𝟐𝟓: 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
"You didn't think to call me up and tell me you're running the entire wizarding world?" my breathing becoming staggered after arguing with my dad for the past ten minutes. "I had to find out through my friend! Today!"
He runs his hand on the beard growing on his face, scratching it anxiously while I wait for my answer. I've never seen my father with a beard before, it's like he's giving up on himself completely. I mean I haven't even seen my mother since I burst through those front doors where the guards didn't recognize who I was. But I'm sure she has something to do with how harsh he's looking. Gosh this place is so different.
"Take seat Violet and lets be civilized."
"No, no! I forgot!" I throw my hands up in surrender and shake my head. "I'm the reckless daughter right. Or am I too covered up now and you don't recognize me?"
Still standing here in my black trousers and expensive shirt from this morning, my father clenches his jaw and shakes his head. As though to say my outfit isn't the problem. He shuts the door behind me with hand magic and sits down calmly, causing me to pull out the chair in front of me and sit down with my legs crossed over each other. I tuck my brunette hair behind my ears and sigh loudly, feeling exhausted from all this shouting. I don't think I've ever argued with my father but I'm just so enraged.
"How have you been?" he changes the topic and raises his eyebrows towards my head. "Why do you have stitches?"
I raise my hand to the stitched wound on my forehead, the one I forgot I had on there because I was in such a haze this morning. How do I tell my dad I got it by crashing into Theo's car while we were both driving to look for each other?
"Car accident, no big deal." I sigh in response and move my hair in front of me, covering the wound. "To answer your other question, I've been horrible. But I've had people there for me and things are starting to look a bit better."
"Where do you stay?"
If I wasn't trying to calm down, shouts would be coming out from my mouth right now. How could he ask me that so normally like he wasn't the one who made the decision to kick me out? He threw me out, knowing I had nowhere to go and he has the audacity to ask me this right now?
"I have a flat in Wiltshire England." I reply with my hands gripping the leather chair I'm sitting on, digging my nails into the material. "Two bedrooms, better than nothing right?"
There's a quiet moment where we are both just staring at each other, feeling weird because we're both sitting like strangers instead of father and daughter. He looks like he wants to say something to me but he doesn't know how because we haven't talked in months. He missed my birthday, I missed his. I actually correct myself; we don't feel like strangers, we are strangers. We can't even speak to each other.
"I saw you." he blurts out. "At the auction ball hosted by the Nott family. I'm proud of the woman you've become. You were feisty, bidding for that diamond ring."
I look down at the ring Theo got me and run my thumb over the polished diamonds. Every time I think or look at this ring, I'm reminded of the activities that happened that night. The way Draco and Theo smothered me in between their sweaty bodies. How I felt wonderful being the center of attention in Theo's bedroom that night. Then I remember the possibility that it may never happen again because Draco has moved on. And that terrifies me and sends me into this panic in my chest.
"I have such a foggy memory of that night." I lie and close my hand on my lap. "Why haven't you called? I thought about you and mother every day since I left. Yet you never called. Never checked up on me and I was all alone."
"I wanted to. But I could never betray your mother." he sighs and opens his mouth to speak again but the phone on his desk starts ringing. I watch as he picks it up and holds it to his ear, not thinking about letting it pass because I'm here. "Carl Blishen speaking."
I look down at my hands, chipping the black nail polish on my nails and not caring about it making my hands look tacky. Maybe it's the anxiety of being back home and having to face my mother if she walks through those doors behind me. She must be out shopping, or else it would not be this quiet in calm. I look back up at my father across the desk, whose head is nodding repeatedly at the voice on the other side of the line.
"Of course." he speaks and rubs his forehead in a stressing manor. "I'll be there in a minute. Goodbye." He hangs up the phone and sighs into his hands before looking back up at me. "I have to go."
"I get it." I reply and watch as he gets up and walks around his desk.
He bends down and places a kiss on the top of my head. "Wait here for me. I will be back as soon as I'm done signing these papers and answering questions. I promise."
Before I can even tell him it's okay, he apparates out of the office and a gush of wind sends my hair flying behind me. I pat my head down and stand up, deciding to explore this office I've hardly been inside of. There has to be something here that can tell me why Kingsley would leave the position of Minister of Magic to my father. It just doesn't make sense why he wouldn't pass it down to his son who's head of the Auror department and a great candidate.
I go around his desk and open the middle drawer, revealing nothing but pens, blueprints of the house, and cigarettes. I grab a cigarette from the pack and place it between my lips, using my wand to ignite the end of the stick and I breathe in immediately. I grab the cigarette and let it rest in my hands against the desk as I blow out the smoke and look at the blueprints. My names signed on them, meaning this house will be mine one day if my father were to pass away. It wouldn't be my mothers.
Again, I raise the cigarette up to my lips and inhale as I open another drawer and my eyes widen when I see handcuffs and a muggle gun. Why the hell would he need something like that? We're wizards for Merlin's sake! I pick up the gun and hold it in my shaky hands as I put my finger on the trigger and aim it at the door, wanting to know how it feels. Honestly, it looks much cooler on muggle films. Right now, I just feel like I'm accidently going to shoot myself or something.
I toss the gun back into the drawer, kicking it closed with my heavy boot and leaning my bottom on the desk. My heads thrown back, cigarette held between my teeth and my phone in my hand as I raise it up for a picture. Just as I'm about to take it, the office door opens and I catch a glimpse of white hair on my screen, causing me to frantically turn around.
"What are you doing here?" Draco has his hand on the door handle as he watches me with my cigarette dangling on my gaped lips. "Where's your father?"
I burn out the cigarette on the ash tray in front of me and shrug. "He's dealing with some business. I'm just waiting for him to come back." I furrow my eyebrows and lick my lips. "What are you doing here?"
Draco stands at the door, his hand still on the handle but his eyes on mine. We had sex last night and he's making it more awkward than it needs to be. It's not like I'm going to ask him to marry me on the spot or melt into tears. Even though I do want to, I'm mature and I can handle situations like these better than he thinks. Yet he's just standing there, not answering my question and leaving me with my hand on my hip and the other spread flat on the desk in front of me.
"Well, if you don't want to talk –" I throw myself into my fathers spinning chair and prop my legs up on the desk in front of me. "– leave the papers in your hand in the basket by the door, I'm sure my father will get to them soon. Let's just hope I don't forget to remind him."
He's so stunned that I'm here that he hasn't said a word back. Instead, he's just gripping the handle harder, making his knuckles turn white and his eyes are scanning me like I'm a mystery. I awkwardly shift in my chair and clear my throat, causing him to look up and open his mouth to speak.
"I'll just wait for him, it's kind of important." he swallows and takes a seat on the couch at the end of the office by the bookshelves and window. "So, your father's the Minister now? How are you dealing with the news?"
I drop my feet off the desk and spin the chair so I'm facing him while I speak. "Well, I just found out this morning so I'd say I'm still surprised." I open the top drawer again and pull out the large blue prints, laying them flat on the desk. "Did you know my father put this house in my name for the day he passes?"
"Really?" Draco gets up from the couch and walks over behind me, leaning over my shoulder to peak at the prints. My body tenses when I feel the heat from his chest on my back and his hot breathing against the back of my ear.
I clear my throat and turn my head back to the blueprints, noticing I was staring at his side profile the whole time. "Yeah. I saw these right now." I laugh. "Don't tell him I was snooping though."
"Do you like this place?"
"Not really." I reply and shake my head. "The garden is dull. I kind of want something with green grass and actually flowers that grow in the spring instead of out of a maids wand."
"I'll buy it. Trade you it for Malfoy Manor." he whispers into my ear and runs his hand over the homes blue prints. Whispering to himself about plans. "Malfoy Manor has beautiful garden. And there's even a nice hedge maze with stone benches and statues with a water fountain in the very middle."
I shake my head with a laugh and rolls the blueprints back up before sliding them into the drawer again and locking it. "My fathers not dead." I laugh. "You can't make negotiations just yet."
Just when Draco's about to say something, my phone that's laying face up on the desk starts ringing. Theo's name pops up and I gasp, realizing that Draco has stepped back because he saw it. Gosh! This isn't the time, Theo!
"Hello?" I ask as I pick up the phone and watch from the corner of my eye as Draco shakes his head and sits on the couch. His legs are stretched out in front of him and his jaw is clenched tightly with his hands balled into fist.
"Violet, the muggles car is in front of your fathers house. Are you here?"
My heart drops to my stomach and I rush over to the couch Draco is on, stumbling on top of him and opening the curtain behind his head. Draco's first reaction is to grab my waist as he sits in between my knees and my breasts are in front of his face. It's not like I did it purposely but this couch is a one-seater and the window is right behind it. My face drops when I see Theo in all black, standing in front of the house with the phone to his ear and his head dropped back to look at the large home.
"Yes, I am but you probably shouldn't walk in." I plead and move my head to watch as he walks forward to the large doors. "I'm serious Theo, my dad isn't home anyway so it'd be weird if you were here when he came back."
He says nothing back and all I hear is the sound of his breathing before he hangs up the phone. I stretch my neck more forward to see more but he's gone, he must have apparated and lost signal while doing so. I drop my body in relief, forgetting I'm on Draco and letting myself bottom fall on his lap, my head hanging low as I breathe heavily.
"This is...nice." Draco chuckles but he stops and we both look at the doors when they jolt open.
Theo is standing at the entrance with papers in his hand that look like the ones Draco has too. His face drops when he sees the position, I'm in and he slams the door behind him, leaving me surprised that he didn't leave then slam it.
"Theo!" I shout as I push myself off Draco's lap and I stumble against the wall, messy hair covering my flustered cheeks. "What are you doing here?!"
"I could ask you the same thing?" he furrows his eyebrows and tosses his papers on my fathers desk, making me flinch at the loud slam the heavy packet causes. "Did you come visit daddy or did you come because Draco was here?"
I freeze with my back against the wall, my face cringing in disgust. I don't think I ever want to hear daddy and Draco in the same sentence ever again. It's so disgusting.
"My father and I were talking before he was called into work." I defend myself. "Draco just happened to show up when my father left. Same as you."
Just in time, saving me from more embarrassment and questions. My father apparates back into the room, looking around at all of us with a confused expression. He flattens his brunette hair and walks over to his chair that is turned the opposite direction because of me. He takes a seat and leans back elegantly before looking at Theo and Draco.
"What can I do for you gentlemen?" his French accent is fading and I'm just realizing. He turns to me and says. "Violet, wait outside, will you?"
"Of course." I look down at my feet as I walk towards the door, clearing my throat. I pass by Theo and swallow nervously. "Mr. Nott."
"Miss. Blishen." he replies with a bow of his head, letting his eyes follow me as I leave the room, heart beating out of my chest.
I walk out into the foyer; it feels fresher out here than it does in that room where two of the men I love are with my father. My chest tightens nervously and stay outside the doors, pressing my ear against the door where I hear my father and Theo arguing until I don't. He must of placed an enchantment around the room, blocking me from listening in. But what are they arguing about?
I whip my body around in fright and see her standing there. Long brown hair, tucked behind her ears like mine, dark brown eyes piercing through my hazel ones. Gosh, I had to be sent out right when she's walking in? This is torture. I stand up straight, putting my shoulders back and clenching my jaw.
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