I wiped off the rest of the dried blood with a wet tissue, which was hands down the most disgusting thing I had ever felt and will never wet a tissue again.
Stiles shoved his jersey in the locker and slammed it shut, causing me to visibly flinch and cover my ears. "Dude!" I yelled as Stiles winced.
"Sorry. I forget you guys have sensitive ears." He apologized as I gave him a dirty look, tossing the blood covered tissue away. "How's your nose?"
"Healed. I still thing there's blood up there, though." I answered in a slightly annoyed tone, which grew Stiles' curiosity.
"What's the matter?" He asked as I turned to him, my fingers messing with the hem of my jersey.
"A lot, Stiles. A lot of things are the matter." I scoffed with a smile, turning towards the mirror and revealed to myself my other set of eyes. "There's so much that wouldn't have happened if I had said no."
"You did it to save your brother." Stiles excused as I leaned against the sink and sighed.
"And look where that got me. Where it got Jeremy." I turned back to Stiles and crossed my arms, letting my head hang loose. "I wish I didn't say it."
"But if you had said no, we wouldn't be talking right now." Stiles commented as I chuckled quietly, sighing again.
"Yeah... I guess you're right. But I don't want to talk." I said, side glancing at Stiles, who shrugged and put his hands on his hips.
"Alright. We don't have to talk I can leave you al—"
"That's not what I meant." I interrupted, leaving Stiles in confusion.
"Then... what do you mean?" He raised a brow as I laughed.
"God you're so blind." I said, walking over to Stiles and grabbing him by the shirt, and, after way too long of waiting.
I finally kissed him.
His heart pounded in my ears, his lips frozen in place by shock. I pulled away from Stiles, opening my eyes to see his face, which had as much shock as I suspected.
"That's what I meant."
The ability to control yourself from making dumb choices. Like having gay sex in a locker room. Or tearing an asshats throat apart because he brutally murdered your brother without even knowing.
Restraint is something I've learned to control over time. I would lash out a lot as a child because of the small things, but I mellowed down as a teen up until I got bit. Now all I want to do is... well... a lot of things that could put me in jail.
"Why is Stiles reeking of lust?" Scott asked as I slowly turned to his best friend. He stood a few feet away from us, currently attempting to shut the Jeep's door but was failing miserably as something was blocking the lock.
"Don't know. Maybe it'a just his male brain thinking of everything he wants to do to someone." I smirked, Scott giving me a questionable look.
"So. How are we coming along with Jackson?" I asked, tapped my hands to my thighs as Scott sighed. "That sigh did not sound positive."
"If Jackson is the Kanima, how did he pass Derek's test?" Scott asked as I pondered the question for a moment.
"Derek said a snake can't be poisoned by it's own venom." Stiles said as I nodded in agreement.
"When's the Kanima not the Kanima?" I asked as Scott's eyes widened.
"When it's Jackson."
"Exactly. Now... what are we doing here? Because we kinda aren't old enough to be at a club that serves alcohol." I said, looking around at the large building. "Follow up question... why are we at a gay club? I mean, I'm only partially gay so unless you two want to come out then—"
"We aren't gay. At least... I'm not." Scott side-eyed Stiles, who frowned at him.
"I don't know how I should feel about that comment." Stiles crossed his arms. "Now, are you sure Jackson went in there?" He asked, and Scott nodded. "All right... any clue why?"
"Probably to kill someone." I answered as Stiles scoffed.
"That explains the claws and the fangs and all of that." Stiles said, sarcasm in his voice as Scott frowned at him. "What? Scott, come on. I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense." He said as I smirked.
"That's going in the Quote Book." I said, pulling out my phone. Stiles frowned, leaning over to see my notes opened, many lines of things he has said written down.
"You have a notes page dedicated to the things I have said?" He asked as I nodded.
"Guys come on! We need to stop Jackson from hurting anyone else." Scott argued as I looked at him.
"Right. Because it stopped when my brother died." I patted the boy on the shoulder, slipping my phone into my pocket and non-chalantly began to walk over.
"Hello, sir. Let me in." I grinned at the security guard, who raised a brow suspiciously at me.
"I.D." He said coldly, my smile dropping quickly. I did not think that far ahead.
"Right. Of course. You'll need my I.D. Because that in there is a club... with drugs... and alcohol. And—"
"Do you have one or not?"
"Not." I waved a finger up and smiled, quickly walking away aback to Scott and Stiles. "New plan. Break in."
"Did you really think that's as going to work?" Scott frowned as I shrugged.
"I had my hopes. Let's find a window or something."
I looked around at all the dancing and sweaty bodies, my eyes occasionally finding a pole dancer doing the splits or their balls face deep in a guy.
"This is way different than what I thought a gay club would be." I said as Stiles gulped loudly, the three of us walking over to the bar.
"Three beers." Stiles smiled as the guy frowned.
"I'll need to see some I.D." Stiles turned to Scott, who shook his head. "How about three cokes?"
"Comes sound good. I'm driving anyways." Stiles said as the bartender grabbed three coke bottles from a fridge and handed it to us. "Thank you."
I turned around as I took a sip of my drink, my eyes landing on the familiar face of Danny. "I found him." I pointed to the muscular teenager, Scott's eyes landing somewhere else.
"I found Jackson. You two get Danny." Scott ordered as Stiles and I put the cokes down and started to briskly walk towards the boy swaying his hips with a stripper.
There was a loud scream, Scott's voice echoing Jackson's name before thudding echoed around the room. I looked around to see people down, paralyzed.
When I turned back around, Danny was also down. "Shit." I muttered, Scott running over.
"Jackson is down." Scott said, gesturing for me to follow him and drag Jackson back to the Jeep.
"What happened?" I asked, looking down to see Jackson half naked.
"I may have hit him on the head. C'mon get him to the car." I picked up Jackson's legs, Scott grabbing his arms as we started walking out.
"I hate this." I deadpanned as Jackson's head rested on my shoulder. "You each. $20." I outstretched my hands as blue and red lights flashed in my eyes.
"What? What? I'm not giving you 20 bucks." Scott said as I chuckled, leaning forward.
"You should be lucky I'm not tearing him apart like he did to my brother." I whispered, holding my hand out again, waiting patiently. Stiles and Scott sighed, each reaching into their pockets and handing me a $20. "Thank you. He lives another day."
I turned my head as I heard Jackson stir, groaning quietly. "What's... what's going on?" He asked as I flicked him.
"Shut the fuck up." I ordered as he frowned at me. Suddenly, I heard the door open, Stiles stumbling out and walking over to his dad. "Shit."
"Seriously what is going o—" before Jackson could finish his sentence, my fist connected with his face, knocking him out again.
"Sorry, Buddy." I spat, turning to see Scott staring at me. "What? I know you were thinking about it." Scott hummed in confirmation, shrugging his shoulders as I smiled.
Stiles slipped back into the car, turning to the two of us. "We need to get him out of here. You're house?" Stiles turned to Scott, who shook his head.
"Not with my mom there." Scott said, turning to me. "But your house."
"Is still a wreck because of the dude next to me." I gestured to Jackson, Scott sighing.
"I still say we kill him." Stiles said as I smiled and nodded.
"I agree. Let's kill him and put it all behind us." I said and Scott shook his head.
"We aren't killing him." Scott frowned.
"God f— okay. Okay. I have an idea." Stiles said, Scott and I eyeing one another.
"Is it legal?"
"That's a dumb question to ask consider what we've been doing for the last month."
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