He paused the game and looked at his dumb friends.
"Why are you guys even here?" He sighed. "You could've gone to the party. It would've-"
"Sucked." She completed.
"Besides, the three musketeers have to stick together." His friend said
He looked at Athos and Porthos.
"Not that dumb kindergarten stuff again." He sighed.
"Dude, our names and their names share first letters." Porthos scratched his beard. "And we've been known to create " mischief " at school. "
"Thanks Mrs. Angela for that nickname." Athos said. "I'm kinda glad it stuck."
"People call us the three stooges y'know." He sighed. "Behind our backs."
"Eh...Suitable." Athos fixed her ponytail. "Although, I prefer the three blind mice."
He sighed. Never in his life he had had such a pointless conversation. That too with the top scorers of their school.
"Can we please unpause it." Porthos sighed.
"I agree." Athos said. "I was kicking both of your asses before you paused. You can't just pause my wins."
"Guys...Are you even listening?" He was frustrated with his friends. "You could've totally gone to the party and enjoyed."
"Look, Mr. Aramis." Athos said. "You can either continue the game or..."
"Get out of the house and sulk." Porthos completed.
Frankly, both of his friends were used to the pushy "be social" behaviour of his.
"I...I just don't get." He leaned back on the sofa and put his controller down.
"Cuz you're dumb."
"Yup, exactly. You're a dumb butt."
He nailed a cushion on his friends faces and they all laughed.
"We know you don't like parties." Athos said.
"And we also know the reason behind it." Porthos stuffed his face with popcorn. "Its...hard to explain but we get it."
"So you better suck it and bask in the glory of having such great friends who prioritize hanging out playing videogames over buffet and drinking." Athos said.
"Wait a minute." Porthos interrupted. "Buffet? Man, we should've gone there."
Athos threw Porthos a glare.
"Kidding. Kidding." Porthos waved his hands.
He couldn't get why his friends didn't understand. They could've gone out and ruled the world. He knew they were capable of making waves and becoming blazing lights in the sky but, then why were they here?
"At least at the party their are people who could actually talk y'know?" He said.
A moment of silence engulfed them.
"You...You don't have to take pity at the dumb mute kid who is afraid to make friends because of his disability."
Another silence and then laughter from Athos who was met with questionable looks from her friends.
"No...Sorry. I know it was supposed to be all deep and philosophical and we should've answered meekly and pathetically but you just said " dumb mute". Athos explained. "That's like calling yourself double dumb."
Porthos and Aramis looked at her.
"What?! You don't get it?" Athos folded her arms. "Dumb and mute-"
Athos had the whole popcorn bowl thrown over her head.
"Never in my life I've met with such a stupid, disgusting wannabe comedian." Porthos said.
"Comedian?!" Aramis said. "With that disgusting joke she has ruined her chances to even participate as audience."
"Good thing she knows sign language then."
"Yup. Atleast that is her redeemable quality."
"Something you guys!" Athos signed. "You just got popcorn and butter in my something hair!"
He wasn't taught this sign at all.
"Uh...use your common sense." Athos raised an eyebrow when she saw both of her friends throwing her a puzzled look.
Something? What does a person say when-
"Do you mean fuc-"
"Now you get it you dumbass." Athos rolled her eyes. "Now can we please switch to overwatch."
"But you just said you were winning and-"
"Over. Watch." Porthos glared.
Aramis did what he was instructed to while smiling inwardly, he basked in the glory of having such great friends.
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