Everything had changed. Everything was different now.
The life he knew was no more, who he was, was no more. Just in the span of five years everything came crashing down around him and now he couldn't even recognize himself or the ones he loves. Everything was so different but also following the same pattern.
He knew that he truly shouldn't be surprised that this is how his life turned out. He started all of this when he was 9 and now that he was 19 this life came almost as easy and falling into an old habit as breathing was.
The hero life.
Through all the victories came loss, and with that loss came pain and misery. With that bottled within yourself, changes you, but not for the better.
Dick knew that he should have been prepared to experience loss again within his life but having to go through that again and again, broke the already broken bird.
He lost one mask for another and another, slowly losing himself in the process.
Who was he? Who was Dick Grayson? What was he supposed to do with his life? What was he supposed to feel and believe because everything felt messed up and empty.
His hands were cold, having no one there to hold them. His arms were once again covered in many scars and his eyes never fully dry from all the tears and pain he cried.
He was all alone.
He knew not who he was anymore, or what the world and the others were. He was lost within himself and lost within the massive world. But he keep pushing forward the best he could. It came with many great falls causing him to lose more and more each time, and he thought after awhile that he would become numb to the pain but he sadly wasn't. It seemed liked it hurt even worst each time he experienced it.
That was one of the only things that he could identify himself with.
Pain and loss.
He loss loved ones and he lost himself. Who he was, was now gone. Passed off onto someone else then someone again. His heart being ripped right out of his chest by the person who he claimed was supposed to love him like a son, the person who had always been there for him within the shadows.
Slowly over time though, the pain did grow less and less but in those dark hours and days it hurt the very same as it did the day it happened.
He lost his identity, his life, his escape from the pain of everyday life. He lost his father, his trust, his love and home and he also lost the one person who he never thought he would ever be without. They have been there from the start and to not have them no where near his side, killed him.
So much had changed. He wasn't the 14 year old boy who was gaining his voice slowly or falling deeply and madly in love, but he also was the same 14 year old boy who tried to end his life at the same spot his parents died.
His own life laid within his hands and at so many of times it would become nothing and worthless to him and he would drop it, only having one thing or another stop it from falling down upon the ground and shattering the little life it had left.
The lane he traveled and travels to this day feels so alone even though there are others out there, but they are just out of his reach because of all the pain.
Hopelessness he feels.
~Please tell me if this is any good. I've been struggling to write this book, to try and make it as good as the first one but it isn't working out that way for me. So please leave a comment on what you thought about this and thank you!
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