Ch. 10
The next day, Uraraka stomped up to Izuku's desk with a huff, dramatically draping herself over his cubical walls. "I don't care what you have going on with Bakugou; you're going on that date you promised me. Tonight," she stated in a clear voice, leaving no room for any arguments.
Izuku lifted his brows and blinked at her, unsure if this was real or a sleep-deprived hallucination. "Um, what?"
"You promised me you'd go on a blind date this week," Uraraka reminded him, puffing her cheeks in annoyance. "It's tonight, and you're going."
"I have patrol tonight-"
"Nope, I'm covering it."
"Ura, I can't let you-"
"Nope, you're going on this date, Deku, or so help me god-"
"Okay," he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in surrender. He really didn't want her to start hurling colorful threats his way. As much as she hated Katsuki now, back in high school, she was basically his mini-me. "I'll go, I'll go. Do I get to know who it's with yet?"
"Nope," she said with a pleased smile and satisfied hum. "You'll just have to wait 'til you get to the bar tonight."
"Great," he grumbled with a sigh.
It was eight o'clock sharp when Izuku arrived at the bar Uraraka had arranged the blind date to be held at. He thought it was stupid that he didn't get a name or face before showing up, how was he even supposed to know who he was looking for? When he'd asked her as much, she just smiled and said he'd know.
He pulled his flannel coat tighter to his body as he shouldered past the door, grumbling under his breath the whole way. He hadn't put in too much effort for the date; he didn't want the guy to get the wrong idea. Izuku wasn't looking for a boyfriend; he was only here to appease a friend.
His green eyes scanned the bar, looking for anyone who was even remotely familiar. His stomach dropped when he saw a mop of lilac hair, the owner of it nursing what appeared to be whiskey.
"We're not doing this, right?" Izuku asked skeptically as he took a seat at the bar next to Shinsou.
The other hero looked over at him with surprise evident on his face before letting out a low chuckle. "No way in hell. What was Uraraka even thinking? You're like a brother."
"Thank god," Izuku breathed, letting his forehead rest against the bar for a second. "She's been up my ass about dating recently. I have no clue what's gotten into her."
Shinsou sent him an amused smile as he waved down the bartender. "I don't know, man, but she threatened to send Aizawa after me if I didn't show up."
Izuku ordered a drink, figuring if he was gonna be stuck there, he might as well get drunk with a friend. It was his night off, and he could deal with the consequences tomorrow. "Wow, she was really pushing for this," he teased back, knowing that their old teacher was basically Shinsou's dad at that point.
"The worst part is, he would have agreed with her," Shinsou said with a horrified shiver. "Apparently, I don't get out enough."
Izuku held his glass out, and Shinsou clinked his own against it. "You and me both."
Izuku did not mean to get this drunk. He was planning on getting tipsy, but he was wasted by the time he and Shinsou called it quits. He couldn't even stay upright on his own anymore.
"Already, shortie," Shinsou said with an amused laugh, also decently hammered. "Who am I calling to get you home?"
"No one," Izuku slurred, shaking his head quickly. "I's totally got it."
"You're adding 's's to words that don't need 'em." The statement was punctuated with a full belly laugh from the taller hero. Izuku thought it was nice, Shinsou so rarely acted boisterous like that. "Uraraka? Iida? Who's it gonna be?"
"No," Izuku whined, holding onto the bar for dear life. "They're both working."
"Todoroki?" Shinsou asked, one brow raised. He remembered that they used to date, so it wasn't his first choice, but they seemed to be friends now.
"God, no."
Another chuckle left Shinsou's lips at the response. Maybe they weren't so friendly, noted. "Well, who's it gonna be then, shortie?"
Izuku groaned, scouring his brain for anyone he could call for help. His eyes snapped open with a bright smile as he figured it out, fishing his phone from his pocket and dialing a number. It rang a few times before a voice answered.
"Little hero? I didn't think we'd graduated to phone calls yet."
Eijirou's teasing words were making Izuku's head swim in the best way possible. He went lax against the bar, humming softly at the sound. "Help," he mumbled.
"Help? What'd you need help with?" The light teasing tone was gone in a flash, replaced by a slight panic the villain was trying to cover. "Are you okay?"
"'M fine, just can't walk."
"Iz, are you drunk right now?"
Izuku giggled softly as he heard the other man relax through the phone. He wasn't in mortal peril, just trashed. "Maybe."
Shinsou nudged his arm, reminding the drunk hero he was still there. He had one brow raised as he whispered, "Who'd you call?"
"Kirishima," Izuku answered through a dreamy sigh.
Shinsou shook his head with an endearing smile tugging at his lips. "Why'd you go on a blind date if you have a boyfriend?"
"He's not my boyfriend!"
"Iz? Little hero, you still there?"
Eijirou's voice made Izuku snap back to the call, waving Shinsou and his teasing off quickly. "Mhm, still here. Need ta get back to m' apartment; you know where it is. My friends are all doin' hero stuff."
"Jesus," he heard Eijirou say through a breath, and it caused another giggle to leave his lips. "I'm working right now, but Kats-"
"Nu-uh," Izuku said quickly, lifting his head to shake it even if the villain couldn't see him. It caused his vision to swim for a second before he fell back against the bar. "Not him."
"What? Hey, I just- Fine. Iz, Kats wants to talk to you."
There was shuffling on the other end as Izuku patiently waited for his childhood friend to start bitching him out. He knew Katsuki well enough to know that blond had anything but nice things to say.
"What the hell are you doing, Deku?"
Yup, there it is.
"'M drunk," Izuku said with a small sigh. He really liked Katsuki's voice, and even though the two villains were apparently working, their modifiers weren't being used on the call.
"Yeah, I gathered that, idiot." Even though the words weren't nice, Katsuki's voice held very little heat in it. Izuku's drunk mind made him faintly wish he had the ability to purr. "Look, Ei is busy right now. If you need someone to get you, I'll-"
"No," Izuku said quickly. "You can't. 'M with Shinsou," he said, whispering the name as he shot a side glance at the hero next to him.
Shinsou had heard him clearly, smirking as he met Izuku's eyes and knocked the rest of his drink back. He didn't know who the hell Kirishima was, or why it mattered that Shinsou was there, but it was funny nonetheless.
"Why the fuck are you with that insomniac?" Katsuki growled through the phone, clearly upset with the turn of events.
"Ura made me go on a blind date," he whined, letting his forehead thump against the bar once again. This call was taking way longer than he thought it would, and he just wanted to go back home.
"He's on a fucking date with some bastard from our old class," he heard Katsuki say and assumed he was talking to Eijirou. "You gotta go."
"But I'm-"
"I know that," he snapped, and Izuku could imagine the veins on his forehead popping from anger. He quietly laughed at the mental image. "But I can't go. We can leave him there if you'd prefer."
"You're a dick. Just gimme the fucking phone."
There was more shuffling, and then Eijirou's voice was coming through clearly on Izuku's phone.
"Hey, sweetheart," Eijirou's voice was soft and enduring, and Izuku's heart was doing backflips repeatedly. "I'm gonna come get you, but it's gonna take me a few minutes. Can you tell me where you are?"
Izuku mumbled the name of the bar he was in, knowing it was closer to the villain's home base than it was to his apartment. Maybe that would speed things up.
"Oh, that's only like a block from here," Eijirou mumbled. "Kats, I can't show up in this."
"There's clothes in the fucking bag, dumbass."
"You're so fucking grouchy when you don't get your way. Hey, Iz?"
Izuku hummed, letting him know that he was still there and vaguely alert.
"I'll be there in five, okay?"
"Mm, okay."
"I'm gonna hang up now, okay?" Izuku could hear the amusement in his voice, but a pout formed on his lips at the words.
"No, that's so mean."
Eijirou laughed on the other end. "Fine, talk to Katsuki for a little bit while I change. Does that work for you, princess?"
"'M not a princess," Izuku mumbled in offense. He couldn't be a princess; he was a boy. He was a prince, goddamn it.
"Sure, little hero. Here's Kats."
"Why did I get stuck with you two, idiots?" Katsuki asked, his voice low and rough. It washed over Izuku like a warm wave, and he was ready to fall asleep on the bar.
"You love me, Ka-" Izuku cut himself off from saying Katsuki's nickname, knowing that Shinsou would pick up on it in an instant. He tried to think of something else to call the blond (Eijirou never seemed to run out of nicknames for him), but came up empty. "You."
He was rewarded with a quiet and faint chuckle from Katsuki, so he figured he couldn't have done too bad. "That's the best you got? Kacchan or nothing, huh?"
Izuku frowned at the teasing, suddenly not so infatuated as before. "Nicknames are hard."
"Sure, nerd."
"'M tired."
"Yeah, I know. Ei just left, he'll be there in, like, five."
Izuku groaned at the seemingly endless wait time. "You kept his phone."
"Wanted to make sure he actually got you, and someone had to babysit while you wait for him."
"Don't need a babysitter," Izuku said with a huff, forcing himself to sit up and willing his nausea away. "Shinsou's still here."
Shinsou laughed around his glass, setting it against the bar, now empty. "Glad I've been demoted to babysitter."
"You're the one that said we were brothers," Izuku pointed out. "Brothers babysit."
"Of course, shortie. How could I forget?"
Izuku hummed at the sound of Katsuki's voice, letting the blond know he was still listening.
"You still good?"
Shinsou nudged his arm, nodding his head toward the front door. "That frantic-looking redhead for you?"
Izuku followed his line of sight, and sure enough, Eijirou was at the door. He was dressed in a hoodie and sweats, looking through the crowd before his eyes met Izuku's, and a relieved smile took over his face.
"Kiri!" Izuku cheered as the redhead made his way through the crowd toward him.
"Ei showed up?"
Izuku hummed to Katsuki, a wide smile on his face as Eijirou reached his side, one arm wrapping around his waist to steady him. "Mhm, he's right here."
"Wait," Shinsou said, brows knitting together as he looked between Eijirou and Izuku. "If this is the guy you called to pick you up, who are you still talking to?"
"His boyfriend," Izuku fake-whispered back.
Shinsou sat back with a breath, shaking his head at his friend. "Oh, shortie. What did you get yourself in the middle of?"
Izuku leaned against Eijirou, who was smiling down at him and didn't look the faintest like he minded. "Hot guys," he answered easily.
Shinsou nearly fell out of his stool from laughing, pointing to Eijirou as he did so. "You should probably get him home. He's gonna be mortified in the morning."
Eijirou met the other hero's eyes, a teasing smirk taking over his smile. "Oh, I know." He glanced back down at Izuku, holding a hand out to him. "Can I see the phone, sweetheart?"
Izuku quickly handed it over, now having two hands free to hug Eijirou properly. He melted against the redhead's chest, going fully boneless on his stool.
"Yeah, I got him. All ten fingers and toes, don't worry so much. Yeah, I know, I know. I'll get him home, jeez. Obviously, I'm staying. Mhm, see you soon."
Izuku was gently nudged and forced to look up at Eijirou. "C'mon, we're gonna get you back home," he said in a quiet voice, pulling Izuku to his feet.
"Everything moving," Izuku whined, leaning his head against Eijirou's chest to try and still the world.
"No, that's just you, Iz."
"I don't like it," he grumbled.
Eijirou softly laughed as he ran a hand over Izuku's hair. "You want a piggyback ride?"
He enthusiastically nodded, effortlessly being lifted onto Eijirou's back. God, he's so fucking strong.
"Stick to side roads," Shinsou said as they turned to leave. "The press will have a field day if their golden boy is caught drunk in public."
Eijirou nodded to him. "Noted, thanks."
Izuku halfheartedly waved back at his friend as Eijirou worked his way through the bar. The night air was cool on his face as they entered the street, helping with some of his grogginess.
With a little more clarity, he groaned and buried his face into the crook of Eijirou's neck. "'M sorry I called."
"Don't be," Eijirou said smoothly, squeezing Izuku's legs in reassurance. "I'm honored you called me to pick you up from a bad date."
"It wasn't a bad date," Izuku grumbled, tilting his head so his chin was resting on the villain's shoulder. "Shinsou is just... like... a brother."
"Sure, sweetheart," Eijirou said with a quiet chuckle. "Let's get you home."
"Fuck," Izuku grumbled, rubbing a hand down his face as he woke up. His head was already pounding, and he had so many regrets.
"That good, huh?"
Izuku whirled around at the voice, one hand covering his mouth as nausea ripped through him. He managed to keep his dinner from the previous night down, but the sight of a shirtless Eijirou in his bed nearly gave him a heart attack instead.
"What the fuck?!"
Eijirou let out a loud laugh at his reaction, moving to sit up fully in the bed. "Oh, so you don't remember anything. Got it."
Izuku fell face-first against his pillows, using them to muffle his scream of embarrassment. Now he remembered. "I can't believe I called you."
"What was that, little hero?"
Izuku didn't repeat his words, instead grabbing the pillow next to him and throwing it at the redhead. Eijirou easily caught it, another laugh leaving his lips at the attempt.
"Awe, come on. It wasn't that bad. You're cute when you're drunk."
"Shut up!"
You guys a double update today because it's sunday. It's the lord's day and I am the lord, so might as well be benevolent.
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