Chapter 14: Aftermath
Zero walked into the room the Mine was currently in. He looked at her a little sad seeing the bandages that were wrapped across her stomach. He had a pink flower that he had found outside and laid it on the table beside her.
She was asleep at the moment so she of course didn't know about the flower or him for that matter. Zero was glad that they had all been able to get out of the situation with Silver alive but he felt bad that Mine had gotten hurt.
He heard the door behind open and looked behind him. When he did he saw a familiar orange haired female standing there. "She's fine Zero she just needs some time to rest," Chelsea said looking at him.
"I know you told me that before. I'm just worried," Zero said looking down at the pink haired female. He wasn't in love with her yet. How could he be in love with her. They only went on one date and that date was something of a disaster.
"Worried? Worried about what? I'm sure she'll be fine and I'm sure she'll understand," Chelsea said looking at him. She usually wasn't this nice to others but she could tell that he was having some trouble with accepting this.
"Thanks Chelsea," Zero said as he got up and left the room. He was worried but it wasn't about Mine. She was most of his worry but not all of it. Zero walked into his room and sat down only for Jason to walk in behind him.
"You know it's eventually going to happen," Jason said looking at him.
"Yeah I know," Zero said looking out the window out at the capital. He was worried that he'd eventually lose his new friends. He was afriad he'd lose them to his old friends.
"Do you think you can beat him?" Jason asked looking at the blonde in front of him.
"I'm not sure but I guess I'll find out soon enough," Zero said looking out the window. Little did he know that at the capital someone was looking back at the building he was in.
This male was none other than the one that he used to call captain. "I know that days coming I just hope I'm the one to lose," Zenlu said looking out the window.
"You want to die to huh?" Zenlu heard a familiar female voice say behind him. When he turned around he saw a girl with grey eyes and short black hair.
"What are you doing here?" Zenlu asked looking at Kurome. He genuinely was curious about what she was doing there. After all he was in the highest room in the entire building.
"I like to come here sometimes," Kurome said walking over to the window he was at.
"Your friends seem to be handling Silver's death pretty hard," Kurome said looking out the window. When she said this she turned her head towards Zenlu. "So why aren't you?" She asked looking at him.
"It's because I knew Silver was going to die. He was always pushing his limits and boundaries always trying to be the best. That's a trait I admire but he couldn't be Zero. I doubt anyone can beat him especially when he's not himself," Zenlu said looking at him.
"So please tell me why do you want to die?" Kurome said looking at the male in front of her.
"I've done the math in my head countless time. Hoping each time that I was wrong somehow but it all remains the same. Not many of us are going to live through this. Most of my friends are going to die and the one's that aren't are most likely going to be the ones that cause the others to die. I'd rather be dead than lose my friends," Zenlu said looking at Kurome.
It was quite for a few moments before Zenlu broke the silence. "What about you?" Zenlu asked looking at Kurome. The female shrugged when he asked this and looked at him.
"I'm going to fight my sister. She's always been better than me. Not by much but she's been better. I can't explain it but she's always had the edge, that extra inch, that one thing that always makes her better than me," Kurome said looking out the window.
"She's been the only family I've ever had ever since I was born. I love her more than anything yet I know that must fight her. I don't think I could live with myself if I killed her so when we fight I hope she wins," Kurome said turning her attention back to Zenlu.
Zenlu let outna slight chuckle when he heard this and looked at the female in front of him. "You know you almost sound like me and Zero," Zenlu said looking at her.
"How so?" Kurome asked looking at the male in front of her.
"Well me and Zero were raised by a special organization that kidnaps children and turns them into effective assassin's. I remember being taken when I was three. They killed my mother and father in front of me. Zero was the directors son. Although you wouldn't know it by the way he was treated. We may not be family but we definitely have some sort of bond that can't be broken. I know that we're going to fight and when we do chances are he'll enter that state and I'll die," Zenlu said looking at Kurome.
"You keep saying that. Ever so often you say Zero enters that state or he isn't himself. What do you mean?" Kurome asked looking at him.
"Well Zero's imperial arm is about as far from perfect as you can imagine. I mean sure it works but he has to pay a toll when he uses the trump card and it can cost him his sanity. I've only ever seen him like that three times the first time was something I'll never forget," Zenlu said looking at her.
"Why? What happened?" Kurome asked looking at him.
"That organization I mentioned doesn't exist anymore because of Zero when he was in that state," Zenlu said looking at him.
"He killed them?" Kurome asked looking at him.
"Some were lucky enough to have it that way. Others were given wounds that will never heal. He pulled out their eyes, ripped off their skin, and drained them of their blood. He almost killed me but he gained control before he did. He was saving me for last I think it's because he hated me the most or maybe he liked me the most. I'm not entirely sure when he's in that state he's a bit hard to predict," Zenlu said looking at her.
"So what are you going to do if you do win?" Kurome asked looking at him. The male shrugged when he heard this and stood up.
"Maybe there's someone special out there waiting for me," Zenlu said with a chuckle as he walked down the stairs. While he was walking he heard some crying coming from the shared room of Senna and Ryuu.
"Sounds like she isn't handling it to well," Zenlu said as he walked into his own room and went to bed. He was right Senna wasn't handling it as well as the others.
At the moment she was crying with Ryuu's arms around her. "He was our friend why would Jason and Zero do something like that?" Senna asked as she buried her head either into Ryuu's chest.
"I don't know. I thought if they were forced to fight one of us that they'd stop this and that they'd join us. I never thought they'd go as far as to kill one of us," Ryuu said looking at Senna.
He was surprised that they had killed Silver but he had in all honesty considered the idea of them not rejoining the team. However he also knew that out of the few of them that was left that Senna despite being able to kill she preferred not to.
Ryuu as well as the rest of her team knew that she was the most kind hearted of them. "Look at me Senna," Ryuu said looking down at the female that was in his arms.
When he said this she looked up and Ryuu took a deep breath. "Silver's gone there's nothing we can do about that now. Chances are if they killed him that they won't have a problem killing the rest of us. So I need to know are you okay with killing them?" Ryuu asked looking at her.
Senna was shocked to hear this but she knew as much as she hated to admit she knew that this was what she needed to hear. She wiped her tears away when she heard this and looked at him.
"I'm not sure if I can but I'll try if I have to," Senna said looking at the male in front of her. Ryuu was glad to hear this and hugged her close to him.
He was glad to know that the one he loved was willing to do what it took to survive. He loved her more than he had loved anyone before and he didn't want to lose her. He wasn't sure if he could kill Zero and Jason either but if it meant that he could keep Senna safe then he didn't care he'd fight the entire world if he had.
As long as it meant that she was safe he could care less. The females brother Shade wasn't doing much better although he didn't show it as much as Senna did.
He sat up when he heard someone enter his room. "How you holding up stud?" He heard a familiar redheaded female say.
"Scerea? What are you doing here?" Shade asked looking at him.
"Just came to see how you were doing hot stuff," Scerea said as she sat down beside him.
"Even at a time like this you manage to flirt with other. That's a little refreshing actually," Shade said looking at Scerea.
"Just trying to lighten things up a little," Scerea said looking at Shade.
"Hey Scerea if you don't mind me asking why do you flirt with guys so much?" Shade asked looking at her.
"There's nothing wrong with it. Plus I'm sure that I'll eventually find a man if I do. You know someone who won't cheat on me," Scerea said looking at Shade.
This caused the blue haired male to raise an eyebrow. "Like you wouldn't?" Shade asked looking at her.
"Actually no I wouldn't. I would never cheat on a man. I may flirt with others but as for actually cheating on him no. I'd sooner break up with them before I cheat on them. It's just why ruin something like that over something as silly as sex," Scerea said looking at the blue haired male in front of her.
"You know Scerea if I wasn't so sure you'd say no I'd ask you out," Shade said looking at her.
"Why's that?" Scerea asked looking at him.
"You're an amazing person with an amazing way of thinking and to top it all off you have a beautiful body. Despite what most guys think I'd definitely take a chance with you," Shade said looking at the redhead.
"Then why don't you?" Scerea asked looking at him. When she said this she got a little closer to Shade caused the blue haired male to turn a slight shade if red.
"Is that an invitation?" Shade asked looking at her.
"You tell me," Scerea said as she connected her lips with Shade's. Shade moved one of his hands up to Scerea's cheek and caressed it slightly. When the two seperated Shade looked at Senna and smiled.
"I think I could give love a shot. After all if my little sister can then why can't I?" He said as he kissed the redheads forehead.
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