𝟒𝟎: 𝐃𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞...
Several weeks later...
I always dreamed of fairytales. Being the center of attention at my wedding with the man of my dreams and constantly crying because I couldn't be any happier.
Guess the one thing stories forgot to leave out... you don't get your happy ending.
Instead, – if you're like me – you get arranged to a marriage and the person you love leaves and is no where to be found. And now after everything, I'm sitting in a robe, letting dozens of people attack my hair and face to prepare me for a day I'm not excited for.
There's a glass of whiskey in my left hand. Some wouldn't see this as a problem but it's six in the morning and the sun isn't even fully out. How much of a problem is it now?
"No, no. Her cheeks need to be a bit rosier." Cressida snatches the brush out of my make up ladies hand and starts brushing my cheeks. "There's a reason the dress isn't white, because it clashes with her complexion. You have to make her face stand out!"
"Don't yell at her Cress, she's doing her best."
"Well don't defend her." Cressida continues stroking my face roughly. "I paid her for perfection and perfection is what you should receive."
I furrow my eyebrows – in pain – because of how hard she's brushing my cheeks. But there's not much I can do to get Cressida to stop once she's obsessed on getting something perfect. In this case that something perfect is my face.
"Gosh when was the last time you slept a full eight hours?" she presses powder under my eyes. "You have eyebags that you can share with like a dozen other people."
"You try sleeping, knowing your disaster of a wedding is approaching." I bring the whiskey glass up to my lips and take a long sip. "And I couldn't care less about eyebags."
"Let's just hope my brother is getting ready too." she shakes her head in disbelief. "That idiot came home drunk last night."
My father always taught me how to be the man of the house so that one day when the woman of my dreams came along, I'd be ready to do everything for her.
What he and everyone else in the world forgot to tell me was that the girl of my dreams wouldn't want me back. Or even worse, I wouldn't want her anymore either. That things would be different than the way they explained it to me but the way every seventeen century relationships would happen.
No one told me either that the morning of my wedding, I'd be on my third glass of whiskey before the sun has even come up.
"You look so handsome." my mother flattens the collar of my coat with her cold hands and tears running down her cheeks. "You've grown up to be an amazing young man and I'm so glad to be here to see your wedding day."
"Merlin mother, there's no need to shed tears." I push her hands off of me and adjust my coat myself, not caring how I look. "You know just as much as I do that, you're not happy about this either. Violet and I bought the house you wanted, her father has the highest position in the wizarding world and she has everything you have ever wanted."
"No. Don't worry, there's no need to try and cover it up." I chug the rest of my whiskey and set the crystal cup on my side table. "But don't pretend like you're happy for me or less, Violet; you're just happy your name is going to be in the paper."
I know I'm right; I was blind not to see it before but my mother only cares about herself and her fame. It doesn't matter how she gets it but she always needs to be better than everyone and have the best of everything.
When violet came along, my mother felt threatened by everything the Blishen's had and how Mr. Blishen had his position as right hand so quickly.
Now I see it.
"Well, I must go." she clears her throat awkwardly, setting my box with my cufflinks beside me. "Don't take too long, the groom should always be at the church first."
I hum in agreement as I fold the white sleeves just a bit over my black coat. As a Nott, I know how important it is to look presentable but I don't know how presentable one should look for their wedding.
My hand knocks over the cologne bottle beside me, along with a phone I know not to be mine. A phone clearly belonging to my mother. And I know how wrong it'd be to do it but I can't help but wonder what she has going on inside of it.
I pick it up off the ground, wiping it against my trousers to get rid of the cologne from her screen.
She has no passcode, easy.
The second it unlocks, my heart drops. I feel my body go cold and my spine fill with chills like if I was just dumped in a bucket of ice.
Why does my mother have an article draft of Behind Closed Doors?
"You look like the saddest bride I've ever seen."
I huff and clench my jaw as I turn to face her. "Thanks Cress, that's the best compliment I've received today." my sarcastic tone spills, making her chuckle slightly. "I guess you look like a great Maid of Honor."
"Obviously, I'm like totally hot." she leans forward to the mirror, dragging her eye down to darken her waterline. "How are you feeling?" her head cocks to the side. "Stressed?"
Honestly, I don't know how I'm supposed to answer her when I my mind and heart are flooding with every emotion in the world. I guess some would describe what I'm feeling as stress but I've felt stress and this does not even begin to compare.
"I feel just great." I lie and lick my nude stained lips. "I uh- I think we should get going. We must be at the church in a half hour; wouldn't want to be late, right?"
There's a part of me that's wishing she can read the sarcasm dripping off my tongue like saliva but she doesn't. Instead, she turns around to gather her things and happily hums to herself like everything is okay when it's not.
None of this okay.
But the thought of spending eternity waiting for a man who chose someone else, it hurts more than marrying someone to cover up that feeling.
The smile on her face when she's turns to face me, makes my stomach churn. It's only now that the whiskey and nervousness is hitting me in a way I've never felt before. I can feel it coming up, vomit. No, no.
Word vomit.
"There's something I have to tell you about the Malfoys." my breathing quickens and I fall back against the wooden poles surrounding my bed.
My head leans nervously back, my eyes shut to avoid making eye contact with the girl who will probably hate me after I tell her this. I just feel like I need to get this off my chest, especially today when I'm supposed to be moving forward and progressing.
It's hard to move forward when the past has been a secret from everyone staying in my life.
In my head there's no better time than now. So now it is.
"Oh, I love to hear some drama." Cressida jokes and she fluffs her hair in the mirror across my bedroom where she can see me behind her perfectly. "Or is it just about your relationship with Draco?"
I feel myself choke on my saliva as my head shoots off the wood. My body is held down by the heavy dress on me but it doesn't stop me from leaning forward in shock with my hand against my chest.
"Well don't act so surprised that I know." Cressida turns to face me with an eyebrow cocked up. "I've known ever since the ball when he chased after you after your abrupt leaving during the father daughter dance. I wanted to check on you but my father held me back, I'm guessing that's because he knew as well, I mean him and Draco are best friends."
In some ways listening to her say this makes me feel more relieved because all along she's been nice to me while knowing the truth. But the other part of me is scared of what she's going to say now in this moment that I know that she's known all along.
"I guess it was even more obvious to me the night him and Astoria had gotten into that heated argument at Nott Manor." she continues while her hand tucks strands of fluffed hair behind her ear. "You seemed to be quick to offer him a place to stay. But I'm not judging you, not anymore at least."
My heart rises back up to my chest, this feels a tad better.
"Of course, I was upset when I pieced it all together, hence the stage where we stopped talking." she clears her throat with her bottom lips between her teeth and her eyes on the ground. "But he was happy and you were making him happy. It was just good seeing him in a good mood but it just felt wrong because I didn't want you to hurt Scorpius. I would always put Scorpius and my brother before you or anyone else and I need you to understand that."
"I do. I understand that." I nod repeatedly, swallowing the lump in my throat. "But Cressida I never wanted to hurt Scorpius in any way. I didn't plan to fall in love with Draco, it just happened and there was no time to process anything."
"I understand that Vi, there's never time to process falling in love with someone like Draco. But I also happen to know that he destroyed you Violet." Cressida's hand reaches for mine and she holds it hard against her chest. "I promise you that your secret is safe with me but I also promise that marrying my brother is no mistake. He will never do what Draco did to you because I know how much he adores you. Just promise you won't do it to him?"
Hearing those words from her sinks my heart once again. I know she's genuine and serious because I've never had a conversation like this with Cressida.
I could never hurt Cressida. Not again.
"I promise I won't hurt him." I sigh with tears pooling in my eyes. "No matter what, I'll stay with him. I won't ever leave Thomas."
Before anything else can be said, I'm pushed back because Cressida has her arms wrapped around my torso. Her chest collides with mine and she's resting her pointy chin on my shoulder, sighing with relief of my promise.
My promise I can't believe I just uttered.
I love Cressida, I really do, but I don't know why in the life of me I agreed to signing my life away to someone for eternity to keep her happy.
"Thank you." her voice cracks, and I can hear the sniffles close to my ear. "I promise you'll find a way to love him."
I take a deep breath as she pulls away and her hands press against the sides of my head, careful not to smear my makeup. She notices the tears in my eyes so her thumbs pat softly against my under eyes, making sure everything stays perfect.
"No crying." she chuckles with her own tears running down her cheeks. "You need to look nothing but perfect. Today is your day."
"Today, is my day."
I fake a smile and feel my body shake as I let go of the deep breath, I've been holding in.
"Let's go get me married."
In London, just on Ludgate Hill, is a church filling with guests from the bride and groom sides. Fancy cars are dropping off couples and families dressed in the most expensive clothing, wearing nothing but expensive jewelry.
Chatter fills the air as the guests walk up the steps to enter St Paul's Cathedral where the entire inside is filled with white roses and white baby's breath flowers are hanging from the tall dome ceilings.
"Are you here for the groom or bride?" the planner smiles, letting her thick English accent rip through.
The mysterious guest in all black clothing looks around before answering with one of the heaviest French accents. "I'd say the bride."
"Amazing." she smiles cockily. "Sit anywhere on the right side, good day."
Dozens of feet away is the groom, stepping out of a black car as he adjusts his coat in an elegant movement. His hand brushes through his brunette curls as the flash from the photographer hits his pale skin.
Theo stands just behind him, clenching his jaw as his black turtleneck sticks out from under his satin black blouse. His hands are rested inside the pockets of his trousers, digging his nails into his palms out of anger. But him, he's avoiding to stare directly at the photographer who can catch his emotions on camera.
"Mr. Nott look over here." a daily prophet photographer has appeared in front of Theo. "Look here for our front-page Mr. Nott!"
"Please step back." Elaine steps forward, snaking her arm around Theo's torso as his hand rests on her lower back. "Mr. Nott is not up for pictures, put that camera down."
Elaine's death stare causes the wizard to drop his camera to the ground until Theo and her have walked into the church.
Theo holds onto Elaine's hand to help her take a seat at the front row just next to his part of the bench where his name resides. He takes a seat beside her and crosses one leg over the as Elaine takes his hand onto her lap, holding it tightly to calm him down.
She is the only person that knows about his relationship with Violet and their ups and downs. But she's also the only person who loved him through it all and is happy to be with him at the moment.
While everything is going on, Thomas is walking down the aisle, rubbing his hands nervously together as he blows cold air against them. His alcohol breath fans back to him and his face cringes, making him reach into his trousers for a breath mint to freshen up.
The only thing he hears is his loud heartbeat and the chewing of his gum as he stands at the alter with Genevieve and Bridgette across from him in bridesmaid dresses.
He walks towards them, while whispering nonsense to himself and shaking his head.
"Have you heard from Cressida and Violet yet?" he clears his throat and turns his back to the crowds so no one sees the worry on his face. "You don't think they'd leave us all here, right?"
"No absolutely not." Bridgette shakes her head, even though she doesn't believe herself. Especially after she told Violet herself, to run. "She keeps her word; I mean it's Violet. There's no need to worry."
"Y-yeah. I totally agree with Bridgette." Genevieve adds on. Yet her toe doesn't convince Thomas enough so she continues. "I mean come on, she's with Cressida. Cressida would never let you down Thomas."
"Of course, trust Cressida." Thomas whispers to himself before turning around to walk back to his position on the alter.
His heart is beating rapidly in his chest and he can't help but start to breath heavily like he's going to pass out. He holds his hand against his chest as he stares worried at the large front doors hundreds of feet across from him.
"Please don't leave me here." he whispers to himself, holding back the scream he wants to do to get out all of this stress. "Please Violet."
The church is filled, muggles, pure-bloods, half-bloods. Every kind of person their can be in their lives have filled the seats, leaving only the bride to and maid of honor to be seen.
As the Vicar prepares for this mornings ceremony, Thomas can't help but feel alone through this all with no best man standing behind him where Scorpius would be. His leg is shaking uncontrollably and his forehead is dripping with sweat. He's nervous and everyone in the church is noticing.
And his sweating has everyone worrying and wondering...where's the bride?
"Violet relax, you're scaring me. Just take a deep breath!"
"Deep breath?!" she gasps as she paces outside of the churches closed doors, fanning her hot self with her hand. "I can't even breathe, the second I walk through those doors I am committed! Do you understand that? Committed!"
"Violet! You promised." Cressida grabs her by the shoulders and shakes her into reality. "You will be fine! So, walk through those doors and take this chance like you're its boss!"
Violet freezes for a second. A look of confusion on her face as her head falls to the side, careful not to drop the crown resting on her head.
"Well that just makes no bloody sense!" she catches herself surprised by her lingo. "Oh merde! I'm one of you now."
"Yes! Now go in there and become a Nott."
Violet gasps, shooting her body in the doors direction when Cressida's wand causes the large doors to creak open. Cressida goes in first, dropping flowers to create a path for Violet to walk on.
Thomas sighs with relief at the end of the aisle as he stands tall on the alter, smiling nervously as Violet lifts her chin to look more confident. Everyone is on their feet, aweing and admiring the beautiful bride in her million Galleon dress.
Her hands hold her bouquet in the front of her, resting it on her puffy dress. She has the nervous smile on her face, similar to her grooms who is admiring her from afar with his hands over his mouth in shocked.
Either it's the truth or a really good performance but the crowd can feel the love radiating off of him.
Violet takes her first step forward; her stiletto being quieted by the orchestra playing in the far end of the church. Her shoulders are held high and back, making her appear so much more relaxed and confident.
As Violet reaches the altar, Thomas extends his hand out to help her up the last step to the high rise and she takes it. She holds on tightly and stands next to him, itching to wipe her hand off as soon as they let go of each other but she must hold it back. So, she folds her hands together and clenches her jaw.
"Please be seated." the vicar speaks, causing everyone's movement to echo the large church. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love and union of Violet Blishen and Thomas Nott."
The Vicars speech continues for several minutes, boring Violet and Thomas to death as they sit side by side with their shoulders rubbing together.
Many in the benches are crying at the couple being married before them. They can't help but feel emotional because they are fooled by the fake love being showed to them this morning.
Violet's mouth feels dry, and her hands are sweating profusely just like Thomas' beside her. They both haven't had to say those words asked to every marrying couple and that is what they're both more nervous for.
But they know it's coming up.
It's coming up now.
"Thomas, do you take Violet to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
Thomas turns to look at Violet and then back at the Vicar, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I do."
"Violet." the Vicar turns to her. "Do you take Thomas to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Her heart beats faster, her eyes scan the room in front of her and she feels cold chills run down her spine at that question. The answer to this question is what will change her entire life and everyone in the room is on their toes, wanting to know what she has to say.
Violet lets out a sigh, shaking her bottom lip with nervousness.
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