Chapter 24
He looked at me with hopeful eyes, searching frantically for forgiveness. He wanted to still be friends... but he... He lied. He lied. How could he?
His eyes widened in worry and concern as I backed away. He reached out, as if he was trying to stop me but was too far away.
I love him. I let him in my heart. I let him in mine and Harley's life, and he lied. Lied!
He was the Prince. The Prince!
How could he not tell me? Why did he keep it a secret? Why didn't he just tell me before I got too close? Before I opened my heart?
Before I fell in love with him.
I was heartbroken. He had deceived me. He knew he couldn't choose me, and he still led me on.
How could he hurt me like this?
I turned and ran away.
"Silence! Wait!" he called, but I kept going. I flung open the door and ran down the hall. "Silence, please! Silence." I ran until I was panting, barely able to breath, until Hiccup's calls had long since faded.
He lied. He lied. He lied, I repeated in my head. I couldn't go back to my room, because when someone came looking for me, Harley would see me in distress. I couldn't go to the secret room because Hiccup knew about it. I couldn't go to the waterfall because it was dark.
Wait. Perfect! Who'd expect me to go into the woods at night?
I sprinted, not caring about the dress as I disgracefully scampered out the window, not checking for patrol. I ran into the dark forest, going off of memory to get me to the familiar place.
"Halt!" ordered a man. The patrol, I cursed to myself. "Who goes there?"
I stopped, wiping the tears away as their lantern light showed my face to them. Seeing a lady in tears, he dismounted his horse.
"Are you okay, miss?"
"She's fine," a familiar voice panted, firmly, from the familiar window. "She's with me."
"My apologies, Sir," the guard fumbled.
"You're excused," Hiccup dismissed.
He climbed back on his horse. "Aye. Alright, Sir. Have a good night."
"Silence, please," he begged, following me out the window. He grabbed my arm as I turned to disappear into the forest. "Silence! Please!"
"No," I sobbed, pushing him away. He released me in surprise. "No."
"No?" he quoted. He recovered, desperately trying to get me to stay and listen. "Please, don't do this, Silence. Please, I love you-"
"You lied to me!" I screamed, pushing him back.
"Technically, I didn't lie," he began.
"Yes, you did. You let me think we had a chance! You let Harley think he got a dad. You tricked us! Not just me, but an innocent little boy, as well!"
"I didn't trick you," he defended. "I want you, Silence! I want you and Harley to be my family. I want to wake up every morning with you at my side. I want to give you and Harley the love and care you both deserve. Please, let me do that." He gently wiped my tears away, just to have them replaced with new ones. He held me close, leaning his forehead against mine.
"You can't," I ruined the moment, pushing him away, but he wouldn't have it.
"I'm the Prince and future King. I can do whatever I want."
"Except adopt Harley," I pointed out. "He isn't your blood-"
"And I don't care. I love him as my own, isn't that all that matters?"
"What if your parents don't accept him? Huh? What then? He can't inherit your throne; he's not your blood."
"So what? So he can't be king if- and only if- we have another son. He can be heir until then, and afterwards he can be a noble or a knight. And if we have only daughters? Well, then Harley can be King. I don't care. I just want you both to be apart of my family. So, what do you say, Silence?" He paused, dropping down to one knee. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my Queen?"
"Absolutely not!" his father bellowed from above, and it was then I noticed we had an audience on the second floor and a few doors over.
"But, Dad-" Hiccup started to argue.
"My son will not wed a woman with a child that's not his!" the King declared, slamming his fist against the railing.
"Then your son isn't marrying any woman," Hiccup challenged, standing up and glaring at his dad. "You don't even know her story. You're judging her based on the surface of the story. That's that fair, Dad! You don't know her like I do."
His father growled, "I don't need to to know that she is not fit to be Queen."
"She's the most eligible girl here!" Hiccup exclaimed. "Don't you dare insult her!"
"You're not marrying her, son. I forbid it."
"Then I'm not marrying anyone." There was a few moments of glaring between the two before Hiccup tried, "At least give her a chance, Dad. Listen to her story before you shame her."
His dad relaxed, giving a firm nod for me to begin.
At that moment, I heard, "Momma!" and turned to see Heather handing Harley to Hiccup, who handed him to me.
I cuddled Harley to me, looking at Hiccup with worry.
"Go on," he encouraged, taking one of my hands. "Break your silence. It's time."
I smiled and passed Harley back to Hiccup, stepping forward, looking at the guests on the balcony above us.
"My name is (Y/ N) (L/N), but many of you know me as Silence."
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