I am risking everything rn by writing this chapter during school. Hope you all are happy.
"My dad said I have to give a statement since I saw Mr. Harris' car outside of the rave." Stiles said as I looked over at him, humming.
"So it's Mr. Harris telling Jackson to kill everyone?" I asked as he shrugged. It's not Harris... it can't be.
Maybe it is Matt.
Stiles fumbled with the string on his sweatshirt, laying on my bed as I stared out the window, a frown on my face.
"We can't save Jackson, can we?" I asked as Stiles paused, looking over at me.
"Well... I Don't know. This is kinda my first time dealing with a murdering lizard-man." Stiles sat up as I turned to him, resting my head on the back of the chair.
"We haven't seen him since last week. And now that it's spring break.. what if he kills someone else because we can't find him?" I asked as Stiles stood up, walking over to me.
"Dean, we'll find Jackson. We'll fix everything and then... things can go back to being slightly normal." He said as I sighed, rubbing my eyes.
"I'm just tired, Stiles. I don't know how much more chasing I can do." I dropped my hands onto the arms, Stiles slowly reaching out to take one of them.
"Well. Maybe it's the full moon that's tonight. Which reminds me it's also Lydia's party. Are you coming with?" He asked as I stared at our intertwined hands, a small smile spreading on my face as I nodded.
"Yeah... I guess I'll go. But first there's something I want to do." I looked at Stiles, whose heart had started to beat slightly faster as I leaned down, connecting my lips to his.
I took in his scent, which was currently bombarding me with lust and nerves. The smile was still on my face, even as Stiles backed us up to my bed, falling back onto the pillows.
"Boyfriend?" Stiles said as I nodded, peckering kisses on his cheeks and neck.
I helped Stiles carry the largely wrapped birthday gift up to Lydia's house, which was much larger than I pictured. I knocked on the door, Lydia quickly answering as Stiles poked his head out from behind the large box.
"Happy birthday!" He sang, pushing his way into the house, but not without a struggle. Stiles quickly walked away to put the box away, Lydia giving me a confused look as I hummed.
"Uh... from both of us." I smiled, quickly walking to the back of the house where Scott already was.
"Oh hey! Have you seen Allison?" He asked as I looked around, shaking my head.
"Nope. Just got here. Stiles is uh... putting his gift away." I said and just as I did, Stiles walked up.
"Seen Allison?" Scott asked and Stiles shook his head.
"Nope. Seen Jackson anywhere?" He questioned, Scott shaking his head. "I figured out it has something to do with water. You know, the fact that all the victims were on the swim team, the way the kanima reacted around the pool."
"So whoever is co trolling the Kanima hates the swim team?" Scott asked as Stiles nodded in confirmation, Allison joining the small group.
"Hated the swim team. Specifically, the 2006 swim team. So it could be another teacher. Maybe like a student back then. I mean, who are we missing though? What haven't we thought of?"
"Uh, Jackson's not here." Allison spoke as I scoffed, looking around the empty backyard.
"Yeah, no one's here. Probably because for the last few weeks everyone has been thinking Lydia's a whackjob." I spoke as Allison frowned at me.
"Maybe we're just early." Scott assumed, I shook my head.
"Well, we have to do something, because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks." Allison suggested as Scott chuckled.
"She's completely ignored Stiles the past ten years."
"Nah, I'm over her now." Stiles confessed as I raised a brow at the two.
"Sorry? You had a crush on Lydia Martin?" I chuckled as Stiles went pale, stammering.
"Well. I mean I— um... it's in the past!" He yelled before walking off towards the punch, quickly gulping it down.
"I'll get some of the lacrosse members to come to the party." Scott said as I nodded.
"And I can call a few people that know how to actually throw a party."
I looked around at the now-full backyard. I turned around to see Stiles and Scott talking amongst themselves, and I was still currently standing next to a pillar by the punch, which definitely had something in it.
I looked up at the full moon, knowing that if I hadn't found something to ground myself I would probably be lashing out at everything and everyone. I turned back to look at Stiles, who was completely unaware of the eyes that were on him.
I stared down at the cup in my hand, frowning at the fact I had ignored Scott's orders to not drink it. But I was really thirsty and water was not it for me at the moment.
I suddenly felt a rush of fear, looking around to see that the world had practically stopped as I saw Stiles, who was just staring at nothing, his eyes tear-filled. I looked around in confusion, quickly walking over towards him.
"Stiles? Stiles, hey." I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes, startling him back to reality. "Hey. You okay?" I asked as he looked back over at the empty spot, a sudden realization hitting him.
"No I'm Uh.. yeah I'm fine." He lied, quickly walking off. I frowned, yet again in confusion as he had left me there.
"Dean?" I spun around quickly, looking down and my eyes widened.
"Jeremy?" I muttered, his eyes glossed over but staring straight into my soul.
"Why didn't you save me? You could have saved me." He said as I gulped hard.
"Jeremy I— what did you know?" I asked, squatting down to be eye-to-eye with him.
"I saw a lizard man... in Matt's bedroom." Jeremy said as I frowned.
"What?" I asked, eyes now filled with fear as I watched blood slowly drip out of Jeremy's mouth.
"Henry's brother killed me. I knew too much. And it's your fault." He spat, causing me to fall back as blood splattered into my face.
"Jeremy I didn't—"
"It's your fault. I'm dead because of you." I had almost yelled as I watched Jeremy's body split open, more blood pouring out of his mouth as tears fell down my cheeks.
"Dean!" Scott lifted me up quickly as I turned to him, then back to see that Jeremy had disappeared.
"Jeremy— he was— he was just there—"
"Dean... Jeremy wasn't there. There's something in the drink. I need to sober you and Stiles up. Where is Stiles?" Scott asked as I shook my head.
"I don't— I don't know." Scott dragged me along with him as we searched for Stiles, who was leaning against a brick wall by the pool.
"Stiles, look at me. Drink the water. Stiles, drink it. Something's happening, and I need you to sober up right now. Come on, Stiles." Scott forced a water bottle into Stiles' hand, but he wouldn't respond.
A girl appeared out of nowhere, I think her name was Danielle, frowning at Scott. "What do you think you are doing? You want to sober him up fast, that's not the way to do it."
"You can do better?" Scott raised a brow as she laughed.
"I can do best." Danielle grabbed stiles and dunked his head into the water, lifting him out as he yelled, spitting out water. "Whoo! How do you feel?"
"Like I need to revisit my policy on hitting a girl." Stiles fixed his shirt as Danielle spat water out of her mouth.
"He's sober."
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