Stiles and I sat in his Jeep as we watched Noah talking with the front desk lady, whose name I still, and probably never will know. I rested my arm on the door, biting my nail subconsciously as I waited for the sheriff to start walking further into the station.
"So... we are uh— boyfriend and... boyfriend, right?" Stiles asked and I turned to face him quickly, nodding.
"Didn't you clarify that a couple nights ago?" I smiled as his face turned red, and he stammered.
"Well... I mean yeah but— I wanted to know if you were still aware." I let out a soft chuckle, dropping my hand into my lap.
"I'm sure I'd be aware if I wasn't single." I looked back over to the window, eyes widening as I had noticed Noah had disappeared. "You're dad is gone. I think he's heading to the office."
I looked at the clock on the dashboard, groaning quietly and rubbing my eyes. "Can't believe we're doing this at 2 in the morning."
"Well. We do have school in the morning." Stiles commented as I frowned at him.
"Which is why we should have done this yesterday. When it was Saturday."
"We didn't really think of the plan until... 4 hours ago." Stiles turned to face me with his own frown and I sighed.
"So. Whose going to be the one to wake up Scott?"
"No what I'm saying is Matt was most likely the one that killed Jessica, the pregnant girl." Stiles said as we looked at all the hospital files. Noah rubbed his eyes in annoyance, Scott yawning loudly.
"Can you not yawn in my ear? It'll make me—" I cut myself off with a yawn, glaring at Scott as he apologized quietly.
"Sorry. But I was called at 2:30 in the morning during a very good dream to come to the hospital and watch hours of security footage." He frowned, slowly looking over at Stiles, who smiled awkwardly.
"It's not my fault we have to deal with all of this superna— annoying stuff to figure out who... or what killed everyone." Stiles looked over at his dad, who raised a brow in confusion.
"I don't even want to know what that "superna- annoying" thing was." Noah said as Stiles nodded and smiled, looking at the paper his dad dropped. "And look, there was a six car pile-up the night Jessica died. The hospital would have been piled up." Noah opened up the computer he was sitting in front of, going back a few weeks worth of security footage to watch with us.
"Okay, but Matt had to of been on one of the cameras to get to Jessica. I mean, unless this dude has a freaking Harry Potter invisibility cloak." I commented as Stiles looked over his dad's shoulder, peering at all the videos before yelling.
"Wait stop! That's him." Stiles pointed to the back of a guy's head, which made his dad frown.
"All I see is the back of someone's head."
"Matt's head, yeah. I sit behind him in history. He's got a very distinct cranium, it's... weird." Stiles made an awkward face as I nodded in agreement. Matt did have an odd head.
"Are you crazy?" Noah asked as he turned to the three of us.
"Yeah." I answered, Scott and Stiles slowly turning to look at me. "What? You don't lie to a cop."
"All right, fine, then look at his jacket, huh? How many people do you know who wear black leather jackets?" Stiles gestures to the jacket Matt wore, his dad frowning at him.
"Millions. Literally."
"Okay, can we scroll forward? There has to be a shot of him somewhere."
And indeed there was. The only problem was that he was talking to someone, and that someone was Melissa... better known to the three of us as Scott's mom.
"We've got shoe prints alongside the tire tracks at the trailer site." Noah read the file in his hand as he sat at his old desk, which I was very much hoping he'd be getting back soon.
"And if they match, then that means we have Matt at three different murders." I said as Noah cleared his throat.
"Five, actually." He corrected as we all frowned. "A credit card receipt for an oil change was signed by Matt at the garage where the mechanic was killed."
"When?" Stiles asked, crossing his arms.
"Just a few hours before you got there... and then at your house, Dean." I sat up quickly and in confusion. "We found shoe prints in your brother's room that aren't from you or Jeremy."
"Wait... so you mean that—"
"If they match the shoe prints of Matt, then he's being locked up for the murder of your brother."
I honestly couldn't believe it. At that point I was slowly getting over the fact that yes, Jackson had killed Jeremy, but he was forced to do that. But if it's Matt controlling Jackson, then he was sure in for one hell of a treat.
"Well dad, if one's an incident, two's a coincidence, and there's a pattern... what's four and five?" Stiles asked as his dad sighed.
"Enough for a warrant. Scott, call your mom back, see how quick she can get here. If I can get an official ID, I can get a search warrant. Stiles, go to the front desk. Tell them to let Scott's mom in when she gets here." Noah ordered and Stiles and Scott nodded, Stiles going to the front desk as Scott called his mom. "Dean, I need you to help me match these prints."
"You got it, sheriff." I saluted and he gave me a questionable look, causing me to purse my lips together awkwardly. "Sorry."
The sheriff walked back around his desk as I inhaled a sharp breath through my nose, stopping when I smelled blood. "Scott... do you smell that?" I whispered as he sniffed the air, eyes widening as he motioned for me to run out.
"Uh, I think I'll go help Stiles." I told the Sheriff before bolting out of the office and to the front desk.
"Stiles are you o— shit." I froze in my spot when I felt something cold press against my neck, looking down to see the officers dead body on the ground.
"Hello, Dean." Matt hissed and I slowly turned around, facing the gun that was in my face. "Funny how all of your family members die so young. And you're the last one standing."
I looked over at Stiles, who reeked of fear at the moment as Matt yanked the two of us forward back to Noah's office.
I couldn't even smell any other emotion from Matt other than anger, and it genuinely confused me at how bad he smelled of it.
Stiles' hand had found mine quickly as I stood behind him, his heart pounding loudly in my ears as his dad tried to (poorly) talk Matt out of harming us.
"Actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people." Matt smiled maniacally and waved the gun around, the grip Stiles had on my hand only tightening. "You four weren't on my list, but I could be persuaded. And one way is to try dialing somebody on your cell phone, like McCall is doing. That- that could definitely get someone hurt." The four of us looked at Scott, who slipped his phone into his pocket.
"Put them on the desk." Matt ordered as I slowly let go of Stiles' hand, the temptation to simply jump Matt having to be forced down. "Now!" He yelled, everyone quickly taking out their phone and tossing them onto Noah's desk.
I watched as Stiles chained his dad in the cell, Matt giving him a look that definitely wasn't pleased. "Tighter." He demanded, aiming the gun at his head as Stiles slowly did so.
Matt silently ordered the three of us to follow him and leave Noah in the cell, now walking down the hallways.
Scott froze in fear and looked down a corridor, causing Stiles and I to turn as well. My eyes widened in horror as I stared at three brutally murdered officers, my heart tightening at the fact that I now knew Jackson was still here.
"What are you gonna kill everyone in here?!" Scott asked in a high pitched voice as Matt looked at the dead bodies with a straight face and scoffed.
"No, that's what Jackson's for. I just think about killing them and he does it." He turned to look at us and smiled, sending a shiver down my spine.
"Is that what you did, when he killed my brother?" I asked as Matt's grin only widened, and he nodded slowly. I clenched my fists together as my claws slowly dug into my palms, dropping blood through my fingers.
Matt shoved us along, the gun now pressed harshly into my back.
I tossed the last of his evidence in the shredder, feeling my heart only shatter more as I knew that was most likely the end of me being able to have him arrested. I eyed Matt with a vile look and he winked, my urge to attack him only growing.
There was a clicking noise behind me, turning as Stiles deleted any and all files that included Matt in them.
"Deleted. And we're done. All right, so, Matt, since all the people you brutally murdered deserved it because they killed you first— whatever that means.." Matt tilted his head with a smirk as Stiles rolled his eyes. "I think we're good here, right? So I'll just get my dad, and we'll go, you know? You continue on the whole vengeance thing. Enjoy the kanima." He continued as a car light lightened up the room, my heart sinking even more.
"Sounds like your mom is here, McCall." Matt said as Scott started to slowly panic.
"Matt, don't do this. When she comes to the door, I'll just tell her to leave. I'll tell her we didn't find anything. Please, Matt." Scott begged as the entrance door opened, and Matt chuckled.
"If you don't move - now, I'm gonna kill Stiles first, then Dean, and then your mom."
I slowly walked with Scott, Stiles and Matt into the main hallway, Scott turning to Matt, who aimed the Gun army the door. "Open it."
Scott hesitated, his hand on the doorknob and Matt glared at him. "Open. The. Door." After a few more seconds, Scott clicked the door open, Scott sighing in relief when he noticed it was Derek.
Who then fell to the ground, paralyzed, and Jackson slowly walked over as his half human-half Kanima self.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." I muttered, looking down at Derek, who eyed me angrily.
"This is the one controlling him? This kid?" Derek asked as Matt towered over him. I sighed now in annoyance, debating on snapping two necks.
"Well, Derek. Not everyone's Lucky enough to be a big, bad werewolf." Matt whispered as my eyes widened, though I wasn't really that surprised. Matt stood up and turned to us, a grin on his face.
"Oh that's right! I've learned a few things lately. Werewolves, hunters, kanimas. It's like a fucking Halloween party everyone full moon." Matt turned to Stiles and I. "Except for you two, Dean and Stiles. What do you turn into?"
Wait.... This guy doesn't know I'm a werewolf?
"Abominable snowman. But it's more of a winter time thing? You know, seasonal." Stiles deadpanned, as Matt tilted his head, a slice ringing in my ears as Stiles fell forward.
"Biiitch—" he muttered before falling on top of Derek.
"Get him. Off of me." Derek ordered as I looked down at the two.
"Oh I don't know, Derek. I think you two make a pretty good pair." Matt scoffed as I glared daggers into his back, watching as he slowly turned back to me. "But Y'know, Stiles and Dean seem to hit it off, too."
"I'll slice your throat." I threatened, Matt only smiled.
"I'd like to see you try. It'll be hard being—" I grunted at the cold feeling of something cutting into the back of my neck, Scott watching as I then fell down in front of Matt, staring up at him with pure anger. "Paralyzed." He finished, smirking and towering over me.
I squinted as a pair of car lights shined in my eyes, Matt's smiling failing to leave his face. "Is that her?" He started, turning to Scott. "Do what I tell you to and I won't hurt her. I won't even let Jackson near her."
"Scott don't trust him!" Stiles yelled, which seemed to only anger Matt, who yanked Stiles down next to me and stepped on his neck.
"This work better for you?!" Matt yelled as Stiles started choking.
"You get your foot off of him! I swear to god I'll kill you, Matt!" I yelled as Matt turned down to look at me.
"Oh look at you, trying to be the protective boyfriend. Too bad you couldn't be a protective brother." He seethed as I forced back every bit of anger bubbling up inside of me. Matt looked at Jackson, gesturing at the the of us that were paralyzed as he removed his foot from Stiles neck, causing him to cough loudly.
"You, take them in there. You, follow me." Jackson grabbed Stiles first, dragging him away to the room next to us before coming for me and Derek.
The four of us sat in the room in complete silence and waited for them to return.
But all we heard was a gunshot.
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