I stared at Scott in disbelief, slowly turning to Stiles, who could only nod his head before anxiously biting at his nails.
"I don't... you're joking, right?" I asked as Stiles chuckled.
"God, we wish. I mean, thankfully, you're the only one he has bitten." He commented as I frowned.
"For now." Scott said. My eyes widened in confusion as I sat up slowly. There was a pain in my arm and my back, and I looked down to see there was a cast on it. There's went my streak of never having a broken bone.
"What do you mean 'for now?' Is he going to give the bite to others?" I asked, hoping that being a werewolf didn't come with the power of mind reading.
"Yes. He is." Scott said, getting straight to the point as if he never wanted this to happen. I was probably assuming right. "He needs more beta's to make himself stronger."
"Stronger? For what?" I asked, seeing the look of annoyance on Scott's face as I just kept bombarding him with questions.
"We don't know yet." Stiles interrupted, letting Scott take a moment to himself. "But what we do know is that Derek killed his own u cake to be what he is right now. And that makes him dangerous... really fricken dangerous."
"Wait wait wait... So Derek is actually a killer? I'm a beta to a murderer?!" I whisper-yelled, now some what regretting saying yes to being bitten.
"Hey calm down! He saved your life, Dean!" Stiles said as Scott shook his head.
"He made it worse! I mean Dean, you didn't even think about what would happen after you got bit. There are going to be Hunters going after you all the time now. And then the other supernatural creatures that will try and kill you." Scott ranted on about how big of a mistake I had made, but if I was being honest, I didn't care.
"Stop acting like what just happened to me was my fault! I didn't even think Derek would actually do it after he said no. I mean... the only reason I said yes was so I could save my little brother and just maybe save my mom! Now tell me how the hell Derek saved my life when all I did was flip my damn car and break my arm."
Scott and Stiles gave one another weary looks as I gave them a "well go on" facial expression. Stiles huffed as Scott sighed.
"You didn't just break your arm, dude." Scott said as I raised a brow,
"So what else did I break? A finger? My leg? Finny be so damn ominous when I'm asking questions!" I complained as Stiles rolled his eyes.
"You snapped your spine, Dean!" Stiles shouted, catching me off guard and causing me to flinch. My eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Scott then back to me.
I was silent for so long that Stiles continued. "When you flipped your car, you broke your spine. I mean... you broke your spine. They told us you were never going to walk again."
"Derek gave you the bite to heal you. So you'd be good enough to be his beta. Apparently he's been watching you since before he was even an Alpha."
"Do Derek's been stalking me? Great." I muttered, sarcasm dripping off my tongue as I rolled my eyes. "Why me, though? I can't even lift 20 pounds— do you see these? Noodles." I lifted my arms, which did have some muscles thanks to genetics, but other than that I was a very weak human being.
"Well now you can lift three times the amount you usually can." Scott said as I raised a brow.
"Super strength? Great, now I'll finally be able to lift 30 pounds." I rolled my eyes at the same time as Scott. "I need to get out of here. I don't have much time to find Jeremy."
I pulled the blankets off of my legs, kicking them off the bed and stood up.
I stood there for a moment as I questioned if I was gonna fall. "Yep, here it comes." I said to myself, slowly falling forward. Scott and Stiles caught me quickly, helping me stand up.
"We can't let anyone see you walking. If they see you walking around and not limping they'll start asking questions." Stiles said as I nodded slowly.
"I'll go find a wheelchair." Scott said as Stiles helped me sit back down. He walked over to the closet in the room, grabbing a pair of clothes I definitely was not wearing when I got in the accident. Stiles turned around to see my brows raised suspiciously.
"I Uh... got you some clothes from your house. Because you know... the ones you were wearing got ripped and bloody." He slowly handed me the clothes as I nodded.
"Right. So... do all of you break the law? Or just you because your daddy's the sheriff?" I asked, slipping the pants on while still wearing the gown.
"Well... you'd be surprised at how many laws we've all broken since Scott got bit." Stiles scratched the back of his head as I nodded and hummed, untying the gown and letting it fall.
I paused when I saw the bite in the mirror, frowning when I saw what else was on my body. "The bite... gave me abs?" I asked, traced my fingers over the slightly toned abs on my stomach.
I heard Stiles stammering to speak, who then sighed with relief when Scott came back in with a wheel chair. I put my shirt on as Scott started to talk.
"Okay so. I talked with my mom and she's letting you out of here. So let's hurry this up." Scott snapped his fingers and pointed to the seat. I rolled my eyes and fixed my shirt whilst plopping down into the wheelchair, resting my head in my hand.
"This is embarrassing." I muttered to myself as Scott wheeled me out of the emergency room, his mom walking over.
"Dean! I'm glad to hear you feel so well. It's... kind of shocking to see you getting released a day after such a bad crash." She said as I shrugged.
"Well... I have been told I heal fast." I smiled warmly at Melissa as Scott cleared his throat.
"Sorry, mom. But we need to get going. Promised Dean I'd help him find Jeremy." Scott didn't let his mom talk, the three of us quickly getting out of the hospital and towards Stiles' Jeep.
I stood up and started walking, wobbling for a moment before catching my balance.
This was going to take a while.
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