B4 we start chapter 7 I do want to point out I'm bringing the Nemeton into this chapter, but only this one (because it's not usually mentioned until Season 3) so like... enjoy how I bring it in :)
Derek hummed, then slowly began to chuckle. "What? What—What's so funny?" I asked as he shook his head.
"You want to use the bite to get revenge." Derek shook his head again. "I'm not going to give you the bite. Not until your brother is safe and then men that took him are locked away."
"Are you insane?! Do you really think the police will do much?! Jeremy will be dead by this week! I can find him faster than any of you if you would just give me the bite!" I yelled, causing Derek to take a step forward. Which yes, it intimidated me, but I needed that Bite.
"It can wait." He said coldly as I clenched my fists.
"No. It can't. If you don't give me the bite, and Jeremy dies, you won't have me as apart of your pack. And I will have you arrested for yesterday." I threatened as Derek chuckled.
"Your threats don't scare me, Dean. They're cute, but not scary. They'll find your brother. Until then you're human." Derek ran off, and I went to chase after him o my to realize how fast he was.
I sucked in a sharp breath before I yelled as loud as I could, tearing my throat to shreds and fell to my knees, crying uncontrollably.
I hated that I couldn't do anything. If I had known Jeremy fell asleep in my moms room... I could have saved him.
If my mom wasn't sick, Jeremy would be sitting in his bedroom right now.
I suddenly stopped crying as my eyes widened with an idea. I quickly stood up and walked back inside, grabbing my keys quickly and heading straight for the hospital.
I slowly walked over to my moms bedside, her hand reaching for mine. I grabbed a chair and scooted towards her, taking her hand and clasping it tightly.
"Jeremy...." my mom breathed as I took in a shallow breath.
"He'll be okay, mom. I'll find him... and— And I'll make you better. I can... I will fix this." I mumbled as her eyes filled with tears.
"You are such a good son..." her smile was lopsided and droopy, and her words were slowly becoming slurred together. "Such a good son." She repeated before her eyes shut, and I watched as she slowly fell asleep.
"I'll make it better." I repeated quietly, kissing her hand gently. "I love you, mom."
I tried my best to stay calm. To think of something that would make the anger go away. But every time I thought of something or someone it would bring me back to Jeremy.
I wasn't fast enough to save him.
I drove with one hand on the wheel and the other propping my head up. It was late and the dark woods didn't help me see very well, even with my high beams on.
The lights ahead turned red, and when I finally came to a stop, all I did was scream again.
I hit the steering wheel several times, losing my voice in the process of screaming. I was thankful no one was around when the lights turned green, because I didn't drive.
When I finally came back to Earth, I started to drive again, my face had turned from a mixture of sadness and anger to pure hatred and the need to find the people that took my brother and—
My phone rang.
I grabbed it as quickly as I could, answering the call. "Hello?"
"Dean!" I heard Jeremy yell in the background. I slammed on the brakes, my heart beat now ringing in my head.
"Jeremy?! What did you do to him?"
"We didn't do anything... not yet, at least." The man said in a husky voice as I gripped the phone tightly.
"I swear to god if you touch him... I'll kill you." I threatened as the man laughed. "I'll give you anything you want just—just don't hurt him." I begged, feeling the hot tears start to build up.
The man hummed. "All the money you have. Then... you will meet us at the forest preserve and give it to us in one week. Or your little brother dies."
"No!" I heard Jeremy yell in fear, and then he hung up.
I stared at my phone for a moment before yelling again, throwing it into the passengers seat and slamming on the gas.
I could barely see with the tears in my eyes.
But I did see a coyote run across the road.
I gasped, jerking the wheel and driving the car off of the road. I tried to stop, but it was so bumpy and all that could stop me was the tree I saw.
Well... it was more of a really large stump.
My stomach lurched up into my throat as my car flipped onto the roof, which crashed onto the large stump.
And everything just went dark after that.
When I opened my eyes, red and blue lights blinded me. I looked around in confusion, my head burning with a fiery pain. My hands, which were currently bleeding due to broken glass, reached up to my forehead, which was also bleeding.
A shadow blocked the lights and I turned my head to see Sheriff Stilinski once again. "You really have to stop getting yourself into these situations." He said before being pushed aside.
I felt myself start to drift back into unconsciousness, but it was stopped when I was being pulled out of my car and onto a Gurnee.
When I looked at my car, it was still flipped upside down, but the large tree stump was gone. Maybe I was hallucinating?
I turned my head to see Stiles and Scott sitting in their respective chairs, both seeming to wait for me to wake up.
"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I grumbled, my voice raspy and causing me pain. Stiles quickly stood up.
"We uh— we wanted to make sure you were alright... especially after what happened when you got here." He said as I frowned in confusion.
"What happened when I got here?" I asked, nothing but fear and nerves pumping through my veins. I frowned in confusion as I sniffed the air, smelling a scent I had never been able to smell before.
Scott cleared his throat, bringing me back to reality and slowly stood up.
"Derek... he bit you when you were unconscious."
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