"Hey!" Stiles called out as I spun around to face him. I frowned in confusion as he paused, leaning forward to breathe harshly. "What if— what if it's Matt?" Stiles asked as I frowned again.
"Who?" I asked as Stiles paused to look at me.
"Matt? Tall guy... blue eyes... really annoying?" He described as I grinned.
"Ken?" I questioned with a soft chuckle.
"No not Barbie's boyfriend. The guy that gave Jackson the camera." Stiles deadpanned as I shrugged.
"I don't think I've met him. Maybe I've... seen him but I've definitely not had a conversation." I said as Stiles sighed.
"I know how Jackson's parents died. He's getting some... huge settlement when he's 18. And by huge I mean... like millions of dollars huge. Erica wants to meet up soon, and I'm not going alone this time." I said with a stern look as he sighed rolling his eyes.
"Alright fine. I'll come with. But you owe me food." He pointed as I smirked, the two of us walking down the halls of the school.
"I'll give ya a lot more than just food."
""Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death - 9:26 P.M., June 14, 1995."" Erica read as Stiles and I shared a look.
"They died before Jackson was even born." I murmured as Stiles frowned.
"So you're saying that— that they had an emergency c-section on a dead woman? They had to pull Jackson out of her dead body?" Stiles asked as Erica shrugged.
"Guess so." She deadpanned, setting the papers down.
After a few minutes, we had grouped up with Allison and Scott, both of whom were as concerned as we were.
"So.. was it an accident or not?" Allison asked as Erica shrugged.
"If they were... then it falls under the category of Kanima myths, you know? It seeks out and kills murderers." Stiles said as I nodded. Erica made an odd noise, the sudden smell of fear causing me to turn to her, watching as she stammered for a moment before she began to spasm, falling into my arms and causing me to collapse.
"Uh— I um— what the hell is going—" I hissed in pain as Erica's drained into me, which ultimately made me jump off of her and just watch her seize.
"She's having a seizure!" Allison panicked as Stiles dropped down to her, watching as she suddenly stopped moving. "She's uh— she's alive."
"We need to get her to a hospital." I ordered, lifting her up as Erica shook her head.
"Derek... only Derek." She breathed out as I frowned, turning to everyone.
"I think we should take her to Derek."
Stiles and I drove to Derek's new apartment as Erica laid in the back of my car, quiet but definitely in pain. "I thought the bite would heal her?" I whispered to Stiles, who shrugged softly.
"Maybe it was temporary?" He suggested as I turned to look back at Erica, who was sleeping soundly.
"I feel like Batman. Driving around all the time and 'saving' people." I joked as Stiles sighed.
"Guess that makes me Robin." He said as I looked over at him and shrugged.
"Maybe. Or you could be the Cisco Ramon to my Barry Allen." I grinned as Stiles chuckled.
"Yeah. When you become the fastest man alive, I'll give you a gold coin, too."
"Derek!" I called out as I carried Erica into the apartment, the older male quickly jumping up with concern.
"What happened?!" He asked as I stammered for a moment, watching him knock everything off his desk for me to set her down.
"She had a seizure." Stiles spoke up as I nodded, Derek looking down at Erica with what looked to be fear. I had never seen him wear that expression before.
"Is she dying?" Stiles asked as Derek huffed.
"She might be... which is why this is going to hurt." In the matter of a few seconds, their was a snap, followed by Erica's scream of pain as my eyes widened at her broken arm.
"JESUS SHIT! You— you broke her arm!" I yelled as Derek nodded.
"It'll trigger the healing process and it'll get the venom out." He said as Stiles and I shared a confused look.
"Venom?" We asked in unison as Derek nodded.
"She Wouldn't have had a seizure unless she was poisoned. When I bit her, it got rid of all her health problems." He explained as I nodded in somewhat understanding.
Derek backed away as I sat down slowly, Stiles leaning on the desk as Erica's heavy breathing slowed down, a soft chuckle leaving her.
"You guys make a pretty good Batman and Robin." She whispered as Stiles and I shared a look, the two of us smiling at one another.
And maybe she was right. But I'd take the Flash over Batman any day.
Sorry for the short chapter! The next one will be better I promise
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