If we could just forget I said the full moon would be soon a few chapters ago like I did, that'd be great.
<3 The Author with short term memory loss /hj
I held onto the pillow Stiles had given me, standing in his bedroom awkwardly as he put his hands on his hips, watching the air mattress blow up.
"So how long is that gonna take to blow up?" I asked as Stiles sighed.
"Couple hours. It's a really old air mattress." He answered, turning to face me. "You want ice cream? My dad just bought some."
"Uh... I'm lactose intolerant." I pressed my lips together in a thin line as Stiles chuckled.
"When has that ever stopped anyone with a lactose problem? Besides, now the only thing you're allergic to is wolfsbane." Stiles slapped my shoulder with the back of his hand and laugh and walked out of his bedroom and into the kitchen. I followed closely behind.
"I'm... I'm not allergic to anything?" I asked in confusion, turning to face Stiles as he smiled and nodded.
"Yeah. Didn't Derek tell you that?" He asked as I slowly shook my head, furrowing my brows together. I watched Stiles scoop the ice cream into two bowls. "Huh. Well, congratulations, Dean. You can now have ice cream without a stomach ache."
I set the pillow down, hesitantly taking the bowl of ice cream. "Thanks." I whispered as Stiles nodded, sitting down at the kitchen table. I sat across from him, staring down at the ice cream. I had always taken my allergies seriously, even if they were minor.
I couldn't even remember the last time I had dairy.
I stared up at the ceiling, trying my best to keep my breaths shallow as I tried to fight back the urge to shift to my werewolf form.
I had forgotten the full moon would be coming soon. Derek would want me to be with him on the first night. And I wasn't sure if I was ready for that.
I gripped the blanket in my fists, which ended up scratching into the air mattress and started to let it all out. I shut my eyes tightly as the feeling of anger slowly built up inside of me.
My eyes shot open, everything had now been black and red. I sat up and huffed, looking over to see Stiles, sleeping peacefully, not having a single idea what was going on.
I rolled off of the air mattress and stood up slowly, prowling closer to the sleeping boy. I hovered over and close towards him, still able to smell the faint scent of the forest that clung onto him.
My hand started reaching for his face, claws slowly retracting out. But before I could even do anything, I heard the front door open, smelling the Sheriff.
And in a flash, I slid the window open and ran.
I woke up laying down on a green couch. A really... dirty, green couch.
The sun was shining directly in my eyes, causing me to hiss in pain when I opened them too quickly. And realized I was at Derek's.
"How did I—"
"I called you. Wasn't really that hard, you came running pretty quickly." Derek revealed himself
"I can't remember anything from last night..." I groaned in pain and rubbed the back of my head, frowning in confusion when it was wet. Looking down at my fingers, my eyes widened in fear at the blood. "Why the bell am I bleeding?! What did I—"
"Relax, Dean. You'll heal. You tried killing me last night, don't you remember?" Derek smirked as I shook my head. "It's the anger. You're becoming weak because of it."
"Because I can control it?" I asked as Derek shook his head.
"Exactly because you can control it. When you're around Stiles or.. what's her name? The blonde girl."
"Erica?" I said as he nodded. "What so they're like... an anchor?"
"That's exactly what they are. They stop you from the shift, pull you back in. It's a good thing, really. But when you're around Stiles... he makes you weaker than Erica does."
"What, so you want my anchor to be anger? So I can be like you?" I asked, slowly standing up. Derek shrugged. "You can control your anger, but you want me to not be able to?"
"You're apart of my pack, Dean. You should want to be me." He said as I shook my head.
"That's the thing, Derek. I don't want to be you. I'm my own person. Just because you gave me a bite doesn't mean I have to follow through every thing you say and do." I argued as Derek raised his brows.
"Whether you like it or not, Dean, you listen to what I say." Derek leaned forward and I scoffed, taking out my phone.
"You know what? You can go to hell." I showed Derek his contact number followed by the block button, clicking it. "If you need me, bark." I shoved my way past him.
"Maybe Scott was right about you . I should think about joining his pack, instead. At least I know they'll do good to help me."
I knocked on the door to Stiles' house, hearing loud thumping as he ran over to the door. "There you are! God, I've been looking for you for hours! You know I had to tell my dad to not put out an APB for you?" He ranted as I huffed quietly. I looked up at his face, eyes widening as I saw light scratch marks on his cheek.
"Did— Did I do that?" I asked, eyes now filled with worry that I had hurt Stiles. His fingers grazed over the scratch marks and he shook his head.
"It's fine, Dean. I don't even feel it! Don't worry." He said as I sighed quietly.
"Look... I—... I'm sorry. I think I turned last night and I heard your dad come home so I ran out through the window." Stiles nodded in understanding, looking down to see the blood on my hand, his eyes widening.
"Whose—Whose blood is that? Holy shit did you kill someone?!" He whisper-yelled as I looked at my hand, shaking my head.
"No! No I didn't. I tried attacking Derek last night and he got me in the head. It hasn't healed yet, but it will." Stiles lead me back into his bedroom, where I stared with wide eyes at the air mattress, which was torn up.
"Guess I did that, too?" I asked as he sighed and nodded.
"Yeah. It was a piece of shit, anyways." He chuckled as my eyes looked back at the claw marks on his cheek.
"Sorry about scratching you." I Mumbled as Stiles shrugged.
"I'm sure I'll manage. Not like a scratch is gonna be the worst thing to happen to me." He chuckled as I hummed.
"Definitely not in this life."
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