𝟑𝟔: 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧
"Hey Violet."
Cressida is walking down the steps to the lounge of Malfoy Manor where Violet sitting on a brand-new sofa, surrounded by wrappings and boxes. She has a glass of wine in her hand and a cigarette in the other, almost halfway done.
She looks like a disaster and by the looks of three empty wine bottles, Violet is a drunk disaster. Cressida walks closer to her, taking off her coat and waiting for her to talk.
"I thought that decorating this place would make it feel more like home." Violet speaks with red, teary eyes as she hugs her knees to her chest, resting her chin on them. "But nothing can make me feel at home."
Violet moves her eyes from the ground, up to Cressida who has her coat hanging on her forearm and a sad look on her face. It's obvious she's worried for Violet but as always, Cressida doesn't know how to comfort someone in times like these.
Then also, she doesn't know what to say about it all. Her best friend and her brother are getting married forcefully. It's hard to come up with words in a situation like this one. Especially when the bride to be is drunk in her brand-new home.
"Do you want to go to a bar?" Cressida finally speaks, hoping that was the right thing to say. "It's a bit better than drinking here."
Violet chuckles softly against her knee and nods, causing Cressida to sigh in relief. She throws her long coat back on and grabs Violets bag off the floor while Violet gets up from the spot she's been in the past couple of hours.
Even drunk, Violet grabs onto Cressida's thin arm and apparates out of her home. She holds her tightly as the air around them turns into a grey gust of wind and their feet are lifted off the ground.
Their feet hit a dark alley ground after seconds and Cressida holds her stomach in disgust after apparating for the first time. Violet fixes her straight hair and watches as Cressida groans into her sleeve, still holding her stomach through her dress.
"Are you alright?" Violet cocks her head and rubs her hand on Cressidas back. "I'm sorry I thought you had apparated before."
Cressida lifts her hand up and shakes her head. "I'm fine really." she clears her throat and stands up tall. "Let's get fucked up!"
"Y-yeah." Violet furrows her eyebrows and holds Cressida's hand.
They hold each other tightly as they make their way down the dark alley towards a long line to get into England's most famous bar – for now anyway. Looking at it, makes Violet realize she's not dressed for the occasion and looks like a child compared to Cressida.
Cressida has on a black mini dress that scoops down her chest, revealing a lot of cleavage. She has a black coat over her that reaches her ankles and on her feet are black platformed boots that stop just under her knees.
Meanwhile, Violet is in a green jumper, brown trousers and white sneakers. She's clearly not prepared enough to go in.
"Is it alright if I invite Rose?" Cressida whispers as they walk to the front of the line. "I asked her out yesterday and we're pretty much dating now I guess."
As much as Violet would prefer not to be around couples, seeing as her love life is at stake right now. She can't just tell Cressida not to invite Rose. It would be selfish because after all, Cressida is here trying to comfort her.
"That sounds great." she lies and forces a smile on her pale face
"Sorry, there's a long line." One of the bouncers puts his hand in front of the girls. "You can go to the back."
Cressida reaches for her wand and aims it at the man, causing Violet to gasp and cover her hand instantly for no one to see.
"You're going to let us in and my friend and I are going to get drinks all night. We don't need to wait in line and when my girlfriend comes, you'll let her in too."
"Cress no it's fine –"
Before Violet can finish speaking, the bouncers frown turns into a smile and he's already opening the red string for them. He bows his head to both girls as Cressida takes hold of Violets hand again and drags her through the long hallway with flashing lights.
As they both walk through the long hall, white lights flash on their faces. Violet holds Cressida's hand tighter and she whips her head around to see the crowd of people becoming smaller and smaller. Her head is pounding already with these lights and now she's thinking this was not such a good idea for her.
Cressida turns her head to look at Violet and her smile shines with the flashing lights, making Violet blush with a smile back.
She continues pulling Violet behind her until they reach the bar and take two available seats at the very far end. Violet places her cold palm against the glass bar and watches as the cute bartender throws a towel over his broad shoulder and walks towards them.
He grips the edge of the counter and leans forward, letting his light brown curls fall over his forehead. His black t-shirt hugs his huge biceps tightly and his arms and neck are covered in tattoos.
As much as Violet is attracted to his bad boy front, she can't let herself be seduced by muggles. That was the rule in France and she still keeps it her rule till this day.
"What can I get you lovely ladies tonight?" his thick English accent throws Violet off; she never thought an English boy would look like this. "A good margarita?"
Violet squints and leans forward on her elbows. "I'll get a round of tequila please."
Her voice comes out slurred but excited, making the bartender chuckle as he reaches under the counter to grabs glasses. His eyes never leave Violets as his hand grabs what he needs, including a new bottle of tequila.
"Bold choice." he replies with a smirk as Violet awes at him pouring the liquid into twelve shot glasses on a tray. "And for your friend?"
Cressida puts her phone down and cocks her head. "I'm waiting for my girlfriend." she sighs and look back down at her phone, talking while texting. "Don't want to be too sloppy when she gets here."
"I respect that." he nods back before moving his eyes to Violet who's grabbing a glass from the tray, he filled for her. "Your accent is French right?"
"Born and rised." Violet furrows her eyebrows and then points her index finger at him. "Raised. Born and raised."
Violet watches as the bartender walks away with a smile to attend the other customers. She can't stop her eyes from following him but they move back when she sees Thomas walking through the hall entrance with Rose behind him.
Just like Violet, Thomas is in black trousers and a black hoodie but Rose is in a white dress. She stands out brightly from everyone else in the room, it's driving Cressida crazy behind Violet.
"Who invited h-him?" Violet hiccups as she turns angrily to look at Cressida. "I thought it was just Rose coming?"
"I thought some drinks ought to blow some steam off between the two of you." she frowns. "I'm sorry Violet. It's just the two of you used to get along so well. Maybe we can bring that back and the marriage won't be such a bad idea."
"Why would you think things would just be okay a couple of drinks?" Violet shakes her head as she starts getting up from her chair. "My family may be all sorts of fucked up but drinks never solve our problems like that."
"No, Cressida!" Violet whispers loudly. "You think it's fine because you got the girl! You got your happiness but my happiness has to be shut away because I'm arranged to marry your brother. So, you can't tell me how you want to fix the situation because you don't understand how shitty this feels!"
Violet reaches in the pocket of her trousers and shuffles through it impatiently for some cash. She grabs a coin but realizes it's a galleon and not the muggle money she was hoping for.
"You know what?" Violet stumbles as she turns to look at Thomas behind her. "Since you're like my fiancé now or whatever. Pay for me honey."
Violet smacks her bill against his chest and walks away from the crowd, making her way back towards the hallway. She pays no attention to anyone around her or to the catcalls from drunk men trying to get her attention.
Instead, she finds her balance by holding herself against the walls of the hallway and continues making it towards the door. She feels arms wrap around her waist and she turns to see Thomas holding her.
"There are some men following you." he clenches his jaw awkwardly. "Just go with it."
Violet takes her hands off the walls and wraps them around Thomas' forearms, gripping them through the sleeves of his hoodie. Her head falls back tiredly against his chest and she can feel how fast his heart is through his clothes.
She knows tomorrow she won't remember any of this and she knows he'll be too stubborn or shy to bring it up. So, she's letting it happen because she want's it to. She wants to feel at home. Even if it is with Thomas or in his arms, she just wants to feel something.
And Thomas, he was in love with Violet. He felt all the emotions one can feel when they're utterly in love with someone. Those emotions made him take of her tonight at this moment. But they're not real anymore.
Ever since that night in the Astronomy tower, when she broke his heart, he went numb to feeling anything for the girl in his arms. He shut off his feelings for her or any other girl because he didn't want to move on from Violet but he didn't want to stay stuck on her either.
Then he heard what she told him earlier, about being in love with someone and how he ruined that for her. And that broke him more than he wanted to allow it too. He felt like again she had stabbed him right in the heart.
"We could be perfect together." Violet sighs as they get into a car, his car. Her head falls against the window and her eyes start to wonder off but she refuses to sleep. "But I'm not good for you Thomas. I screw up everything around me and I can't seem to be happy. I'm a mess."
Thomas says nothing and instead lets her vent her feelings to him. He can tell she needs it so he continues driving down the lonely road quietly, listening to the sound of her soft voice speak.
"Gosh I don't know what is wrong with me." Violet wipes the tears streaming down her cheeks and squeezes her hand between her thighs. "I always go for the guys that are bad for me and complain when I end up fucked up after they leave me. Like Adam, god, because of him I flinch every time a man lifts his hand to touch me. I'm damaged."
Violet drops her head down, letting her tears drop on her lap. Her sobs are quiet and they make her shoulders jolt repeatedly.
"I don't know why I'm even telling you this." she shakes her head and looks up at Thomas who has tears coming down one of his cheeks.
He moves his hand to the middle of the seats and opens it, giving her the opportunity to take it. She stares at it for a couple of seconds and finally slides hers onto his palm, tangling her fingers with his slender ones.
They both look ahead at the road of them and sink back into the chairs, frozen because they're holding hands on a late drive. Neither of them say anything else the entire way. It's just silence and hand holding passed green lights and awkward red ones.
For several minutes they stay this way, not speaking or even looking at each other for that matter. But neither of them are complaining because this is better than arguing or Violet getting groped by the men that were following her earlier.
As the car arrives into a lit driveway, Violet looks around and sees they're at Nott Manor. Her body tenses at the sight of the home because she knows the man that she'll see inside. The one her heart skips for every chance it gets.
Theodore Nott.
"W-what are we doing here?" Violet opens her door to follow Thomas who's already walking towards the house doors. "Thomas?!"
"I have a late shift at the Ministry." he shouts back and pushes the doors open. "You shouldn't be alone and at least here there are maids and my father to help you around."
Violet stands in the middle of the foyer and watches with raised eyebrows as Thomas takes off his hoodie. He stands shirtless in front of her and grabs a blouse that one of the maids is holding for him, freshly ironed.
"Make sure –" Thomas speaks to the made as he rushes to button his blouse. "– that Violet gets everything she needs and give her all the attention. Let my father know I'm at the Ministry doing his paper work that I won't be too long."
The maid quietly agrees to everything and Violet stumbles back when Thomas walks past her to leave, not even saying goodbye. She turns back to the maid, hearing the door slam behind her and she takes a deep breath.
"Where's Mr. Nott?"
"Mr. Nott is in his chamber." the maid folds Thomas' hoodie over her forearm. "I believe he fell asleep half an hour ago Miss."
Violet doesn't say anything else to her – knowing well he doesn't sleep this early – and she starts running up the stairs. She holds onto the railing, trying not to fall and make a fool out of herself right now.
She reaches a dark lit hallway and sees two large doors to Theo's bedroom all the way at the end. For a second, she pauses and stares at the black doors with gold handles on them. She clears her throat and continues walking, holding herself on the wallpaper covered walls.
From a distance she can hear moans and it makes her stomach churn angrily. He shouldn't have a girl in his room after what happened yesterday. They just lost a child.
Violet groans and doesn't hesitate before opening the heavy doors, making them hit the wall loudly and stopping the moaning. She walks inside and sees Theo laying on his bed with blankets covering his lower half and his hand under the sheets.
"Oh." Violet laughs softly as she closes the doors behind her. "I thought y-you had somebody in here but it's just you and your hand!"
"Merlin Violet! You fucking scared me!"
Violet wraps her fingers around the hem of her jumper and lifts it over her head, walking over to him in a bra and trousers. She falls forward on the giant bed and makes herself comfortable under the heavy sheets.
"Are you drunk?" Theo turns over on his side and puts his hand on Violets lower back to pull her closer to him. "Because I thought you were upset with me? You seem not...upset right now."
"I may be a teensy bit drunk." Violet giggles and runs her finger down his bare chest. "But now I'm in your bed and you're keeping your hands off me so I'm starting to think you're the drunk one."
Theo shakes his hand and rubs his thumb over her chin, making her close her eyes at his comforting touch. She parts her lips and waits for something to happen but instead she feels him push her chin up to close them.
''You're drunk Violet and as much as I want to." his face cringes at his next words. "I know you're still mad at me so I wouldn't want to take advantage of this opportunity. I love you too much."
Violet sinks her face into the crook of his neck and places a small kiss against his freckled skin. "I love you too Mr. Nott."
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