𝟐𝟔: 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥
Violet feels her heart drop to her stomach, burning like if she swallowed acid. How can this all be happening in one day? She's trying to improve and get away from all this drama but she swears it follows her no matter where she goes. Violet doesn't know what to do now, standing here. Does she run, talk, brood? The last time she saw her mother, it resulted in her kicking Violet out of her home and shunning her. What can Violet possibly say that will make this situation less awkward?
"Does your father know that you're here?" she crosses her arms over her chest, clutching her hand bag tightly.
"Of course, he does." Violet retorts, not able to hold in the attitude. "I was talking with him but Dra- Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Nott had urgent business so father told me to wait out here." She hugs her torso and leans against the office doors. "I didn't expect to see you here, I was hoping you'd be gone the time I was here."
"Is that so?" Lara scoffs and cocks her head to the side, letting her hair fall off her shoulder. "You've gotten more rebellious I see. Clearly you didn't learn your lesson. You come into my home after all this time and there's no apology for the way you treated me?"
"Apology!" Violet laughs and remains calm with her body carelessly leaned back. "You think I need to apologize to you. I was the one that suffered from your mistakes! You're just full of lies and hatred. I read the article you published months ago in the Daily Prophet! You nearly ruined my friends lives!"
"I ruined nothing! I said what needed to be told!" she shrieks and turns red. "You're becoming just like those people! Careless and a selfish whore!"
"Don't you dare!" Violet's voice cracks as her eyes pool with tears. "You have no right calling me a selfish whore when you had a child from another man and abandoned it! Then you abandoned me! When I needed you! I needed you and you turned your back on me! If anything, you showed me what it was like to be selfish! You ruined my life so don't tell me this is all my fault!"
Lara opens her mouth to speak but before she can get anything out, Violet falls back when the office doors open. Thankfully, she's caught by Draco who's scolding at the shouting going on and he lifts her up, holding her waist with one hand as she stands beside him.
"I don't mean to intrude in what is none of my business." he fixes his glasses and looks at Lara who's standing on the other side of the foyer. "But Violet is an exceptional young woman and you have no idea how or what she's suffered since the day you moved her out. I, along with Theodore and our families have been there for Violet these past few months and I'm sorry but I won't sit idly by while you yell at her for your mistakes."
Violet doesn't know what to say, she's shocked just like her mother is. Draco actually protected her and he's holding her in front of her parents. Of course, he's not saying they're together but he's showing compassion and protectiveness towards her and she can't help but look up at him and smile kindly. His jaw is clenching from all this angry talking and his hand is squeezing her waist tightly, digging his fingers into her through her shirt.
"Now, if you will excuse us. I think it's time we get going." he clears his throat and pushes Violet softly in front of him. "We have a dinner to get to. They're expecting us soon."
Violet walks slowly in front of Draco with Theo angrily strutting behind them with his hands in his pockets. He looks like Violet's father gave him bad news and so does Draco. They must've been talking about her because Theo won't look at her in the eyes for more than a second without turning red and looking down at his feet. It's making Violet feel nervous as to what exactly was said behind those office doors.
As they reach the muggles car Violet drove here, Draco opens the passengers door for her and closes it when she gets in. He walks around the car with his hand over his mouth in shock and quietly gets in, Theo sitting in the back with his head in his hands. Violet looks down at her feet and sighs cold air.
"What's going on?" Violet looks at Draco as he starts the car but he says nothing so she turns to Theo and furrows her eyebrows. "Theo?"
"Nothing." Theo shakes his head but doesn't look at her and leans back in his seat, throwing his head back and sighing. "Nothing at all." He finally looks into Violet's eyes and tries to assure her he's saying the truth. "Nothing is going on Violet; it's just work stuff."
Draco starts driving, burning tires to speed out of the driveway and the guards rush to open the gate for them. Meanwhile, Violet is leaning her head against the window, staring at the piles of snow on the sides of the road. Christmas is coming soon and she thought her mother would have a change of heart but clearly nothings changed, she's still the same person.
"Drop me off at home Draco." Violet clenches her jaw angrily and looks at Draco who keeps driving the opposite direction. "Draco! Take me home!"
"Shut up!" he shouts back, causing Violet to flinch and sit back, not saying a word. "Stop telling me what to do! I know where I'm taking you Violet! So shut up!"
Violet bites her bottom lip with embarrassment and turns her back to Draco, moving her knees to the door. He notices and wraps his hand around her thigh, pulling them to face him and he keeps his hand there while the other steers. She's noticed that ever since they had sex, he's been rougher with her. He's over protective, he's harsh with the way he touches her. She likes it but she doesn't know why he's doing it after being soft all this time. Violet moves her hand to Draco's and curls her fingers around his ringed ones, holding his hand tightly against her thigh.
However, she stays looking out the window with her eyebrows scrunched and her lips pursed. She continues watching as they drive far away from everything else, entering the muggle world more and more. She wishes she can be as normal as they are, walking around without having to worry about the wizarding world and its' scandals. Yet, nothing ever works the way she wants it, she should now that by now.
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