting my nails subconsciously as Stiles stepped closer to the unconscious boy, bending down to be at eye level of him.
"Jackson? That you?" He asked in a quiet voice, Jackson's eyes opening.
"It's us."
I jumped back as Jackson turned to us, his eyes red and yellow slits, which was terrifying to the core.
"Okay. More ketamine! Give him more ketamine!" I yelled as Isaac stood up, slowly showing the empty bottle.
"We don't have anymore." He said sheepishly as I snapped my attention to him, taking the bottle.
"You used the whole bottle on him?!" I asked, turning my head back to see Jackson standing up, roaring at us with rows of sharp fangs, his head spinning around like a pinball.
"Okay! Everybody out!" Stiles yelled as I chuckled the ketamine bottle at Jackson's face before we all ran out the door, slamming it shut.
"Okay find something to lock the door—" Stiles said, but it wasn't like it would work. Mainly because Jackson just jumped through the god damned wall.
"Holy shit." I muttered, heart pounding in my throat.
Guess we'd need a lot more Ketamine.
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